This research is concerned with a comparative cognition of environmental issues in the countryside between socio-cultural groups. Environmental issues have been con연nod to litter, soil, sewage, wild life, noise, landscape, air, housing development, waste land and pesticides. Socio-cultural groups consisted of urban and countryside people who live in Korea and UK. The method of this study depended upon a standard questionnaire with a semantic scale. The cognition of Korean and British people are significantly different in every respect(p =.0001)except air issues. There is a significant similarity between Korean groups in 10 environmental issues(p > .03). Both Korean groups have generally recognized that their countryside environment has faced serious problems to be solved while British groups have not recognized serious problems in their countryside compared to the Korean groups. To both Korean and British groups the most worrying amongst the 10 environmental issues is the litter problem. In particular, there is a significant difference between British groups in soils(p = .0001), wildlife(p = .0009), air(p = .0001) and waste land(p = .0027). The existing policies (or countryside environment in Korea should be completely reconsidered and in Britain policies towards soils, wild life, air and waste land need to be reviewed. From the results it can be seen that cognition to countryside environment undergoes more cultural influences rather than social ones.
The problem of outdated and surplus facility-items in existing Rural Living Environment Renewal Program(RLERP) makes this study focus on restricting the range of facility sorts for the purpose of coㅁins with the changing rural living environment. In the four aspects of plan establishment, project implementation, comprehensiveness and linkage between programs, this study made an analysis of the existing RLERP that has 4-stage hierarchy, namely, Gun(county), Myun(primary administrative district), village and project site level Firstly, Myun and upper level policy programs fulfill the comprehensiveness and planning aspects, but have defects in the implementation and linkage aspects. Secondly, the village level programs satisfies more or less the four condition, but give rise to the problems of equity between the project target village and the non-target, and of generalization of the planning method applying to a specific village. At last, project level programs, controlled by several ministries, have defects in comprehensiveness and linkage aspects, exposing the sectoralism of central government. Above all, the existing RLERP has so many facility items, which have led to inefficient investment till now. Therefore, it's necessary that the environmental facilities should be selected(simultaneously reduced ), referring to following 5 criteria. (1) Exception of facilities relating to agricultural production. (2) Confined to public facilities to be constructed by government support. (3) Common-use facilities located in small town and below level area. (4) Consideration of not only the present need but also the future need of rural residents. (5) Reflection of a regional difference of mountain, plane and suburban area. Just 13 kinds of living environmental facilities are finally selected as the result of the selecting work, which can be an new alternative for RLERP. Concludingly, the selected facility items should be integrated into a designated project site by the prepared plan in order to enhance the efficiency of RLERP, investment and also to satisfy the four analytic aspects mentioned above.
A small wastewater collection system for rural area was reviewed and the small diameter gravity (SDG) was thought to be the most appropriate. The pilot-scale field experiment was performed for 15 months and the result is presented. The wastewater used for experiment was the effluent of septic tank in Kon-Kuk University, and components are similar to normal domestic wastewater. The SDG experimental system included 2" PVC pipe and reverse-sloped lower section is included. No clogging problem by solids was experienced at the points where flow direction changed. The pipe-breaking by freezing was experienced during the cold weather, thus proper protection may be required where severe weather is expected.
The landscape of rural settlement incurred the loss and worsening of its main feature in the modernization which was progressed by the inner and outer cause - the growth of urbanization and improvement of living and dwelling environment. This study investigates the visual characteristic of land-use in rural and analyzes relations between visual quantities by land-use and a pre(essence of landscape. And it is suggested the basic data of a planning and a management in rural by making clear characteristics and influences of landscape preference elements The visual characteristic of landscape elements that is based on the rural land-use is classified harmony, variety, variables and particulate. And it is classified the object of landscape by recognizing images of landscape produce space, natural environment, settlement place and cultivated land of a special products. In the analysis of landscape preference, it appears that the harmony has a great influence on a suburban, a rural, a mountainous district, and a hamlet in psychology elements and the volume of forest area in visual elements. As a result, it requests rural scenes in harmony with the natural environment. So, the landscape planning which has the regional development and the identity as the rural settlement can be represented by the preservation and development of regional feature.
Now, the conservation policy of historic environments in Korea which started in early 1980's, is in a danger. In addition, because of economic crisis started last year, the concerns for historic environments are growing weaker. However, this situation can be a good opportunity to prepare for the coming conservation works, The purpose of this study is to find clues for conservation of historic environments by considering foreign precedents. For concrete results, this study selects historic rural settlements as a case and focuses on the relationship among related people in the light of the their rights. Based on the consideration of foreign precedents, three different characters in the conservation process could be identified compared with korean cases; 1) Except partial works of public sector, generally the conservation process is under the control of nonprofit groups and residents themselves, 2) Conservation methods include with the proper change process for the sustainable settlement, and avoid the unconditional past-oriented approach, 3) Conservation methods are composed of not only the preservation of external forms such as assets but also the continuous participation and management of the community. And the most important clue which has been extracted is that the diverse rights of related people in the historic rural settlements should be kept in balance thoroughly.
This paper is to describe the characteristics of the Small Towns development in Rural China. The policies to develop Small Towns have been induced for solving the problem raised during the rural reform. The changes and adaptations of rural reform processes are integrated in Small Towns. The characteristics in the process of development of Ronggang, a small town, are as follows. First, it was the fund raised by rural inhabitants that was used for construction and development of the small town, Second, by implementing the policies of selective migration, the inhabitants of the small town have been differentiated from those of rural region. Third, the activities of commerce and industry of Ronggang have progressed to joint-stock system. Fourth, Having the spatial characteristics of self- development, the small town has grown and is expected to grow higher hierarchy of settlement system.
The objective of this study was to enforce systematic evaluation on the present condition and ecosystem of coastal wetland to use frame of environmental indicators, For this, the indicators for evaluation of coastal wetland were established and were applied to the present condition. Then, the application possibility of this evaluation indicators and management method by group of coastal method are presented. These results present the following consideration in case that the ideal management method on the conservation and development of coastal wetlands was proposed. In case of Kang-hwa island which had the good natural environment, the mlnimum development with maintenance of the present state must be driven. In case of Tae-an which had the good natural environment and development potential, the development that was in harmony with the nature must to be driven. In case of Seo-chon which was previously developed region, the various development programs which had the minimum effects on the natural, living and socio . economic environment must to be provided.
The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to residential satisfaction, and to examine the rural housing and village environment which enable to derive what should be considered in the future rural housing improvement. Data were collected by questionnaire survey in 11 rural villages - suburban rural area, plain rural area, intermediate rural area, mountainous rural area. The major findings are as follows: 1) The rural residents rather dissatisfied with'management/maintenance','economic value','facade'in housing level, The overall housing satisfaction level was just medium(neither satisfied nordissatisfied). 2) They also dissatisfied with'playground for children','education condition','medical facilities', 'market'in village level. The overa'll village satisfaction level was just above average(slightly satisfied). 3) Vrom the result of ANOVA test, there are no significant differences in residents evaluation for tiousing and village attributes among 4 rural areas. 4) Factor analysis identified six rural housing environmental factors:'inside utilities','housing size' 'aesthetic aspects','safety','privacy','outside utilities'. 5) For the rural village environments six important factors were derived :'public services','commercial convenience facilities','social interaction','environmental pollution','amenity','agricultural service facilities'.
This study is about the process of change of Korean rural house based on usage of residential space. This paper aims to identify the patterns of change and the characteristics of usage of space, to suggest the planning directions for the desirable rural house. The major findings are summarized as follows : 1) The spatial structure of the rural house has been changed largely, major changes of this are as follows : enlargement of An-bang size, heating of traditional floor, introduction of bathroom and utility room, improvement of kitchen. 2) The satisfaction of the rural house has relation to the lot size and house size. 3) The life style which centered An-bang is changing into the that which centered living room. The number of unused rooms are increased while the family member decreased. 4) The residents have medial degrees of satisfaction at inner space of the rural house. 5) The need of Bu-sok-sa(storage space) as space for the farming machines has been increased. 6) The new strategies for planning the desirable rural house is need to be developed, which include the advantages of traditional rural house, planning techniques of the ego-oriented residential space. effective usage of living space. the formation of the rural village image.
A field survey with interview was conducted to get information on the irrigation water usage for greenhouse farming. Three study regions were selected which represent geographical characteristics such as ,neighboring urban area, flat-field area, and mountainous area. Several items were investigated and analysed such as location of greenhouse, type of irrigation water resources, type of irrigation method used, way to decide intake facility size, farmers'satisfaction on intake facilities performance and water quality, and needs for water quality test. It was found that greenhouse farmers did not take an advantage of technical assistances. Proper criteria or guidelines for selection and operation of water intake facilities were not available.
South Korean self support rate for the grain product is less than 25oyo, and depends on the imported product for the national food supply. Therefore, there is imminent need for development of agricultural decision support system using GIS which provides various useful informations for a more accurate agricultural policy making. Agricultural decision making processes are complex due to complicated current international political situations, and the erratic weather condition like that Elnino, flood and drought etc. Hence, global scale GIS and analytical applications has implemented for solving the agricultural problems above mentioned in this study. As the results, the executable decision process with GIS developed well adopted for the rice cultivable area estimation in the world.
In this study, a model was developed to analyze the capacity and the total price of the agricultural products marketing between nations through the estimation of the production and consumption amount of the agricultural products in each nation and the analysis of the price and transport cost to each nation. The method which can contribute to the agricultural policy decision support was devised. The main concept of the method is to compute the potential import-export amount and total cost among the nations. In the application, wheat was selected to evaluate the model. The application results showed that the model could analyzed the unit consumption and storage amount per capital of each nation and the price and transport cost per unit weight from each export nation, provided the policy decision maker with the basic data analyzed by GIS.
The objective of this study is to approach on the spatial boundary of rural development protect by areal classification technique with spatial reference to searching of areal homogeneities in two hierachial administrative units, Ri Eup/Myun. In this study, a criterion for judging areal homogeneities is the degree of agriculture and urbanizing. Variables selected by these two criteria are analysed with the method of fator analysis. The results of areal analysis are as follows: first, generally, the importance of agricultural factors in areal analysis is getting less. Second, areal classification by Myun, Ri in Ansong City is revealed variously because of urban factors. Urban factors make areal heterogeneities become greater, Therefore urban factors are important when analyzing areal characteristics. Third, lately, in areas near by Chung- cheong Do and areas with bad road's condition, areal heterogeneities have been also getting greater. The results of analysis about areal characteristics of Myun and Ri are different from each other. In addition, urban factors are more influential on the areal characteristics than agricultural factors. Therefore, the establishment of rural development project for inindle spatial boundary between Myun unit and Ri unit is needed.