This study was conducted in the San Pedro Department to determine the impact of different soil management practices on sesame productivity. Different tillage methods (conventional deep tillage, minimum tillage, and no-tillage), crop rotations (monoculture, double, and triple rotation), various combinations of green manure, and appropriate doses of chemical fertilizers were studied. The results revealed that the no-tillage method combined with crop rotation (corn-cotton-sesame) and fertilization had the highest productivity of 1,548 kg/ha. In contrast, the conventional deep tillage method without fertilization showed the lowest productivity with 614 kg/ha. Incorporation of summer green manures (Mucuna pruriens) in minimum tillage methods with fertilization significantly improved productivity (1,010 kg/ha) in comparison with the same tillage method and fertilization but without Mucuna (720 kg/ha), which highlights the synergistic effects of combining green manures with chemical fertilizers. The treatment of winter green manures consisting of black oat + white lupine and black oat + radish has also significantly improved the productivity of sesame with 904 and 900 kg/ha, respectively, compared to the non-use of winter green manure and the use of chia, which had productivities of 695 and 298 kg/ha, respectively. The best chemical fertilization doses of nitrogen (urea 45% N), phosphorus (46% P2O5), and potassium (60% K2O) were determined through tests with increasing doses of each nutrient, maintaining 40 kg/ha as the base for the other two. The highest productivity was obtained with N, P, and K levels of 70 kg/ha each, resulting in productivities of 1,421, 1,522, and 1,486 kg/ha. However, the maximum profit compared to the input is obtained with doses of 50 kg/ha for N and 60 kg/ha for P and K, giving a productivity of 1,390, 1,510, and 1,421 kg/ha, respectively.
참깨의 주산지인 남부해안 및 서남해안일대의 참깨 수량성이 낮은 원인의 하나로서 매년 상습적으로 닥쳐오는 강풍에 의한 도복피해을 상정하였으며, 이에 대한 이론적 근거를 밝히는 동시에 이들 참깨의 도복피해의 양상을 생태적으로 참깨 생산성에 관련된 강풍의 영향은 각 주산지의 강풍발생의 기록과 당시의 참깨 생산기록을 회귀관계로 적용시켜 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 참깨 생육기간의 최대풍속과 참깨 수량성의 회귀관계는 목포, 함평지역이 y=95.554-3.578x, 해남. 고흥지역이 y=71.11-22.51x, 여수, 승주지역이 y=63.737-1.026x이었고 광주지역에서는 유의적 관계가 인정되지 않았다. 2. 강봉에 의한 도복피해 추정량은 목포지역 80.5%를 제외하고 대체로 31∼45% 범위였다.