This study analyzes characteristics related to Kineticism found in different kinds of displays and arts in order to contemplate modern window displays. The standard of analysis is based on kinetic arts pioneer George Rickey’s six display factors. Projection features and movements were categorized into “Direct movements,” “Indirect movements,” and “Relative movements.” Results were obtained through analysis of different examples of each category. First, the most observed form of Kineticism was direct movements on the window display. Along with the development of science and techniques, a variety of divergent motional methods has arisen. After that followed indirect movement, which uses visual media and lights for presentation. The third was relative movements, which provides communication in practical experience; users’ motion is used to provide modification in vision. Fourth, we observed that direct movements and indirect movements can express fluidity depending on materials, inducing a sense of tension within the window display through visual stimuli together with dynamism from mechanical exposure. Fifth, when direct movements pair with relative movements, it triggers customer participation; though it does not deliberately induce participation, the effects are beyond expectation. Sixth, if indirect movements meet relative movements, the motion of lights offers a major stimulation to the customers along with various expressions, thus achieving an interactive domain.
Global interest in smart-wear has risen rapidly in the 21stcentury. “Smart-wear” is one application of intelligent textiles and refers to all clothes made with intelligent textiles (or those that are a convergence). New developments represent a positive opportunity for the fashion industry to integrate new technologies to evolve. Smart-wear also includes wearable computers or digital clothing defined as “garment-integrated devices which augment the functionality of clothing, or which impart information-processing functionality to a garment”. The garment is an ideal interface medium between humans and electronic products due to interaction and technologies in the fashion industry. Smart-wear represents the future of both the textile/clothing industry and electronic industry.
Smart-wear for transformable garments allow the conversion of aesthetics and functionality into multiple looks and functions that satisfy various user needs and wants. Smart-wear offers a potential paradigm shift.
Precedent studies have focused on the role of transformation to understand the relationship and interaction between humans and new digital technologies (Petersen, Iversen, Krogh, & Ludvigsen, 2004).
Hussein Chalayan created aa transformer dress that can twitch and reconfigure. The long Victorian dress hemline contracts into a flapper style dress. Berzowska created dresses that use shape memory alloys to move and change in continuous motions (Ariyatum & Holland, 2003).Perocich used a pneumatic approach to lift garments and change the appearance of clothes (von Radziewsky, Krüger, & Löchtefeld, 2015).Lee & Kim(2014) built a shape-changing dress which apply fabric properties and illuminance sensor to fold pleats.
The idea of changing the overall appearance of clothes seems promising. Contemporary smart-wear has various functions that include sensing, actuating, powering, generating, storing, communicating, data processing and connecting. Technologies to develop digital applications can be easily controlled by smart-wear using an Arduino (Na & Cho, 2009).
An embedded system for using Arduino can be worn like clothing or an accessory that is a favorable for shop window display.
Shop window displays of fashion products have cultural consumption and fashioned identities that have developed into forms of art themselves and produce interesting imagery within fashion culture.
In recent decades store window displays have become a unique form of advertising and are the first point of contact between the shop and the shopper (Crewe, 2015).
The shop window display design might not instantly attract attention until the shopper realizes its interactive aspects. Such an interaction visually reveals a relationship between the store window and shopper's reaction.
In order to connect these shop window displays with an interactive fashion design, this paper aims to illustrate how these concepts fit into the prototype.
This paper develops a prototype of Wearable Shape-Changing (WSC) that deforms the fabric for pleat making on clothing for a store window dummy. Data processing is created by the motion of a shopper for the input functionality to discriminate between different shopper motions using the Microsoft Kinect sensor. A concealed Kinetic system scans every part of shopper’s joint for skeleton extraction when the shopper is outside the shop window. It is able to detect the shopper’s simple motion and simultaneously deliver information to the Arduino in the system. The prospective fashion display system needs to be devised based on a more serious technical method that utilizes information on the physical properties of fabrics to facilitate development in the store window. There has been some discussion on how fabrics could create foldable clothing items; in addition, a range folding techniques has been extended to e-textile due to useful characteristics (Perovich, Mothersill, & Farah, 2014).
The experiments performed in this paper allows observers to examine basic fabric characteristics and physical properties. The behavior changes during fold deformation and the recovery process as well as identifies correlations between stiffness and recovery rate.
As an experimental sample, this paper selects 2 types of fabric that have relatively stiff characteristics of a organza (one is 100% silk and the other is 100% polyester). The pleats type selects a diamond-pattern and the pleats finishing process employs a heat-setting method commonly used in the fashion industry.
The results were as follows: The Silk organza has 66 weight(g/㎡) and 0.17 nominal thickness (㎜) and the Polyester organza has 39.6 weight(g/㎡) and 0.11 nominal thickness (㎜). Both silk and polyester samples have the large stiffness value in the weft direction. Tensile properties resulted in similar values in both the warp and in the weft directions. Polyester has a great thermothermos plasticity, unique resilience, providing good pleats retention and crease recovery while silk has a low wrinkle recovery. However, silk has identical recovery rate in first and second elongation deformations for diamond-pattern pleats. The diamond-pattern also has a significant correlation with the warp and bias directions. Thus, folding composition should consider the directions of the fabric according to folding technique. Based on the experiment’s results among fabric samples’ physical properties of silk were chosen for the prototype.
In the prototype, the shop window displaying dummy wears a long dress, but it is designed to become shorter when the shopper lifts the arm. The mechanism by the operating design pulls the hemline in the front up to the lower thigh when the kinetic sensor detects motion.
As a means of visual communications or expression of the shopper’s mood, illuminance may be attached according to the shopper’s discretion. The advantage of the WSC dress compared to a traditional static dress is that the transforming shape occurs immediately by means of interaction.
Future studies, different approaches were proposed to clothing both hand and finger movements in a mobile environment. This paper focuses on a set of alliances between technology and fashion/textiles, with the WSC designed as an interface to be used for both purposes. This study represents a bridge between fashionable technologies and informative material properties. It represents a small first step from static dynamic fashion to dynamic interactive fashion.
This study purposed to examine how the window display of flower shops affects consumers' buying desire, and for this purpose, we surveyed flower buying customers' interest in window display according to their gender, age, and occupation. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire with flower shop customers in Seoul, Daegu, and Gyeongju. Interest in window display was over 1.5 times higher in women than in men. Among criteria for choosing a flower shop, window display was more important than other factors. With regard to experience of being stopped by unique window display, many of the respondents replied that they had such an experience, and the frequency was higher among women than among men. Among different types of window display, theme-type window display was most effective in stimulating customers' curiosity and buying desire. According to occupation, housewives showed particularly high interest in window display. The results of this study show that the window display of flower shops has a significant effect on consumers' buying desire.
본 연구는 백화점 내 soft sculpture를 활용한 국내외 디스플레이 사례를 조사하여 아트마케팅으로서 백화점이라는 장소에 적용 했을 시 판매촉진에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하고, 국내·외 사례를 비교해 우리나라 백화점 디스플레이 현황의 문제점을 제기하여 발전방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 그 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.
첫째, 우리나라의 백화점 디스플레이는 대체로 단순하고 상품진열 위주에 소품으로써 섬유조형물을 접목 시키는 반면, 국외의 여러 나라들은 화려하고 다양한 오브제를 사용하여 상징적인 이미지 표현 연출을 하고 있었다.
둘째, 국외의 백화점들은 아트적인 요소를 접목한 오브제들로 주제가 있는 스토리라인을 구성하여 매장 전체를 하나의 컨셉으로 하여 각 백화점 이미지를 강하게 어필하고 있지만 국내의 백화점은 스토리보다는 상품진열 위주로 나타났다. 현대백화점 같은 경우는, 한 가지 컨셉을 가지고 윈도우와 전체적인 실내인테리어 디스플레이를 통일시켜 점의 이미지 메이킹을 시도하고 있었다. 하지만 소비자들에게 이미지를 어필하기에는 비쥬얼적인 요소가 약하고 연출방법 또한 한정되어 있는 것으로 나타났다.
셋째, 매장의 단순한 상품 진열의 시대가 가고 VMD의 개념도입으로 디스플레이도 이제 판매촉진의 방법 중 하나로써 다양한 재료사용과 기법이 요구되는데, 우리나라의 백화점은 아직 그 활용도가 미흡한 실정이다. 섬유 재료의 활용에 있어서 다양한 재질감으로 연출이 가능함에도 불구하고, 섬유를 활용하기 보다는 다른 재료들을 더 활용하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.