The breakthrough behaviour of activated charcoal cloth samples against an oxygen analogue (OA) of sulphur mustard has been studied using the modified Wheeler equation. Activated charcoal cloth samples having different surface area values in the range of 481 to 1290 m2/g were used for this purpose. Breakthrough behaviour was found to depend on the properties of the activated charcoal cloth, properties of the OA and the adsorption conditions. Activated charcoal cloth with a high surface area of 1290 m2/g, relatively large surface density of 160 g/m2 and coarser fiber structure exhibited better kinetic saturation capacity value, 0.19 g/g, against OA vapours when compared to others, thus confirming its potential use in foldable masks for protection against chemical warfare agents.
Sulphur deficiency has become widespread over the past several decades in most of the agricultural area. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a very sensitive to S limitation which is becoming reduction of quality and productivity of forage. Few studies have assessed the sulphur mobilization in the source-sink relationship, very little is known about the regulatory mechanism in interaction between sulphur and nitrogen during the short-term sulphur deficiency. In this study, therefore, amount of sulphur and nitrogen incorporated into amino acids and proteins as affected by different S-supplied level (Control: 1 mM SO4 2 , S-deficiency: 0.1 mM SO4 2 , and S-deprivation: 0 mM SO4 2 ) were examined. The amount of sulphur in sulphate (S-sulphate) was significantly decreased by 25.8% in S-deprivation condition, compare to control, but not nitrogen in nitrate (N-nitrate). The markedly increase of sulphur and nitrogen incorporated amino acids (S-amino acids and N-amino acids) was observed in both S-deficiency and S-deprivation treatments. The amount of nitrogen incorporated proteins (N-protein) was strongly decreased as sulphur availability while the amount of sulphur incorporated into proteins (S-protein) was not affected. A highly significant (p<0.001) relationship between S-sulphate and S-amino acid was observed whereas the increase of N-amino acids is closely associated with decrease of N-proteins. These data indicate that increase of sulphur and nitrogen incorporated into amino acids was from different nitrogen and sulphur metabolites, respectively.
본 연구는 8주령 Sprague-Dawley계통의 암컷 랫드에서 제독유황을 반복경구투여 독성평가를 하기위해 시행하였다. 랫드에 처치한 물질은 사료섭취량의 0.2%, 1%, 5% 제독유황과 사료섭취량의 1% 유황으로 13주 경구투여를 하였다. 제독유황의 안전성을 확인하기 위해 다음과 같은 관찰 및 검사를 하였다. 검사항목으로는 체중과 사료 섭취를 측정하였고 임상증상, 안과학적 검사, 혈액학적 검사, 혈청 생화학적 검사를 관찰하였다. 또한 랫드에 간과 신장에서 의 병리조직학적 변화를 관찰하였다. 그 결과 체중, 사료섭 취량, 혈액학적 및 병리조직검사 소견에서 대조군과 제독 유황 그룹 간의 유의적인 차이가 보이지 않았다. 혈청생화 학적 검사소견에서는 0.2% 및 1% 투여군에서는 대조군과 비교시 용량의존적으로 유의적인 차이를 보이는 항목은 보이지 않았으나, 고용량군에서는 glucose 감소에 의한 저칼 륨혈증, 인슐린 과잉분비의 독성을 의심할 수 있었으며, 또 한 ALT와 ALP의 증가는 간 독성이나 간암, 황달의 유발이 의심되었다. 한편, 병리조직학적인 검사에서는 시험 전체군에서 대조군과 비교시 유의할만한 병리조직이상이 관 찰되지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 사료섭취량 1%의 제독유황까지 투여는 랫드에서 독성을 나타내지 않는 것으로 사료된다.
Field experiments were conducted to determine the physiological and biochemical basis of the interactive effect of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) application on seed and xanthotoxin yield of Ammi majus L. Six treatments were tested (T1 = control-without manure and fertilizers, T2 = manure @ 9 kg plot-1-10~;t~;ha-1,~;T3=A0N50K25P25,~;T4=S40N50K25P25,~;T5=S40N100K25P25~;T6=S20+20N50+50K25P25) ). Nitrate reductase (NR) activity and ATP-sulphurylase activity in the leaves were measured at various phonological stages, as the two enzymes catalyze rate-limiting steps of the assimilatory pathways of nitrate and sulphate, respectively. The activities of these two enzymes were strongly correlated with seed and xanthotoxin yield. The highest nitrate reductase activity, ATP-sulphurylase activity and xanthotoxin yield were achieved with the treatment T4 . Any variation from this treatment decreased the activity of these enzymes, resulting in a reduction of the seed and xanthotoxin yield in Ammi majus L. The higher seed and xanthotoxin yield achieved in Ammi majus L. at treatment T4 could be due to optimization of leaf soluble protein and photosynthetic rate, as these parameters are Influenced by S and N assimilation.
Randomized field experiments were conducted to study the interactive effect of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) on seed, oil and protein yield of two cultivars of groundnut Arachis hypogea: cv Amber (V1) : cv Kaushal, (V2) . Two dosage levels of sulphur (0~;and~;20kg~;ha-1 ) and two dosage levels of N (23.5~;and~;43.5kg~;ha-1 ) in various combinations were tested as micronutrient treatments, T1,~;T2,~;and~;T3 . Results indicated significant enhancement of the yield components namely seed and oil yield as well as seed protein. Maximum response was observed with treatment T3 (having 20kg S and 43.5kg N ha-1) . Increase in seed and oil yields of 90% and 103% in V1 , and 79 and 90% in V2 , respectively were recorded as compared to the control treatment T1 (having 0kg S and 23.5kg N ha-1 ). Effect of S and N interaction was observed on protein, N and S content in seeds. The results obtained by these experiments clearly suggest that judicious balanced application of N and S could improve the yield.
A number of field experiments were conducted to assess the role of combined application of nitrogen and sulfur to increase the seed and oil yield of nonnodulating soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) cv. PK-416 (V1) and cv. PK-1024 (V2) . Six combinations of N and S in three replicates each were used for this purpose i.e. 0~;S+23.5kg~;N~;ha-1(T1);~;0~;S+23.5+20kg~;N ~;ha-1(T2);~;40~;S+23.5kg~;N~;ha-1(T3);~;40~;S+23.5+20kg~;N~;ha-1(T4);~;20+20~;S+23.5kg~;N~;ha-1(T5);~;20+20~;S+23.5+20kg~;N~;hal(T6) . Nitrate reductase (NR) and ATP-sulphurylase activities in the leaves were measured at various growth stages as the two enzymes catalyze the rate limiting steps of the assimilatory pathways of nitrate and sulphate, respectively. The activities of these enzymes were strongly correlated with seed yield. The higher seed, oil and protein yields were achieved with the treatment T6 in both the cultivars due to optimization of NR activity and ATP-sulphurylase activity, as these parameters were influenced by N and S assimilation. Any variation from this combination was observed to decrease the activity of these enzymes resulting in reductions in the seed, oil and protein yield of soybean.
A field experiment was conducted to assess the growth characteristics, seed and oil yield of two cultivars of soybean (G max (L.) Merr.) cv. PK-416 (V1 ) and cv. PK-1024 (V2 ) in relation to sulphur and nitrogen nutrition. Six combinations (T1-T6 ) of two levels of sulphur (0 and 40 kg ha-1 ) and two levels of nitrogen (23.5 and 43.5 kg ha-1 ) were applied to the two soybean cultivars as nutrients. Results indicated significant effect of sulphur and nitrogen, when applied together, on the growth characteristics, yield components, and seed and oil yield. Maximum response was observed with treatment T6 (having 40 kg S and 43.5 kg N ha-1 ). Seed and Oil yields were increased 90 and 102~% in V1 > and 104 and 123~% in V2 , respectively as compared to the control i.e. T1 (having 0 kg S and 23.5 kg N ha-1 ). Positive responses of S and N interaction on leaf area index, leaf area duration, crop growth rate and biomass production were also observed. The results obtained in these experiments clearly suggest that balanced and judicious application of nitrogen and sulphur can improve both seed and oil yield of soybean cultivars by enhancing their growth.