본 연구는 다국적 기업 해외 자회사 직원의 언어 능력이 본사의 주재원 파견에 어떤 영향을 미치 는지 고찰한다. 전 세계 55개국에 위치한 한국 다국적 기업의 9,580개 해외 자회사를 다층 모델링 을 사용하여 분석한 결과, 현지 노동력의 영어 능력이 낮은 국가에 위치한 해외 자회사에서는 다국 적 기업들이 더 많은 주재원을 파견하는 경향이 있음을 밝혀내었다. 또한, 본 연구는 다국적 기업 의 해외 자회사 현지 운영 기간이 증가함에 따라 현지 노동력의 영어 능력이 낮은 국가에 위치한 자회사 내에서 주재원에 대한 의존도가 현저하게 감소함을 보여준다. 이러한 결과는 현지 노동력의 언어 능력이 상이한 다양한 국가에 진출하여 활동하는 다국적 기업들의 해외 자회사 관리에 있어 의미 있는 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 제공한다.
본 연구의 목적은 유아의 언어 및 문해능력, 교사와 유아의 교사유아상호 작용, 유아의 사회적 유능감이 유아의 놀이 단절에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 한국아동패널 7차 연도 데이터를 사용하였고, 변인들의 영향력을 분석하기 위해 중다회귀분석을 실행하였다. 연구 결과로는 첫째, 언어 및 문해능력, 교사유아상호작용, 사회적유능감 모두 유아의 놀이 단절 에 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 언어 및 문해능력이 가장 높은 설명 력을 보였다. 둘째, 사회적 유능감 하위 요인 중, 자기통제가 놀이 단절에 가 장 강력한 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 교사유아상호작용의 하위요인 중에서 유아유아상호작용이 놀이단절에 가장 강력한 부적 영향력을 나타냈다. 본 연 구를 통해 유아의 놀이 단절을 감소시키기 위해서는 유아의 언어능력과 사회 성을 증진시켜줌과 동시에 교사가 유아와 양질의 상호작용을 해야 한다는 것 을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구의 의의는 유아의 놀이 단절에 영향을 미치는 변인 들을 알아보고 놀이 단절을 감소 및 예방하기 위한 교육적 시사점을 제공한 데 있다.
In this paper, we explore how English language teacher education could be envisioned in different ways if one were to adopt a ‘social’ approach toward English language education. More specifically, drawing on our experience, which we gathered as Korean faculty members of two Canadian universities, with the help of reflexive inquiry, we highlighted the importance of fostering critical intercultural competence among language teachers. Focusing on a small-scale case study of Korean teacher candidates who participated in a short-term community-based service learning in Canada, our analysis examines how to train English teachers to develop their own intercultural understanding through experiential learning activities, so they can better develop intercultural competence among their students. We argue that a critical understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity is an essential component of English language teacher education in increasingly diverse EFL classrooms across South Korea in the era of globalization, transnationalism, and multilingual/ multiculturalism.
The purpose of this experimental study is threefold: first, to explore the relationship between metaphoric competence (MC) and language proficiency (LP) of nonnative speakers; second, to examine any significance in correlations in connection with what metaphor is and how it is comprehended and third, to put forward a few pedagogical considerations for development of MC in a L2 context. Ninety-five individuals subdivided into three groups of native and nonnative speakers form the subject of this study. Four test measures are constructed to assess the subjects" MC and LP. The findings of this correlational study are as follows: There is no correlation between MC and LP in the representative group of nonnative speakers (NNS). However, one group of NNS living and studying in the target culture displays a convincingly strong correlation, indicating that MC must be acquired through experiencing the culture firsthand. Neverthless, the other NNS group demonstrates an unexpectedly strong positive correlation in one test of metaphoric competence, implying that the linguistic cues of the verb- phrase (VP)-focused metaphors must have helped with their interpretation of the concept structures. This study provides empirical evidence that MC in L2 should be deliberately taught in class from the cognitive hypothesis especially where L2 is spoken.
A large number of foreign students enroll at Korean universities each year. Although a good command of the Korean language is crucial for them to be successful in their studies, and both university authorities and teaching staff now agree that students’ language ability needs to be tested before their admission, a valid and reliable test of academic Korean is still to be developed. The aim of this paper was twofold: to determine the Korean language proficiency level and language task types that are necessary to succeed at the university level in Korea; and to determine test specifications that could be used by examiners to appraise university candidates’ language skills. To develop such specifications, Common European Framework (CEF) descriptors of language proficiency were used. These descriptors can be used as indicators showing which language tasks a candidate should be able to do at a certain level. To create test specifications, academically relevant descriptors were selected and task types associated with each were analyzed. Many descriptors associated with the B2 level of the CEF were used to determine the language achievement level necessary for university students in Korea. Information about linguistic input and output associated with each language task type was also gained and applied from CEF descriptors.
The purpose of this paper is to value the intercultural communicative competence model in English language assessment. As for intercultural communication, it becomes of utmost importance that (1) the inappropriateness of the conventional communicative competence models be demonstrated, and (2) altemative models from interculturally communicative needs be proposed and their use defended. Qualitative methodolgy and narrative inquiry are needed to make the assessment of intercultural communicative competence press forward in Korea.
This paper aims to make some suggestions for the direction and objectives of teaching English as a global language (EGL). To this end, the examination reveals that the number of people who use English as a second or foreign language is much more than that of people who use English as the primary language. Moreover, in many parts of the world the status of English is shifting, being used within the country as well as for international communication. Thus, it will be more likely for the learners to communicate in English with other people than English natives. Communication across cultures demands mutual intelligibility and speaker’s identities. The objective of EGL is to provide intercultural learners with intercultural communicative competence, which is a knowledge of one or more cultures and social identities, and which is also a capacity to discover and relate to new people from other contexts for which they have not been prepared directly. Teaching English as a global language will be effective and prosperous under due consideration of local situations around learners. Several ideas are suggested for the new direction for EGL education.