This research selected The Old Rectory, Sissinghurst and East Lambrook Manor as a case study location that is meaningful to discuss potager garden, herb garden and harvest garden, which is a topic of productive garden. This research focuses on the growth potential of Korea's rural house into a garden that embellishes decoration and appreciation. The application method through the interpretation of the case study location will be, first, organizing the shape of the flower bed and then adding additional materials along with the main materials. Second, it can increase the appreciation of productive garden through layering method and making it abundant. Third, it can be utilized well by pursuing artistic feature by combing unique color and texture of edible plants. Lastly, for the weakness of flat structure by short edible plants, vertical structure shall be utilized to provide decoration and frame. Also, by using natural materials, the ambiance of the garden can be presented.
The federal government has been implemented several housing policies attempting to improve living quality at Eup-Myun area(rural area), but those were mostly fund supports to reconstruct or repair houses. Existing minimum housing standard is focused on urban apartments and indoor space, but the houses of Eup-Myun area are scattered and are different from urban's house space. Therefore, this study focused on these area, and intended to propose suitable minimum housing standard for Eup-Myun area. Based on literature reviews about housing standard of England, U.S., Japan and South Korea, questionnaire survey was given to 50 experts divided into 2 groups, professors of architecture and researchers on rural environment. This study proposed the direction of new minimum housing standard of Eup-Myun area, it could be added to 2 household composition, be divided into 2 groups, agricultural and non-agricultural residents into facility guideline, be added to outdoor facilities, for example warehouse and open yard, and finally be inserted water quality into environment standard. The results of this study provide insightful strategies for rural housing standard.
The purpose of this study is to produce basic planning criteria required in ecological restoration and improvement works of streams in rural area through the application of stream assessment methods (water quality, soil environment, and ecological function assessment) at 6 study sites of Han River basin. The investigation results were as followings; 1) There were the evaluation items like a manure use, salt degree, river peripheral tree, which did not fitted to apply to domestic streams, in the SVAP (Stream Visual Assessment Protocol) and NRCS Riparian Assessment that were evaluation models developed in USDA. The area inhabitants with a little knowledge and education personally seems to utilize the evaluation methods through improvement partly with an aspect that evaluation is slightly easy. 2) From the stream assessment results, the construction of diverse pools, large woody debris and isolated backwater pool are needed to improve a few of problems observed at the mostly study sites. The result of NRCS Riparian Assessment showed that the improvement of stream bank vegetative communities is needed by planting tree with deep-binding root masses, and managing of noxious weeds and exotic undesirable plants. 3) Summing up, the assessment results showed that the assessment scores were higher at upstream than downstream, the stream with totally maintenance than that with partly maintenance, the stream with slope bank than that with vertical bank, and the stream with a flood plain than that without a flood plain. So, the direction of stream maintenance projects must be set by consideration of those results.
To evaluate the value of a preserved tree as rural landscape resource, the growth environment and health condition was investigated, and the image evaluation was implemented on land~ape architectural major undergraduate students for zelkova trees in Yesan-gun. The image evaluation results of zelkova trees were as followings; 1) Typical image of preserved tree examined by Semantic Differential Scale were 'Old', 'Big', and 'Good'. 2) The 'big' image of zelkova tree and the height of tree, the width of tree crown, the breast girth of tree, the root girth of tree, the external formation of tree, and the health of tree bark is mutually related. Especially, the correlation between the 'big' and the external formation and the width of tree crown is high. 3) Typical image of preserved tree examined by Likert Scale were 'Natural', 'Green', 'Peaceful', and 'Rural'. 4) The preservation necessity for preserved tree was highly related with the state of ground, and the management necessity for preserved tree was highly related with contamination level and the state of ground. The appropriate management plan for preserved tree are proposed to improve the quality of rural landscape(basis of these results).