The role of the women divers (Haenyo and their unique meeting place (Buleok)of peace to solve disputes is another feature of Jeju Peace Island that recommends it as a locus for peace action. Sammu speaks of neighbourly-ness, although the concept itself refers to three elements lacking on Jeju: The Thief, the Gate and the Beggar. Going deep into the peasant past, Jeju islanders held virtues ``diligence, thrift and interdependence”. This meant that no one was moved to become a thief, there was no need for a secure Gate and, so, the Beggar was not found either. Jeju Islander society and culture was without avarice and promoted values of independence, self-reliance and honor. Entry to a traditional Jeju compound was barred by a Jeongnang or log that showed that the homeowner was away and, so, no one crossed the threshold out of respect. All of this may sound rather negative and stern were it not for Samryeo, the “Three Treasures” in the developing heritage of Jeju peace culture, taken to be Nature (folklore, native industries), Crops of special use, such as marine products and, today, tourism; finished off with Generosity of the beauty of nature, including controls on the level of industry so as to preserve the natural blessings. Whilst in keeping with the three-part philosophy of ancient Jeju, Samryeo is a development from 1960 and more recent times, as Jeju and South Korea recovered from the Jeju Tragedy. Indeed, it is only in 2003(English edition in 2013) that the final definitive report on these disturbing events has been compiled and published. Like the Mangaian war ax, the Jeju Tragedy is a constant reminder of the need for peace and the avoidance of violence and war for harmony of civilization.”.
적외선 유도 무기 체계의 발달로 항공기의 생존성은 지속적으로 위협받고 있으며, 항공기의 생존성을 향상시키기 위한 적외선 스텔스 기술 관련 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 적외선 유도 미사일이 항공기와 배경 간의 대비 신호를 탐지하는 것에 주목하여 비행 조건에 따른 항공기의 최적 적외선 신호를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 항공기의 비행 조건을 고려하여 유동 해석과 대류, 전도, 복사 3차원 열전달 해석을 수행하였고, 동체 표면 온도를 도출하여 항공기 주변 유동 특성을 기반으로 항공기의 적외선 신호를 분석하였다. 더 나아가, 비행 조건 별로 최적 적외선 신호를 갖기 위한 최적 방사율을 도출하였고, 비행 조건 별로 최적 방사율을 동체 표면에 적용했을 때 적외선 신호 저감 효과를 분석하였다.
본 논문에서는 인체의 열상대역 저피탐을 위한 선행연구로써 인체에서 방사되는 적외선 신호의 특성을 소개한다. 인체에서 방사되는 적외선 신호는 인체 표면의 방사율과 표면온도에 의하여 결정된다. 따라서 적외선 신호해석을 위하여 표면온도를 정확히 도출할 필요가 있고, 이를 위하여 인체의 열적 편안함을 도출하는데 주로 사용 되어온 체온 조절 작용 및 다층 구조 피부 모델을 적용하여 인체의 표면온도 도출에 사용하였다. 기법의 검증을 위하여 비정상 해석 결과와 실험결과의 비교 검증을 수행하였으며, 이로부터 체온 조절 작용이 인체의 표면온도 결정에 미치는 영향을 파악하였다. 비정상 해석을 통해 도출된 표면온도와 피부 및 의복의 방사율을 이용하여 적외선 신호를 도출하였으며, 가상의 배경조건에 따라 나타나는 인체의 적외선 신호 특성을 파악하였다. 의복을 착용함으로써 인체는 저방사 배경과의 적외선 신호차이가 작아지는 반면 고방사 조건에서는 역대비로 인해 오히려 피탐지성이 증가하게 된다.
This paper presents the novel observation model, called Modified Spherical Signature Descriptor(MSSD), capable of representing 2D image generated from 3D point cloud data. The Modified Spherical Signature Descriptor has a uniform mesh grid to accumulate the occupancy evidence caused by neighbor point cloud data. According to a kind of area such as wall, road, tree, car, and so on, the evidence pattern of 2D image looks so different each other. For the parameter learning of Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) layers, these 2D images were applied as the input layer. The Convolutional Neural Network, one of the deep learning methods and familiar with the image analysis, was utilized for the urban structure classification. The case study on CNN practice was introduced in detail in this paper. The simulation results shows that the classification accuracy of CNN with 2D images of the proposed MSSD was improved more than the traditional methods' one.
The “Signature” project is the result of several years of study and research in the field of interdisciplinary artistic fields and phenomenology of contemporary fashion, identity, body as a means in fashion and performative arts, and the post-human condition of the body in performance. In contemporary fashion, the clothing item is morphed into a completely new identity. The real body is transformed by clothes, as well as by other forms (prosthetics, plastic surgery), called human extensions. The evolution of the body and clothes enshrining it represents a spectre of methods, theories and styles in line with every author presented in the “Signature” project. For them, the body should be in harmony with its inner and outer surrounding, since it has a need to intervene and change its nature. We live in a hyper-consumerist society in which everything is reduced to recycled, revitalised images of past historical styles. It all becomes personal styles and yet it still represents in our “spectacle” society. At the Signature exhibition of the Arts Association and Lidija Fistrek as a author, held at the Technical Museum in Zagreb in 2013 and 2016 at the Design Week in Zagreb, four Croatian fashion designers’, performance artist’s, sculptures, music producers works were presented. To these designers, clothing represents a medium, which enters visually into our consciousness and becomes significant as we communicate in nonverbal manners. The approach to clothing and bodies as mediums vividly shows how each author leaves his/her recognisable signature. The body itself, and its personal lifestyle-reflecting appearance, is already visually pre-construed. It needs to dress, to change styles, to intervene and redesign its own „nature” according to changes in the inner and outer environment. Fashion designers use the body surface in various ways as a territory for inscription, which erases in a rather appealing way the boundaries of belonging and offers an opportunity to leave a personal signature mark on their original work.
Due to rapid development of infrared guided weapon, survivability of armored vehicle is severely threatened. Hence, reduction of susceptibility by lowering infrared signature level is essential to enhance survivability of the vehicle. For this purpose, numerical analysis is conducted to analyze time and spatial characteristics of infrared signature of the vehicle when surface emissivity changes in this study. The analysis shows that the emissivity which produces minimum contrast radiant intensity is significantly altered by time and detecting position. Based on the result, it is concluded that the controlled structures which have different emissivity should be adopted at different region of the vehicle to effectively decrease infrared signature level.
We present the latest results from the Mission Program NIRLT (PI: I.Yamamura), the near-infrared spectroscopy of brown dwarfs using the AKARI/IRC grism mode with the spectral resolution of ~ 120. The near-infrared spectra in the wavelength range between 2.5 and 5.0 μm are especially important to study the brown dwarf atmospheres because of the presence of major molecular bands, including CH4 at 3.3 μm, CO2 at 4.2 μm, CO at 4.6 μm, and H2O around 2.7 μm. We observed 27 sources, and obtained 16 good spectra. Our model fitting reveals deviations between theoretical model and observed spectra in this wavelength range, which may be attributed to the physical condition of the upper atmosphere. The deviations indicate additional heating, which we hypothesize to be due to chromospheric activity. We test this effect by modifying the brown dwarf atmosphere model to artificially increase the temperature of the upper atmosphere, and compare the revised model with observed spectra of early- to mid-L type objects with Hα emission. We find that the chemical structure of the atmosphere changes dramatically, and the heating model spectra of early-type brown dwarfs can be considerably improved to match the observed spectra. Our result suggests that chromospheric activity is essential to understand early-type brown dwarf atmospheres.
최근 급속히 증가하는 전자거래로 인하여 전자거래의 안전과 신뢰를 확보하고 그 이용을 활성화하기 위해서 새로운 증명제도의 필요성이 제기되었고 이에 상응하여 나타난 것이 전자서명과 전자인증이다. 이에 국제기구․ 미국 등 주요국가를 비롯한 우리나라에서도 전자서명․ 인증제도 관련 법제에 대한 제ᆞ개정의 노력이 있었다. 그러나 UNCITRAL 전자서명모델법과 EU 전자서명입법지침은 강행규정이 아니라 가이드라인에 불과하고, 각국의 법제가 서로 상이하며, 사이버공간의 특성 등으로 인하여 여러 가지 문제점들이 존재한다. 본고에서는 이러한 인식의 바탕위에서 몇 가지의 문제점에 대한 그 개선방안을 제시해 보았다. 첫째, 국제적 규범체계와의 조화를 위해서는 국제기구 등의 규범동향을 파악하고 국제적 논의에 적극 참여하여 그 성과물을 국내법에 조화롭게 반영하여야 할 것이며 이를 위한 실무상 체계적인 접근시도와 법제화 연구가 시급하다. 둘째, 국가간 인증기관의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위해서는 국외승인 협정이나 조약과 같은 형식을 체결할 필요성이 있으며 전자서명법에 어떠한 요건을 갖춘 인증기관이 발급한 전자서명을 안전한 전자서명으로 인정하여 법적효력을 부여할 것인지에 대한 기준이 없으므로 보다 구체적이고 객관적인 절차와 규정을 마련하여야 한다. 셋째, 전자정부법에 규정한 행정전자서명 부분을 전자서명법에 수용을 검토하는 등 전자서명 관련법을 체계적으로 정립할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 전자서명의 이용활성화 및 안전한 전자거래 환경을 구축하기 위해서는 공공부문이나 소비자의 피해 위험이 높은 성격의 부문 등 필요한 경우에 한하여 전자서명 사용을 권고 또는 의무화하는 법적기반을 마련할 필요가 있다고 보았다.본 연구는 전자서명ᆞ인증제도의 역할이 더욱더 확대될 것으로 여겨지는 시점에서 전자서명ᆞ인증제도를 둘러싼 법제의 동향과 전자서명ᆞ인증제도의 문제점과 개선방안 등을 제시함으로서 전자서명에 관한 기술과 그 위에 전자서명ᆞ인증제도 관련법이 안착될 수 있도록 뒷받침 하는데 그 의의가 있다.
We propose an analytical model to estimate the influence of a merger on the thermal SZ effect. Following observations we distinguish between subsonic and transonic mergers. Using analytical velocity fields and the Bernoulli equation we calculate the excess pressure around a moving subcluster for an incompressible subsonic gas. Positive excess around the stagnation point and negative excess on the side of the subcluster lead to characteristic signatures in the SZ map, of the order of 10% compared to the unperturbed signal. For a transonic merger we calculate the change in the thermal spectral SZ function, resulting from bow shock accelerated electrons. The merger shock compression factor determines the power law tail of the new non-thermal electron population and is directly related to a shift in the crossover frequency. This shift is typically a few percent towards higher frequencies.
As the Internet spreads rapidly, the industrial structure is changing to a new paradigm. The previous EDI system was asked to be changed and WEB EDI, E-Mail EDI, FTP EDI etc. based on the internet have appeared. Recently, the XML/EDI which is based on XML documents has appeared. EDI system has to assure a safe exchange between senders and receivers. But, the internet has security problems because it uses a open TCP/IP protocol. In this paper, we will propose an XML/EDI system with XML Signature.
As Internet spreads rapidly, the industrial structure is changing to a new paradigm. The previous EDI system was asked to change and WEB EDI, E-Mail EDI, FTP EDI etc. which are based on the internet appeared. These days the XML/EDI which has XML document appeared. The XML/EDI consider advantages and disadvantages of VAN/EDI and EDI which based on the internet. Also, EDI system has to assure a safe exchange between sender and receiver. But, the internet has security problems because it uses a open TCP/IP protocol. Although there are many methods for security, it is being studied with XML concept. On this paper, we will suppose the XML/EDI system model with XML Signature, and build a procedure of electronic signature and delivery of document between sender and receiver.
This paper suggests the method of the spherical signature description of 3D point clouds taken from the laser range scanner on the ground vehicle. Based on the spherical signature description of each point, the extractor of significant environmental features is learned by the Deep Belief Nets for the urban structure classification. Arbitrary point among the 3D point cloud can represents its signature in its sky surface by using several neighborhood points. The unit spherical surface centered on that point can be considered to accumulate the evidence of each angular tessellation. According to a kind of point area such as wall, ground, tree, car, and so on, the results of spherical signature description look so different each other. These data can be applied into the Deep Belief Nets, which is one of the Deep Neural Networks, for learning the environmental feature extractor. With this learned feature extractor, 3D points can be classified due to its urban structures well. Experimental results prove that the proposed method based on the spherical signature description and the Deep Belief Nets is suitable for the mobile robots in terms of the classification accuracy.