본 연구는 마을주민의 지역사회 애착도가 복지거버넌스에 미치는 영향 관계에 서 공동체 의식의 매개 효과 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구대상은 서울과 경기. 경남, 경북지역에 소재하고 있는 지역사회 주민 537명이다. 분석방법은 기 술통계 및 상관분석, 구조모형을 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 마을주민의 지역사회 애착도에서 친분성, 의존성, 정체성의 순으로 모두 복지거버넌스에 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지역사 회 애착도에서 의존성, 친분성, 정체성의 순으로 공동체 의식에 정적인 영향 을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 공동체 의식에서 소속감 및 연대감, 충족 감, 친밀감 순으로 복지거버넌스에 영향을 미치고 있으며, 특히나 소속감 및 연대감의 공동체의식이 월등히 높게 복지거버넌스에 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다. 넷째, 지역사회 애착도가 공동체 의식의 매개효과로 인하여 복 지거버넌 스에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 마을주민들의 긍정적 복지거버넌스를 구축하기 위한 정책적·실천적·이론적 제언을 제시하였다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the needs for environmental improvement and dementia patients' activity of daily living (ADL) and behavior and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in dementia patients living in urban type dementia care villages. The subjects of this study were 70 households with cognitive impairment and dementia among residents of dementia care village in Gunsan City. The survey was conducted with the permission of their family. Frequency analysis and descriptive statistical analysis were performed on the main variables to analyze the characteristics of the subjects. Bivariate correlation analysis was performed to verify the relationship between the two variables. According to the analysis results, the order of environment improvement was in the order of entrance (51.4%), toilet and stairs (48.6%), kitchen (11.4%), bedroom and laundry room (10.0%). In the relationship between the variables, The ADL was correlated with age (r=.315, p <.01), BPSD (r=.322, p<.01) and living environment inconvenience (r=.640, p<.01) while, living environment inconvenience correlated with environment improvement need (r=.669, p<.01). This study suggests that improvement of the residential environment of dwellers in dementia care villages, especially the stairway and entrance hall is necessary.
In 2010, Gwanmaedo was selected by the National Park Service as the brand village to develop tourism. The purpose of this research was to identify the factors influencing the island’s residents’ understanding of, and attitudes toward, emerging socioeconomic and environmental changes in relation to creating the brand village and to define the most influential and significant factor. This study used the SPSS 21.0 program to perform frequency, reliability, factor, and principal component regression analysis. An adequate 18 of the total 23 variables were used to conduct the factor analysis. As a result, a total of five factors were extracted, and these factors can determine 73.35 % of the total variances. To predict the most influential factor affected the residents’ attitudes toward tourism development, a multiple regression analysis was carried out; the analysis of four elements that relate to the social factor, such as increased crime rate, gambling, moral disorder, and loss of local traditions, indicate that the development of tourism and designation of Gwanmaedo as the brand village have not had negative effects in the area. Compared with previous studies, the results of this research show that the residents’ attitudes have positively changed toward the brand village. The findings also emphasize that enabling, supporting, and motivating the locals’ involvement in the planning and implementation processes of a project can be important for its successful development.
This study aims to identify participating resident awareness of the improvements to forest carbon cycle villages created by the Korea Forest Service by introducing a system for district heating basedon forest biomass in mountainous areas. Hwacheon Forest Carbon Circulation village was established in Paroho-neureup village in Yuchon-ri, Hwacheon-gun between 2011 and 2013. However, its operation has not been smooth due to the increasing number of households rapidly leaving the district heating system. This study surveyed 76 households that participated in the district heating system using forest biomass in the early stages of the project. This includes households participating in the district heating system(participating households) and households not currently participating in the district heating system(withdrawal households) from September 2019. Surveys focused on the process of participating in forest carbon cycle village projects, and satisfaction in local heating and policy requirements. Of the 67 households, excepting those not allowed to participate in the survey due to death or having moved elsewhere, 36 households participated and 31 households the were in the process of leaving the village were also included. As a result, there was a significant difference between participating and exiting households in the motivation and satisfaction level of district heating. The results of this study are expects to reflect the importance of awareness of residents in the operation of the forest carbon cycle village. This will be utilized as an important dataset for improvement as a means to promote the re-entry if outgoing households. It will also help set the direction of the forest town revitalization project, utilizing forest biomass in the future.
This study aimed to categorize mountain villages according to business expense investments and investigate residents' supplementation demands and differences between expected effects by the categories. For the study, 35 villages where are completely developed on and after 2007 were selected to consider fairness among local governments. Each village leader(the head of the village or the chairperson of the management committee) was conducted a survey from 2012 May to August and one copy of survey was eliminated from the study. The study is summarized into four results. First, the types of mountain villages were categorized as a type of mountain village practice(18), a type of life environment improvement(8) and a type of forestry income(8) according by the itemized reports of the business expense investments. Second, the result of F-test(One Way ANOVA) for the average analysis by types showed that 3 out of 6 demands for the operation were significant differences and a supplementation necessity of the program was identified significant differences in p<0.01 level. The necessity of forestry resources use and sprawling development prevention are also showed significant differences among types in p<0.05 level. Third, F-test results from 7 questions of desired effects through mountain village creation project revealed that promotion and market security of forestry products and local patriotism instillation through a personal exchange are significant differences between types in p<0.05 level. Forth, the results of duplication benefits(the mountain village development projects and the village support programs with other departments) on the residents' development expectation found that when a village received a large number of projects, residents' expected effects were higher than other village residents where received relatively a small number of projects. However, the expected effects from the increasing quantities of projects were decreased.
After the 2000's, the rural village development projects are designated as participatory rural village development programs and projects. The purpose of this study is to draw a scheme to facilitate resident's participation in rural village development project by exploring the factors influencing resident's participation. For this, in Namsa rural theme village in Dansung-myon, Sanchung-gun, Kyongnam Province, the data were collected through field surveys and interviews residents residing in this village. In addition, observations studies and an opinion survey of the persons concerned in the presentation meetings were also conducted. I investigated and analysed the activation factors and the characteristics of residents' participation, and amenity resources which were essential for community planning including the planning-establishment, theme-searching and development of experience program. Through this study, I drew findings as follows; 1) The leader's leadership and residents' positive participation are very important activation factors in the first stage of rural viability. 2) And then, the external support and concern, the establishment of short-and long-term community planning, and the rural-income increase through the development of amenity resources play important roles as activation factors in the successive stage of rural viability. Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations were made. In order to improve the level of resident's participation in rural village development programs and projects, it is necessary to evaluate their successes, failure, barriers and the positive correlation between their success more delicately. In addition to this, it must be suggested the better model for participatory rural village development programs for the further enhancement and improvement of rural village development projects.
The purpose of this research is to survey resident's perceptions on the development of ecotourism village and to provide basic data far ecotourism vitalization. This research has been carried out four villages at Seogwipo city in Jeju province. A survey was implemented to investigate the resident's perceptions toward ecotourism development. To speak the results of resident's cognition, First, the existing condition on the development of ecotourism village are ranked in the order of Bomok Dong, Beobhwan Dong, Topyong Dong, Kangjung Dong. Second, the necessity of development for ecotourism village are ranked in the order of Bomok Dong, Topyong Dong, Kangjung Dong and Beobhwan Dong. Third, ecological residential style are most needed Bomok Dong, and equilibrium of ecosystem are most needed Bomok Dong.