
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충생태 분야에서 생명표와 관련된 연구는 곤충연구자들에게 많은 관심을 받는 주제중 하나이다. 보통 두 가지 방법으로 생명표 통계량중 내적자연증가율을 추정하고 있는데, 첫 번째 하나는 순증가율(R 0 )에 자연로그를 취하고 평균세대기간(T )으로 나누어 근사치를 계산하는 방법이다(세대기간-기반 추정법). 다른 하나는 로트카-볼테라 개체군 생장 방정식에서 유도하여 최대우도법으로 정확한 내적자연증가율을 추정하는 방법이다(로트카-오일러식-기반 추정법). 후자의 경우 대상 집단의 초기 연령등급을 “0” 또는 “1”로 설정함에 따라 추정값에 차이가 발생하여 적용에 혼란이 제기되었다. 본 고찰에서는 생명표 통계량 계산과정의 역사를 간단히 정리하고, 로트카-오일러식-기반 추정법에서 최초 연령등급을 1로설정한 경우             의 형식, 반면 최초 연령등급을 0으로 설정한 경우     검색어: 생명표, 로트카-오일러식, 연령등급, 개체군 인구통계학, 안정 연령분포            의 형식을 적용해야 함을 재확인하였다.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        GichukJinchanEuigwe is a celebration of King Soonjo’s 40th birthday and 30th accession to the throne. The Royal banquet was carried out on February 9th MunggunggunJinchan and JagyeongjeonJeongilJinchan 3 days later. JagyeongjeonJeongilJinbyulhangua is located beside JagyeongjeonJinchanan. The banquet table setting, table, dish level, and table type are different according to royal hierarchy class. Jinbulhangua is served to only the king, queen, crown prince, crown princess, and Myongon princess. The number of JagyeongjeonJinchanan served was as follows: king 30 plates, crown prince 20 plates, and Myongon princess 15 plates. Tableware used were brassware and pottery.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to generate fundamental data required by food coordinators and food space creators for planning and directing table settings. The results of this study were then used to suggest an ideal model of table settings for Korean-style food equipped with simple, sophisticated, and practical characteristics. Specifically, this study evaluated the importance of hygiene (safety, cleanness, arrangement), decoration (dignity, form, stylishness, presentation of food on plates), naturalness (seasonal beauty, comfortableness, natural beauty), and modernity (modern style, chic style, urban style). These factors were evaluated according to the preference of the table setting and the characteristics of the meeting, which fit various meal cultures, times, places, and objectives. The results of this study indicate that people prefer hygiene and decoration for family meetings (bansang setting), hygiene and modernity for friendly meetings (simple buffet setting), hygiene and decoration for company meetings (simple buffet setting), and hygiene and decoration for academic meetings (tea party). Hygiene and decoration were highly evaluated in most cases, which indicates that individuals at meetings for special purposes give weight to the meeting's atmosphere, but also consider the hygiene and cleanliness of the food.
        1989.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we investigate the table settings of Korean ceremonial foods for Honrye (a marriage ceremony) and Jerye (sacrificial rituals). According to the procedure of Honrye, the tables for Honrye are to be the divided into four classes; Bongchisang for Nappe ceremony, Choroyechungsang for Chorye ceremony, Keunsang for the bride and bridegroom and Pyebecksang for Kyungugorye ceremony. Jerye is to be divided into several classes; Shunjoje, Shijoje, Leeje, Kheeilje, Myoje, Sokjeulje, Sasije, and so on. Foods for Jerye are a little different from those for Honrye, but the form of table settings for Jerye is similar to that of Keunsang in Horye. Each table setting for Honrye and Jerye has its own form, that represents the meaning of that ceremony. Furthermore, foods prepared for Honrye and Jerye have the Korean dual principle of the negative and positive.