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        검색결과 166

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대한민국의 해양레저산업은 세일링을 비롯한 다양한 형태의 수상레저 활동이 증가하는 추세에 따라 세계적으로 신흥시장으로 주목받고 있어 세일링 요트에 대한 수요가 높아질 것으로 추정된다. 이에 따라 2022년 현재 우리나라 요트 문화의 부흥과 보급을 위해 해 양수산부의 지원을 받아 28피트 세일 요트의 설계 및 개발이 착수되었다. 개발 초기 단계에서의 성능을 확인하고 이를 통해 설계 인자를 결정하기 위하여 속도 예측 프로그램 VPP(Velocity Prediction Program) 분석이 수행되었다. 본 연구에서 사용된 소프트웨어는 University of Southampton의 Wolfson Unit社의 WinDesign으로, 속도 예측에 적용된 유체역학적 데이터 모델은 Wolfson Unit社자체적인 조선공학 및 요트 연구 분야에서 수십 년간의 예인 수조 시험 데이터를 회귀 분석한 방법으로 대부분의 현대식 요트에 대해 신뢰할 수 있는 추정치를 제공 하는 것으로 여겨진다. 하지만 예인 수조 시험이나 CFD 수치해석 등을 통한 실험 결과적인 유체역학적 정보가 없기 때문에 소프트웨어에 서 제공하는 유체역학적 데이터 회귀 모델의 저항 값은 다소 차이가 있을 것으로 예상된다. 또한, 아직 미완료된 무게 중심 추정에 의한 VCG 값은 속도 예측의 입력 변수 중 하나로, 성능 결과에 어느 정도 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 개발 세일 요트에 대한 최적 화된 보트 속도는 풍속 4, 8, 12, 16 및 20노트의 집세일 조합(최대 120° TWA) 및 스피네커 세일 조합(80° TWA부터) 모두에서 확인되었으 며, VPP를 활용하여 얻어진 최적화된 속도는 국제적으로 유사한 등급의 요트와 견줄수 있는 수준으로 확인되었다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cerebral palsy (CP) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by motor and postural impairments caused by central nervous system dysfunction. It significantly impacts children’s daily functioning and quality of life. Physical therapy is a crucial intervention for children with CP that aims to improve motor skills and functional abilities. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of holistic physical therapy approaches methods specifically designed for children with CP and examine recent research trends and their implications for optimizing outcomes in this population. This study employed a narrative review approach, conducting a comprehensive examination of the current literature pertaining to physical therapy methods for children with CP. The review encompassed studies exploring assessment techniques, evidence-based interventions, and innovative approaches in the field. It was discerned that encompassing physical therapy strategies, which encompass individualized treatment plans, evidence-based interventions, and the integration of innovative techniques, yield a favorable influence on the motor skills and functional capacities of children with CP. This review synthesizes the current knowledge on effective physical therapeutic strategies for children with CP. Furthermore, this review highlights the need for continued research and innovation in the field of pediatric physical therapy for CP.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소유자불명토지의 증가는 최근 일본의 심각한 사회문제로 지적되고 있다. 소유자불명토지란 공부상의 기재내용과 실제상의 권리관계의 괴리 등에 의 해 부동산등기부 등을 참조하더라도 소유자가 즉시 판명되지 않거나 소유자 가 판명되더라도 등기부상의 소유자와의 연락이 불가능한 토지를 의미한다. 이와 같은 소유자불명토지 문제는 소유자와의 연락이 불가능하므로 개인간 거래의 장애요인이 될 것이며 그리고 정부 주도의 사업상 필요한 토지를 이 용하려고 해도 사업대상지 내의 소유자불명토지로 인해 사업실시의 동의를 얻는 것이 불가능하고, 결과적으로 원활한 사업진행의 장애요인으로 지적되 었다. 이에 일본 정부는 위와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위하여, 2021년 민법 및 부동산등기법의 개정 등에 관한 요강안을 작성하여 본 요강안의 내용에 따라 동년 4월 민법 등의 일부를 개정하는 법률을 공표하였다. 본 제・개정 의 내용 중 부동산등기법에 관련한 큰 얼개는 다음과 같다. 즉, 상속등기신 청의 의무화, 상속등기 절차의 간략화 및 부담경감, 소유권등기명의인의 성 명 및 명칭에 관한 정보의 갱신, 등기의무자의 소재 파악이 곤란한 경우 등 기절차의 간략화, 소유권 등기명의자가 법인인 경우 회사법인번호를 등기사 항으로 정한 것, 일본국내에 주소를 가지지 않는 외국인의 경우 일본국내의 연락처를 등기사항으로 한 것, 등기부의 부속서류의 열람제도의 요건의 명 확화, 가정폭력 등의 피해자를 보호하기 위한 방책으로서 등기부의 등기사 항인 현 주소를 갈음한 사항을 기재할 수 있게 한 것, 그리고 소유부동산기 록증명서의 교부의 신설 등의 내용이 새로 추가되거나 개정되었다. 이에 본고는 위의 내용을 소개하여 우리 법제의 운영 및 해석상의 시사를 얻는 것 을 목적으로 하였다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the phonosemantic books listed in Jing Dian Shi Wen (經典釋文), Chunqiu Zuoshi Yin (春秋左氏音) authored by Fu Qian during the late Eastern Han dynasty is the earliest one, marking it as the first work in Chinese phonosemantics studies. From that point, the study of Chinese Phonosemantics has spanned over two millennia. In 721 AD, during Kaiyuan ninth year of Tang Dynasty, Yuan Xingchong presented the Kaiyuan Qunshu Sibu Lu (開元群書四部録) in 200 volumes. It established the “Exegesis of the Classics” category, which included Jing Dian Shi Wen (經典釋文), altering the dependent relationship of phonosemantic books to the classics. It also introduced the “Interpretation of Ancient Texts” category for exegetical books, and the “Traditional Chinese Linguistics” category exclusively for books on Chinese characters and phonology books, subtly forming a structure divided into character, phonology, exegesis, and phonosemantics, which is a significant event in the history of Chinese phonosemantics studies. In Year 1041, during the first year of the Qingli reign of Emperor Renzong of Northern Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu compiled the state bibliography Chong Wen Zong Mu (崇文總目) and moved Jing Dian Shi Wen (經典釋文) from the “Exegesis of the Classics” category to the “Traditional Chinese Linguistics” category. Works like You Mao’s Sui Chu Tang Shu Mu (遂初堂 書目), Chao Gongwu’s Jun Zhai Du Shu Zhi (郡齋讀書志), and Chen Kui’s Zhong Xing Guange Shu Mu (中興館閣書目) followed this arrangement, affirming the Chinese linguistic attributes of phonosemantic books, having profound and far-reaching implications. During the Qing Dynasty, Xie Qikun’s Xiao Xue Kao (小學考) established “Phonosemantics” as a distinct category, encompassing various phonosemantic books from the Han and Wei dynasties onward, without restricting them to the type of Jing Dian Shi Wen (經典釋文). This positioned phonosemantics alongside exegesis, character, and phonology as one of the four major branches of traditional Chinese linguistics, solidifying its academic status. In addition to Xiao Xue Kao (小學 考), other significant works of the Qing dynasty, such as Lu Wenchao’s Jing Dian Shi Wen Kao Zheng (經典釋文考證), Wu Chengshi’s Annotations on Prologue of Jing Ji Jiu Yin (經籍舊音序録疏證), Prologue of Jing Ji Jiu Yin (經籍舊音序録), Differentiation of Jing Ji Jiu Yin (經籍舊音辨證), Huang Zhuo’s Collation on Jing Dian Shi Wen (經典釋文匯校), and Hong Liangji’s Han Wei Yin (漢魏音), have become vital works in the disciplinary history of Chinese Phonosemantics. Entering the 21st century, the research in Chinese phonosemantics studies has seen expansive and deeper developments, particularly in the studies of Tang and Five Dynasties’ Buddhist Scriptures phonosemantics and correspondence of sound and meaning. The former was a weak area in earlier Chinese phonosemantics research, while the latter addresses the core issues of the field. Seizing this opportunity, Chinese scholars formally proposed the disciplinary concept and objectives of “Chinese Phonosemantics”, leading the establishment and in-depth exploration of its theories, materials, and research methods, creating an unprecedented surge of interest in the field.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The use of NG in the transportation sector is becoming an appealing option to diesel and gasoline fuels, presenting higher benefits. ANG technology offers a secure, cost-effective, energy-efficient strategy for the storage of NG in porous sorbents at reasonable gas densities. The major goal for its extensive utilization is the requirement of effective storage materials under practicable conditions. Recently, there has been increased attention in utilizing bio-wastes for the preparation of microporous carbons. In this contribution, our growing knowledge on the use of biobased materials and the processing strategies in an effort to predictively produce effective porous carbons appropriate for ANG technology have been reviewed. By careful literature selection, different precursors with different alternative processes to convert low-cost bio-wastes into porous carbons and achievements in methane storage are presented. To gain deeper insight into the technology, the correlation between the structural and chemical properties of materials and the factors affecting the storage performance are highlighted. The utilization of bio-wastes for the development of microporous carbons with facile methods emerged to be encouraging, which would be significant in larger scale applications. Bio-waste processing for ANG storage is valued over many other techniques, and the products are able to store substantial levels of methane. This review could help improve researchers’ evaluation of the methods as a guideline for ANG. Further studies for achieving an accomplished interconnection between the structural characteristics and the methane storage capacities with different bio-wastes and optimization strategies would be beneficial.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cholesterol is prone to oxidation, which results in the formation of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). This occurs because it is a monounsaturated lipid with a double bond on C-5 position. Cholesterol in foods is mostly non-enzymatically oxidized by reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated auto-oxidative reaction. The COPs are found in many common foods of animal-origin and are formed during their manufacture process. The formation of COPs is mainly related to the temperature and the heating time the food is processed, storage condition, light exposure and level of activator present such as free radical. The level of COPs in processed foods could reach up to 1-10 % of the total cholesterol depending on the foods. The most predominant COPs in foods including meat, eggs, dairy products as well as other foods of animal origin were 7-ketocholesterol, 7 α-hydroxycholesterol (7α-OH), 7β-hydroxycholesterol (7β-OH), 5,6α-epoxycholesterol (5,6α -EP), 5,6β-epoxycholesterol (5,6β-EP), 25-hydoxycholesterol (25-OH), 20-hydroxycholesterol (20-OH) and cholestanetriol (triol). They are mainly formed non-enzymatically by cholesterol autoxidation. The COPs are known to be potentially more hazardous to human health than pure cholesterol. The procedure to block cholesterol oxidation in foods should be similar to that of lipid oxidation inhibition since both cholesterol and lipid oxidation go through the same free radical mechanism. The formation of COPs in foods can be stopped by decreasing heating time and temperature, controlling storage condition as well as adding antioxidants into food products. This review aims to present, discuss and respond to articles and studies published on the topics of the formation and inhibition of COPs in foods and key factors that might affect cholesterol oxidation. This review may be used as a basic guide to control the formation of COPs in the food industry.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One of the taxa of the superfamily Gelechioidea, Stathmopodidae, is widely distributed around the world, with 39 genera and 390 species reported as of 2015. This family shares the common characteristic of carrying their long hind tibia, but depending on the species, they have a variety of wing patterns and colors. Additionally, while there are species classified as pests for causing damage to grains and fruits, there are also species that feed on moss, spore of ferns and aphids. Consequently, they exhibit a diverse range of morphological and ecological characteristics. However, due to the lack of research and similarities between species, there is still much confusion in identification and phylogenetic analysis to date. In this current situation, further research intends to resolve the confusion in the phylogenetic sutdy of Stathmopodidae not only through morphological and molecular analysis but also by incorporation the latest technologies.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Patients experiencing out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA) during the weekend are less likely to survive to hospital admission than those experiencing OOHCA on weekdays. We aimed to determine whether the survival rates of in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) were lower on weekends than on weekdays. We comprehensively reviewed the records of patients who experienced IHCA at CBNUH between 2018 and 2020. A total of 861 IHCAs occurred during the study period; these data included recurrent IHCA cases, as some patients experienced more than one IHCA. Of these, 739 IHCA cases were included in the survival analysis, and the survival rate was 65.2%, which is higher than the rate reported in a previous study. There were no differences in the survival rate between weekdays and weekends. Additionally, the time of day at which IHCA occurred and pre-IHCA intubation status did not affect survival. Patients in wards were less likely to survive than those in intensive care units (60.0% vs. 66.0%). Although pre-IHCA intubation did not show any added value in preventing sudden cardiac arrests, meticulous patient care and monitoring in terms of intra- or extrapulmonary oxygen therapy is needed, as is the promotion of cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) equipment availability and quick rescuer responses for patients with IHCA. Our findings may be of value in improving CPCR guidelines and monitoring patients at risk of IHCA.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half-life of about 12.3 years, and it is commonly found in the environment as a result of the production of Nuclear Power Plants. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established guidelines for the permissible levels of tritium in drinking water. The guideline value for tritium in drinking water is 10,000 Bq/L. It is important to note that the guideline value for tritium is not a legal limit, but rather a recommendation. National and local authorities may establish legal limits that are more restrictive than the WHO guideline value based on local conditions and risk assessments. The Australia and Finland have set a limit for tritium in drinking water at 76,103 Bq/L and 30,000 Bq/L respectively, which is more than three to seven times higher compare to guideline value of WHO. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for tritium in drinking water at 20,000 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), which is equivalent to 740 Bq/L. The Health Canada has set a guideline value for tritium in drinking water at 7,000 Bq/L. Assuming drinking water corresponding to each tritium limit (or guideline value) for one year, the expected exposure dose is 0.01 mSv to 1 mSv. It means that the tritium in drinking water below the limits or guideline value does not pose a significant risk to human health.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The rise of nuclear power plants to meet escalating global energy needs has made environmental pollution including the contamination of uranium due to improper disposal of radioactive wastewater during uranium milling and mining processes. Adsorption, a water purification method known for its fast kinetics, high selectivity, and ease of use, has emerged as a popular choice for the treatment of radioactive wastewater. In response to the critical need for the purification of radioactive wastewater contaminated with U(VI), this review provides a comprehensive summary of the various types of materials, synthetic methods, and adsorption mechanisms used for the purification process. The materials are categorized into four main groups: organic, inorganic, composite/nanomaterials, and framework materials. To enhance the adsorption capacity for U(VI), researchers have explored physical and chemical modifications as well as the development of organic-inorganic hybrids. The improved adsorption performance resulting from these modifications is mostly attributed to electrostatic interaction, surface complexation, and ion exchange mechanisms. However, despite the present understanding of the processes involved, further research is still needed to fully determine the optimal approach for purifying contaminated radioactive wastewater.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With a rapid expansion in electric vehicles, a huge amount of the spent Li-ion batteries (LIBs) could be discharged in near future. And thus, the proper handling of the spent LIBs is essential to sustainable development in the industry of electrical vehicles. Among various approaches such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and direct recycling, the hydrometallurgical manner has gained interest in recycling the spent LIBs due to its high effectiveness in recycling raw materials (e.g., lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese). However, the hydrometallurgical process not only requires the use of large amounts of acids and water resources but also produces toxic gases and wastewater leading to environmental and economic problems, considering potential economic and environmental problems. Thus, this review aims to provide an overview of conventional and state-of-the-art hydrometallurgical processes to recover valuable metals from spent LIBs. First, we briefly introduce the basic principle and materials of LIBs. Then, we briefly introduce the operations and pros-and cons- of hydrometallurgical processes. Finally, this review proposes future research directions in hydrometallurgy, and its potential opportunities in the fundamental and practical challenges regarding its deployment going forward.
        2023.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, the NUREG-0017 methodology based on realistic model for reactor coolant concentrations are used to estimate the annual radioactive effluent releases for normal operation of nuclear power plant. The realistic model to estimate the radionuclide concentrations in reactor coolant is formulated as a standard, ANSI/ANS-18.1. This standard has provided a set of the reference radionuclide concentrations and adjustment factors for estimating the radioactivity in the principal fluid systems of target plant. Since ANSI/ANS-18.1 was first published in 1976, it was revised in 1984, 1999, 2016, and most recently in 2020. Therefore, this study analyzed revision history of assessment methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors, which is ANSI/ANS-18.1. Assessment methodology of radioactive source term given ANSI/ANS-18.1 is by using radionuclide concentrations for reactor coolant and steam generator fluid of the reference plant and adjustment factors, which is modifying radioactive source term according to differences in design parameters between reference plant and target plant. There are three type of reference plant: PWR with u-tube steam generator, PWR with once-through steam generator, and BWR. This study analyzed for PWR with u-tube steam generator. Although the standard was revised, evaluation methodology and formula of adjustment factor have been retained, but some of items have been revised. First revision item is reduction of the number of radionuclides and decrease of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant. In the 1976 version of the standard, there were 71 target radionuclides, but the target nuclides have reduced to 57 in 1984 and 56 after 1999. In the case of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant, as the version of standard was updated, the radioactive concentration of 18 nuclides in 1984, 14 nuclides in 1999, and 25 radionuclides in 2016 was decreased. Most of the radionuclides with decrease radioactivity concentration were fission product, it is resulted from improvement of nuclear fuel performance. Second revision item is change of adjustment factors. After the revision in 2016, the adjustment factors for zinc addition plants using natural or depleted zinc are changed. This study analyzed revision history of evaluation methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors. Furthermore, result of this study will be contributed to the improvement of understanding of assessment methodology and revision history for the radioactive source term.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Graphene, the wonder material has brought a revolutionary change in the field of nanotechnology owing to its tremendous properties. Though different methods for the synthesis of graphene have been reported, the chemical synthesis route offers a scalable and high-volume production of graphene. The unreliability of graphite and hydrocarbon resources to serve as steady supplies of carbon resources and further in the synthesis of graphene has led to the exploration and use of alternative low-cost carbon-rich resources (coal, graphite, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, peanut shells, waste tyres, etc.) as precursors for graphene synthesis. The use of untraditional carbon resources reduces dependence on traditional resources (coal, graphite), reduced cost, increased reliability, and provides a way for the management of waste biomass. This review hence focuses on the synthesis of graphene by the most common approachable method, oxidation–reduction of graphite, along with the various other chemical methods of synthesis from varied carbon resources.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sandia National Laboratories is the lead laboratory for the United States Department of Energy for the research and development (R&D) efforts to support the technical basis for the long-term storage, subsequent transportation, and permanent disposal of commercial spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. Sandia does not design nuclear facilities; Sandia performs R&D to help ensure facilities and the fuel cycle are safe, sustainable, and secure. This talk will focus on the spent fuel storage and transportation programs that contribute to this work. The goal in spent fuel storage and transportation R&D is to understand the mechanical integrity of the fuel, cladding, and storage system beyond interim storage and into disposal time frames. Our research is focused on understanding the high burn-up cladding integrity over time, understanding the thermal behavior during drying and storage, understanding potential cladding oxidation pathways, and quantifying in the external loads experienced during transportation, handling, and seismic events. Additionally, this work includes extensive work to understand the basic science of canister stress corrosion cracking and the potential consequences of a through wall canister crack.
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