
한국스포츠심리학회지 KCI 등재 Korean Society of Sport Psychology (KJSP)

이 간행물 논문 검색


제29권 제3호 (2018년 8월) 22

2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
목적: 본 연구는 해결중심 단기 상담 모델을 이론적 근거로 하여 고등학교 펜싱 선수들에게 심리기술 훈련을 적용하고 그 효과를 규명했다. 방법: 연구 참여자는 고등학교 남자 펜싱(에페종목)선수 4명(평균나이: 18.25세)이었다. 심리기술 훈련은 두 달에 걸쳐 7회기로 구성되었으며, 사전-사후 검사를 위한 측정도구로는 스포츠심리기술 검사지가 사용되었다. 결과: 7회기 동안의 심리기술 훈련은 펜싱선수들의 인지전략을 향상시키는 데 긍정적인 효과가 있었다. 구체적으로, 통제가능한 요소와 과정단서에 집중하는 연습을 통해 부정적인 생각이나 시합 결과에 대한 예측으로 인한 인지불안 요소들을 효과적으로 다룰 수 있는 능력을 습득하였다. 사전-사후 양적검사 결과, 스포츠심리기술 설문지를 이용한 사전 및 사후검사 비교에서도 목표설정과 불안조절 요인에서는 네 명 선수 모두 개선된 것으로 나타났으며, 나머지 요인들에서도 대부분 긍정적인 변화를 보여주었다. 결론: 해결중심 단기상담 모델을 적용한 본 연구에서 펜싱선수들은 시합불안을 감소시킬 수 있는 인지전략을 터득하여 시합 집중도를 개선 하였다.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
목적: 본 연구의 목적은 저소득층 아동·청소년의 신체 활동에 관한 선행연구를 토대로 신체활동상담 프로그램을 개발하고, 이를 아동·청소년에게 적용하여 그 효과를 검증하는 것이었다. 방법: 인천에 소재한 초등학교 2개교와 중학교 2개교의 재학생 중 저소득층 학생 189명(초등학생 92명, 중학생 97명)이 선정되어 초등학교 46명, 중학교 50명이 실험집단에 배정되어 신체 활동 상담 프로그램이 12주간 진행되었다. 프로그램의 효과 검증은 양적 연구방법과 질적 연구방법을 병행하는 동시적 혼합연구 방법을 사용하였다. 양적 연구에서는 프로그램의 적용 효과를 검증하기 위하여 네 가지 항목, 즉 유연성, 근력, 순발력, BMI를 측정하였다. 신체적 자기개념의 변화를 알아보기 위해 최선인, 정청희, 김병준(2005)의 신체적 자기개념 측정 도구를 사용하였다. 체력검사와 신체적 자기개념 검사 모두 사전 검사, 사후검사, 지연검사를 12주 간격으로 실시하여 이원혼합 설계 분산분석을 활용하여 자료를 처리하였다. 한편, 질적 연구에서는 양적 연구에 참여한 학생 중 무작위로 초등학생 13명, 중학생 12명을 대상으로 비참여적 관찰, 반구조화 개별 면담, 학생 신체 활동일지를 활용하여 문화 기술적 연구를 시행하였다. 연구 자료는 영역분석과 분류 분석의 절차를 통해 자료의 분석이 이루어졌다. 결과: 양적인 연구에서는 4가지의 체력검사와 6가지의 신체적 자기개념 검사별로 이원분산분석을 실시하여 사후검사에서는 프로그램의 효과가 있다는 것을 확인하였으나 지연검사에서는 일부 요인에서 집단별 평균점수의 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 질적 연구에서 학생들은 신체 활동과 영양에 관한 지식, 개인 내적 변화(체력향상, 재미, 건강증진, 학업태도의 변화), 관계향상에서 진전이 있었다고 하였다.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the priorities of psychological drives in participating in therapeutic horse-riding. Methods: To accomplish the task, factors on psychological drivers in rehabilitation horse-riding were extracted using Delphi technique. Also, the questionnaire was composed of extracted items for parents (N = 40) of children with disabilities, and data for analytic hierarchy analysis (AHP) were collected. Results: As a result of analyzing the psychological factors of participating in therapeutic horse-riding, it has shown in the order of achievement (0.302), emotional regulation (0.248), concentration (0.206), goal consciousness (0.117), confidence (0.065) and anxiety (0.062). Conclusion: The results of this study show that the appropriate rehabilitation horse-riding program for children with disabilities aims at participating to achieve psychological stability such as high sense of achievement, emotional control, and concentration. Therefore, this study suggests that it is necessary to develop a program that can increase the psychological factors and enhance the professionalism of rehabilitation in order to meet parents’ needs for children with disabilities.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The present study was designed to improve interpersonal relationships between team members and to clarify team members' roles for the enhancement of team processes and functions in a college ice hockey team through the team building intervention. Methods: Twenty five ice hockey players participated in the team building intervention program. The program consisted of ten sessions which were based on previous research and was conducted once a week at the athlete’s dormitory for ten weeks. The questionnaires (Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire, Role Perception Questionnaire), the experience report, and the in-depth interview were used as measures to verify the effects of the team building intervention. The paired t-test and the inductive analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The level of the interpersonal relationships tended to increase. However, only two factors, satisfaction and sensibility, were statistically significant. In general, the level of the role clarification was statistically non-significant. Only the role conflict factor tended to decrease whereas two factors (role ambiguity, role over load) tended to increase. Intriguingly, the role overload factor was significantly increased. Moreover, the formation of a climate of positive interactions within the team, the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships among teammates, the enhancement of team coordination, and the clarification of the team members' roles were revealed through the experience-report and the in-depth interview. Conclusion: In conclusion, the team building intervention helped team members establish positive interpersonal relationships among teammates, especially seniors and juniors, and clarify team members' roles in the team. Ultimately, it could enhance team processes and functions as well as optimal team performance.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: We examined the mediating role of physical self-worth in the relationship between physical activity and quality of life in Korean adolescents. Methods: Data from 236 middle school students were used for the present study (boys = 139, 58.9%; girls = 97, 41.1%; middle school first grade = 127, 53.8%; middle school third grade = 109, 46.2%). Questionnaire data on demographics, physical activity, physical self-worth, subdimnesions of quality of life, and global quality of life were collected. We utilized the Hayes’ (2013) PROCESS Macro to test mediation models. Results: Results revealed that physical activity was associated with physical self-worth, which in turn, was associated with subdimensions of quality of life (e.g., physical, psychological, and emotion and moods quality of life) and global quality of life. Conclusion: More physical activity led to higher perceptions of physical self-worth, thereby contributing to higher perceptions of quality of life. Implications and directions for future research were discussed.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The current study examined the effects of taekwondo coaching language training on coaches’ self-efficacy of language use, coaching confidence, and perceived coaching behavior. Methods: A total of 72 taekwondo instructors in Korea participated in a single day coaching language training session designed to enhance their proper coaching language use. The 10-hour training program covered positive coaching language that recommended for the coaches to used in 11 taekwondo coaching situations. The training program was developed based on coaching behavior literature and other motivation theories such as goal orientation perspective. They answered to the questions on self-efficacy of coaching language use, coaching confidence, and perceived coaching behavior before and after the training session. Open-ended questions on their perceptions of the training were also administered. Results: Paired t-tests and effect sizes revealed that the training session had relatively high effect on enhancing instructors’ self-efficacy of language use (effect size 0.49 - 1.02). The training resulted in greater coaching confidence (0.69 - 0.82). In addition, they felt that they would able to show more positive coaching behaviors such as encouragement and instruction. Conclusion: The results confirmed that the single day language use training program had positive impacts on instructors proper use of coaching language and corrective behaviors.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of weight training on physical self-concept among middle aged women by using a mixed research methods including a single case study design and qualitative study. Methods: A total of 8 middle-aged women from new members of the K fitness center in Incheon participated in the 17 weeks study. The study was structured 2 weeks baseline session, 12 weeks of weight training with observed changes through physical self-description questionnaire (PSDQ; Kim, 2001) and 3 weeks withdrawal session. Results: 12 weeks weight training intervention significantly improved factors of physical self-concept among the participants. Weight training was effective not only in strength and flexibility, but also in sports confidence, physical activity, and endurance. The following is the result of analyzing perceptual changes of the process of physical self-concept change after the in-depth interview with the participants of the weight training. Conclusion: Weight training effectively improved middle-aged women’s physical self-concept including perceptions of health and body, sport confidence, physical fitness and general physical status.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of long-term exercise on the health-related physical fitness, cognitive function, and ego-resilience of elderly women. Methods: Twenty-four elderly women at a welfare center were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n=12) or the control group (n=12). The experimental group performed a 24-week program of combined exercise (aerobic and anaerobic) comprising two 90-min sessions per week. The control group performed no exercise. The mean of each dependent variable for each group was measured at the start (pre-test), midpoint (intermediate-test, 12 weeks), and end (post-test, 24 weeks) of the experimental program and the results were compared with two-way ANOVA repeated measure. Results: Body fat, flexibility, upper body strength, balance, and cardiorespiratory endurance of the experimental group showed a significant difference between pre- and post-tests. There was no significant difference in any of the factors except the lower muscle strength (p<.05). In the two sub-variables of cognitive function, namely short-term memory and the number of correct responses, the experimental group, but not the control group, showed a significant difference between pre- and post-tests (p<.001). In ego-resilience, the experimental group showed a significant difference between pre- and post-tests, and between intermediate- and post-tests (p<.001), but no significant difference was found in the control group. Conclusion: It was concluded that long-term combined exercise is effective for improving health fitness, cognitive function, and ego-resilience in elderly women.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the stressors and coping strategies of scuba diving instructors using qualitative research approaches. Methods: Data were collected through open-ended questionnaires and interviews with 16 subjects who agreed to participate in the study. The data were validated through triangulation method and analyzed by inductive contents method. Results: Scuba diving instructors experienced stress in trainees, teaching, and teaching environment at the pool lesson and coped with positive behavior control, positive thought control, and avoidant behavior control. Scuba diving instructors experienced stress in inadequate sea conditions, dissatisfaction with resort facilities, lack of diving skills, and safety management of students during the sea lesson. They coped with positive behavioral control and avoidant behavioral control. Scuba diving instructors were stressed on tour management, interpersonal relationships, condition control, and poor finance in general life, and coped with positive behavior control, positive thought control, and avoidant behavior control. Coping strategies to alleviate the stress level of scuba diving instructors include stress awareness, stress coping skills, body relaxation exercises, general stretching exercises, stretching exercises before scuba diving, finding rational and positive cognition, understanding others, and trying to gain self-change. Conclusion: These findings are significant in providing practical information about the difficulties and stresses of scuba diving instructors. Future research needs to study female scuba diving instructors, whose numbers are increasing these days.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the effects of adopting an expansive (vs. contractive) posture on college students’ perceptions of career search self-efficacy and affect Methods: Participants were 31 Koomin university students (20 males and 11 females). Participants were randomly assigned into two groups involving either an expansive or contractive posture and completed measures of Career Search Self-Efficacy Scale(CSES), the Korean Positive and Negative Affect Schedule(K-PANAS) and Korean-Profile of Mood States (K-POMS). Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups for the positive affect factor of the K-PANAS, and the vigor-activity and fatigue-inertia factors of the K-POMS and job exploration efficacy, interviewing efficacy, networking efficacy factor of CSES. Conclusion: This study confirms that adopting an expansive (vs. contractive) posture can affect career search self-efficacy, positive affect, vigor-activity, and fatigue-inertia ratings in Korean college students despite the known cultural differences to Western culture. It is now necessary to study how to adopting an expansive posture impacts upon performance in other contexts such as daily life and sports.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between regular exercise, cognitive function, and depression in Korean elderly people, and to explore whether age group affects the relationships between these variables. Methods: This study utilized data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) from waves 1 to 6. The sample in the current study was 4244 participants, aged 65 and older who were in wave 6 (in 2016). Welch’s test were conducted to identify the relationships between regular exercise, cognitive function, and depression. Results: First, participants undertaking exercise had better cognitive function than non-exercising participants. Second, old-old elderly people who had started exercising in the last 2 years after at least 8 years of having an inactive lifestyle had better cognitive function than those who have not exercised for more than 10 years. Third, participants who exercised had lower levels of depression than those who did not exercise. Fourth, old-old elderly people who started exercising in the last 2 years after at least 8 years of a sedentary lifestyle tended to have lower levels of depression than those who had not exercised for more than 10 years. Conclusion: The current study extends knowledge on the importance of regular exercise on cognitive function and depression in elderly people. Furthermore, this study suggests that the positive effects of exercise on cognitive function and depression may be greater for the old-old compared to the young-old age groups.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: This study conducted a cross-cultural examination of behavioral activation/inhibition in physical education between Korean and Chinese middle school students. Methods: Korean participants were 494 students and Chinese participants were 447 students. We surveyed the BAS/BIS questionnaire for physical education. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, a reliability analysis and independent t-test with confidence interval. Results: The following findings were obtained. First, the students’ BAS/BIS score were differentiated by country, gender and grade variable. Second, generally, Korean males tended to have higher positive teachers’ action-attitude scores than Chinese male students. Third, Korean female and male students showed higher BIS score including incompetence and negative teachers’ action than Chinese students. Fourth, there were also grade difference on positive teachers’ action-attitude and negative teachers’ action in both countries. Conclusion: We found some of the cultural background between Korean and Chinese middle school students and its psychological properties and suggested the cross cultural research in Nothern East Asian countries including China, Korea and Japan.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical activity (PA) and quality of life (QoL) in international college students who have had insufficient exercise time due to diverse challenges from new living and academic environments. Methods: A total of 193 (86 male and 107 female) international students from colleges and universities in North Carolina, U.S. completed all the questionnaires (Godin Leisure-Time Exercise and Quality of Life) for this study. Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analyses were used to measure the relationship between PA and QoL and the influence of PA on QoL. Results: The results indicated the positive relationship between the sum of PA levels (mild, moderate and strenuous exercises) and all the subscales of QoL (cognitive, emotional, functional, integrated, physical, social and spiritual), however, there were no correlations between mild exercise and physical, moderate exercise and social, and strenuous exercise and two subscales of QoL (emotional and spiritual). In addition, the findings demonstrated the significant effects of the all PA levels on QoL in a positive direction. Conclusion: This study suggests that an appropriate level (mild and moderate exercises) of participations in physical activity in leisure time is able to contribute to the enhancement of the positive relationship with overall quality of life, especially in the aspect of psychological health promotion among international students.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: This study is aimed at developing Self-Efficacy Inventory of tennis players. Methods: Inventory composed in this manner was applied to 328 tennis players in middle and high schools, universities and professional teams registered with the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee. Various analysis including statistical data, exploratory factor, confirmatory factor and reliability analysis were performed on the basis of the data collected by using SPSS and AMOS. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis and prediction validity for which the developed index differs in accordance with gender and affiliation were performed. Results: A total of 3 questions were deleted because kurtosis/skewedness was not appropriate in descriptive statistics. As the result of exploratory factory analysis, there was 61.58% dispersion of single factory. As the result of confirmatory factory analysis, appropriateness of structure was confirmed and all the path coefficients with the range of .626~.834 were found to be significant. Therefore, the index for the self-efficacy of tennis player was developed with 10 single factor questions and proportional index in the range of 0-100%. Validity and reliability were also secured. In addition, it demonstrated that self-efficacy can be used in the actual field of tennis by significantly predicting the perceived competition performances and execution of sports. Conclusion: It can be utilized as a useful tool in predicting the self-efficacy of tennis players. It is deemed that there is a need to assess the effects of tennis player and self-efficacy by investigating the relationship among a diverse range of sports variables with the inventory developed in this Study in the future.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: This study developed a measure of sport character based on the model of moral action. Methods: Participants were 332 Korean athletes (Mage=19.86 years, SD=2.28) enrolled in a variety of sports. Using SPSS Package, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were conducted to analyze the data. The main criteria used to identify the correct number of factors were a Parallel Analysis (PA) and theoretical interpretability. Results: First, a series of principal component analysis (PCA) with an oblimin rotation extracted four factors with 27 items. Second, a series of principal axis factoring (PAF) utilizing a direct oblimin rotation extracted five factors with 27 items. Third, the two models were compared in order to determine the most parsimonious and theoretically strong factor structure for the Sport Character Scale (SCS). Consequently, EFA suggested that a five-factor, 27-item model best fits the data. The factors included compassion, fairness, sportspersonship, antisocial attitude, and integrity. Conclusions: The newly developed SCS appeared to reflect unique characteristics of sport character in Korean athletes.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to verify whether there is a significant effect on the psychological variables by preventing the burnout through an analysis of the parallel multiple mediating effects of team efficacy and resilience in the structural relationship between professional football players' perceived autonomy support and burnout. Methods: Data were collected from 223 professional football players belonging to the K-League by a questionnaire survey. As survey instrument, autonomy support, burnout, team efficacy, and resilience test were employed. The collected data were analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis. The structural equation model (SEM) was analyzed, and the results were derived by applying the phantom variable in the analysis of the mediation effect using bootstrapping. Results: First, Autonomy support was verified to have a significant positive effect on resilience. Second, Autonomy support was found to have a significantly positive effect on team efficacy. Third, Autonomy support was verified to have a significant positive effect on burnout. Fourth, Resilience was verified to have a significant negative effect on burnout. Fifth, Team efficacy was verified to have a significant negative effect on burnout. Sixth, the mediating effects of resilience on burnout and the mediating effects of team efficacy on burnout are all statistically significant. Conclusion: When athletes with high self-efficacy and a strong belief in their ability to overcome challenges come together to form a team, they are likely to better overcome external stimuli and prevent burnout.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the relationships between perceived motivational climate and athlete effort, and (b) to examine the mediating effects of sport failure tolerance on the relationships between motivational climate and athlete effort. The conceptual model of this study assumed that motivational climate would affect sport failure tolerance and these would, in turn, affect athlete effort through the mediation of the sport failure tolerance. Methods: A total of 321 Korean active high school student athletes from 6 sports participated in the study (Mage=17.83years, SD=±.80). The participants completed four questionnaires: a demographic questionnaire, Sport Failure Tolerance Questionnaire, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, and Athlete Effort Questionnaire. Results: The results of the final model indicated that competitive climate was positively related to task difficulty (.21), whereas after failure emotion and behavior factors did not. Mastery climate was significantly related to all three dimensions of sport failure tolerance (task difficulty .39, after failure emotion .39 and failure behavior .57). Task difficulty was only significantly related to athlete effort (.14). Mastery climate was significantly related to athlete effort (.31). Significant indirect effects were observed. The bootstrapping results indicated that the relationship between mastery climate and athlete effort was mediated by task difficulty, after failure emotion and failure behavior. Conclusion: The findings of this study contribute to the current understanding of the relationships between perceived mastery climate and athlete effort and shed light on the important roles of sport failure tolerance.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study were; 1) to review the developmental stages and their features of the past, and current status of sport psychology in Korea, and 2) to suggest appropriate implications for future development. Methods: Articles published in Korean Journal of Sport Psychology(KJSP: 1990-2017) were reviewed and its chronological and academic meanings were examined to extract meaningful implication. Results: Five developmental stages, (i.e., dawn, beginning, growth, development, and stagnant period) and their features of each stage were introduced. Results revealed that Korean Society of Sport Psychology(KSSP) has been developed in various aspects but still needs more actions to develop further. Conclusion: If no innovative means are adopted nor all KSSP members give their maximum efforts to develop further, no further development is guaranteed. And current is the right time for all KSSP members to pull their socks up again to prepare the future.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: We investigated changes of motor skills development in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) after participating 12-week intervention program to promote their fundamental motor skills. Methods: The movement assessment battery for children-2 (MABC-2) was used to screen DCD. Ten children with DCD participated voluntarily in an after-school program 3 times per week for 12 weeks and were examined using the MABC-2 before and after the intervention. The program was planned to facilitate fundamental gross motor skills based on physical education curriculum for public school and their daily life. Results: After the intervention program, DCD children showed a significant improvement in aiming and catching, and balance. The total percentile score of DCD children after the intervention was significantly improved and marked higher than 16%, thereby indicating an improvement in their motor development after the program. Conclusion: This current study supports possibility to improve motor coordination of children with DCD with respect to fundamental motor skills. 12-week intervention might be effective to increase their score of MABC-2 from motor delay level to typically developing level.
2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in the center of pressure (COP) by arousal regulation during static stability control task using various olfactory stimulating inhalant (ammonia, lavender and citrus). Methods: 11 healthy male adults (Mage = 28.55 years, SD = ±3.67) were recruited for the study. A biometric shirt was utilized to measure the heart rate while force plate (AMTI force-platform) was used to determine changes in COP area. The tasks were differentiated based on visual and ground proprioception (eyes open or close & presence of absence of memory foam). Results: The results of this study were as follows. First, for ammonia inhalant condition, average COP area lower than control condition. EO, EOC conditions had statistically significant lower value. Second, for lavender inhalant condition, average COP area higher than control condition. EC condition had statistically significant higher value. Third, for citrus inhalant condition, average COP area lower than control condition. EO, EC, and EOM conditions had statistically significant lower value. Lastly, there was significant differences in heart rate change in lavender inhalant, only. Conclusion: This study implies that the arousal regulation through olfactory inhalant affects the level of static stability. These results suggest that arousal regulation through olfactory inhalant may affect task performance and may contribute to improvement in performance of athletes.
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