공작물 주차장은 제한된 높이를 갖는 시설물로써, 제한된 층고 내에 합리적 구조가 되도록 계획하는 것이 중요하다. 공작물 주차장은 제한된 층고 내에 주차 통로부(6m)와 주차공간부(5m)를 고려한 11m 전후의 장스팬이 대부분이다. 기존의 합성보는 제한된 층고내에서 충분한 보춤을 확보할 수 없기 때문에, 처짐과 같은 사용성에 대한 문제가 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 박스형 강재보의 상부플랜지를 콘크리트 슬래브의 마감면까지 노출시킨 형상의 합성보를 개발하였다. H형 합성보, U형 합성보, Box형 합성보를 대상으로 2점가력 휨실험을 수행하여, 구조특성을 비교하였다. 그리고 주차장 모듈에 대해 대안설계를 수행하여 경제성과 효율성을 비교평가하였다.
The demand for the structural system of reduction of story height increases because buildings are getting higher. The existing structural systems are not efficiency. Thus, it is hard to reduce the story height and existing methods cannot secure economics as expected. This study aims at developing the partially concrete-filled new type composite beam, which can efficiently resist against the end negative moment and central positive moment, also reduce deflection of beams. Through case studies on loading of concentrated load and uniformly distributed load to fixed beam, we could find the most efficient ratio of moment of inertia and the ratio (end beam length to span). The gap space between middle and end beam can be used as facilities installation, consequently the suggested Omega beam system is expected to get the effect of reduction in story height as well as reduction of quantity.
The demand for the structural system of reduction in story height increases because buildings are getting higher. The existing method of construction is not efficiency. Thus, it is hard to reduce the story height and this method cannot secure economics as expected. This study aims at developing the partially concrete-filled new type composite beam, which can efficiently resist against the negative moment and positive moment, for the reduction of deflection. Through case studies on loading of concentrated load and uniformly distributed load to fixed beam, we could find the most efficient ratio of moment of inertia. Consequently the gap space between middle and end beam can be used as facilities installation, moreover the suggested Omega beam system is expected to get the effect of reduction in story height as well as reduction of quantity.
In this study, an experimental study to investigate the load transfer behavior of the CFT column to steel beam connection was carried out. The load transfer mechanism and the effect of the load transfer length were examined, and the results were also compared with finite element analysis results. Finally, the results are to be used for the basic reference of the design guideline for the CFT column connection.