The intensification of the competition among container terminals has led to important affect such as, decision making or aggressive intervention of customers for terminal operation. Therefore, in case of developed ports, the large transition of port operation is composed of the press of terminal customer than decision making of terminal manager. Overall port tariffs for using terminal is made out by the conference of terminal customers than the supreme headquarters of terminal operation, and the related investment of terminal has been made according to requisition or proposal of customers. Therefore, among decision making problems that shippers, shipping companies, and freight forwarder among decision making problems that shippers, shipping companies, and freight forwarder face, the choice of the container terminal is one of the most important problems. So, the decision making of the users seems to have a significant impact on the competitive power of container terminals. The main objective of this study is to design port marketing strategy for strengthening the competitive power of container terminals. The results of this study were found as follows: Firstly, port authority should establish user-oriented operation policy of terminal as the means of activating the opinion window, using terminal monitoring system(TMS). Secondly, terminal planning and development of government should be made to minimize the lead time, to induce the civil capital and to utilize the economies of scale. Thirdly, port authority needs to endeavor to analyze the information of competing foreign terminals as well to promote the concentrated marketing for the terminal on the users, to train the expert and to develop the new port charge system. Fourthly, to improve the competitive power of the container terminal, Port Authority should optimize the subsystems related to port marketing, far more these systems should be joined organically to work effectively. Finally, port authority system should be introduced, Namely, port should have the enterprise inclination as well s the public inclination.
The wind generated circulation model describes the phenomenon based on the following physical assumptions: a) As the horizontal dimension of the flow domain is several orders of magnitude larger than vertical dimension, nearly horizontal flow is realistic. b) The time taken for circulation to develop may effect on the flow domain of the earth's rotation, the contribution of the Coriolis force. c) A flow domain of large dimension results in quite large Reynolds number and the Reynolds stresses are approximated by the turbulent mean velocity gradient. d) The circulation is forced by the shear stresses on the water surface exercised by the wind. Modification made to the depth average approximation of the convective terms and the bed shear stress terms by adopting a certain distribution of current over the depth and laboratory measurements for the bed shear expression. Modification circulation patterns, energy evolution and surface profile gave the significant differences comparing with the classical model results. The modified model results in higher free surface gradients balancing both the free surface shear and the bed shear and consequently to higher surface profiles along the coast.