
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 26

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS) is currently in operation for nuclear export and import control. To ensure consistent and efficient control, various computational systems are either already in place or being developed. With numerous scattered systems, it becomes crucial to integrate the databases from each to maximize their utility. In order to effectively utilize these scattered computer systems, it is necessary to integrate the databases of each system and develop an associated search system that can be used for integrated databases, so we investigated and analyzed the AI language model that can be applied to the associated search system. Language Models (LM) are primarily divided into two categories: understanding and generative. Understanding Language Models aim to precisely comprehend and analyze the provided text’s meaning. They consider the text’s bidirectional context to understand its deeper implications and are used in tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, question answering, and named entity recognition. In contrast, Generative Language Models focus on generating new text based on the given context. They produce new textual content continuously and are beneficial for text generation, machine translation, sentence completion, and storytelling. Given that the primary purpose of our associated search system is to comprehend user sentences or queries accurately, understanding language models are deemed more suitable. Among the understanding language models, we examined BERT and its derivatives, RoBERTa and DeBERTa. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) uses a Bidirectional Transformer Encoder to understand the sentence context and engages in pre-training by predicting ‘MASKED’ segments. RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pre-training Approach) enhances BERT by optimizing its training methods and data processing. Although its core architecture is similar to BERT, it incorporates improvements such as eliminating the NSP (Next Sentence Prediction) task, introducing dynamic masking techniques, and refining training data volume, methodologies, and hyperparameters. DeBERTa (Decoding-enhanced BERT with disentangled attention) introduces a disentangled attention mechanism to the BERT architecture, calculating the relative importance score between word pairs to distribute attention more effectively and improve performance. In analyzing the three models, RoBERTa and DeBERTa demonstrated superior performance compared to BERT. However, considering factors like the acquisition and processing of training data, training time, and associated costs, these superior models may require additional efforts and resources. It’s therefore crucial to select a language model by evaluating the economic implications, objectives, training strategies, performance-assessing datasets, and hardware environments. Additionally, it was noted that by fine-tuning with methods from RoBERTa or DeBERTa based on pre-trained BERT models, the training speed could be significantly improved.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea has signed nuclear cooperation agreements (NCA) with 29 countries. Nuclear materials, materials, equipment, and technology transferred under the agreements are “internationally controlled materials (ICM)” under the Nuclear Safety Act. The main obligations imposed on those items include ensuring peaceful use, safeguards, physical protection, annual inventory reporting, and retransfer with supplier prior consent. The Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS) handles the export control procedures for transferring ICM. After import, inventory management for ICM in Korea would be transitioning to an item-based system through the Obligation Tracking System for internationally controlled item (OTS) currently under development. A one-stop import and export control system for ICM can be established when information is well-linked between these two systems. This paper aims to derive a methodology for integrating NEPS and OTS. NEPS-OTS coupling begins at the receipt confirmation and shipment notification stages in NEPS. When importing ICM under NCA, the inventory change (code RF: receipt foreign) is entered in OTS by getting the information that has completed the receipt confirmation in NEPS. Conversely, during export, the information that has completed the shipment notification procedure in NEPS is linked to the OTS so that the entire cycle from import to re-export of the ICM can be concluded. Inventory verification for retransfer, checking that the book inventory remains positive value, is impossible under the current system. This issue can be resolved by enabling inventory information in OTS to be displayed in NEPS. Determining when and how to generate the obligation code for imported ICM is essential for NEPS-OTS coupling. Manual input may be necessary for some cases with multiple obligations. Nevertheless, it is more efficient from a system communication protocol to automatically generate and impose a single obligation based on the supplier country information in NEPS. Moreover, it is important to automatically link crucial information available in NEPS to reduce the administrative burden on OTS users and discrepancies between systems. Most required OTS data, such as country obligation, item categories, quantity, physical or chemical form, and receipt date, can be directly linked from NEPS. However, NEPS improvement is needed for digitizing the receiver information and facility data, like the material balance area. The NEPS-OTS integration involves sharing data as a system and encompasses the connection between export control and inventory management. Future work to link some information in NEPS -OTS with the KSIS could be suggested to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in managing ICM.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) operate the Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS), an online comprehensive export and import control management system to guide the domestic nuclear export and import control regime and efficiently process the application, processing, and issuance of various civil complaints required for compliance. This paper analyzes the results of NEPS functional improvements made in 2022. First, NSSC and KINAC launched a nuclear plant technology follow-up system. Since establishing the Nuclear Plant Technology Export License (Plant License) system in 2015, large-scale nuclear power plant projects with a large amount of technology transfer have been issued a Plant License, allowing them to transfer technology without a separate individual export license. The recipient of a Plant License is not required to obtain an additional export license but to follow up on the transferred technology, such as checking whether it is a strategic technology and reporting quarterly transfer details. A dedicated system has been established to facilitate the follow-up of plant license projects. That has improved work efficiency for both the regulated and the regulator. Second, we have improved the procedures for retrieving and supplementing civil petitions. We added a function allowing civil petitioners to directly retrieve a civil petition to cancel a previously filed civil petition or to revise it themselves. In addition, we improved the procedure for supplementing a civil petition by setting a supplementation deadline for a reviewer’s request to modify a civil petition and sending a reminder before the expiration of the supplementation deadline. That enhances the convenience of the complainant and the examiner. Finally, we have changed the numbering system for export and import control reviews. Previously, the application number was a 15-digit system with an 8-digit date and 7-digit serial number. We have simplified the number by changing the three unused digits in the serial number to a single symbol that separates the type of application. That made it possible to utilize the number for relevant searches in the future. Also, simplifying the number has improved the efficiency of applying, processing, and consulting for civil affairs. In the future, NSSC and KINAC will continue to upgrade NEPS and make various functional improvements, and there will be many changes in system operation through cloud transfer in a few years.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        About 83% of the information systems of administrative and public agencies are operated by agencies, and most of them are vulnerable to security due to the small scale of operation, insufficient facilities, and lack of dedicated personnel. To address these issues, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety announced in June 2021 that, as part of the “Second Basic Plan for E-Government,” all information systems of administrative and public agencies will be converted to a cloud-based integrated management operating environment by 2025 to provide stable public services. Accordingly, relevant laws and guidelines should be researched and analyzed to prepare for the cloud conversion of the Nuclear Export and Import Control System (NEPS) operated by the Export and Import Control Office of the Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC). The Cloud Computing Act defines cloud computing, establishes a basic plan and implementation plan, provides support for promoting the adoption of cloud computing by state institutions, supports the construction of integrated information and communication facilities based on cloud computing technology, provides cost and technical support, and regulates cloud security certification, and applies the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection to protect personal information. The E-Government Act defines integrated standards and principles for information resources, support for the use of cloud computing services, classification standards for information resources, and integrated standards for calculating the size and capacity of information systems. The Notice on Standards for Using Cloud Computing Services and Securing Safety for Administrative Agencies and Public Institutions specifies the standards for using cloud computing services and measures to secure stability for administrative agencies, contracts for using cloud computing services, and ensuring continuity of cloud computing services. The Basic Guidelines on National Information Security stipulate the establishment and implementation of security measures, system security, user security, security management, information and communication network security separating internal network and internet network, and cloud computing security measures, and stipulate the NIS security review when introducing private cloud services. In order to convert NEPS to the cloud computing services, network, and software design plans, transfer plans, and cloud operation plans will be established in compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines. And future research will include researching the system status of major public and private cloud service providers and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid improvement of hardware and software-related IT technology, applying A.I. to the private and public sectors, such as the Food Poisoning Prevention Program in Nevada and Smart City based on big data in Boston, is steadily increasing. However, the cases of application to the regulation sector of government are still insufficient. The Korea Institute of Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) is studying to apply A.I. technology to the regulation to improve the objectivity, consistency, and efficiency of classification and export licensing review. The KINAC developed the Nation Nuclear Technology Information Collection and Analysis System using A.I. techniques such as machine learning and deep learning techniques. KINAC and FNC Technology are developing the Export Risk Assessment System using A.I. modules and Bayesian Networks. The KINAC and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) are developing an inventory history management system subject to the Nuclear Cooperation Agreements. The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) and KINAC operate the Nuclear Import and Export Control System (NEPS) for application and export license review according to relevant laws such as the Foreign Trade Act. Therefore, preparing an integration plan for the existing NEPS and the new systems is necessary. Since the NEPS has to be operated and accessible at all times, so the stability of the NEPS is the most important when integration and linking. So, it is suggested that the Collection and Analysis System and the Risk Assessment System, which require a lot of data traffic, are configured in a server separate from the NEPS, and the new DB and the NEPS DB are only linked. An inventory history management system is also suggested to be integrated and configured into the NEPS. Third, it is recommended that each system lists the information provided to or received from the NEPS in advance, and one-way communication should be performed basically. Two-way communication should be performed when necessary. Finally, against various cyber accidents and information leakage, it is proposed to review security vulnerabilities and apply essential security measures and guidelines. Through the integration and linkage of these systems, it is expected that the objectivity, consistency, and efficiency of classification and export licensing review of the KINAC are strengthened, and national transparency of development, production, and use of nuclear material is enhanced. It can be satisfied with the increasingly strengthened demands of the international community on duty for strategic item management.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In April 2015, the government of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America signed a new Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA). Subsequently, in April 2016, the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) of the ROK and the Department of Energy (DOE) of the US signed the Administrative Agreement (AA) under the new Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. Accordingly, when Korea imports items subject to the Korea-US agreement, it is required to determine the inventory of imported agreement items and notify the United States of the inventory amount every year. In addition, when re-exporting an agreement item to a third country, prior consent of the original exporting country (USA) must be obtained. Nuclear companies that import items subject to the Korea-US Atomic Energy Cooperation Agreement must report their inventory to the government every year, but the standards and procedures for managing the inventory are not clearly stipulated in the national law. This makes it difficult for the government to verify the adequacy of the report submitted by nuclear companies, adding to the administrative burden on both the government and the companies. Accordingly, it is required for the government to establish and operate a system for history management system for import and export items subject to the agreement so that related information can be recorded and managed at each stage, such as first import of items to Korea, generation, disposal, and exports to third countries. This system provides history management functions such as initial import information record for items imported through import/export procedures according to administrative agreements, change of owned company due to domestic movement, deletion of inventory due to loss/disposal, deletion of inventory due to export or addition of inventory due to derived materials. Through this system, operators can easily manage agreement items, and the government can obtain reliable information on agreement items in close to real-time. In addition, when this system applies to exports of items subject to the agreement, the number of items subject to the agreement exported by Korea can be provided first so that the importing country can more quickly check the items subject to the agreement. It is expected to contribute to securing control of the items subject to the agreement and reducing concerns over nuclear proliferation.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Nuclear Safety Act defines items defined in nuclear cooperation agreements with each country as internationally regulated materials and requires that import and export procedures be implemented according to each agreement. In particular, the US, Canada, and Australia, which are major nuclear power suppliers, describe detailed procedures related to imports and exports in administrative agreements attached to the agreement. This paper compares and analyzes the import and export procedures of agreed items in the three major countries and proposes procedures and precautions that nuclear companies should follow for smooth import and export. The import/export procedure, according to the annexed administrative agreement, is divided mainly into Direct-transfer, Indirect-transfer, and Re-transfer. Direct transfer refers to direct import and export between countries that have signed an agreement. The four-step process of prior notice, written confirmation, shipment notice, and receipt confirmation is commonly required for direct transfer. However, in the case of Canada, if the previously related information is the same, the shipping notification and receipt confirmation procedure may be omitted. Australia only defines items included in the notification without a separate form in the administrative agreement. Indirect transfer means transferring items originating from the other two countries that signed the agreement through a third country. All three countries stipulate that item transferred by indirect transfer are also subject to the agreement, and Canada stipulates separate advance notifications and shipping notifications for indirect transfer. Australia manages indirect transfers by including information from third countries in the exchange-related information between the two countries. The US does not have a specific procedure for indirect transfer, but it is presumed that it was omitted because it was difficult to confirm the time of shipment when the US exports through a third country. Re-transfer is a procedure to obtain consent from the original exporting country in advance when exporting items held in Korea to a third country. There are two types of consent based on re-transfer, the long-term consent method, and the individual case-by-case method. Long-term consent is a method of long-term consent for re-transfer to an agreed-upon country by agreeing in advance on a list of countries where re-transfer is possible. In the long term, the procedure will be reflected in domestic laws in detail and managed through an IT-based management system so that operators can smoothly implement such complex import and export procedures.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        선박이나 컨테이너로 수출입되는 곡류 및 박류는 검역용 훈증제인 메틸브로마이드(이하 MB)와 인화수소(이하 PH3)를 사용하는데, 처리 온도/수용비/선적방식에 따라 충분한 배기시간을 필요로 한다. 현장에서 배기시간 미설정으로 검역관 및 방제기술자에게 훈증제 TLV(Threshold Limit Value)-TWA(Time Weighted Average) 기준 이상의 농도에 노출될 위험이 있으므로, 소독 전, 후 작업자 안전을 고려하여 각 훈증제 별 작업자 안전기준에 적합한 배기시간이 설정되어야 한다. 따라서, 실내 훈증상에서 곡류(쌀, 대두) 및 박류(대두박, 주정박)를 대상으로 현행 소독처리기준으로 소독 후 탈착되는 가스농도를 측정해 MB 1 ppm, PH3 0.3 ppm 수준 이하로 감소되는 배기시간을 조사하였다. 조사결과 TLV-TWA 기준이하의 수준으로 감소되는데 필요한 배기시간은 주정박/대두박/대두에 MB가 처리된 경우는 모두 30시간, 쌀에 PH3가 처리된 경우는 30분이 소요되는 것을 확인하였다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        성공적인 수출입 거래를 위하여 기업들 간 윤리적이고 신뢰 있는 관계 형성이 더욱 중요해지고 있다. 본 연구는 교환관계 이론에 근거하여 수출입 거래 관계에 대한 신뢰(trust)와 윤리지향성(ethics orientation)의 형성 요인으로서 공동목표 추구수준(allocentrism)의 영향을 검증하고자 하였다. 이 연구에서 공동목표 추구수준은 거래 기업들이 상호 공유하고 있는 공동의 목표를 개별 기업 목표에 우선시 하는 정도를 의미한다. 아울러 다문화 관리 관점에 근거하여, 공동목표의 추구수준이 거래 관계의 질에 미치는 영향이 수출입업자들의 가치유사성과 자국중심주의에 따라 조절됨을 검증하고자 하였다. 최근 해외 수출입 경험이 있는 미국 수입업체 구매결정권자 200명의 응답 자료가 데이터로 사용되었다. 데이터 분석 결과 수입기업 구매담당자의 공동목표 추구수준은 파트너사에 대한 윤리지향성과 신뢰에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 지각된 가치유사성이 높을수록 그리고 자국중심주의가 낮을수록, 공동목표 추구수준이 윤리지향성을 더욱 강화하는 것으로 검증된 반면, 공동목표 추구가 신뢰에 미치는 영향력은 문화적 요인들의 조절효과 없이 일관되게 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 수출입 거래 담당자들의 공동목표 구축 및 그 실현을 위한 노력은 파트너사에 대한 윤리적 태도 및 신뢰형성에 효과적임을 의미한다. 또한 거래 관계에 대한 윤리적 태도는 가치유사성 향상 및 자국중심주의 감소 등 문화차원의 관리적 노력이 동반될 때 더욱 효과적으로 증대됨을 제시한다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 관계패러다임에 근거한 수출입성과 연구 흐름에 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 제공 하였다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        More and more medium and small enterprises do business across the world according to generalization of online shopping mall such as eBay and Amazon. But high export and import transportation cost make weak the price competitive power of medium and small enterprises products. Then this paper deals with the development of new business model which can reduce the transportation cost for global logistics through efficiently overcoming the constraints as length, size, and weight of product. We explain this model with application for company which export the automobile parts. We can expect the transportation cost reduction by 50%.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to examine the effects of inward every presence of foreign investment, import, and real exchange rate shocks on export performance in Vietnam. This study employs a time-series sample dataset in the period of 1990 – 2018. All data are collected from the General Statistics Office of Ministry of Planning and Investment in Vietnam, World Development Indicator and Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Vietnam. This study employs the Augmented Dickey–Fuller test and the vector error correction model with the analysis of cointegration. The results demonstrate that a higher value of import significantly accelerates export performance in the short run, but insignificantly generates in the long run. When the volume of registered foreign investment goes up, the export performance will predominantly decrease in the both short run and long run. Historically, countries worldwide are more likely to devaluate their currencies in order to support export performance. According to the study, the exchange rate volatility has an effect on the external trade in the long run but no effect in the short run. Finally, Vietnam’s export performance converges on its long-run equilibrium by roughly 6.3% with the speed adjustment via a combination of import, every presence of foreign investment, and real exchange rate fluctuations.
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