
한국작물학회 학술발표회 KCI 등재

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2008 한국작물학회 추계학술발표회 (2008년 10월) 214

2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 실험은 SSR marker를 이용하여 밀 자원의 근연관계 및 유전자연관지도 작성의 기초 자료가 되는 anchor marker를 탐색하고자 수행되었다. 실험재료는 금강밀 등 41개 국내육성 품종 및 계통과 Genaro81 등 외국품종 7개 등 총 48개 자원을 사용하였고, SSR marker는 밀의 21개 염색체에서 각각의 short arm에 존재하는 3개와 long arm에 존재하는 5개 SSR marker를 선발하여 총 168개의 SSR primer set을 구성하였다. 이 중 108개의 SSR marker에 대한 PCR 실험결과 92개에서 다형성을 보였으며, 국내외 밀 자원은 SSR marker에 따라 1~7개의 loci에서 유전자다형성을 보였다. 선발된 SSR marker들은 국내외 밀 자원의 분류 및 mapping 집단의 anchor marker로서 이용될 수 있을 것이다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The petals of edible rose contains diverse component, such as cratgolic acid, malic acid, vitamin C, B2, flavonoids, and lactons. The petals of edible rose are also known to have pharmaceutical effects. They have been used in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency, coronary heart disease, hyperpiesia and inflammatory disease only in folk remedies. Also, the petals of edible rose have various colors, such as red, pink, purple, blue, green, black, white, and yellow. Maybe, such color pigmentations are due to accumulation of anthocyanins, chlorophylls, flavonoids, and various combinations of breakdown products of these pigments. Despite many research on rose, report on the exact composition of anthocyanins in petal of edible rose is limited. Therefore, the objective of this study is to isolate and identify the anthocyanins in red petals of edible rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Noblered). Major anthocyanin pigments of the red petals in edible rose were extracted with 0.5% HCl - 20% MeOH for 24hrs. at room temperature, and purified using C18 open-column chromatography and prep-HPLC method. Two major anthocyanins were isolated, and their chemical structures were identified by spectroscopic methods (UV-VIS, LC-MS, and NMR). The λmax of anthocyanin 1 was 512nm, and m/z = 611[M+], while anthocyanin 2 had maximum absorbance at 501nm, and m/z = 595[M+], resulting in the two compounds are different. The complete structures of these anthocyanins were elucidated as cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, and pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside, respectively.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Biomass crops have potential as a source of renewable CO2-neutral energy to ease concerns about fossil fuel consumption. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in high biomass crops such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Switchgrass is a perennial C4 grass that requires low cost for biomass production. In the previous study, we evaluated forty-six switchgrass germplasms for biomass yield and classified the germplasms into the high-, medium-, and low-yielding groups. In this experiment, we analyze physiological characteristics affecting biomass productivity and composition of organic compounds for the two selected lines from each biomass yield group. Among the characteristics related to carbon assimilation, photosynthetic rate, real CO2 absorption rate(Delta CO2(CO2 reference - CO2 analysis(corrected for dilution))), P.A.R incident on leaf surface, and chlorophyll content were positively related to biomass yield of the selected lines. Positive correlation was found between biomass yield and ash content but no relations were found between biomass yield and content of organic compounds such as lignin, glucose, crude protein, cellulose, holocellulose, hemicellulose, ADF, and NDF. This study was supported by Technology Development Program for New Bioenergy(subject number-20070301030016), Rural Development Adiministration, Republic of Korea.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
고려인삼은 예로부터 명약으로 중요한 약재로 사용해 왔으며 현대 약품에서도 다양한 용도로 이용되어지고 있다. 특히, 인삼의 효능이 알려지면서 세계 각국에선 Ginsenoside 추출방법 등 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 인삼추출 시 가열온도와 시간에 따라 기능적 차이가 있는 Ginsenoside의 추출속도와 변화를 알아보고자 실시하였다. 실험방법은 동일 재배지에서 수확한 인삼을 백삼과 홍삼으로 가공한 후, 1.2cm간격으로 절단하여 각각 60g을 물 1800cc에 넣고 교반기(MSH-200-Set)에서 50℃, 80℃, 100℃로 각각 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60, 72시간 가열하였다. 온도별 가열시간에 따라 추출한 물 30㎖를 분리, 정제한 후 HPLC(Perkin Elmer Series 200)를 이용하여 Ginsenoside를 분석하였다. 추출물의 갈변도는 백삼, 홍삼 모두에서 고온일수록, 시간이 경과함에 따라 갈색화 반응이 현저하게 진행되었으며 특히,홍삼의 경우100℃에서 갈변도가 가장 높았다. 추출물의 Crude Saponin변화는 백삼의 경우 50℃, 72시간에서 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었고 80℃에서는 24시간조건이 높은 경향을 보였으며 100℃에서는 48시간이 높았다. 총 Ginsenoside 함량은 50℃의 24시간조건에서 80℃의 48시간이 가장 높은 함량을 보였으며, 100℃에서는 6시간 조건이 높았다. 홍삼의 경우, 추출물의 Crude Saponin변화는 50℃의 60시간 조건이 높았고 80℃의 조건에서는 24시간이 높은 함량을 나타냈으며 100℃에서는 24시간 조건이 높았다. Ginsenoside 함량은 50℃의 60시간 조건과 80℃의 6시간, 100℃의 6시간 조건에서 가장 높은 경향을 보였다. 이상에서 백삼과 홍삼의 가열온도와 시간에 따른 성분변화를 검토한 결과, 대체로 PT계에 비하여 PD계가 감소하는 것이 확인되었고 Rb2, Rb3가 80℃에서 높은 함량을 보였다. 특히, Rg1은 온도가 높을수록 함량이 감소 경향이 나타났으며 모든 온도에서 총 Ginsenside 함량은 80℃가 가장 높았다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The volatile and semi-volatile compounds of 5 accessions of domestic and 25 accessions of foreign aroma rice were extracted by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrum (GC-MS). A total of 158 volatile and semi-volatile compounds were identified from 30 accessions of aroma rice germplasm, including 32 alcohols, 25 acids, 25 ketones, 21 hydrocarbon, 18 esters, 16 aldehydes, 4 ethers, 5 amines, 2 phenols, 2 bases, and 8 miscellaneous compounds. By UPGMA/Neighbor-join tree analysis, the thirty aroma rice germplasms could be classified into five groups according to the major odor or aroma compounds. Group Ⅰ included Indica type of 'Basmati' varieties. GroupⅡ included Japonica type foreign aroma rice except WAR 16 (domestic aroma rice). GroupⅢ and GroupⅤ included Indica type of Basmati and non-Basmati varities. GroupⅣ included domestic aroma rice except WAR34 and WAR35(Basmati varieties).
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
NIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis after the appropriate spectral data pre-treatment has been proved to be a very powerful tool for judgment of the relative pattern of the objects that have very similar properties. In this study, 500 GMO soybean seeds and, 500 non-GMO ones were measured in NIR reflectance mode. Principal component analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied to classify soybean with different genes into two groups (GMO and non-GMO). Calibrations were developed using DA regression with the cross-validation technique. The results show that differences between GMO and non-GMO soybeans do exist and excellent classification can be obtained after optimizing spectral pre-treatment. The raw spectra with DA model after the second derivative pre-treatment had the best satisfactory calibration and prediction abilities, with 97% accuracy. The results in the present study show NIR spectroscopy together with chemometrics techniques could be used to differentiate GMO soybean, which offers the benefit of avoiding time-consuming, costly and laborious chemical and sensory analysis.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was conducted to examine the appropriate transplanting date of the top-quality rice variety, Unkwangbyeo, in Honam plain area. The results obtained from 2006 to 2007 in Iksan are as follows. The number of panicle per m2 increased as the transplanting date became late and the number of grain per m2 was the highest in the plot of which the transplanting date was June 15. Percent ripened grain increased as the transplanting date became late until June 15, however, it decreased in the plot of which the transplanting date was June 30. Imperfect grain increased as the transplanting date became early due to the occurrence of immature rice and cracked rice. Protein content increased as the transplanting date became late, but didn't show statistical significance. Toyo texture increased as the transplanting date became late. Rice yield and the head rice yield increased as the transplanting date became late until June 15, however, they decreased in the plot of which the transplanting date was June 30. Even though the rice price was high in early transplanting cultivation, gross profit was the highest in June 15 transplanting since the rice yield increased as the transplanting date became late until June 15. Considering the yield, rice quality and profit, the most appropriate transplanting date of Unkwangbyeo in Honam plain area is the middle of June.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Flour physicochemical properties of 26 Korean wheat cultivars, 7 imported wheat and 5 commercial wheat flours were evaluated to determine making for yellow alkaline noodles (YAN) in this study. In physical characteristics of YAN, ash and damaged starch content was 0.42% and 3.79%. Flour color of YAN was 92.17 in L*, -1.45 in a* and 9.77 in b*. Protein content, SDS-sedimentation based on a constant flour weight (SDSSF), on a constant protein weight (SDSSP) and dry gluten content was 11.97%, 59.00 mL, 48.00 mL and 8.20%. Water absorption, mixing time and tolerance of mixograph was 61.50%, 3.75 min and 24.00 mm. In starch characteristics, amylose and total starch was 23.72% and 76.10. L* value of flour decreased when ash, damaged starch, protein content of flour increased. Protein content of wheat flour was positively correlated with SDSSP, dry gluten and mixograph water absorption. SDSSF showed positively correlated with SDSSP, mixograph mixing time and mixing tolerance (r = 0.641, P < 0.001, r = 0.464, P < 0.05 and r = 0.618, P < 0.001, respectively) and SDSSP positively correlated with dry gluten, mixograph water absorption, mixing time and mixing tolerance (r = 0.550, P < 0.05, r = 0.520, P < 0.01, r = 0.396, P < 0.05 and r = 0.552, P < 0.01, respectively).
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Starch RVA profile parameters serve as important indices in the estimation of rice cooking and eating quality. Four cold- tolerant and five cold-sensitive japonica rice varieties grown at 3 different altitudes in Yunnan plateau were used in this experiments. RVA parameters including peak viscosity(PKV), hot viscosity(HTV), final viscosity(FLV), breakdown viscosity(BDV), setback viscosity(SBV) and pasting temperature(PaT) were investigated. SBV and PaT of cold tolerant varieties and PKV, BDV and SBV of cold-sensitive varieties were significantly influenced by environments. The variances of RVA parameters were affected by genotype×environment interactions in cold tolerant and sensitive varieties. The coefficients of variation of RVA parameters except for SBV in cold tolerant varieties were lower than those in cold sensitive varieties. HTV, FLV and SBV of cold tolerant varieties were significantly lower, while PKV, BDV and PaT were significantly higher than those of cold sensitive varieties. With altitude increasing, SBV and PaT of cold sensitive varieties increased significantly, whereas PKV, HTV, FLV and BDV decreased significantly. However, PKV, BDV and PaT of cold tolerant varieties gradually increased while HTV, FLV and SBV increased and then gradually decreased with altitude rising. These results suggested that cooking and eating quality would be improved by improving cold tolerance of rice varieties in breeding program.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
To obtain some information on the change of antioxidant components of seeds during grain filling stage as affected by the sowing dates, lignan compounds were investigated according to days of flowering under different sowing dates. Sesamin and sesamolin contents showed significantly different by days of flowering and varieties. Both of sesamin and sesamolin content increased after flowering and reached highest at 40 days of flowering, but they started to decrease thereafter. Sesamin and sesamolin contents of sesame seeds changed with sowing dates. Generally, late sowing date of May 30 showed relatively higher accumulation rate of sesamin and sesamolin contents rather than other sowing dates, but overall patterns were a little different by varieties and lignan compounds. In case of variety Yangbaek, sesamin and sesamolin contents showed relatively higher at sowing date of May 30, but variety Yanghuck showed higher sesamin and sesamolin contents till 20 days of flowering when sowing date of May 30, but it showed to change that both lignan contents were relatively higher under sowing date of May 10.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Flour characteristics and end-use quality of 10 commercial flours produced from Korean wheat (Kcom) were evaluated to utilize information for assessment consumer's satisfaction with Korean wheat compared with commercial flour from imported wheats (com). Two types of Kcom, whole wheat flour and white wheat flour, were found in market. Whole wheat flours showed higher ash and protein content, lower lightness and higher water absorption in mixogram than white wheat flours. Amylose content of Kcom was similar to that of com, but peak viscosity and breakdown of Kcom was lower than those of com. Noodle dough sheet prepared from white flours of Kcom was thinner thickness and higher lightness than those of whole wheat flours. Compared to com, Kcom showed lower lightness of noodle dough sheet. Hardness of cooked noodles of Kcom was similar to com for making noodle flours. In bread baking, Kcom showed lower loaf volume and lightness of crumb and higher firmness of crumb compared to com for baking bread.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Anthocyanins of black soybean may play an important role in physiological functions related to human health such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. The objective of this study was to investigate the profiles of anthocyanin in fourteen black soybean varieties using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array detector (PAD). In all of the cultivars analyzed totally nine anthocyanins including, CatCy3glc, Dp3gal, Dp3glc, Cy3gal, Cy3glc, Pt3glc, Pg3glc, Pn3glc, and Cy were found. Cy3glc was the major anthocyanin content, represention 69.5% of anthocyanin, followed by Dp3glc (23.0%), Pt3glc (4.9%), Pn3glc (1.2%), and Pg3glc(1.1%), respectively. In contrast, the other five anthocyanins were in very low amounts, below 0.3 % in all varieties. Comparing cultivars and anthocyanin compositions, Geomjeong 2, Cheongja 2, and Cheongja 3 were found to content 9 anthocyanins. Geomjeong 1 and Seonheuk contented CatCy3glc, Cy3gal, Cy3glc, and Pn3glc. The variation of total anthocyanin concentration were significant for soybean cultivars. Geomjeong 2 showed highest average total anthocyanin content (17,937.8 ㎍/g seed coat), and Tawonkong and Heugcheong had the lowest total anthocyanin values (2,835.7 and 2,853.1 ㎍/g seed coat, respectively).
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Chinese milkvetch(CM) has been cultivated as green manure source for environment friendly farming in southern area. This experiment was conducted to produce good quality rice through studying the changes of yield, quality and leaf colors as affected by the amount of CM biomass retuned to paddy field. We growed rice, transplanted in June 10 with cultivar dongjinilho, in four different plots retuned green manure with 0, 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 ㎏ m-2 CM biomass in May 30. Nitrogen amounts were 5.5g by 1.5㎏CM biomass, 11.1g by 3.0㎏, and 16.6g by 4.5㎏ in late May. There were no different SPAD values among treatments in 10 days after transplanting. However, the more the CM biomass from 20 days after transplanting, the higher the SPAD values were. the plot of CM biomass to 3.0 ㎏ m-2 had same heading date but the plot of 4.5 ㎏ m-2 was one day late heading date as compared with the others. There were no different plant height, number of panicle, panicle length, number of leaf and ripening ratio among the CM biomass amounts. The higher the CM biomass amount, the more likely the plant was lodge. the plot retuned CM fresh biomass 1.5 ㎏ m-2 showed the higher rice yield than the plot retuned 3.0 and 4.5 ㎏ m-2 in 2006, but all plots had similar rice yields in 2007. There was no different whiteness of rice among all treatments . The more the CM biomass amount retuned to plot, the higher the protein content of rice.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was carried out to investigate the variation of triterpene soyasapogenol A and B in soybean cultivars. Soyasapogenol A and B were isolated from acid hydrolysis of 80% aqueous ethanol extract of soybean and the structures of these soyasapogenols were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR analysis. And the distribution of soyasapogenol A and B were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with variable wavelength detector (VWD). The soyasapogenol A and B contents of soybean cultivars ranged form 49.9 ㎍/g (Geomjeongsaeol) to 701.5㎍/g (Sorog) and from 91.4㎍/g (Danmi) to 2,315.9 ㎍/g (Daewonkong), respectively. Sorog cultivar showed the highest total soyasapogenol contents (2,773.8 ㎍/g), whereas Geomjeongkong 3 cultivar displayed the lowest (83.5㎍/g). The average content ratio of soyasapogenol B (1,061.4㎍/g) was significantly higher than that of soyasapogenol A (292.5 ㎍/g).
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Iris nertschinsk has been used generally as a decorative plant. However, it has been almost used as a medicine for therapy on various human diseases. In this study, we demonstrate the anti-tumor effect of Iris nertschinsk on human breast cancer cells. Firstly, we found that Iris nertschinsk dose-dependently induced cell death in human breast cancer cell lines, MCF7 and MDA-MB231. Moreover, phosphorylation of p53 was induced after Iris nertschinsk treatment in MCF7 cells, which has a functional p53, but not in MDA-MB231 cells, which has a dysfunctional p53. We next examined whether Iris nertschinsk induces caspase-dependent cell death. Caspase-7 was cleaved after Iris nertschinsk treatment in MCF7 cells. Interestingly, either caspase-3 or caspase-7 was cleaved in MDA-MB231 cells that p53 had been phosphorylated by Iris nertschinsk treatment, indicating that Iris nertschinsk induces apoptosis through the cleavage of caspase-3, -7 in human breast cancer cell lines, MCF7 and MDA-MB231, but related to the status of p53. Therefore, these results suggest that Iris nertschinsk could be used as a treatment for human breast cancer. This research is supported by National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology research grant.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
국내 유전자원에 대한 천연화합물 기능성 및 항산화성 물질을 탐색, 분리하고 신품종 육성을 통해 국민건강에 유해한 요인인 트랜스 지방에 대한 대체작물을 선발ㆍ육성하고자 2007년 충청지역에서 수집된 해바라기 유전자원에 대해 주요 작물학적 특성 및 지방산 조성 구성비율을 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다.총128점의 수집된 유전자원 중에서 CNU 07:32,S1 수집종의 개화기는 중간정도 였으며 간장은 210~290cm범위였고, 경경은 19~40cm의 변이를 보였다. 화판길이는 15~27cm의 변이를 보였으며, 종피색은 모두 검정색을 보였다. 1차 지방산을 분석한 결과 대전 온천1동과 죽동지역 외5개 지역의 해바라기 유전자원에서 고급지방산인 오레인산(18:1)과 리놀산(18:2)의 함량이 월등히 높게 나타났다. 특히 CNU07:32 수집종은 오레인 지방산 함량이 69.3%(area%)로 Garst종자회사에서 육성된 교잡종인 4665HO나 4596HO의 DPM값이 97 및 99와 비슷한 값을 보여 앞으로 이들 계통의 육종결과가 기대되었다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was conducted to improve the quantity of fatty acid in peanut oil for quality breeding program. To determine fatty acids of oleic acid and linoleic acid in F2 generation, we used near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) with high R2 values of 0.983 and 0.991 for oleic and linoleic acids, respectively. For this experiment, two combinations with 2 mother plant( cultivar Sangpyeong and Baekseon) and 1 father plant (YGC 2) were analysed. Each cultivar Sangpyeong, Baekseon, and YGC-2 in oleic and linoleic acid have 41.6%, 58.8%, 76.9% and 44.9%, 26.2%, 5.7% respectively. Distribution of fatty acid in combination Sangpyeon/YGC-2 in oleic acid showed 38.2% to 83.5%, and in linoleic acid showed 43.2% to 6.3%. The combination of Baekseon/YGC2-2 also showed 44.6% to 81.0% in oleic acid, and 40.1% to 6.8%. This result showed the values of fatty acid in F2 generation had more wide continuous variation, compared with parents values.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purple and blue grain of barley have anthocyanins that is good sources of antioxidant. Thus we investigated the malt and wort characteristic of purple and blue barley for brewing. During steeping period, anthocyanins content reduced both materials. However the lost content was different from 80% and 20% in purple and blue barley, respectively. Also the anyhocyanin content was different both malt comparing to raw grain from 0.4~4.2% in purple but 50% in blue grain. The wort and beer color(EBC unit) and content of polyphenol and soluble nitrogen from malt of purple and blue were higher than control malt(Hopum). There was no anthocyanins in wort and beer of malt in purple and blue. In these results, it was identified that the anthocyanins from raw grain lost during malting and brewing processing with conventional method.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
벼의 질소시비량 및 수확시기에 변화에 따른 도정특성 및 쌀 품질변화를 구명하기 위하여 일품벼와 추청벼를 시험품종으로 질소시비량과 수확시기를 다르게 하여서 시험하였다. 질소시비량은 무처리를 대조구로 하여 5 kg, 9 kg, 13 kg, 17 kg, 21 kg/10a의 5수준으로 하였고 질소시비방법은 기비-분얼비-수비를 5:2:3으로 분시하였으며, 인산과 칼리의 시비량 및 시비방법은 표준재배법에 준하여 실시하였다.수확시기는 출수 후40일, 50일, 60일, 70일, 80일로 하였다. 두 품종 모두 질소시비량과 수확시기가 달라짐에 따라 도정률에 큰 변화가 없었다. 그렇지만 질소시비량은 정현비율과 정의 상관관계를 나타내었지만 현백비율과는 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 품종간에는 추청벼가 일품벼보다 평균적으로 모든 시비 수준에서 높은 도정률을 나타내었다. 질소시비량과 완전미율은 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 품종간에는 13 kg/10a 이하의 시비수준에서는 추청벼가 일품벼보다 높은 완전미율을 나타내었지만 그보다 높은 수준에서는 일품벼가 추청벼보다 약간 높았다. 두 품종 모두 질소시비량이 증가할수록 분상질미와 싸라기 발생은 높아지는 경향이었다. 질소시비량과 수확시기에 따른 쌀의 단백질함량 변화는 질소시비량이 증가할수록 단백질함량 또한 증가하였으나 수확시기에 따라서는 차이가 없었다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구의 목적은 SNP 방법으로 벼 계통 및 품종의 전분특성을 이화학 특성 조사를 거치지 않고 빠르고 간편하게 판별하고자 프라이머를 제작하는 것이다. 실험을 위해 기존 육성된 100여 품종을 대상으로 아밀로스함량, 알칼리붕괴도, RVA 특성 및 단백질 함량을 조사하였고, SSⅡa 유전자와 SBE 유전자를 탐색하여 기존에 발표된 PCR Primer를 포함한 21개 SNP 마커 (SSⅡa 유전자 관련 18개, SBE 유전자 관련 3개)를 제작하였다.제작된 프라이머의 최적PCR 조건을 확립하였고, 아가로스젤상에서 품종별 전분특성과 제작된 마커의 관계를 분석한 결과 신규 제작한 프라이머 중 4330F-1, 4330F-2와 4198F-1, 4198F-2 프라이머의 통일벼 계통 품종 판별이 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다.