This study researches the restaurant industry in Seoul during the late 1940s. The research was based on the four major newspapers in Korea. The data included a total of 227 businesses with 164 non-fusion restaurants that served single-nation type food consisting of 101 Korean, 31 Western, 20 Japanese, and 12 Chinese. Some examples of South Korean dishes are Masan, Daegu, and Jeolla-do-style local foods. As for North Korean food, Pyongyang-style bulgogi, Naengmyeon, Hamheung-style janggukbap, and Gaejangguk were introduced frequently. Chinese restaurants that appeared were highend places with Beijing-style cuisine. In the case of Japanese restaurants, they mostly had Sukiyaki with Joseon food served as well. Moreover, Western restaurants were fusioned with Japanese as in pork cutlet and curry rice. Others are comprised of “French Cuisine”, “Indian curry rice”, “Steak”, and “Russian soup”. This analysis indicates that foreign cuisines had actively entered the market.
The purpose of this study was to find the change in social awareness in livestock stamping out over time. We used the text data mining method for this study. The data used in this analysis comprised approximately 5,600 newspaper articles. The data were sourced using the keywords 'livestock stamping out' 2010-2017, and classified into two-year intervals. The analysis showed a change in perspective on livestock disease and prevention activities over time. Additionally, it was confirmed that problems related to 'ethics' were continuously raised during the entire period. Prevention activities cannot succeed without the support and participation of people. Thus, the results of this study can be used to establish and implement livestock disease prevention policies.
This study investigates the historical development of English education in South Korea regarding the fourth and fifth National Curriculum Period. By analyzing the newspaper articles in five major newspapers in Korea, we focused on the characteristics of English education in each period. The research questions are: 1) what are the characteristics of the fourth National Curriculum? 2) what are the characteristics of the fifth National Curriculum?, and 3) what is the implication of these previous curricula on the current English education in South Korea? During the fourth National Curriculum Period, after the successful hosting of the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul, the importance of communication skills in English spread throughout the country. Accordingly, the need for early English education emerged. In the fifth curriculum, various social factors, including the liberalization of overseas travel, led positive washback effects on English education. In elementary schools, English instructions were conducted as a special activity. In secondary schools, various changes in the educational environment were involved, including the introduction of listening tests and recruitment of native English teachers, which still affects English education in 2020. This paper concludes with educational implications and future research directions.
This paper explores the historical development of English education in Korea regarding the second and third National Curriculum period. By using the historical research method which analyzes newspaper articles in four major newspapers in Korea, we compared the similarities and differences between these two periods. The research questions are: 1) what are the characteristics of the second National Curriculum? 2) what are the characteristics of the third National Curriculum?, and 3) what is the implication of these previous curricula on the current English education in Korea? It was found that the second National Curriculum Period showed steady development in English education in terms of its emphasis on oral skills instead of the traditional emphasis on reading and grammar skills. However, the lack of coherence among various English textbooks, the lack of English teachers fluent in English, and the exam-oriented social atmosphere were the significant challenges in fully implementing the second National Curriculum. The third National Curriculum Period overlaps with the Yushin Regime propagated by the late President Park Junghee. During this period, a systematic effort to introduce communicative language teaching continued, whereas the exam-orientation persisted which made the English class employ teacher-centered grammar-translation methods. This paper concludes with educational suggestions and future research directions.
Although milk, which is a representative western food, has a more than 100-year history in Korea, the preference is controversial. This study examined the milk history of Choseon in 1884~1938. This period was divided into 4 periods regarding the westerner’s records and advertisements. Westerners who visited Choseon in 1884~1895 (1st period) recorded the eating habits of Choseon,i.e., no milk consumed, even in insufficient food situation. Among the westerners, medical missionaries began to show or/and recommend condensed milk for sick children. In 1896~1909 (2nd period) newspapers, general shops in Hanseong for westerners showed advertisements of dairy products. In the 1900s, condensed and raw milk were advertised through newspapers. Domestic ranching systems to produce raw milk were established at that time mainly by Japanese. In the 1910s (3rd period), raw milk and condensed milk were advertised in newspapers. Since the mid-1920s (4th period), dairy products were bisected into condensed and powdered (dried) milk. Moreover, many Japanese manufacturers appeared in the advertisement in the 1920s. These results suggest that milk has been recognized as a symbol of an enlightenment food in Korea since the late 1900s, but the old negative wisdom, unfamiliar taste, and high price of milk at that time limited its appeal.
This study, drawing on critical discourse analysis methodologies, aims to show how Chinese international students are discursively represented in a Korean newspaper. Articles from the Chosun Ilbo were collected between 2008-2016. The media has framed social images on Chinese International students quite often from the Beijing Olympic torch relay in 2008. Following van Dijk’s (1998) ideological theory, macro- and micro-level of textual analysis were conducted. It was found that the two groups of ‘us’ and ‘them’ (Chinese international students) were dichotomized. It was enforced by discursive strategies such as conjugation, over-lexicalization, and delegitimization. As for the micro-level analysis, drawing on Halliday’s (1985) systemic functional grammar, three dimensions of analysis (ideational, interpersonal, and textual) were conducted to uncover the power relations under the linguistic forms. This study concludes that Chinese international students were represented by the ideological square of positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation.
Kim Byeong-keon. 2016. “A Critical Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Editorials and Columns on Progressivism”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(1). 65~90. The aim of this study is to discuss how progressivism is depicted based on Appraisal Theory in Chosun Ilbo and Hankyoreh Shinmun. We also explore difference between two newspapers. The term of Appraisal refers to a linguistic resource by which a speaker/ writer expresses his own effect, judgement, and appreciation. As a result, Hankyoreh Shinmun relatively depicts positive image on progressivism through it positive and negative evaluations, while Chosun Ilbo depicts negative image using a negative evaluation. By looking at them from the Ideological Square of van Dijk, we are able to know that progressivism is a ‘They’ to Chosun Ilbo.
본 연구는 시대적인 흐름에 따른 경관인식 변화를 살펴보기 위하여 과거 신문에 나타난 관련 기사를 분석하였다. 연구방법으로는 네이버 뉴스라이브러리에서 제공하는 1920년대부터 1999년까지의 동아일보, 경향신문, 매일경제, 한겨레신문 등의 기사를 연구 대상으로 경관관련 기사를 검색하였으며 이를 시대별로 흐름을 살펴보는 방식을 취하였다.1920년부터 1945년까지 경관이라는 용어는 주로 아름다운 자연경치라는 의미로 주로 사용되었으며 당시 동경의대상이었던 외국의 근대적인 도시 모습을 지칭하는 개념으로도 사용되었다. 1946년부터 1960년까지는 독립과 한국전쟁을경험한 시기로 국가재건과 같은 이슈에 비해 상대적으로 경관에 대한 사회적 관심이 떨어졌던 시기였다. 1960년대에는새로운 국토건설과 관리의 필요성이 대두되어 성장하는 도시, 국토의 발전 등의 의미로 경관에 대한 인식이 확대되었으며 동시에 개발에 따른 자연 훼손을 우려하는 의미로도 사용되었다. 1970년대에는 고속도로건설과 새마을운동이라는 개발위주의 정책과 함께 다양한 대상에 대한 경관관리의 필요성이 대두되었다. 1980년대에는 아시안게임과 서울올림픽준비로 대대적인 경관정비가 진행되어 이를 계기로 경관관련 계획과 제도의 기틀을 마련하였다. 1990년대에는 경제수준향상으로 각종 경관관련 제도가 본격적인 틀을 갖추기 시작하였다. 경관심의가 강화되고 각종 경관계획이 수립되었다.
A vast amount of research has now established that writer-reader interaction is embodied in written texts through various linguistic devices. Among them, modalization plays a key role as a strategy for constructing the interaction in text. The impetus for this study is that it allows a new perspective to cross-cultural comparison between English and Korean texts. Based on contextual analysis of 356 British and Korean newspaper science popularizations with the two pairs of analytical categories that show how directly the writer performs the interaction with the reader (Types DI and II) and how strongly the writer commits him/herself to propositions (Types S and W), this paper argues that the discoursal preferences in the interactive use of modalization by the two groups of authors seem to be a reflection of the different orientations to human relations in British and Korean societies: equality-orientation in Britain and hierarchy-orientation in Korea.
개항 이후 우리나라는 사회 전반에 걸쳐 새로운 사상과 문물, 제도 등을 받아들이며 사회·문화적으로 큰 변 화를 겪어왔다. 개화기라는 시대적 흐름에 따라 일본에 의해 시행된 의제개혁과 단발령은 조선 전국을 혼란 에 빠트렸고, 백성들의 반발과 저항이 거세졌음에도 불구하고 상투가 없어져 단발이 된 백성들은 갓 대신에 서양식의 모자를 착용하기 시작하였다. 더불어 외래문물의 유입으로 양복의 부속품인 벨트와 셔츠, 시계 등 에 대한 수요가 급증하고, 근대적인 인쇄기술에 힘입어 모자에 대한 한국의 소비문화가 확산되기 시작하였 다. 근대적 문물을 가시화하여 익숙하지 않은 신문물에 대한 설명으로 이미지를 반복적으로 보여줌으로써 대상에 대한 이해도를 높여줄 수 있었다. 따라서 문자와 그림의 결합으로 현대의 광고디자인의 맥락에서 읽 어 낼 수 있다. 다시 말해 물질문화의 변화 속에서 디자인된 물체(대상)가 그 시대의 사회·문화적인 요인들 을 반영하여 한 시대의 문화를 표현하게 되는 것이다.