Rapid change in the technological environment of marine transportation and the development of the ocean shipping industry have fostered a revolution in the port system. This in turn has caused major changes in the function and use of port in Korea. Aside from this, Mokpo Port, however continues to decline, because the existing port facilities and related subsystem are already obsolete with no chance of regaining operational effectiveness and treatment for proper implementation. Although a few studies have been done on the Mokpo Port, has not been found, any reseach for the analytical approach to the transportation system of it. This paper aims to make an extensive analysis of the physical distribution system in Mokpo Port focusing on the coordination of subsystems such as navigational aids system. The base of introduced simulation tool here is the queueing theory. The overall findings are as follows: 1. Among those vessels called at Mokpo Port in 1994, 556 ships(2,736,669 G/T) are oceangoing while 8155 ships(2,587,217 G/T) are domestic. The average size of oceangoing vessels is 4,922,1 G/T, and the domestic is 317,8 G/T. The average arrival interval and service time of the domestic vessels are 6.0 hours and 24.1 hours respectively marking the berth occupation rate over 100%. Those for oceangoing vessels are 34.5 hours, 120.0 hours and 37.2%. In order to maintainin the berth occupation rate to 70% the capacity considering the 1994 of domestic piers must be extended to 145% and oceangoing vessels must be increased to 165%. 2. The capacity of approaching channel is enough to handle the total traffic volume of 3. Tugs are sufficiently being provided to handle all ships requiring their services 4. The capacity of storage and inland transportation systems are sufficient to handle the throughput and the yard stroage utilization rate of No.1 - No.5 is 4.5% and No.6 is 30% of 1993's. 5. The utilization rate of LLC(Level Looping Crane) and PNT(PNeumaTic) are 2.7% and 18.8%, respectively.
2차의 섭동법과 경계요소법에 기초한 시간영역해석법은 불규칙파의 파동장에 있어서 파-구조물의 비선형간섭을 해석할 수 있는 해석법이지만. 파와 구조물의 운동이 정상상태에 도달하기까지 시간스텝으로 계산을 수행하여야 하므로 계산시간이 매우 길어지고, 각 성분파와 그에 의한 운동요소를 평가하는 것이 어렵다. 반면에 주파수영역해석법은 계산시간이 짧고, 각 성분요소들의 변화특성을 쉽게 판단할 수 있지만, 불규칙파동장으로의 적용이 현실적으로 어렵다는 단점을 가진다. 본 연구에서는 잠제 등에 대해서 전개되어 있는 주파수영역해석법을 임의형상의 부체 구조물에 대해 새롭게 수식의 전개를 수행하고, 압축공기주입 부체구조물에 적용하여 실험 및 이론해석결과로부터 그의 타당성을 확인한다. 이 때 압축공기의 거동은 Boyle법칙을 사용하여 평가한다.