Current environmental problems of rural area are connected to loss of rural functions which is food security as well as conservation of environment, balanced development of country and succession of traditional culture. To solve these problems, recent projects are focusing on social changes in rural area and conservation of rurality creating values of rural amenity resources. At this point, full implications of rurality which is the various aspects of rurality should be defined to be applied in direct plans to conserve the rurality. In this study, nine attributes of rurality are found as various meanings with adjectives included in image of rurality. For practical use of these adjectives of rurality attributes, we evaluate the list of rural amenity resources and suggested plans for conservation of rural amenity. These attributes can be used as an effective method for village plan which brings one of the attributes into relief.
Value of rural amenity resources scattered in rural area is difficult to be assessed isolatedly. Rural Amenity Resources Map (RARM) is developed for assessing rural resources based on specific territory. In the developing process, knowledge based system is oriented because rural amenity is differed from personal feeling. Possible decision trees in RARM are developed in reviewing process of previous GIS based decision support systems, and information strategy planning is constructed for achieving goals such as rural tourism, down shifting, and rural investment.
The purpose of this research is to survey resident's perceptions on the development of ecotourism village and to provide basic data far ecotourism vitalization. This research has been carried out four villages at Seogwipo city in Jeju province. A survey was implemented to investigate the resident's perceptions toward ecotourism development. To speak the results of resident's cognition, First, the existing condition on the development of ecotourism village are ranked in the order of Bomok Dong, Beobhwan Dong, Topyong Dong, Kangjung Dong. Second, the necessity of development for ecotourism village are ranked in the order of Bomok Dong, Topyong Dong, Kangjung Dong and Beobhwan Dong. Third, ecological residential style are most needed Bomok Dong, and equilibrium of ecosystem are most needed Bomok Dong.
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the economic value of Multi-functionality Roles including landscape and so on, which the stone fences in Jejudo possess, using Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method(DC-CVM). The stone wall is life cultural heritance of Cheju islanders. It has functions like Development of Favorable Landscapes, Maintenance of Cultural Heritage, and Recreation/Relaxation. Expectation from Cheju visitors shows that the existence and inheritance value of the stone wall is higher then we expected. According to the research that we had done from the people that had agreed to contribute the stone wall, the result was that the public commercial value of Cheju tradition stone will increase every yew(2006: 367 billion won, 2011: 437.1 billion won). Therefore, preserving the stone wall that has Multi-functional Roles and values can lead to huge economic value in the future. But farmhouses in the stone wall conservation area are being supported 6 million won every year. This is only 10% of the income that farmhouse ems per year. Thus, stone wall preservation policy and plan that can raise green-tour commercial value of Cheju Island of long-term inside measurement will have to be propelled continuously.
Recently, due to the growing concern of the public in rural amenities and hobby farming works, much more urbanites, especially near-retirees, have been interested in rural life style than before. However, in spite of popular preference to ruralities, little has been known about their demand on retired rural life. Therefore, this study examined urbanites' attitude to preparatory works for out-migration, preferred residential site conditions and life style in the countryside. For this purpose, data were collected from a survey with the sample of 386 urban residents aged 40 to 65 rho hoped moving into the countryside after retirement, through structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistical works were performed using SPSS/PC windows program. The major findings of this study were as follows; (1) Host of urbanites, who answered in this study, planned to prepare ex-urban movement in their fifties and to put into practice in their sixties. (2) Key factors of location decision on movement were proximity/accessibility to centre city, medical service level, and distance to their family or friends. And about a half of respondents wanted second home in the countryside. (3) Most favoured rural life styles were nature-friendly well-being and hobby/healthy firming. Generally, the respondents of this survey had the positive attitude to do works in their later life, especially preferred to farming and volunteering in their communities.
The application of domestic wastewater on rice paddies results in the accumulation of sodium(Na+) to the soil. Excessive concentration of sodium may cause the deterioration of the physical characteristics of the soil, change in the osmosis of the soil, destruction of soil aggregates as well as ion toxicity due to sodium accumulation. Using domestic wastewater as irrigation water should be preceded by measures to prevent or control the soil salinization caused by sodium. Agricultural reuse of domestic wastewater were found not to cause serious problems with food safety due to heavy metals. However, pre-treatment using ultraviolet or ozone is recommended to reduce the number of bacteria and gem and for public health reasons. Using domestic wastewater has shown that reducing the standard application of chemical fertilizers by as much as 50% reduced the harvesting index by only 10%. This study has shown that it is feasible to reuse domestic wastewater on rice paddies. In order to facilitate the application, it is deemed necessary to establish wastewater treatment technologies in the future, to review criteria for recycling domestic wastewater for agricultural purposes such as conditions of soil and cropping system and to resolve conflicts with farmers and public health issues.
The experiment was carried out to determine the distribution of total coliform the translocation of heavy metals and the salt accumulation in soils following the supply of ground water, the domestic wastewater and the ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater during the spinach and the chinese cabbage cultivation. There were not much changes in the Total-N, Total-P and cations in soils following the ultraviolet treatment of the domestic wastewater. However, the density of total coliform was dramatically reduced from 894MPN/100mL to 5MPN/100mL. The diagnosis of composition of soil after the harvest of chinese cabbages and spinach has shown that the concentration of Na+ was 3-4 times higher in plot using domestic wastewater than in plot using ground water. When domestic wastewater and ground water were used in growing spinach md chinese cabbage at 50% each, the application of chemical fertilizers reduced about 25% to 50% compared to the criteria set down by the Rural Development Administration and there was not significant difference in terms of harvest. Using non-ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater directly on spinach and chinese cabbage has resulted in excessive density of total coliform at 25,000MPN/100mL. Even when ultraviolet treatment, the density was still high at 2,000MPN/100mL. The high density of total coliform even following ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater is considered to be caused by photo-reactivation of micro-organism. When reusing domestic wastewater, the application of sterilization such as ultraviolet, ultrasonic and electron-beam for public health and hygiene reasons may provide safe supply of agricultural water.
This study attempts to develop an interim evaluation system for the Integrated Rural Village Cluster Development Project(IRVCDP) which can secure its identity and sustainability, and induce its early settlement, and to derive plans for its steady progress. The evaluation system consists of three levels. The highest-order level is evaluation purposes, which describe IRVCDP's goals. They are expansion of income bases(EIB), improvement of living environments(ILE), strengthening of regional capabilities(SRC) and constructing effective project operation system(CEPOS). The second level is evaluation items, which each characterize the relevant evaluation purposes. The last level is evaluation indices, which observe achievement f3r evaluation purposes. 22 evaluation indices are selected to satisfy the purposes of this study through a brainstorming process and a survey on opinions of experts for those evaluation purposes and evaluation items which are derived from analyzing the IRVCDP's properties. The relative importance of the evaluation indices selected are determined through the AHP analysis. The most intriguing result from the AHP analysis is that strengthening of regional capabilities is found to be the most important one among evaluation purposes. It can be said that this result is parallel to a ultimate goal of the IRVCDP.
The study aims to explore the situation of allotment garden and its implication from case study on the Kleingarten in German the Dacha in Russia and the Civic Garden in Japan. It has shown that the allotment gardens have gradually been an important for urban people to have recreation and health from agricultural activities. The results suggest that whereas most of kind of allotment gardens in three countries was perspectively enhanced according to their historic and social contexts, the basic rationales initiated were to provide recreation areas for supporting people health and preserving green areas in urban areas. To expand these kind of allotment gardens, we conclude that the establishment and amendment of the related law are needed to activate and enhance the allotment garden in Korea.
The purpose of this study is to increase the utility in terms of the elderly's welfare. The data introduced in this paper were collected by the constructed interview method, and 192 aged interviewees were selected from 4 rural areas: Namhaegun, Uiryeong-gun Imsil-gun and Sunchang-gun. From the descriptive analysis of the data, the results derived are as follows: 1) The financial supports are needed to remodel rural village community facilities as senior centers. 2) It is expected that the facility be a center for the aged people's living in a village, and that have multiple functions of general care service network health care, meal support and making friendship spaces for them. 3) Share housing function is also added to the facility in emergency conditions.