
농촌계획 KCI 등재 Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning 韓國農村計劃學會誌

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.12 No.1 (2006년 3월) 8

2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study aimed at derivation of planning factors and applicable planning factors of residential environment for the elderly in Korean rural village in the more detailed level. Literature review, questionnaire and depth interview with the elderly of case rural villages keeping face with investigation of residential environment was carried out for the derivation of planning factors. Study of related legal factors and interviewing with experts for advice was conducted also for the verification and complement of planning factors. The goal of this study was improvement of residential environment for the elderly or existing rural village not the new one and planning factors was intended to include all the considerable elements. Planing factors was classified two groups which were factors of village outdoor and the inside and outside of a house. The former was also divided into spacial factors and facilities factors and the latter was divided into inside factors and outside factors. The results may contribute to improving residential environment for rural elderly with relation of health and medical service.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this study is to verify the result of the previous studies and to clarify the types and activation factors of maintenance activities of the naturally favorable water space through the participation of residents in rural areas, through a further survey of the area proposed as a program in the existing study review and previous study related to the participation of residents. The survey was conducted through the survey of 1,242 households and 1,335 persons intended for Japanese rural areas. The study result is summarized as follows. The types of the maintenance activities in the areas intended for the survey have been classified into 'rural type' and 'combination type' through the analysis results by the references like the comparison analysis, job percentage and main utilization purpose of facilities for each type of maintenance and operation activities. In case of the 'rural type' area, residents were doing maintenance activities centered on the group activities rather than personal maintenance activities. Also, the activities of maintenance & operation group members were more active than non-members, and the water-friendly utilization to the facilities was not directly affecting the maintenance activities of residents. In case of the 'combinational type' area, there was no common characteristic according to each area, and the participation percentage in the maintenance activities was low compared with the 'rural type' area. According to the analysis result based on the participation degree of personal maintenance activities, the repair of facilities as a naturally favorable water space, implementation of projects reflecting the opinions of residents, educational programs conducted in order to motivate the participation of residents, etc. have been analyzed as the factors affecting the activation of maintenance activities of residents. Through the above results, for continuous maintenance activities to be made with residents as a main body in the future, it is necessary to support maintenance groups on an administrative level and procure experts for the production and operation of programs that can increase the participation percentage of residents.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this study were to identify the different farming styles of red pepper growers, to describe their characteristics and to get some implications far planning the agricultural development strategy in the area. The researcher surveyed quantitative and qualitative data through interview with researcher developed questionnaires from selected 99 farmers in Eumsung county, Chungbuk province, Korea. The researcher found the low types of red pepper farming: 'red-pepper-centric middle farmers', 'diversified larger farmers', 'red-pepper-dependant small farmers', and 'small farmers for own use'. Based on the above findings, the researcher could derive some implications as follows. Firstly, the difference of market strategy and marketing efforts among the four farming styles should be regarded as important considerations when planning the agricultural development strategy in Emsung county. Secondly, the cooperatives' red pepper marketing strategies in Eumsung county were focused on the processed red pepper products sold at middle or low priced by big retailers in urban areas. Therefore, the cooperatives should change their view point of quality, if they want to initiate the planning process of 'the production and marketing high quality red pepper'. Thirdly, the major efforts of Eumsung county Agricultural Technology Center (ATC) made efforts on increasing the productivity of red pepper farming, however, the technologies recommended by the ATC for farmers required more cost and labour especially for 'red-pepper-dependant small farmers' and 'diversified large farmers'. The ATC should make efforts to find new technologies for helping 'red-pepper-dependant small farmers' to reduce the use of pesticides and 'diversified large farmers' to use the regional images effectively for marketing their hish quality red peppers.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The objectives of this study were to develop an evaluation method of regional vulnerability to agricultural drought and to classify the vulnerability patterns. In order to test the method, 24 city or county areas of Gyeonggi-do were chose. First, statistic data and digital maps referred for agricultural drought were defined, and the input data of 31 items were set up from 5 categories: land use factor, water resource factor, climate factor, topographic and soil factor, and agricultural production foundation factor. Second, for simplification of the factors, principal component analysis was carried out, and eventually 4 principal components which explain about 80.8% of total variance were extracted. Each of the principal components was explained into the vulnerability components of scale factor, geographical factor, weather factor and agricultural production foundation factor. Next, DVIP (Drought Vulnerability Index for Paddy), was calculated using factor scores from principal components. Last, by means of statistical cluster analysis on the DVIP, the study area was classified as 5 patterns from A to E. The cluster A corresponds to the area where the agricultural industry is insignificant and the agricultural foundation is little equipped, and the cluster B includes typical agricultural areas where the cultivation areas are large but irrigation facilities are still insufficient. As for the cluster C, the corresponding areas are vulnerable to the climate change, and the D cluster applies to the area with extensive forests and high elevation farmlands. The last cluster I indicates the areas where the farmlands are small but most of them are irrigated as much.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Rearing community youth has been main factors of sustainable agriculture and rural community. The purposes of this study were to analyze the leadership skill and organizational commitment of community youth and to investigate the relationship between leadership skill and organizational commitment. The data were collected from 196 rural youth by stratified random sampling. The study was adopted t-test, ANOVA factor analysis and correlation analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows; First, community youth married, wealthier, and expanded farming area were more likely to have leadership life skills than others. Second, community youth wealthier and expanded farming area were more likely to have organizational commitment than others. Third, group activity, being leader, teaming skill, communication self understanding, decision making, language skill among leadership skills have positively correlated with organizational commitment.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purposes of this study were to identify leadership competences of rural leaders and to analyze leadership competency of leaders. The study carried out by questionnaire and focus group interview on expert panels. To analyze leadership competency, the data was collected from 273 rural leaders by stratified random sampling. SPSSWIN/ver10 program was used for analyzing data with t-test and IPA method. The study suggests twenty low types of leadership competences which were information, vision, decision making, motivation communication, education residents, managing residents, loaming, flexibility, problem solving, presentation program management, customer orientation service knowledge, making relationship, creative idea, business understanding, brand development, conflict resolution negotiation, assessment, business management, coaching and feed back. Whereas leaders with middle school educational career required developing program management, maintaining achievement and benchmarking, leaders with high school were morel likely to develope self-learning, to benchmark their knowhow and brand development competency. Whereas leader with less low years experiences as leader have been considered as developing coaching/feedback brand development and program development, leaders with more five years as leader should consider developing benchmarking, resident education, and brand development. The study suggests that the extension agents on public should develop leadership program according to the competency differences of leaders.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This survey was carried out in order to obtain and apply the basic information on levels of raising skill, recognition of mutual infection between animal and human field of skill training, registration of animal pedigree, mating places, difficulties of raising, channel of marketing, and prospects of raising by socio-ecological status. Data were randomly gathered from 713 peoples, who composed of 398 men and 315 women, from March to August, 2005. As the results, questionnaires were analyzed that relatively 'the level of breeding skill is middle(43.9%)'. The average score for skill level is 1.81±0.79 when 4 points were used as a full mark. The recognition of mutual infection between human and animal is answered that 'many respondents don't know very well(62.6%)'. The questionnaire answered largely that 'the field of raising skill training is trimming and grooming(29.2%)'. The respondents recognized that 'The pedigree registration of pet is not essential(52.7%)'. The pet breeders answered that 'the mating for reproduction was conducted mainly in pet shops(34.3%)'. The breeders indicated mostly that 'the difficulties of raising were technical skills of raising(53.5%)'. The respondents answered that 'the deal of marketing of animal was mainly achieved through neighbors and close relatives(42.8%)'. The many questionnaires were recognized that 'breeders have a good prospect for the pet industry in the future(51.5%)'.
2006.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구에서는 최대우도법과 인공신경망 모형에 의해 카테고리 분류를 수행하고 각각의 분류 성능을 비교 평가하였다. 인공신경망 모형은 오류역전파 알고리즘을 이용한 것으로서 학습을 통한 은닉층의 최적노드수를 결정하여 카테고리 분류를 수행하도록 하였다. 인공신경망 최적 모형은 입력층의 노드수가 7개, 은닉층의 최적노드수가 18개, 그리고 출력층의 노드수가 5개인 것으로 구성하였다. 위성영상은 1996년에 촬영된 Landsat TM-5 영상을 사용하였고, 최대우도법과 인공신경망 모형에 의한 카테고리 분류를 위하여 각각의 카테고리에 대한 분광특성을 대표하는 지역을 절취하였다. 분류 정확도는 인공신경망 모형에 의한 방법이 90%, 최대우도법이 83%로서, 인공신경망 모형의 분류 성능이 뛰어난 것으로 나타났다. 카테고리 분류 항목인 토지 피복 상태에 따른 분류는 두 가지 방법에서 밭과 주거지의 분류오차가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 최대우도법에 의한 밭에서의 태만오차는 62.6%로서 매우 큰 값을 보였다. 이는 밭이나 주거지의 특성이 위성 영상 촬영시기에 따라 나지의 형태로 분류되거나 산림, 또는 논으로도 분류되는 경향이 있기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 차후에 카테고리 분류를 위한 각각의 클래스의 보조적인 정보를 추가한다면, 카테고리 분류 향상이 이루어질 것으로 기대된다.