‘조미’는 답리작 적응 내재해 다수성 청보리 품종육성을 목표로 1999년 내재해성으로 총체적성이 우수한 ‘수원337호’를 모본으로 하고, 도복에 강한 ‘수원355호’를 부본으로 교배하여 육성 선발된 ‘익산438호’로 전국 7개소에서 2008년부터 2010년까지 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2010년에 육성되었다. ‘조미’는 직립 초형으로 파성은 Ⅰ정도이고, 잎은 녹색이며, 잎귀가 없는 무엽이 품종으로 가축기호성이 높다. 초장은 90㎝이고, m2당 경수는 846개로 표준품종인 ‘영양’보다 194개 많은 다얼성이며, 엽신 비율이 높다.답리작에서 출수기는 4월 23일로 ‘영양’보다 3일 빠르고, 황숙기는 5월 25일로 1일 빠른 조숙종이다. 내한성은 ‘영양’보다 다소 강하였으며, 흰가루병에는 감수성을 보였지만 보리호위축병에 저항성을 나타냈다. 건물수량은 전작에서 15.7톤/ha ‘영양’과 같았으나 답리작에서 10.3톤/ha으로 ‘영양보다 5% 적었다. 조사료 품질은 조단백질 함량이 8.3%로 ‘영양’에 비해 높았으며, ADF는 26.2%, NDF는 48.3%로 ‘영양’보다 낮았으나 TDN이 68.2%로 ‘영양’보다 다소 높고, 사일리지 등급은 II 등급으로 양호하였다.
A novel auricleless bariey (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar ‘Jomi’ was developed which shows high biomass yield, good quality and high ruminant-palatability at National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2010. This cultivar was derived from a cross of the ‘Suwon337’ and ‘Suwon355’ in 1999 and a promising line showing both high yield and lodging resistance through the preliminary and advanced yield trials at Iksan in 2006-2007, was designated as the ‘Iksan 438’. ‘Iksan438’ was conducted to regional yield trials (RYT) in seven locations around Korea for three years from 2008 to 2010, and was released as the name of ‘Jomi’. It has erect plant type, growth habit of Ⅰand green and auricleless leaf . Its heading date was April 23 and maturing date was May 25 in paddy field, 3 days and 1 day earlier than ‘Youngyang’, respectively. The cultivar showed 90cm of culm length, 846 spikes per m2, high rate of leaf blades, resistance to BaYMV and better winter hardiness than that of ‘Youngyang’,The average forage yield of ‘Jomi’ was about 10.3 ton ha-1 in dry matter (28 ton ha-1 in fresh matter) in paddy field with 8.3% of crude protein content, 26.2% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 48.3% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), 68.2% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients) and grade Ⅱ of silage quality. This cultivar would be suitable for the area above the daily minimum temperature of -8℃ in January in Korean peninsula.