It is known that oocytes can be activated without male contribution in vitro and develop to blastocysts which are used to isolate parthenogenetic embryonic stem (ES) cells. Differentiation capacity of the parthenogentic ES cells was rather lower than that of fertilized embryos derived ES cells, which might be the result of the absence of male genome. However, parthenogenetic ES cells might be useful research tool for genetic engineering and generating SCNT embryo derived ES cells. In our previous study, we reported that establishment of several bovine ES cell lines from in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos named JNU-ibES. Based on this data, the objective of this study is to generate parthenogenetic ES cells and to examine their stem cell characteristics. Total 107 parthenogenetic embryos produced at day 8 or 9 were classified into their developmental stages (full expanded x 40, hatched x 67). For producing ES cells, ICM and trophetoderm-rich clumps were mechanically dissociated and were cultured on mitomycin- C treated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cell drop and covered with mineral oil in DMEM medium containing 20% FBS, 5 ng/ml basic FGF, 1% nonessential amino acids, and 0.55 mM b-mercaptoethanol. We obtained 20 primary parthenogenetic bovine ES (pbES)-like cell colonies. And pbES colony formation was higher in hatched blastocyst (25.4%, 16/67) than expanded blastocysts (10%, 4/40). Among those colonies, 5 pbES cell lines were successfully established and they were named as a series of JNU-pbES. These pbES cells were positively expresssed pluripotency markers such as Oct4, Nanog, TRA-1-81, SSEA-1 and alkaline phosphatase. This result demonstrated that the establishment efficiency and characteristics of pbES cell line was very similar to those of ibES cell line.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is an efficient technique which has been successfully applied to developmental biology, and resulted in the production of offspring from various species. It offers many opportunities in basic and medical research as well as endangered species preservation. On the other hand, embryonic stem (ES) cells are useful research tools for genetic engineering and developing disease models. In previous study, we established bovine IVF embryo derived ES cell line which can be grow indefinitely as undifferentiated cell state. In this study, we compared the effect of two different age cells (bovine ES cell; JNU-ibES-05 or adult ear fibroblast cell) on in vitro developmental potential of bovine SCNT embryo. To produce SCNT embryos, the ES cells or somatic cells were dissociated and transferred into enucleated MⅡ oocytes, and cleaved reconstructed embryos were cultured in CR1aa medium containing 10% FBS, 1 ug/ml epidermal growth factor (EGF) and 1 ug/ml insulin growth factor (IGF) for 8 days. In the result, blastocyst development rate was similar between ES cell treatment group and somatic cell treatment group, 27.7% (10/36) and 28.9% (11/ 38), respectively. However, there was particular difference in development speed from day 5 post SCNT, blastocyst expanding was 1 day faster in ES cell group than in somatic cell group. This difference was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR using pluripotency, growth and cell cycle gene markers. These results demonstrated that SCNT embryo using ES cell as a donor cell has better growth potential than somatic cell, and it will be a useful tool for a transgenic animal production.
Stem cell therapy is undoubtedly the most promising therapeutic approach for neurological disorders. Adipose tissue is ubiquitous and it can be easily harvested in large quantities under local anesthesia with little patient discomfort, making adipose tissue into the ideal large-scale source for research on clinical applications. In this study we monitored the neuronal cell differentiation potential of human adipocyte in the following condition; i) N2 medium containing 200 uM ascorbic acid (AA) and/or 10 uM flavonoid (F) and ⅱ) N2 medium containing AA and/or 10 ng/ml brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and/or, 200 ng/ml sonic hedgehog (SHH) plus 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8. Adipose stem cells were cultured in above described differentiation condition for three weeks. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the mRNA levels of neuronal cell markers in differentiated adipose stem cells. Under the culture condition using N2 medium containing AA, the expression level of nestin (neural progenitor marker) m- RNA was high in all groups, while those of Neuro D, and LEP and FABP4 (adipocyte marker) mRNA were significantly decreased. Also, the addition of BDNF or SHH+FGF8 in N2 medium containing AA enhanced the neural cell differentiation from adipose stem cells, the expression level of Map2 (mature neuron) mRNA was increased, and that of TH (dopaminergic neuron marker) mRNA was high. In addition, we confirmed that the flavonoid addition has effect on the increase of Map2 expression. These results demonstrate that our designed culture condition has effect on the neural cell differentiation of adipose stem cells and this stimulatory effect may be further enhanced by transplantation.
Several studies have been conducted with the aim of establishing embryonic stem cell lines from porcine embryos. However, most researchers to date have found it difficult to maintain an ES-like state in derived cell lines, with the cells showing a strong tendency to differentiate into an epithelial or EpiSC-like state. We have also been able to derive cell lines of an EpiSC-like state and a differentiated non-ES-like state from porcine embryos of various origins, including invitro fertilized(IVF), in vivo derived, IVF aggregated and parthenogenetic embryos. In addition, we have generated induced pluripotent stem cells(piPSCs) via plasmid transfection of reprogramming factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc) into porcine fibroblast cells. X chromosome inactivation (XCI) have recently been addressed as a hallmark to determine whether pluripotent cell is naïve or primed state. In this study, we could confirm the X chromosome inactivation status in female cell lines as well as marker expression, pluripotency and of our Epi- SC-like pESC lines along with our piPSC line. All of our cell lines showed AP activity and expressions of the genes Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Rex, TDGF1, bFGF, FGFR1, FGFR2, Nodal and Activin-A involved in pluripotency and signaling pathways, XCI in female cell lines, in vitro differentiation potential and a normal karyotype, thus displaying similarities to epiblast stem cells or hES cells. Therefore, it may be inferred that, as a non-permissive species, the porcine species undergoes reprogramming into a primed state during the establishment of pluripotent stem cell lines.
MicroRNAs are ~22nt small noncoding RNAs that control gene expression at the posttranscriptional level through translational inhibition and destabilization of their target mRNAs. Micro RNAs are phylogenetically conserved and have been shown to be instrumental in a wide variety of key biological processes including cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, control of metabolic pathways, imprinting and differentiation. The expression of miRNAs is often regulated in tissue specific and developmental stage‐specific manners. More than 500 miRNAs have been reported in diverse eukaryotic organism so far. One of the biological functions of miRNAs seems to be the regulation of self‐renewal versus differentiation in stem cells. Recent efforts have focused on defining the miRNA expression profile in undifferentiated ESCs as compared to their differentiated progeny. Among the so‐called ES‐specific miRNAs, the 302‐367 cluster stands out due to its intracellular abundance and high cell type specificity. Levels of miRNA 302‐367 correlate with Oct4 transcripts in ESCs and early embryonic development, indicating an important role in ESC homeostasis and maintenance of pluripotency. Several months ago, a paper showed that expression of the miRNA 302‐367 cluster can directly reprogram mouse and human somatic cell to an iPS cell in absence of any of the four factors (Oct4, Sox2, c‐Myc, Klf4) efficiently. To apply this efficient method to porcine, we made an inducible vector system including miRNA 302‐367 cluster originated from porcine embryonic fibroblasts and could make porcine ips by the miRNA 302‐367 cluster.
Testes‐derived unipotent male germ‐line stem (GS) cells can acquire multipotency under appropriate culture conditions to become mGS cells which can contribute to all three germ‐layers. This study was designed to investigate the epigenetic characteristics of mGS cells derived from adult mouse testes (maGS cells). The GS cells were isolated from 4 6 week DBA mouse and were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle Medium supplemented with 15% (v/v) fetal bovine serum, 1,000 U/ml LIF, 4 ng/ml GDNF at 37℃ in an humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air to derive the maGS cells. The multipotency of maGS cells were verified by morphological and gene expression analyses, teratoma formation upon transplantation into nude mouse and in vitro differentiation ability. Bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that GS cells had androgenetic DNA methylation pattern at the Igf2‐H19, Gnas‐Nespas , and Dlk1‐Dio3 imprinted gene clusters which changed to hemi‐zygotic embryonic stem (ES)‐cell like pattern in the maGS cells. Western blot analysis, using modification‐ and residue‐specific antibodies, revealed that both maGS and ES cells had similar level of histone di‐methylation at 4th and 27th lysine residue of histone 3 (H3K4me2 and H3K27me2) which represent “bivalent domain” for regulating self‐renewal and differentiation of mouse ES cells. Both maGS and ES cells also shared similar hisone modification for H3K9me2, H3K79me2, H3K9ac and H3K18ac. However, maGS cells had higher level of H3K- 36me2 and H3S10p. These data suggest that maGS and ES cells share several epigenetic characteristics but they also have their own unique epigenetic marks that may be useful as a molecular marker for their identification.
Gene targeting is a genetic technique that utilizes homologous recombination between an engineered exogenous DNA fragments with the endogenous genome of an organism. In domestic animal, gene targeting has provided an important tool for producing Knock-out pig for GGTA1 gene to use xenotransplantation. The frequency of homologous recombination is a critical parameter for the success of gene targeting. The efficiency of homologous recombination in somatic cells is lower than that in mouse ES cells. So the application of gene targeting in somatic cells has been limited by its low efficiency. Recently, knock-out rat and mouse was generated by introducing nonhomologous end joining (NHE)-mediated deletion or insertion at the target site using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFN). Therefore, the development of effective knock-out and knock-in techniques in domestic animal is very important in biomedical research. In this present study, we investigated whether homologous recombination events occurs at cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH) gene locus using ZFN in porcine primary fibroblast. CMAH-targeted ZFN DNA and mRNA were purchased from SIGMA-Aldrich. CMAH neo targeting vector consists of the neomycin resistance gene as a positive selectable marker gene, 789 bp 5’ arm and 763 bp 3’ arm from Exon 8 of CMAH gene. For transfection, the targeting vector and ZFN DNA or mRNA were introduced into ear fibroblasts cells of Chicago miniature pig by electroporation. After selection of G-418, PCR analysis was performed using 213 colonies transfected with ZFN DNA or mRNA. As a result, 39 positive colonies were identified in colonies transfected with ZFN DNA or mRNA. To our knowledge, this study provides the first evidence that the efficiency of gene targeting using ZFN was higher than that of conventional gene targeting in the porcine fibroblast. These cell lines may be used in the production of CMAH knock-out for xenotransplantation.
Several types of white blood cells, such as T cells, B cells, and macrophages, are involved in the immune response. In particular, the processes of T-cell activation play a crucial role in an adaptive immune response, whereby the T-cell receptor (TCR) engages with an antigen and signals a cascade that leads to the activation of transcription factors (AP-1, NF-κB, and NFAT) that are critically involved in cytokine production. Roquin, encoded by the RC3H1 gene and characterized as an immune regulator, was recently identified as a novel RING-type ubiquitin ligase family member, but the mechanisms by which Roquin proteins regulate T-cell responses are unclear. To elucidate the role of Roquin in vitro, murine lymphoma EL-4 cells were used. Roquin overexpressing Tcells became hyper-responsive upon anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation in vitro and were a major source of cytokines such as IL-2, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10. Upon activation, these cells showed preferentially enhanced production of IL-2 and TNF-α, but not IFN-γ. To clarify the important role of Roquin in the T-cell response ex vivo, we generated T-cell-specific Roquin-transgenic (Tg) mice having a higher expression of Roquin in T cells as compared to wild-type mice. Using Roquin-Tg mice, we studied whether immune responses are affected ex vivo. Roquin-Tg CD4+ T cells showed enhanced production of IL-2 or TNF-α to TCR stimulation with anti-CD28 costimulation via up-regulation of CD28. T-cell proliferation also increased in Roquin-Tg CD4+ T cells after anti-CD3/CD28 treatment. Further studies on the role of Roquin in the regulation of primary T-cell activation, survival, and differentiation may be anticipated.
Porcine beta casein promoter를 이용하여 형질전환 동물에서 유선특이적으로 목적 단 백질을 발현시킬 수 있는 pPBC 벡터를 구축하였으며 이 벡터를 이용하여 보다 높은 농 도의 목적 단백질을 발현 시킬 수 있도록 pPBC 벡터 개량을 시도하였다. pPBC 벡터의 5'arm 부위를 5428 bp, 4419 bp, 3378 bp의 길이로 잘라 서로 다른 크기의 5’arm을 갖 게 하였으며 5’arm의 5’ 쪽으로 CMV enhancer를 삽입하였다. 또한, porcine beta casein promoter 조절 하에 hGH(human growth hormone) 유전자를 발현하도록 하는 벡터를 구 축한 후 세포주 및 형질전환 마우스에서 발현 양상을 확인하였다. 개량된 pPBC 벡터를 이용하여 mouse mammary gland epithelial cell line HC11에서 luciferase assay를 통해 각각의 벡터에 대한 활성을 확인한 결과, 5’arm 길이가 가장 짧고 CMV enhancer가 삽입 된 CMV-pPBC p-3378 벡터에서 활성이 가장 높게 나타났다. 이 벡터를 이용하여 hGH 유전자와 mRNA를 안정화시켜 유전자의 발현을 증가시킨다고 알려진 woodchuch hepatitis virus post-transcriptional regulator element (WPRE)를 함께 삽입하여 CMV-pPBC p-3378-hGH-WPRE 벡터를 구축하였다. 이 벡터로 transgenic mice를 생산하여 유선을 포함한 여러 조직으로부터 hGH의 발현을 RT-PCR 방법을 확인하였다. 그 결과 liver와 lung에서는 아주 약하게 hGH가 발현을 하였으나 유선 조직에서 hGH가 가장 많이 발현 하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 형질전환 마우스 유즙 내의 hGH 발현을 western과 ELISA를 이 용하여 확인한 결과, 유즙 내에는 약 22 kDa의 hGH가 존재 하였으며 ml 당 최고 50 100 ug의 농도로 hGH를 포함하고 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 개량한 pPBC 벡터가 유선특 이적인 발현을 하며, 유선 세포주에서는 높은 활성을 나타냈지만 형질전환 마우스의 유 즙에서는 개량전의 벡터 보다 낮은 수준의 목적 단백질을 생산하여 서로 상이한 결과를 나타내었다. 따라서 앞으로도 유선특이적 발현 벡터인 pPBC 벡터의 개량 연구를 계속 진행할 것이다.
인간성장호르몬(human growth hormone; hGH)은 뇌하수체 전엽에서 분비되는 호르몬 의 일종으로 단백질 합성을 촉진하고 에너지를 생산해 지방을 분해하며 뼈를 포함한 체 내의 거의 모든 조직의 성장을 자극한다. DNA 재조합 기술이 발달함에 따라 hGH는 신 체의 성장, 골밀도 향상, 체지방 감소, 세포의 재생, 근육량 증가 등에 효과를 보이는 의 약품으로 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 시료 중 함유된 hGH의 효율적인 분리,정제를 위 하여 immunoaffinity chromatography system을 개발하여 hGH를 분리정제하고 그 활성도 를 측정하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여, 단크론성 항체를 생산하는 hybridoma cell line중 hGH에 가장 강한 친화력이 있는 항체를 분비하는 hGH-K-24 세포주를 선별하여 Balb/C 마우스의 복강에 주입하여 복수를 생산, 채취하였고, Protein G를 이용하여 항체를 분리 정제 하였다. 정제한 항체를 CNBr-Sepharose 4B와 결합시켜 immunoaffinity chromatography column을 제작하였고. hGH를 분비,생성하는 CHO세포주를 serum이 없는 상태에 서 10일 동안 배양한 다음 배지를 회수하여 hGH를 immunoaffinity chromatography system으로 정제하였으며, 순수정제도를 높이기 위하여 superdex G-200으로 gel filtration chromatography 하여 target 단백질인 hGH만을 분리하는 일련의 과정을 확립하였다. 또 한, hGH의 역가를 알아보기 위하여 NB2-11 cell을 이용하여 MTT assay를 통한 활성도 를 살펴보았다.
alcineurin (CN) is a calcium and calmodulin-depedent serine/threonine phosphatase. CN plays an important role in various biological processes including cell proliferation, cardiovascular, skeletal muscle development and apoptosis. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), CN plays a role synoviocyte activation and arthritis progression. The selective inhibition of CN by the over-expression of CN-binding protein 1 (Cabin1). In the present study, joint restricted transgenic mice expressing the human Cabin1(hCabin1) were generated, driven by type II collagen promoter and efficiency of these mice was investigated by experimental arthritis. These transgenic mice successfully expressed hCabin1 in joint tissue as well as other organs like the liver, the heart, and the brain. The joint specific over-expression of hCabin1 reduced the disease severity during collagen-induced arthritis. In fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) from hCabin1 transgenic mice, the productions of these cytokines including, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were decreased and MMPs was also depressed in transgenic mice FLS. In addition, the expression of proapoptotic p53, p21, caspase-3, caspase-9 and Bax increased in transgenic mice, indicating that hCabin1 may induce FLS death by regulating the expression of Bcl-2, p53, p21, caspase-3, casepase-9 and Bax. It is expected that these findings will provide a more knowledge about the pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatoid arthritis and a potential animal model of the choronic inflammatory conditions, including atherosclerosis and transplantation.
JAZF1 is a 27 kDa nuclear protein containing two putative zinc finger motifs that is associated with diabetes mellitus and prostate cancer according to genomewide association studies; however, little is known about the function of this gene in regulating metabolism. Recent evidence indicates that JAZF1 transcription factors bind to the nuclear orphan receptor TR4 and act as a strong repressor. This receptor regulates PEPCK, the key enzyme in gluconeogenesis, at the transcriptional level. Excess PEPCK expression in mice causes hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and increased glucose turnover. Therefore, we hypothesized that ectopic expression of Jazf1 may lead to abnormal expression of PEPCK that allow for the metabolic disorder. To elucidate its role in metabolism, we fed the mice with high- or normal- fat diet up to 18 weeks. In the liver tissue of mice, Jazf1 overexpression led to a substantial reduction in the expression of PEPCK. In Jazf1 overexpression mice, weight gain was found to be significantly decreased and increment of blood glucose level also decreased. Our data suggest that Jazf1 plays a critical role in the regulation of energy and lipid homeostasis, and promotes the development of metabolic disorder. Jazf1 may provide a new therapeutic target in the management of obesity, diabetes, and liver steatosis.
Palatal development is one of the crucial events in craniofacial morphogenesis, according to the significant signaling pathway. In the fusion of palatal shelves, EMT is a fundamental process to achieve the proper morphogenesis of palate. Mechanisms of EMT have been reported as the processes of migration, apoptosis or general EMT through the modulations through various signalling molecules. Rgs19, known as a RGS family through GTPase activity, showed the interesting epithelial expression patterns in various organogenesis including the significant expression patterns of Rgs19 in palatal development. To evaluate the precise function of Rgs19 in palatogenesis, we employed the loss of function studies using AS-ODN treatments while in vitro palate organ cultivations. Knock-down of Rgs19 using treatments of AS-ODN showed the retarded palatal fusion with the decreased patterns of apoptosis in mesial epithelium edge (MEE). In addition, alteration patterns of related genes were examined with the qRT-PCR. And EMT process was delayed in MEE throught staining of pancytokeratin, which known as epithelial cell marker. These results show that expression of Rgs19 in MEE has crucial role of EMT, also Rgs19 affects to palatal fusion by regulation of apoptosis through the signalling modulations. Palatal development is one of the crucial events in craniofacial morphogenesis, according to the significant signaling pathway. In the fusion of palatal shelves, EMT is a fundamental process to achieve the proper morphogenesis of palate. Mechanisms of EMT have been reported as the processes of migration, apoptosis or general EMT through the modulations through various signalling molecules. Rgs19, known as a RGS family through GTPase activity, showed the interesting epithelial expression patterns in various organogenesis including the significant expression patterns of Rgs19 in palatal development. To evaluate the precise function of Rgs19 in palatogenesis, we employed the loss of function studies using AS-ODN treatments while in vitro palate organ cultivations. Knock-down of Rgs19 using treatments of AS-ODN showed the retarded palatal fusion with the decreased patterns of apoptosis in mesial epithelium edge (MEE). In addition, alteration patterns of related genes were examined with the qRT-PCR. And EMT process was delayed in MEE throught staining of pancytokeratin, which known as epithelial cell marker. These results show that expression of Rgs19 in MEE has crucial role of EMT, also Rgs19 affects to palatal fusion by regulation of apoptosis through the signalling modulations.
Despite of the absence of hyperacute rejection and acute humoral xenograft rejection, the organ graft of the a1,3-galactosyltransferase (GalT) gene knockouted (KO) and complement regulatory protein (CRP) expressing pig into a nonhuman primate is rejected by development of a thrombotic microangiopathy and/or a consumptive coagulopathy. Thus further introduction of genes to overcome the coagulation incompatibilities between pig and primate under GalT KO/CRP genetic background has been strongly suggested. CD73 (ecto-5'-nucelotidase) is an enzyme attached via a glycosyl phosphoinositol anchor to the extracellular membrane of endothelial cells, which catalyses the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate to adenosine. Loss of activity of CD73 results in activation and aggregation of platelets by a reduced capacity to convert nucleotides to adenosine. In previous study, we reported generation of GalT KO fibroblasts concurrently expressing membrane cofactor protein and produced cloned pigs by nuclear transfer of the fibroblast cells (1). In this study, we constructed a vector for expression of human CD73 under control of promoter of pig Icam2 gene expressed specifically at endothelial cells. This vector was introduced into porcine fibroblasts using the nucleofection technology, by which we had forty three fibroblasts clones carrying pIcam2- CD73 vector. Somatic cell nuclear transfer resulted in generation of two transgenic piglets survived.
The production of transgenic animals using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been widely described. A critical problem in the production of transgenic animals is the uncontrolled constitutive expression of the foreign gene which occasionally results in serious physiological disorders in the transgenic animal. In this study, we designed three different expression vectors that express the hEPO gene. hEPO is a hormone produced by the kidney that promotes the formation of red blood cells by the bone marrow. For the in vitro production of transgenic embryos, the different expression vectors were transduced into holstein ear fibroblast cells, respectively, and GFP expressed donor cells were transferred into enucleated oocytes, and then the reconstructed SCNT embryos were developed into pre-implantation stage. From three replicates, GFP expressed 112 transgenic SCNT embryos were produced. When their cleavage rate and blastocyst rate were compared with non-transgenic SCNT embryos, the results were presented into 73.2% vs. 76.9% and 26.8% vs. 30.6%, respectively, there were no differences. Also, total cell number and ICM cell numbers of day 8 blastocysts were statistically not different between the transgenic SCNT groups (120.6±7.9 and 31.4±8.2) and control SCNT group (128.3±4.8 and 35.3±4.0). The GFP expression levels were presented consecutively high during the culture of transgenic SCNT embryos. By analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR, the relative expression levels of hEPO mRNA and pluripotent gene were determined. These results demonstrated that the hEPO expressed transgenic bovine embryos can be efficiently produced in vitro by SCNT technique, while their potential of cloned animal production have to be examined in further study.
Peroxiredoxin II (Prdx II; a typical 2‐Cys Prdx) has been originally isolated from erythrocytes, and its structure and peroxidase activity have been adequately studied. Mice absent to Prdx II proteins had heinz bodies in their peripheral blood, and morphologically abnormal cells were detected in the dense red blood cell (RBC) fractions, which contained markedly higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, a labeling experiment with the thiol‐modifying reagent biotinylated iodoacetamide (BIAM) in Prdx I‒/‒ mice revealed that a variety of RBC proteins were highly oxidized. To identify oxidation‐sensitive proteins in Prdx II‒/‒ mice, we performed RBC comparative proteome analysis in membrane and cytosolic fractions by nano‐UPLC‐MSE shotgun proteomics. We found oxidation‐sensitive 54 proteins from 61 peptides containing cysteine oxidation, and analyzed comparative expression pattern in healthy RBCs of Prdx II+/+ mice, healthy RBCs of Prdx II‒/‒ mice, and abnormal RBCs of Prdx II‒/‒ mice. These proteins belonged to cellular functions related with RBC lifespan maintain, such as cytoskeleton, stress‐induced proteins, metabolic enzymes, signal transduction, and transporters. Furthermore, protein networks among identified oxidation sensitive proteins were analyzed to associate with various diseases. Consequently, we expected that RBC proteome may provide clues to understand redox‐imbalanced diseases.
Red blood cells (RBCs) have been studied as models for infectious diseases, various symptoms of anemia, hemolysis, and erythrocyte aging. Although do not directly affect RBCs, other diseases may cause RBC physiological alterations that could be advanced for diagnostic aim or to convince better understanding of a certain pathological pattern. In this study, comparative RBC proteomics between healthy and abnormal conditions involve to promote aging related‐biomarker discovery. Peroxiredoxin II (Prdx II; a typical 2‐Cys Prdx) has been originally isolated from erythrocytes, and its structure and peroxidase activity have been adequately studied. Mice absent to Prdx II proteins had heinz bodies in their peripheral blood, and morphologically aged cells were detected in the dense RBC fractions, which contained markedly higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, a labeling experiment with the thiol‐modifying reagent biotinylated iodoacetamide (BIAM) in Prdx II‒/‒ mice revealed that a variety of RBC proteins were highly oxidized. To identify oxidation‐sensitive proteins in Prdx II‒/‒ mice, we performed RBC comparative proteome analysis by nano‐UPLC‐MSE shotgun proteomics with relative protein quantitative analysis. We found oxidation‐sensitive 18 membrane and 41 cytosol proteins from 32 and 85 peptides containing cysteine oxidation, and analyzed comparative expression pattern in healthy RBCs of Prdx II+/+ mice (W1), healthy RBCs of Prdx II‒/‒ mice (K1), and abnormal RBCs of Prdx II‒/‒ mice (K2). These proteins belonged to cellular functions related with RBC lifespan maintain, such as cytoskeleton, stress‐induced proteins, amino acid/nucleic acid metabolic enzymes, signal transduction, and molecular transporters. Furthermore, protein networks among identified oxidation sensitive proteins were analyzed to associate with aging consequence. Consequently, we expected that RBC proteome may provide clues to understand redox‐imbalanced diseases.
Peroxiredoxin V, an atypical thioredoxin peroxidase, is widely expressed in mammalian tissues. In addition, Prdx V is localized in mitochondria, peroxisome, cytosol, and nucleus. Prdx V has been reported to protect a wide range of cellular environments as antioxidant enzyme, and its dysfunctions may be implicated in several diseases, such as cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disease. Identification and relative quantification of proteins affected by Prdx V may help identify novel signaling mechanisms that are important for oxidative stress response. However, the role of Prdx V in the modulation of hypoxia‐related cellular response is not studied yet. In order to examine the function of endogenous Prdx V in hypoxic condition in vivo, we generated a transgenic mouse model with Prdx V siRNA expression controlled by U6 promoter. Of many tissues, the knockdown of Prdx V expression was displayed in kidney, lung, and liver, but not spleen and skin. We conducted on the basis of nano‐UPLC‐MSE proteomic study to identify the Prdx V‐affected protein networks in hypoxic kidneys. In this study, we identified protein networks associated with oxidative stress, fatty acid metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Our results indicated that Prdx V affected to regulation of kidney homeostasis under hypoxia stress.
Urokinas type plasminogen activator (uPA) has been used as a therapeutic agent for treating human diseases such as thrombosis. Attempts to transgenically overexpress the uPA in animal bioreactors have been hampered due to side effects associated with this functional protein hormone on homeostasis. Recently, chicken has been emerged as a potential candidate for use as bioreactor to produce proteins of pharmaceutical importance. Since this species has low homology uPA sequence with mammals, we hypothesized that chicken could be used as a potential bioreactor for production of human uPA. In this study, using replication‐defective Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV)‐based retrovirus vectors encapsidated with Vesicular Stomatitis Virus G Glycoprotein (VSV‐G), we attempted to make transgenic chicken expressing human uPA (huPA). The recombinant retrovirus was injected beneath the blastoderm of non‐incubated chicken embryos (stage X, at laying). After 21 days of incubation (at hatching), all of the 38 living chicks that assayed, were found to express the vector‐encoded huPA gene in various organs and tissues, which was under the control of the Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) or Cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Using specific primer set for huPA, PCR and RTPCR analyses of gDNA isolated from these samples demonstrated these chickens were transgenic for huPA. Furthermore, successful germ line transmission of huPA transgene was confirmed and next generation whole body huPA transgenic chickens were also produced. We also assayed huPA protein titer in blood (17.1 IU/ml) and eggs (4.4 IU/ml) of whole body huPA transgenic chicken. Thus, our results demonstrated that chicken could be used as bioreactors to produce huPA.
Pig parthenotes were able to develop in vivo for 30 days with normal morphology. In pig, during blastocyst elongation between day 10 and 12 of gestation, estrogen production and secretion by conceptus increases, serving not only as the signal for maternal recognition of pregnancy, but also as a stimulus for the production of proteins and growth factors within the uterine environment that initiate implantation. Cloning efficiency is still very low regardless of species. To increase the productive efficiency of (transgenic, TG) clones, an advanced somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) method may need. Here we report the productions of transgenic cloned pigs using cloned embryos and parthenotes simultaneously. Fibroblasts were isolated from an ear skin of a 10‐day‐old NIH miniature pig. The ear fibroblast cells were transfected with the alpha1,3‐ Galactosyltransferase knock‐out/human CD46 knock‐in (GalT KO/hCD46 KI). For SCNT, the TG somatic cells were used as donor cells. Immediately after fusion confirmation, the TG cloned embryos and parthenotes were transferred into both oviducts of surrogates. The mean number of TG cloned embryos and parthenotes was 137 (±15.2) and 123(±27.1), respectively. The pregnancy and delivery rate was (55.6%, 10/ 18) (44.4%, 8/18), respectively. Totally 19 GalT KO/hCD46 KI cloned piglets were delivered. Among them, 11 piglets were survived and 8 piglets were born stillbirth. The healthy 5 piglets are still survived.