
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중부 평야지에서 중생종 벼 하이아미의 이앙시기에 따른 출수기의 변동과 출수 전후의 기상 및 수량 특성을 파악하고 적절한 재배시기를 제안하기 위하여, 이앙시기를 5월 10일부터 6월 24일까지 조절하여 3년간 국립식량과학원 중부작물부 수원 벼 재배시험 포장에서 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 이앙기가 늦을수록 출수기까지는 일 평균기온이 높았으나 출수소요일수가 단축됨에 따라 적산온도가 적어졌고, 출수 후 40일간은 평균기온이 낮고 일조시간이 많은 경향이었다. 2. 이앙기~출수기와 출수 후 40일간의 평균기온은 시험연차보다 이앙시기에 따른 변이가 컸으나 일 평균 일조시간은 이앙시기 보다 시험연차에 따른 변이 정도가 더 커서, 이앙시기 조절에 의한 기상요인의 변화는 평균기온에서 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 3. 이앙시기가 늦어짐에 따라 수수는 감소하였으나 수당영화수가 증가하였고, 결과적으로 이앙시기 지연에 의한 출수소요일수의 단축이 sink size의 감소로 이어지지는 않았다. 4. 이앙시기 조절에 의한 m2당 영화수의 변화는 등숙비율과 뚜렷한 상관을 보이지 않았으나, 출수 후 40일간 평균기온이 낮아짐에 따라 현미천립중은 유의하게 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 5. 쌀수량은 이앙시기에 따라 유의차를 보이지 않았던 반면, 완전립 비율은 6월 24일까지 이앙이 늦어짐에 따라 높아지는 추세를 보였으며 그에 따라 완전미 수량도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 6. 결과적으로, 중부 평야지에서 하이아미는 이앙시기를 6월 중~하순으로 늦춤으로써 쌀 품위를 높이고 완전미 수량을 향상시킬 수 있는 것으로 분석되었는데, 등숙 후기의 저온 피해 우려를 고려하면 6월 중순에 이앙하는 것이 안전할 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted over a 3-year period from 2013 to 2015 in the mid-northern inland, Cheolweon, Korea, to investigate changes in flowering date, daily mean temperature during grain filling, and yield characteristics affected by transplanting date in an early-maturing rice variety, ‘Joun’. Thirty-day-old seedlings were transplanted at four different dates at 15-day interval from May 5 to June 19. Flowering dates were July 16, July 21, July 31, and August 14 when transplanting was performed on May 5, May 20, June 4, and June 19, respectively. Late transplanting resulted in higher daily mean temperature before flowering but late-transplanted rice required fewer days and lower cumulative temperature to reach flowering from transplanting. As transplanting was delayed, daily mean temperature for 40 days after flowering decreased, whereas daily sunshine hours for the same period increased, with a temperature of 24.8°C and sunshine for 5.8 hours being recorded at the transplanting on May 5, and with a temperature of 21.0°C and sunshine for 7.7 hours at the transplanting on June 19. With late transplanting, panicles per square meter significantly decreased, whereas spikelets per panicle showed an increasing trend. Regression analysis showed that maximum head rice yield was attained from the transplanting on May 18, for which the flowering date was July 21, and daily mean temperature for 40 days from that flowering date was 24.6°C. A decrease in head rice yield by 5% and 10% of the maximum was observed for rice transplanted on June 6 and June 15, which resulted in flowering dates of August 2 and August 11, respectively, and the daily mean temperatures for 40 days from flowering were 23.2 and 21.7°C, respectively. Therefore, in mid-northern inland, it is recommended to transplant ‘Joun’ on May 18 to induce flowering on July 21, when grain filling is subjected to a daily mean temperature of 24.6°C during active filling stage.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, the efficiency and accuracy of QTL analysis for identification of useful traits have been increased by high-throughput genotyping. In a previous study, the genome variation of significant DNA polymorphism was observed in early maturing type rice mutant (EMT) by comparing with that of wild type (WT). For detection of major QTL for flowering time, we constructed a linkage map of 36 InDel- and 6 SNP- markers. In the linkage analysis of F2 plants derived from the cross “WT x EMT”, we have detected one potential QTL region on chromosome 6 by M6-3 marker. Also, the Hd1, which contained the target fragment of M6-3 marker, exhibited the relatively high nonsynonymous substitutions in genes located on chromosomal region from M6-2 to M6-4. To evaluate the reliable allele segregation related to expected Mendelian ratio between M6-3 and its flanking markers, M6-3 marker developed in Hd1 gene exhibited the 1:2:1 ratio as clear monogenic segregation in heterozygous F3 plant. Additionally, we further analyzed the different transcript regulations of OsGI and Hd3a gene related to Hd1 involved in photoperiodic flowering pathway. Although the mRNA levels of Hd1 had no difference between WT and EMT, the Hd3a as downstream effector of Hd1 significantly upregulated in EMT, suggesting that Hd1 gene may become nonfunctional.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        들깻잎 생산 전용품종은 대부분 만생종으로서 우량종자를 채종하고자 할 경우 도복 등이 발생하지 않아 생육관리가 용이하면서 종실 충실도가 높은 파종적기를 설정할 필요가 있다. 이에 중부지역 비닐하우스에서 잎들깨 생산 전용 품종 '잎들깨 1호'를 시험재료로 하여 5월 6일부터 7월 15일 까지 10일 간격으로 8회 파종하여 생육, 도복 발생 여부, 적산온도 및 수량성을 분석하였다. 1. 파종시기가 늦을수록 경장이 짧아지고, 주경절수, 분지수, 화방군수와 화방당 삭수는 감소되었다. 그러나 파종시기가 빠를수록 지상부 생육이 왕성하여 도복이 발생하였다. 2. 개화일수는 파종시기가 늦어질수록 직선적으로 감소되었는데 5월 6일을 기준으로 파종이 1일 지연되면 개화일수는 0.86일씩 단축되었고, 개화기부터 성숙기까지의 결실일수는 29~31일로 파종기 이동에 따른 차이가 없었다. 3. 등숙립율과 종실수량은 5월 6일 파종부터 6월 15일 파종까지 유의성이 없었고, 6월 25일 파종 이후부터 급격히 감소되었다. 4. 등숙에 필요한 적산온도, 도복 발생 여부, 등숙립율과 발아율 등으로 판단하면 만생종 잎들깨 품종의 중부지역 비닐하우스에서 파종적기는 6월 5일(정식 7월 5일)~6월 15일(정식 7월 15일)이었고, 이때 10월 28일~11월 3일경에 성숙되어 종자생산이 가능하였다. 5. 연차에 따라 0℃ 이하로 떨어지는 시기가 일찍 오는 경우 한해에 의하여 노지재배는 고사될 우려가 있고, 중부지역에서는 비닐하우스를 이용한 잎들깨 채종재배가 가능하였다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to develop rice growth model when cultivate early maturing rice cultivar, Unkwangbyeo, in Honam plain area. To confirm leaf emergence rate and variation of heading date, we transplanted 15 day and 30 day old seedling on May 1, May 15, May 31, June 15, June 30, respectively. The growth duration between transplanting and completion of leaf emergence on main culm were 50.1~78.3 days in 2007 and 47.5~74.7 days in 2008. Growth duration diminished gradually as transplanting time delayed, but the difference of growth duration by transplanting time were more bigger than that of seedling day. The emerged leaf number after transplanting on main culm were 8.9~10.9 in 2007 and 8.4~10.9, respectively. The emerged leaf number diminished as transplanting time delayed, but the difference of emerged leaf number by transplanting time were more bigger than that of seedling day. The cumulative temperature between transplanting and completion of leaf emergence on main culm were 1,281~1,650℃ in 2007 and 1216~1560℃ in 2008. The solar radiation between transplanting time and completion of leaf emergence on main culm were 709~1,245MJ/㎡ in 2007 and 722~1,220 MJ/㎡ in 2008. The sunshine hours between transplanting time and completion of leaf emergence on main culm 234~433 hours and 238~431 hours, respectively.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Vegetable perilla, "Ipdlkkae 1"(Perilla frutescens var japonica Hara), was tested about the flowering and maturing responce in summer and winter. In summer season, it was researched about those responses according to the change of seeding date from May 15th to Oct. 15th at one month interval in the field. "Ipdlkkae 1" flowered Oct. 2nd under the day length of eleven hours and fourty-one minutes, compared with Sep. 6th (day length of twelve hours and fourty-three minutes) of "Yepsildlggae". And those responses showed that vegetable perilla was have to seeded before July 15th for two reason. The first is a unique response of perilla to day length. If perilla stay under short-day condition for some days, perilla will flower after four weeks. The second is a weather, especially frost and cold. In the test of latest seeding at Oct. 15th, the plants flowered more late than normal flowering period and they were not able to mature for frost of early winter. And this result showed that any other species, which has the characteristic of later flowering than that of "Ipdlkkae 1", could not able to mature in the field. In winter time, this species was tested about the same responses according to the change of short-day treatments. In the case of the test from May 1st (above fourteen hours day length), even if the test plants were stayed under short-day condition for more than 10 days, they were not able to mature, but flowerd. From the test of Apr. 15th, day length of thirteen hours, the plants were showed variable reaction to the short-day treatment. In this test, 11days for short-day treatment was a basic day to decide whether flowering was delayed or not. In the test from Apr. 1st, perilla seeds were able to harvest at least 5 days short-day treatment. In the final test from Mar. 15th, it had no need to take short-day treatment for harvesting of normal seeds, because the day length of that are twelve hours, which is an enough time to induce flowering and maturing, previously reported.