김치 담금시부터 숙성 13일경까지 홍화씨 분말을 첨가한 시험구들은 대조구보다 대체적으로 낮은 pH를 나타내었으며, 그 이후에는 시험구간에 큰 차이를 나타내지는 않았다. 숙성 2일까지는 적정산도가 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았으나 그 이후 13일경까지는 대조구가 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었으며, 홍화씨 분말의 첨가량이 많을수록 높은 값을 나타내었다. 숙성 20일 이후에는 시험구간에 큰 차이를 나타내지는 않았다. 김치가 숙성되는 동안 환원당 함량은 지속적으로
Drink and tea-bag were processed with safflower seed powder. Drinks were processed with 90C hot water extraction. Yield, soluble solid, pH and centrifugation residue of drinks were ranged in 79.2~89.3%, 0.6~0.99%, 5.98~6.40 and 1.00~1.18, respectively. Sensory score of overall acceptance in drinks were highest at that of enzyme treated drink. Tea-bag was processed with roasted safflower seed powder, alone(1.2g) and the mixtured tea-bags were consisted of persimmon leaves, pine needle and angelica gigas powder in same amount, respectively. Teas were prepared with extraction at 80C water for 2 min. Soluble solid and sensory evaluation score of teas were the highest when the tea was processed with safflower seed alone.
The quality characteristics of bread processed with the addition of roasted safflower seed powder were evaluated Safflower seed powder was roasted at 180 for 20 min and pulverized below 45mesh size. Bread was processed by addition of control, 1, 2, 3 and 4% safflower seed powder at basic formulation. Dough raising power was increased as the addition of safflower seed powder increase, but Hunter's L value was decreased, From the sensory evaluation of safflower seed bread, color score was decreased significantly as the addition of roaste safflower seed powder increase, but overall acceptance had no significantly difference between control and added 4% of safflower seed.