
Journal of Korean Port Research 한국항만학회지

이 간행물 논문 검색


제13권 제2호 (1999년 12월) 17

1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this paper is to develop a knowledge-based real-time decision support system to support decision makers for efficient berth operation of Inchon Port. In these days the berth operation problems have been many studied. The berth operation rules differ from port to port and the problem is highly dependent on natural geographical and operational environment of port. In Inchon Port the ship’s entrance into port and departure from port is extremely affected status of dock. In this paper we analyzed some effects of dock a specific character of Inchon Port with a real data of ship’s in Inchon Port. And reconstruct a previous expert’s knowledge of berth allocating problem in Inchon Port. Also the mechanism for the efficient berth operation has been studied by repeatedly dispatching in order to obtain a best effect of berth allocation, with real-time updated information for delay at service time of a specific berth and changing of a working-berth. The system is developed with graphic user interface(GUI) concept using user interactive approach. And this system will be provide decision support maker with an efficient and fast way to berth allocating and reduce wastes of time space and manpower in Inchon Port operation.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Recently leading edge companies use the Supply Chain Management as a competitive weapon to secure and maintain customer loyalty. As a consequency they are concentrating resources on the company’s core business and employing strategic alliances with third-party providers to ensure the company provides its customers’desired logistics service levels at acceptable costs. Under this circumstances this paper surveys the third party logistics as a leading edge logistics industry coping with the progress of the supply chain management. The status and the type of the TPL including the Forwarder are analyzed in the view point of global logistics. Also the development strategy of third party logistics in the future is suggested.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This paper aims to derive the strategies for the container terminal in Pusan. So it has focused on analyzing the current conditions of Pusan container terminal while evaluating the difficulties arising from the existing facilities/equipment and the operating system in the Pusan Korea Container Terminal through the workers at the container terminal and at off-dock CY. The object of this study is to assist the existing terminals to operate the facilities/equipment reasonably and to contribute shaping the ports policy which will be the basis of constructing new ports that will remain competitive while maintaining superiority over the ports in northeast area. According to the analysis 68% of the supplier answered that their terminal services which are the most important factor in running a terminal were superior to the other while only 28% of the user answered that they thought the current services were superior. For the areas of supplementing the terminal the people working at the terminal answered in the order of business operation equipment the number of berth service and management ability while the user answered in the order of service computer system transportation system and equipment. According to the regression analysis it became clear that there should be more effort toward improving or supplementing the facility scale facility usage charge transportation facilities which will assist in developing competitiveness of the terminal. It was also noted that management ability and business ability were mentioned as the important factors in operating a terminal.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of the decision support system for container terminal ship planning and to introduce the implemented system. The ship planning in container terminals consists of three major decision processes -the working schedule of gantry cranes the discharging sequence of inbound containers the loading position and sequence of outbound containers. For making these decision the proposed system can provide two ship planning modes the interactive planning mode with user-friendly GUI and the automated planning made. To implement the automated planning routine we acquired the planning rules from the expert planner in container terminals and developed an expert system based on the rules. Finally we evaluated the system developed and the potential for commercialization by using container terminal data.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Since the mid 1980s, the concept of logistics has become more important to the enterprises in strategic sense because it had aggrandized itself to more comprehensive and integrative concept. Therefore study on the service organization of the logistics system for customer’s satisfaction from the management’s point has been focused as one of the major subject in order to improve the logistics quality which would ultimately increase the value of logistics service. This study has been focused on what the port logistics functions and the factors of the port logistics quality are those Korean port managers acknowledge as important factor. And examins these port logistics quality levels and the port logistics value (port productivity, service results) obtained by the results of these activities while reviewing the relation of the custom value which the port managers evaluate in order to evaluate and promote the competitiveness of the Korean port. According to the study results the port logistics function which the Pusan Container Terminal managers recognized as important were customer service management the flexibility of the port facilities and curtailment of the original operation cost of the port. It also indicated that the managers recognized the importance of the customer-oriented terminal management as it showed a close relationship with the port quality level.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This paper is concerned with developing a standard costing model based on the case study of PECT and GCT in order to improve operation efficiency and design business strategy. In doing so the model can be a useful tool to analyze current calculation system of lease charge at the two terminals and to judge whether the level of lease charge currently applied to them is justifiable for thier profitability.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
As the size and complexity of network increase Distributed System Management (DSM) will be significant issue within information network in order to increase the high reliability and to improve the flexibility of network management. The OSI management model has several problems. The key problems are that it does not fully address the problem of how to develop communication protocol in support of DSM and how to classify the management connection criteria. In this paper to solve first problem described above this paper propose the connectionless CMIP to accomplish for effectively managing the distributed management managing systems to handle the dynamic informations. To work out second problem we introduce the connection criteria in the hierarchy of management system and finally evaluate the efficiency of a suggested protocol during cooperative negotiation among the managing system.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The automated gate operating system is developed in this paper that controls the information of container at gate in the ACT. This system can be divided into three parts and consists of container identifier recognition car plate recognition container deformation perception. We linked each system and organized efficient gate operating system. To recognize container identifier the preprocess using LSPRD(Line Scan Proper Region Detection)is performed and the identifier is recognized by using neural network MBP When car plate is recognized only car image is extracted by using color information of car and hough transform. In the port of container deformation perception firstly background is removed by using moving window. Secondly edge is detected from the image removed characters on the surface of container deformation perception firstly background is removed by using moving window. Secondly edge is detected from the image removed characters on the surface of container. Thirdly edge is fitted into line segment so that container deformation is perceived. As a results of the experiment with this algorithm superior rate of identifier recognition is shown and the car plate recognition system and container deformation perception that are applied in real-time are developed.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Today freeway is thought to be a very important transportation facility carrying tremendous traffic flow as the main corridor within the area of between the areas. However freeway is experiencing severe congestion and accidents by increased entrance ramp flow especially at peak time period. Ramp meters on the freeway entrance ramps that supply traffic to the freeway in a measured or appropriately regulated amount are needed for alleviating freeway congestion. Because ramp meters can be operated to discharge traffic at a measured or regulated rate thus maintaining more uniform speed on the mainline section maximizing the throughput to the freeway within the capacity of a downstream bottleneck and reducing the congestion related accidents. Thus the objectives in this study were to analyze the traffic characteristics on the freeway I-94 with ramp metering system before/after ITS technology in Detroit (Michigan) area compare shifts of the traffic characteristics on the freeway I-94 before/after ITS technology and finally suggest a better ramp metering strategy for the freeway system The following results were obtained: i)Flow occupancies and speeds on the mainline merge section of freeway were shown to be a big difference depending on the peak periods areas and directions based on the distribution of traffic flow characteristics on the freeway. ii)Reduced speed was shown to be more than 5 mph and ramp flow was also shown to be more than 240 vph at peak periods if there was the ramp metering system constructed on the freeway. iii)Ramp metering system was shown to be optimally operated on the freeway if ramp flow could be maximized within the range of over 900 vph and reduced occupancy could be also maximized by no more than 2 percent at peak periods. iv)The average flows on the freeway after the ITS technology were shown to be a decrease of over 20% depending on the peak periods areas and directions when compared with those flow on the freeway before the ITS technology. over 20% depending on the peak periods areas and directions when compared with those speeds on the freeway before the ITS technology. vi)The average metering rates on the freeway after the ITS technology were shown to be an increase of over 10% depending on the peak periods areas and directions when compared with those metering rates on the freeway before the ITS technology.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study aims at advancing waterfront planning and development of North Port or of Pusan and attempting to establish an identity through the analysis and case studied of waterfront development of foreign countries. This study is based on Pusan urban harbor plan and the case study which was investigated the relational port with an urban area to find a model of development method and procedure of urban waterfront renewal. The approach of this study is to classify diversified cases and to suggest elements after reviewing successful cases. The point in the waterfront development plan of North Port of Pusan is how to secure an amenity on the edge and provides a comprehensive theoretical base such as skyline, coastline, green area, accessibility scenery, landmark, open space, and so on. The results of this stud is useful for the planner to develop more and systematic approaches which could utilize waterfront. Waterfront development will be a new change of urban development for Pusan.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In this thesis the legal systems related to real estate and sea area utilization are studied in order to improve them for construction of Very Large Floating Structure. Main research subjects are as follows: 1) Whether can Very Large Floating Structure be accepted or not as real estate like house and land\ulcorner 2) How can the sea area which is occupied by Very Large Floating Structure be utilized\ulcorner As the conclusion, the Very Large Floating Structure can be registered as real estate even though it is not specified by Korean law for the present. The design concept of Very Large Floating Structure can be interpreted as satisfying enough necessary conditions and factors for Very Large Floating Structure to become real estate. In the near future, we have to make improvement on the laws related with the construction of Very Large Floating Structures so that private sectors can joint the construction. In additions, a new law for various floating structures should be made as soon as possible.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
To improve the productivity in the harbor, successful development of an UCT(Unmanned Container Transporter) is needed. Well-designed steering and velocity control systems are the key factor for the development of the UCT. In this paper, a research concerning the achievement of the steering control is introduced. To get an information on the guide line that the UCT should track, the vision system is applied. By using neural network, proper steering angle is gotten fast with less influence of the image disturbance. A simulation based on the UCT kinematics is performed with the measured steering angle, and it shows satisfactory results.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In the biological immunity, the immune system of organisms regulates the antibody and T-cells to protect the attack from the foreign materials which are virus, germ cell, and other antigens, and supports their stable state. It has similar characteristics that has the adaptation and robustness to overcome disturbances and to control the plant of engineering application. In this paper, we build a model of the T-cell regulated immune response mechanism. We have also designed an immune response controller(IRC) focusing on the T-cell regulated immune response of the biological immune system that include both a help part to control the response and a suppress part to adjust system stabilization effect. We show some computer simulation to control the vibration of building structure system with strong wind forces excitation also demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed controller for applying a practical system even with existing nonlinear terms.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Copeland’s(1985) hyperbolic mild-slope equation including diffraction refraction and reflection in the wave field is used as a governing equation in this study. The result of Maruyama & Kajima(1985) is used to calculate wave direction and that of Watanabe & Maruyama(1986) is used as a energy dissipation formula. Numerical solutions are obtained by the Leap-Frog scheme and compared with Watanabe & Maruyama’s (1984) hydraulic experimental results and numerical simulation results for the detached breakwater. This wave model is applied to a detached breakwater and compared with Watanabe and Maruyama’s (1984) hydraulic model results to check the characteristics of reflected wave field around a detached breakwater. The distribution of wave height and we phase in front of a detached breakwater is more accurate than the Watanabe and Maruyama’s numerical results. The results from our wave model show good agreements with the others and also show nonlinear effects around the detached breakwater. This model is applied to the Gamcheon harbor of pusan. the field observations were carried out at Pusan harbor wave station in 1986-1995 and the results were accepted as a design wave condition in this study. The wave height and wave period was measured by Dong-A university at one station in the Gamcheon harbor in 1996-1997 and used as a calibration criterion. The measured data were used as input data for the numerical simulation and also compared with simulated results. The numerical simulation shows a fairly good results which considering the effect of topographic characteristics and effect of narrow entrance due to two separated breakwaters in Gamcheon harbor. The wave distribution characteristics inside Gamcheon harbor is quite different with the offshore wave direction and wave period.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Gamcheon Bay has complicated and unique flow pattern which is affected by topography characteristics of a semi-closed bay and warm water discharge from the power plant located at the bay. It is very important to consider warm water discharge with tidal period and wind effects, which are mainly acting on the surface flow patterns in Gamcheon Bay. The results of observation show as follows; i) Because Gamcheon bay has much elongated shape to the north-south direction and narrow entrance with two separated breakwaters, the flow is very weak inside the bay. ii) The main flow path is at the west side of the bay. The direction of flood current is northward along the west side of the bay and the direction of ebb current is southward along the west side of the bay. The southward direction of warm water discharge has curved to the west side of the bay. iii)At the period of flood current for neap tide, the flow direction is southward in the bay, which is thought by the effects of warm water discharge. But at the bottom layer, the effects of tidal current reached to the middle of the bay, and showed features like eddy. iv) The wind effect is very strong, especially, prominent in the west and east side of the bay.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
It is essential for port planning, coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area and discharged water from estuary barrage and basin etc. Mokpo sea area downstreams from a long river and two large basins, the Yongsan river and Yongam-Kumho basins discharging much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibition of salt intrusion to the inland fresh water area. In this study, the numerical calculations were carried out for the analysis of diffusion characteristics due to discharging operation, adapting the results of tidal current simulation ADI methord is applied to the governing equation for the movement of sea water and diffusion and 6-point method to the advection terms of diffusion equation. As the results of this study, it is known that the discharging operation causes increasing and/or decreasing of current velocity and enlarging and/or depressing of pollutant diffusion limits depending on the distance from the discharging gates and the mode of discharging operation. To utilize these result, the linked gate operation and the method increasing exchange of sea water must be considered.
1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Simulation model for diffusion of oil spill is developed. The model can perform real time simulation in the case of oil spill accident in the ocean. The model consists of three dimensional ocean circulation model and model for diffusion of oil spill. Real time flow fields which are used in the calculation of advection of oil spill are obtained in the three dimensional ocean circulation model. The model for diffusion of oil spill includes the evaporation dissolution emulsification and downward diffusion. For the verification of the model it is applied to the oil spill from the accident of Sea Prince. The results shows good agreement.