낫또(natto)는 일본의 전통 콩 발효식품으로 혈전용해, 면역증강, 항고혈압, 항비만, 항균, 항산화, 항당뇨등의 다양한 효과를 가지고 있어 소비가 점차 증가하고 있다. 그러나, 낫또용으로 이용되는 콩 품종의 성숙 종실에는 소화 불량, 알러지 유발 및 가공 적성을 저하시키는 P34, lectin, Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor (KTI), 7S α′subunit 및 lipoxygenase 단백질과 같은 항영양성분도 포함되어져 있다. 따라서, 본 연구는 이러한 성분에 대하여 penta null 유전자형(p34leticgy1lox1lox2lox3)을 가지면서 종자 크기가 중소립이고 노란색 종피와 제색이 노란 또는 옅은 갈색을 가진 낫또용 콩 계통을 육성하기 위하여 진행되었다. 64 및 22C1 모본과의 교배를 통하여 제색이 노란 및 옅은 갈색이면서 종자 크기가 소립인 81개의 F2 종자가 선발되었고 그 중에서, P34 단백질 함량이 매우 낮은 18개의 F2 종자가 선발되었다. 18개의 F2 종자로부터 초형, 성숙기, 종피색, 제색 및 백립중이 양호한 2개의 F2 개체(BL1 및 BL2)가 최종 선발되었다. BL1 선발 개체의 성숙기는 중간이었고 종피색은 노란색이며 제색은 연한 갈색을 보였고 백립중은 12.4g으로 소립이었다. BL2 선발 개체는 성숙기가 조생이었고 종피색과 제색은 모두 노란색은 보였으며 백립중은 12.6g으로 소립이었다. 선발된 두 개체는 모두 대표적인 항영양성분인 P34, lectin, KTI, 7S α′subunit 및 lipoxygenase 단백질에 대하여 모두 열성인 penta null 유전자형(p34leticgy1lox1lox2lox3)을 가진 것으로 확인되었다. 선발 개체는 낫또용 콩 품종으로 육성될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
검정콩 종피를 첨가하여 제조한 두부의 품질특성을 검토하였다. 황색콩과 검정콩 전체를 분쇄하여 가공한 두부의 수득량과 두부순물의 수득량은 거의 동일한 양상을 나타내었으나, 0.5% 및 5%의 검정콩 껍질을 첨가하여 두부를 제조한 경우 첨가된 껍질로 인해 황색 및 검정 두부에 비해 두부의 수득량이 뚜렷이 증가하였다. 특히, 5% 검정콩 껍질의 첨가 시에 황색과 검정 두부에 비해 1/2수준의 두부순물이 감소하였다. 두부의 물성검사에서는 검정콩 종피를 5% 첨가한 두부에서 응집성, 점착성, 씹힘성이 높은 양상을 나타내었으며, 황색콩과 0.5% 검정콩 껍질 첨가 두부 간의 물성을 비교한 결과는 점착성과 씹힘성에서 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이는 기존 두부의 가공비율 대비 0.5% 수준으로 검정콩 종피를 첨가하여도 가공된 두부의 견고성과 씹힘성에는 영향을 미치지 않는다는 결과를 추정할 수 있다. 또한 관능평가에서는 조직감(texture), 견고성(firmness)에서는 황색콩, 검정콩, 0.5% 검정콩 껍질 첨가 및 5% 검정콩 껍질 첨가 두부 간에 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 두부 특유의 고소한 맛은 0.5% 검정콩 껍질을 첨가한 두부에서 가장 좋은 풍미를 나타내었으며, 5%검정콩 껍질 첨가 두부에서 가장 낮았다. 두부 저장기간에 따른 일반 세균수와 진균수를 측정한 결과는 5% 검정콩 껍질 첨가 두부에서 황색콩, 검정콩, 0.5% 검정콩 껍질 첨가 두부에 비해 균의 증가가 억제되는 양상을 보였다.
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is an important source for protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and many other nutrients to humans and animals. Lipoxygenase protein is the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. Soybean cultivar, "Choseon" with yellow medium seed size and free of lipoxygenase 2,3 protein was developed. "Choseon" was selected from the population derived from the cross between cultivar, "Jinpum 2" and germplasm, PI408155. "Choseon" has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, a determinate growth habit, and light yellow pods at maturity. The seed of "Choseon" has yellow hilum and yellow seed coat color. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 34.2 and 16.9%, respectively. "Choseon" has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and bacterial pustule. "Choseon" matured in 5 October with plant height of 51 cm and a 100-seed weight of 15.1 g. Average yield of "Choseon" was 2.66 (Ton/ha) on the regional yield trials of 2013 at 4 locations. "Choseon" has been registered as a soybean cultivar (registration number: 5985, registration date: April 11, 2016) by Korea Seed & Variety Service, Republic of Korea.
Soybean is the main source of protein and oil for human and animal nutrition. However, antinutritional factors in the raw mature soybean are exist. Lipoxygenase protein is the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, ‘Jinyang’ with yellow seed coat and free of lipoxygenase 1,2,3 protein was developed. It was selected from the population derived from the cross between ‘Jinpumkong2ho’ and GS301. ‘Jinyang’ has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, a determinate growth habit, oval leaflet shape, and light brown pods at maturity. The seed has yellow hilum and yellow seed coat color. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 33.5% and 16.6%, respectively. It has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. ‘Jinyang’ matured in 1 October with plant height of 65cm and a 100-seed weight of 21 g. Average yield of ‘Jinyang’ was 300 - 330 kg/10a in 2010 - 2012. ‘Jinyang’ has been registered as a new soybean cultivar (registration number: 4279, registration date: Dec. 28, 2012) by Korea Seed & Variety Service, Republic of Korea.
Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 ㎍/g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 ㎍/g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 ㎍/g, brown 2,935 ㎍/g, black 2,813 ㎍/g).
In this study, we constructed viral vector for soybean by using Soybean yellow common mosaic virus (SYCMV) infecting both Glycine max and Glycine soja. SYCMV-derived viral vector was tested to use as Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) vector for functional analysis of soybean genes and as protein expression vector for foreign protein expression. In vitro transcript with 5’ cap analog m7GpppG from a full-length infectious vector of SYCMV driven by T7 promoter was inoculated to soybean to test infectivity of the clone (pSYCMVT7-full). 5’-capped transcript was able to infect soybean plants. The symptoms observed in soybean plants infected by either the vector or the sap from SYCMV-infected leaves were indistinguishable, suggesting that the vector had an equal biological activity shown by virus itself. To further utilize the vector, an additional DNA-based vector was constructed. The full-length cDNA was inserted into a binary vector flanked by CaMV 35S promoter and the nopaline synthase terminator (pSYCMV35S-full). To test if the vector infects soybean and subsequently induces gene silencing, we prepared two constructs containing fragments of Phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene (pSYCMV35S-PDS1) and small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS) gene (pSYCMV35S-rbcS2) from soybean plant. Plants infiltrated with the constructs through Agrobacterium-mediated method showed distinct symptoms such as photobleaching in plants infiltrated with pSYCMV-PDS1 and pale green or yellowing in plants infiltrated with pSYCMV-rbcS2. In addition, down-regulations of mRNA levels of two genes were confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). To test if the vector can be used for foreign protein expression in soybean plants, we prepared a construct encoding amino acids 135-160 of VP1 FMDV serotype O1 Campos (O1C) (pSYCMV35S-FMDV). Plants infiltrated with the construct through Agrobacterium-mediated method showed that soybean plant infiltrated with pSYCMV35S-FMDV only was detected by Western blotting using O1C antibody. These results support that SYCMV-derived viral vector can be used as VIGS vector or protein expression vector in soybean plants.
Lipoxygenase and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein are the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, "Gaechuck#2" with yellow seed coat, lipoxygenase2,3-free and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein-free was developed. It was selected from the population derived from the cross between "Jinpumkong2ho" and C242. Plants of "Gaechuck#2" have determinate growth habit with purple flowers, tawny pubescence, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum, oval leaflet shape and brown pods at maturity. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 40.7% and 18.7%, respectively. It has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. Gaechuck#2 matured in 4 October with plant height of 54cm and a 100-seed weight of 24.4g. Average Yield of Gaechuck#2 was 230 - 250 kg/10a in 2005 - 2007.
본 연구는 콩국수용 즉석 콩스프를 개발하기 위하여 콩스프 가공을 위한 최적 조건을 검토하였다. 콩스프 가공은 원료 침지, 증숙, 탈피, 건조, 분쇄, 제품포장의 순으로 하였다. 최적 콩 침지조건은 에서 4시간이었고, 이때 단백질의 함량은 노란콩 21.97%, 검정콩 19.88%이었다. 증숙처리시간이 길어짐에 따라 수분함량에는 큰 변화가 없었으며, 10에서 15분간 증숙처리한 것이 관능검사에서 가장 양호하였다. 열풍건조시 노란콩과 검정콩의 단백질