Many risk-related issues within the realm of science education have been addressed through science-technologyrelated socioscientific issues (SSI) education. It has been established that the topics categorized as SSI are interconnected with risk-related issues. These topics emphasize numerous points of convergence with the goals of SSI education, particularly in understanding and analyzing risks, including risk assessment, risk management, and risk decision-making. Such understanding can aid in grasping the complexity of SSI based on risk-related issues and facilitate informed decision-making by structuring debates. Although there has been discourse on the need for education aimed at future survival and reflection on the responsibilities and roles of education in risk-prone societies, concepts or strategies related to actual risk responses are rarely addressed in science education and schools. Education tailored to risk-prone societies is not yet well established. This study explored the incorporation of climate change risk education into science education. A framework for climate change risk education was developed, encompassing seven elements, with corresponding definitions and examples. The researchers applied this framework to evaluate the extent to which climate change risk education is integrated into the current science curriculum of Korea. Additionally, SSI lesson scenarios related to climate change were analyzed using this risk education framework to determine the types and extent of risk education incorporated. The findings underscore the importance of teaching climate change risk education to equip students for rational decision-making.
Purpose: This study examined the effects of simulation-based education for high-risk maternity on evaluating problem-solving process, self-leadership, critical thinking disposition, and selfefficacy of nursing students. Method: This study was a one-group pretest-postest test design with 81 junior nursing students as participants. Data were collected from September 4 to December 11, 2019, after students completed their simulation practice class. Students completed a survey on their problem-solving process, self-leadership, critical thinking disposition, and self-efficacy at the beginning and end of the class. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 21.0 program. Results: Students’ problem-solving process (t=-7.06, p<.001), self-leadership (t=-3.08, p=.003), critical thinking disposition (t=-2.12, p=.037), and self-efficacy (t=-6.01, p<.001) showed significant improvement after the simulation-based education for high-risk maternity. There was a positive relation between problem-solving process and self-leadership (r=.52, p<.001), critical thinking disposition (r=.39, p<.001), and self-efficacy (r=.53, p<.001). Conclusion: There is a need to supplement the limitations of clinical practice education by providing a simulation-based education environment similar to a hospital since the experience of clinical practice alone is not sufficient to improve students' knowledge and skills. Results of this study may be used as a basic data for efficiently performing simulation-based education on high-risk maternity.
Purpose: This study, as presented by Kern, Thomas, and Hughes , aims to verify the effectiveness of clinical inference education through digital storytelling programs based on Smith and Mann’s (2002) mobile education model in accordance with the six stages of the medical course development model. Based on the mobile education model of Smith and Mann (2002), the effectiveness of clinical reasoning education is verified through the mobile education program. Method: A single group pre-post test design that evaluates the clinical reasoning education effects of the mobile education program was used. Results: A statistically significant improvement was observed in clinical inference capacity from before intervention (t=-9.81, p<0.001); there was also a greater difference in the average value after intervention than before intervention in all of the results. Conclusion: This study suggests that while scenarios were constructed around five cases of high-risk Infant with respiratory and mechanical problems, in the future, additional scenarios should be developed to include different body systems.
The purpose of this study was to examine the association nutrition education experience in regards to metabolic risk and nutrition intake in Korean adult male using the 2016~2017 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey as the reference. The study involved a total of 1,978 male subjects aged 40~64 who were classified into the 2 groups based on their nutrition education experience: Educated group (n=88) and non-educated group (n=1,890). The household income and education level of educated group were higher than those of the non-educated group. The two groups showed no significant difference in the level of fasting blood sugar, blood lipid profile including total cholesterol and triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol, and hypertension. Vitamin C intake of the educated group (127.5 mg) was higher compared to the non-educated group (88.2 mg) (p<0.05). The percentage of the subjects utilizing nutritional labels was higher in the educated group. The nutrition education experience was inversely proportional to lower Odds Ratio in hyperLDL-cholesterolemia (OR: 0.47, 95% CI: 0.36, 0.84) and HypoHDL-cholesterolemia (OR: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.37, 0.87). This result indicates that nutritional education can be used as an effective tool to avert chronic diseases and develop healthy eating habits.
본 연구는 유아교육기관 원장의 소진에 영향을 미치는 직무환경 위험요인을 밝혀 유아교육 기관 운영은 물론 교사와 가정의 영유아 보육(Edu-care)의 역할을 효율적으로 지원할 수 있도록 돕는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 유아교육기관에 재직 중인 원장 244명이었다. 연구를 위하여 김혜경(2011)의 직무환경 위험요소 척도와 Maslach와 Jackson(1986)의 소진척도를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0 version으로 평균과 표준편차, ANOVA 검증 및 Scheffé의 사후검증, 적률상관분석 및 회귀분석(regression analysis)을 통해 분석하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 원장의 개인변인 중 채용유형, 학력, 월수입, 교직경력에 따른 직무환경 위험요인의 하위변인 및 전체와 부분적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 둘째, 직무환경 위험요인 전체와 하위변인 중 도전 기회부족과 역할 모호성은 냉소, 정서고갈, 개인 성취감 감소, 직무소진 전체와 정적인 상관이 있었다. 셋째, 원장이 인지한 직무환경 위험요인 중 업무과다, 도전적 기회부족, 역할 갈등, 업무모호성은 직무소진 전체를 높이는 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구의 결과는 원장의 사회적, 정서적 지원을 통해 효율적으로 원장의 역할을 수행하기 위한 정책적 지원의 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것이다.
In recent years, with the rapid development of risk management, an emerging management discipline, it is natural to go into the teaching field. In the teaching of martial arts courses in higher physical education colleges in China, due to the nature and characteristics of the martial arts courses, the inevitable existence of risk factors in the martial arts teaching process is determined. Using expert interview methods, questionnaire survey methods, literature data methods, field trips and other research methods, explore the potential risks of teachers in higher vocational colleges in the teaching of martial arts courses, and evaluate the risks and potential risks in teachers’ teaching activities. Put forward measures for the prevention of physical education risks. In the teaching of martial arts in higher physical education colleges, the occurrence of teaching safety accidents is mainly caused by four factors: teacher factors, student factors, environmental factors and school management factors. The occurrence of teaching accidents has never been determined by a single factor, so teachers, students and the relevant departments of the school should be strengthened. Finally, the paper puts forward that the measures for the prevention of martial arts teaching risk in higher physical education colleges include: scientifically and rationally arranging preparation activities, establishing student health records, strengthening the teaching management of martial arts courses, strengthening the safety knowledge education of teachers and students, and establishing a linkage mechanism for school teaching risk prevention. And establish measures such as diversified insurance mechanisms.