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간호사의 환자안전역량 간호 경험에 관한 질적 메타합성 연구 KCI 등재

Patient Safety Competence Nursing Experience of Nurse : A meta-synthesis Study

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435286
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,900원
한국간호시뮬레이션 학회지 (Journal of Korea Society for Simulation in Nursing)
한국간호시뮬레이션학회 (Korean Society for Simulation in Nursing)

Purpose: To review systematically the qualitative research related to the patient-safety competence of nurses based on nurses’ nursing experiences, synthesizing the results understanding. Method: The well-known Thomas and Harden meta-synthesis method was applied. Five databases were searched for relevant literature: CINAHL , RISS , DBpia, KISS, NDSL. Results: Six qualitative studies were selected for review. Three themes were synthesized: patient-safety incidents and patient-safety competency of nurses in emergency situations; processes to advance patient-safety competency in nursing; advancing patient-safety competency in nursing. Eight subthemes were identified. Conclusion: This study improved the understanding of nurses’ experiences in terms of patient-safetycompetenc. Based on systematic review and meta-synthesis of basic patient-care data, study results suggest a direction for the development of patient-safety competencies in nursing and provide evidence for further research.

Ⅰ. 서 론
    1. 연구의 필요성
    2. 연구 목적
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
    1. 연구 설계
    2. 자료 수집 방법
    3. 질적 메타합성 단계 및 분석
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 논 의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
  • 이진(서정대학교 간호학과 조교수) | Lee Jin (Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Seojeong University)
  • 박선화(충청대학교 간호학과 조교수) | Park SunHwa (Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Chungcheong University)
  • 김미선(한양대학교병원 간호국 간호사) | Kim Mi-Seon (Registered Nurse, Department of Nursing, HanYang University Seoul Hospital) Corresponding author