동절기에 시민들의 안전 및 편리성을 위하여 도로 유지 보수는 필수적이다. 유지 보수 중 도로의 눈 및 얼음을 제거하기 위해서는 제설제를 살포하는 것이 가장 일반적이다. 하지만, 국내의 제설제 재살포 시기 및 양에 대해서는 연구된 바가 존재하지 않는 실정이기 때문에 제설제 살포 후 녹은 눈이 재결빙이 되는 소요시간이 3시간이라는 점을 참고하여 현재 국내에서는 기후 변화에 관계없이 3시 간마다 초기에 살포한 양을 제설제를 살포하거나 현장 감독자의 주관적인 판단으로 제설제 살포량을 결정하여 제설제 살포를 실시하 고 있다. 이렇게 무분별한 제설제 살포는 과다 살포로 이루어져 환경 및 구조적 문제를 야기할 수 있으며 위 문제를 해결하기 위해서 는 도로에 잔존하고 있는 제설제의 양을 파악하고 무분별한 제설제 살포를 막아야할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 도로에 물을 살포하여 전기전도도를 이용하여 염분을 측정하는 장비인 SOBO3+를 이용하여 도로의 잔존염분량을 측정하기 전, 국내 고속도로에서 사용되는 제설제와 SOBO3+ 장비와의 상관 관계를 분석하여 장비 검증을 실시하였다. 실험은 국내에서 가장 많이 사용되는 살포 방법 인 습염식 살포 방법을 참고하여 고형 염화나트륨과 30% 염화칼슘 수용액을 사용하였으며 정확한 염분 측정치를 얻기 위하여 매끄러 운 화강판 및 고형 염화나트륨을 모두 용해시켜 측정을 진행하였다. 제설제 살포량은 염화나트륨의 경우 SOBO3+가 최대 50g/m² 까지 밖에 측정이 가능하다는 점을 참고하여 10~50g/m² 범위에서 살포 밀도를 10g/m²씩 변화시켜가며 측정한 결과, 살포량 대비 약 10% 과 소평가되어 측정됨을 확인하였다. 또한 염화칼슘 수용액의 경우 국토교통부 도로제설업무수행요령을 참고하여 국내 습염식 살포 기준 에서 염화칼슘 수용액 살포량이 최대 20g/m²을 초과하지 않아, 10~30g/m² 범위에서 살포 밀도를 10g/m²씩 변화시켜가며 측정한 결과, 살포량 대비 약 70% 과소 평가 되는 것을 확인하여 30% 염화칼슘 수용액을 정확하게 측정하는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 노면 온도가 측정 성능에 영향을 미치지 못하는 것을 확인하였다.
PURPOSES : The actual service life of repair methods applied to cement concrete pavement is analyzed based on de-icing agent usage.
METHODS : Highway PMS data pertaining to de-icing agent usage are classified into three grades: low (1~5 ton/lane/year), medium (5~8 ton/lane/year), and high (greater than 8 ton/lane/year). The repair methods considered include diamond grinding, patching, joint repair, partial depth repair, and asphalt overlay on five major highways. The service life of each repair method is analyzed based on the usage level of the de-icing agent.
RESULTS : The service lives of the applied repair methods are much shorter than expected. It is confirmed that the service life afforded by diamond grinding, patching, and joint repair methods are not significantly affected by the use of de-icing agents, whereas that afforded by asphalt overlay and partial depth repair methods is affected significantly. The service life afforded by the asphalt overlay and partial depth repair methods decreases at high usage levels of the de-icing agent (greater than 8 ton/lane/year).
CONCLUSIONS : Among the repair methods considered, the service life afforded by partial depth repair and asphalt overlay is affected significantly by the amount of de-icing agent used. Additionally, the differences between the expected and actual analyzed service lives should be considered in the next-generation maintenance strategy for cement concrete pavements.
PURPOSES: The intensiveness of highway management has increased owing to the growth in the number of vehicles and the rapid climate change. The disadvantages produced by these factors can affect management time and cost. Serious traffic accidents and traffic jam may be experienced when snow fall accumulates on highway surfaces and the friction between tires and pavements is lower than that in the general state, in a non-management condition. Such conditions need intensive management. In this regard, one of the spread methods used for the melting material is pre-wetted salt (PWS), which is the frequently used method in South Korea. In the PWS method, the solid material with CaCl2 is mixed with water in 30% concentration and then finally mixed with NaCl before application to pavements. The chloride-type melting material not only is cheaper, but also has a high melting property than the others. It can shorten the pavement or structure life by deterioration and corrosion. This melting material can affect the flora near the highways; hence, an eco-friendly de-icing agent must be utilized considering the environmental effect.
METHODS : The Kalman filter algorithm (KFA) was utilized herein to develop optimization models using the performed test data. The KFA, which was developed from recursive filter algorithms, such as the low- and high-pass filters, applies a weighting filter to the Kalman filter. The algorithm has the property of utilizing the filter and updated estimations. In this regard, melting tests were performed for the real applicative utilization of de-icing agents. The KFA was also applied to reduce the error rates and optimize the relationships between the test data and the predictions.
RESULTS: Comparing the measurements performed, the error was reduced by 1.69 g when the KFA was applied. Moreover, the error can be optimized to approximately 91.4% compared to the test errors. The prediction data had over 85% tendency in the test measurement, showing that the KFA application can reduce the error and increase the tendency. By comparison, the agent with CaCl2 showed the best ice melting performance within 10 min without surface temperature. However, the PWS with a 25% concentration indicated the best water melting performance from start to end of the test time, implying that this is a powerful agent in terms of performance.
CONCLUSIONS : The melting test is an artificial test method; therefore, it can generate a huge error from the test. The error and the tendency can be controlled by tracking the measurement error and the white noise matrix using the KFA. A further research will be performed to track the measurement error and the white noise matrix. Other optimization methods will also be applied to reduce the experimental error.
A huge amount of de-icing agent is sprayed during winter to promote traffic safety in cold regions, and the quantity of de-icing agent sprayed has increased each year. The main ingredients in commonly used de-icing agents are chlorides, such as calcium chloride(CaCl2) and sodium chloride(NaCl). While calcium chloride is mostly used in Korea and sodium chloride is usually used in the U.S. and Japan, all de-icing agents include chloride ions. The chlorides included in sprayed calcium chloride-based de-icing agents have severe adverse effects, including the corrosion of reinforcing steels through salt damage by infiltrating into road structures, reduced structural performance of pavement or damage to bridge structures, and surface scaling, in combination with freezing damage in winter, as well as water pollution. In addition, the deterioration of paved concrete road surface that occurs after the use of calcium chloride-based de-icing agent accelerates the development of visual problems with traffic structures. Therefore, the present study was performed to prepare an environment-friendly liquid de-icing agent through a reaction between waste organic acids and calcium-based by-products, which are industrial by-products, and to analyze the properties of the de-icing agent in order to evaluate its applicability to road facilities.