
한국한자한문교육학회 국제학술대회자료집

이 간행물 논문 검색


제3회 한자와 한문교육 국제학술대회 (2012년 8월) 87

2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
For the vast majority of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong, writing is the greatest difficulty they encounter when studying Chinese. Thus, giving support to improve NCS students’ Chinese writing is currently urgent. In recent years, Genre Teaching Approach is a widely used teaching method to improve students' reading and writing skills. This study attempted to use Genre Teaching Approach to teach NCS students to learn narrative writing. The researchers selected one class of students who participated in the Student Support Programme (SSP) in the University of Hong Kong as research participants. Through classroom observation, interviews and text analysis of students' pretest and posttest essays, we explored the effectiveness of Genre Teaching Approach for improving NCS students' writing skills. This study found that there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest narrative writing performances of the NCS students. Before Genre Teaching Approach was adopted in teaching, their composition structures were unorganized and did not exhibit the stylistic features of narrative writing. But after they were taught by Genre Teaching Approach, their compositions were well-structured, and showed the characteristics of narrative writing. Finally, according to the in-depth interviews with the students, we could further confirm that Genre Teaching Approach helped to improve NCS students’ Chinese writing ability.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The common practice for teaching of classical Chinese words in classical novels is to provide notes and translation. They are practically useful but students will easily rely on them and do not think about the actual meanings of the target words, nor can they grasp the real value of novels, and not to mention the chance to incite the motivation for learning. Notes and translations are not useless, but they will be more useful if we provide some other references for the students to compare and analyze, so that they can not only comprehend the classical words and the content, but also accelerate their abilities of high order thinking, aesthetic and discrimination, which are the functions of novels as literary works. The methods for compare and contrast are: . Compare the difference between the same words in the original novel and the version used in the text book; 2. Compare the difference between the same words in different text books; 3. Compare the difference between the same words in different novels with the same author; 4. Compare the difference between the same words in different novels with the same subject; 5. Provide the students with similar words with the same radicals or similar meanings so that they can compare and make inference for the actual meanings; 6. Delete those words and then compare the text with and without those words, so that the students can deduce the meanings and also appreciate the artistic beauty of novels as literatures.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
漢字一向是國際人士學習中文的難點。從沒有受過漢字形體規則訓練的外國人的視角來看,漢字就是由線條組成的圖形。幾何識字法取材自558檢字法,從筆畫(線條) 與圖形(平面) 的視角分析漢字,又以幾何學兩線相交為一交义點(點) 的方式輔助分析。幾何識字法將漢字分別從整全方塊結構式分割與字內合攏圖形結構兩種圖形視角解構。寫字方面,以「三十六小犬同入四川」組成基本字例引導句,介紹基本筆劃與筆順,再配合前述之結構式分割,學習者就相對容易寫出漢字。 漢字輸入方面,個人數碼助理的按鍵式筆劃輸入、觸控式手寫輸入與及現時愈來愈多個人電腦中已預載的拼音與字形融合的輸入法均為漢字學習者提供了莫大的方便。幾何識字法以學習者為中心,以外國人的視角,以線條圖形和引導句作主導,經教學實踐證實,不論是對成年學習者或是小學非華語學童,均有良好的效果。
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Traditionally Chinese educators have held the view that the repeated writing of characters and the detailed memorisation of the shape and strokes of each character is the most effective way for children to learn Chinese. The danger is that there is often insufficient emphasis on using the characters in a meaningful context, with many students forgetting the meaning of the characters and losing interest in learning. The study looked at the effect on learning of encountering Chinese characters within semantic networks that emphasise the meaning of the words and the acquisition of a Chinese lexicon of clusters of related words. 181 students aged 3-6 years in Kindergarten 1,2 and 3 took part in the study, evidence about the impact of the new approach and lesson activities on learning being gathered using quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analyses involved comparing pre-and post test scores using dependent t-testing to examine prior and after learning knowledge and skills. The qualitative evidence was assembled from interviews with teachers and through the systematic observation of lessons. Students in all three age groups significantly increased their mental lexicon of groups of associated words. Qualitative analyses indicated that all of the students had improved their interest in learning Chinese characters and had become more active learners. They were more efficient language learners and knew much more about the semantics, phonology and graphics of Chinese characters.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
When discussing about CSL literary activities, most researchers focus on paper materials and theories of second or foreign language teaching are rarely applied. In order to go beyond the limitations, in this study we would like to explore the literary teaching activities when combining the digital materials and task-basking teaching method in the CSL classroom. One CSL teacher and 6 German students are invited to participate in this study. After the practice of CSL curriculum with digital materials and task-based teaching method, two results are found. First, in terms of task-based teaching method the CSL teacher spent more time on explaining than on doing and evaluating the language tasks. Second, with regard to difficulty, the CSL teacher would choose to lecture the class and skip the literary and discussion activities if the contents of digital materials were difficult. Therefore, we conclude that the CSL digital materials can provide students more literary opportunities; however, the CSL teacher may not change his/her teaching method and literary activities because of the use of digital materials.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The number of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong is increasing year by year. Their needs for education are increasing too. The educators and their NCS parents very concern how well these NCS students can adopt to the learning environment in Hong Kong, and have better academic performance, especially in Chinese language learning. Researchers believe that if the NCS students can learn Chinese language as earliest as possible, like in kindergarten stage, they can catch up with the local Chinese language curriculum requirement and standard much easier. Researchers worked with three kindergartens, and designed school-based Chinese language curriculum especially for these NCS young students. The curriculum emphasized the development of NCS young students’ listening and speaking abilities, strengthen their Chinese character learning ability and also teaching reading and writing skills. After one-year teaching experiment, it is found that the academic performance of these NCS young students’ was very impressive. They have great improvement in the learning of the sound, shape and meaning of Chinese characters. This presentation will report the research findings.
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