
천문학논총 KCI 등재 Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society

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Volume 30 Issue 2 (2015년 9월) 186

2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We investigated the period variation for 79 eclipsing binary systems using 20 years (1990-2009) of EROS, Macho, and OGLE survey observations. We discovered 9 apsidal motions, 8 mass transfers, 5 period increasing and decreasing systems, 12 light-travel-time effects, 5 eccentric systems and 40 other systems showing no period variations. We select 3 representative eclipsing binary systems; EROS 1052 for apsidal motion, EROS 1056 for mass transfer, and EROS 1037 for the light-travel-time effect. We determine the period variation rate (dP/dt), orbital parameters of the 3rd body (e3, ω3, f(m3), P3, T3), apsidal motion parameters (dω/dt, U, Ps, Pa, e) and apsidal motion period by analyzing the light curves and O-C diagrams.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Close binary stars are so close that one component has an effect on the evolution of the other. But how do they form and evolve? This is an unsolved problem. One speculation is that the binary is a part of a hierarchical triple and its orbit shrinks due to interaction with the third component. Therefore, searching for and investigating tertiary components, especially close-in ones, in close binary stars are important for understanding their origin, as well as to test theories of star formation and stellar dynamical interaction.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In this work, we present the result of our follow-up observations of SDSS J092741.73+332959.1 and SDSS J130733.49+215636.7 using the 2.35 m Thai National Telescope and ULTRASPEC instrument. Both systems are listed among the recently found white dwarf main sequence binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. SDSS J092741.73+332959.1 is a new PCEB with a period of 2.3 days, the longest orbital period known to date for white dwarf binaries. SDSS J130733.49+215636.7 is confirmed to be an eclipsing system with a period of 0.21 days from the Catalina Survey's light curve, however the parameters for the white dwarf are still uncertain. Our goal is to determine precise parameters for both systems using the Binary Maker 3 software. The observation for SDSS J0927+3329 was done on 9 January 2014 in the SDSS r' filter while the data for SDSS J1307+2156 were taken in the z' filter on 27 April 2014. Our models show that the red dwarf companions in both systems are well constrained inside their Roche Lobes. We find that the binary M2/M1 ratio in SDSS J0927+3329 is close to 0.5, with white dwarf and M-dwarf temperatures of 12000 K and 3300 K, respectively. Our preliminary result for SDSS J1307+2156 show that this system has an extreme mass ratio of 0.3. The white dwarf in this system has a temperature of 7500 K and the companion star has an effective temperature of 3150 K.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We present our recent observations of SDSS J102102.25+174439.9, a new eclipsing white dwarf - main sequence WDMS binary with an orbital period of 0.14 days. This system belongs to the post common- envelope binary group as shown by the spectrum from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We obtained our data using the ULTRASPEC instrument installed on the 2.4-m telescope at the Thai National Observatory (TNO). Our multi-band observations reveal an unusual and persistent drop in brightness after the primary eclipse. These dips, which appear to show variations in amplitude, also have a complex shape that changes within days. Dips in WDMS systems have been observed on only one other occasion, in the light curve of QS Vir prior to the eclipse of the white dwarf. The dips in SDSS J1021+1744 are unique because they are present at di erent wavelengths and they occur approximately at similar phases. Hosting a DA white dwarf and an M4 companion star, this system is known to be the only WDMS to show these kind of dips in its light curve. It is possible that these dips are caused by ejected materials from an active companion star, such as in QS Vir. The light curve in the g0 lter exhibits deep and narrow features, implying that the material which passes in front of the white dwarf in SDSS J1021 must be dense and small in size. Furthermore, we try to constrain the stellar and orbital parameters of SDSS J1021+1744 using the Binary Maker 3 software. We use g' and r' data for our light curve analysis to have a better approximation for the red dwarf star.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
We present the results of visual double stars speckle observations from 2013 using a Zeiss Double Refractor 60 cm with visual focal length f = 1,078 cm, and CCD SBIG ST-402 MEA. A Bessel V filter with ⋋ = 550 nm was placed in front of the CCD camera to reduce the chromatic aberration of the objective lens. The objects selected for this observation were calibration candidates and program stars with separations ranging from 0.9—6 arc second, and were located in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Seeing at Bosscha Observatory is generally 1—2 arc second, imposing a limit on visual double star separation below which the system cannot be resolved by long exposure imaging (longer than ~50 ms). Speckle interferometry methods are used to resolve double stars with separations below the typical size of seeing effects. A series of images were captured in fast short-time exposures (~50 ms) using a CCD camera. The result of our experiment shows that our system can be used to measure separations of 0.9 arc second (for systems with small Δm) and Δm ≈ 3.7 (for wide systems).
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We introduce a code called tlc s05, to fit sparsely sampled JHK band Cepheid light curve data with template light curves to derive the mean magnitude. A brief description of the code is provided here. We tested the performance of the code in deriving the mean JHK band magnitudes using simulations, and we found that it is better to observe more than four evenly spaced data points per light curve, which permits tlc s05 to derive accurate mean magnitudes for Cepheid JHK band light curves.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The results of spectral studies of the CTTS type young star RY Tau with spectrograms of the ultraviolet and the visual ranges are presented. We show the first detection of periodic variability of the emission line intensities in UV and visual ranges with a period of 23 days.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
R Canis Majoris is a bright, short-period (1d.1359) Algol-type eclipsing binary. For a long time, it was considered to be a low-mass binary star with M1 = 1.1M⊙ and M2 = 0.17M⊙ primary and secondary components, respectively (Tomkin, 1985). Glazunova, Yushchenko & Mkrtichian (2009) found new masses for the primary and secondary components of M1=1.81M⊙ and M2=0.23M⊙, respectively and resolved a long-standing problem with the low masses of components for this binary. Budding and Butland (2011) confirmed the results of Glazunova, Yushchenko & Mkrtichian and obtained improved orbits and masses. New spectroscopic observations of R CMa were done during 8 nights on December 2012 with the 2.4-meter telescope of the Thai National Observatory (TNO) and fibre-fed medium resolution echelle spectrograph. We obtained new, accurate orbital radial velocities of the two components of this binary system. Results of these investigations and the new orbital parameters are presented.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
We present results of a new high-resolution spectroscopic study of the RS CVn-type binary system EI Eridani (HD26337). We used high S/N ratio LSD profiles to measure a new RV orbit of the primary component and new orbital parameters. We found evidence of strong spectral line profile variations at time intervals indicating the existence of short-lived (few days) spots on the surface of the primary component. We measured a projected rotation velocity of star of 53.2 km/s
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Microlensing can be seen as a version of strong gravitation lensing where the separation angle of the image formed by light de ection by a massive object is too small to be seen by a ground based optical telescope. As a result, what can be observed is the change in light intensity as function of time; the light curve. Conventionally, the intensity of the source is expressed in magnitudes, which uses a logarithmic function of the apparent ux, known as the Pogson formulae. In this work, we compare the magnitudes from the Pogson formulae with magnitudes from the Asinh formulae (Lupton et al. 1999). We found for small uxes, Asinh magnitudes give smaller deviations, about 0.01 magnitudes smalller than Pogson magnitudes. This result is expected to give signi cant improvement in detection level of microlensing light curves.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Classical novae (CNe) are interacting binary systems whose outbursts are powered by a thermonuclear runaway in accreted material onto the surface of a white dwarf (WD). The secondary star in such systems fills its Roche lobe and material is transferred onto the WD primary star via an accretion disk. Recurrent novae (RNe) show many similarities to CNe, but have had more than one recorded outburst. RNe play an important role as one of the suspected progenitor systems of Type Ia supernovae, which are used as primary distance indicators in cosmology. Thus, it is important to investigate the nature of their central binary systems to determine the relation between the parameters of the central system and the outburst type, and finally ascertain the population of novae that might be available to give rise to the progenitors of Type Ia SNe. A low outburst amplitude is adopted as a criterion that may help distinguish RNe from CNe and was therefore used to select targets for observations from ground-based observatories including the Liverpool Telescope and the Southern African Large Telescope as well as the full-sky space-based archive of the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI). We found that at least four objects currently classified as CNe are possibly RNe candidates based on their quiescent spectra. We also searched the SMEI archive for additional outbursts of bright CNe that might otherwise have been missed but did not find a conclusive example.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this work we present the results of light curve analysis for two cataclysmic variables detected recently in the SDSS project: SDSS J090350.73+330036.1 and J150240.98+333423.9. Photometric observations of the rst were obtained during a superoutburst in May 2010. Our observations clearly indicate the presence of superhumps in the light curves, suggesting SDSS J090350.73+330036.1 is an SU UMa dwarf nova. We determined the period of the superhumps. We also carried out fitting using a spiral-arm model in order to determine parameters of the accretion disk, hot line, and other components of this system. Photometric observations of the second, J150240.98+333423.9, were obtained during the post-maximum decline, during April-June 2012. Photometric variability of this system has been studied in an inactive state. We obtained its parameters via a combined model fitted to the observed light curves by X2 mini- mization.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We review recent results on superhump period variations in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. Our statistical studies have revealed that the evolution of the superhump period is basically composed of three stages: stage-A, during which the superhump period is long and constant, stage-B, during which the superhump period increases as the superoutburst proceeds, and stage-C, during which the superhump period is short and constant. We also introduce a new method of estimating a mass ratio using the stage-A superhump period. This method can extend to, for example, low mass X-ray binaries or AM CVn stars if the stage-A superhump period is well determined.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Low resolution spectra of Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Del) in the optical range have been obtained at Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia during its maximum light (V = 4.3). Spectra were observed from August 16 to 27, 2013. The GAO-ITB RTS 20.3 cm telescope, and SBIG DSS-7 spectrograph and SBIG ST-7 XE as the detector have been employed throughout the observations. The spectra show P-Cygni profiles in Balmer, NaI`D' and Fe II lines, from which we determined shell expansion velocities of 1421.6639.18 km/s, 1227.5421.57 km/s and 1402.86 km/s, respectively. Our spectroscopic observations followed the spectral evolution of V339 Del from the pre-maximum phase to early Orion phase. The characteristics of the nova Delphini 2013 resembles those of Fe II-type novae.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recent narrow-band Ca photometry discovered two distinct red giant branch (RGB) populations in some massive globular clusters (GCs) including M22, NGC 1851, and NGC 288. In order to investigate the di erences in light/heavy elements abundances between the two subpopulations, we have performed low-resolution spectroscopy for stars on the two RGBs in these GCs. We find a significant diff erence (more than 4) in calcium abundance from the spectroscopic HK0 index for both M22 and NGC 1851. We also find a more than 8 difference in CN band strength between the Ca-strong and Ca-weak subpopulations. For NGC 288, however, we detect the presence of a large difference only in the CN strength. The calcium abundances of the two subpopulations in this GC are identical within errors. We also find interesting differences in CN-CH relations among these GCs. While CN and CH indices are correlated in M22, they show an anti-correlation in NGC 288. However, NGC 1851 shows no di erence in CH between two groups of stars having different CN strengths. The CN bimodality in these GCs could be explained by pollution from intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars and/or fast-rotating massive stars. For the presence or absence of calcium bimodality and the differences in CN-CH relations, we suggest these would be best explained by how strongly type II supernovae enrichment has contributed to the chemical evolutions of these GCs.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The metallicity distribution of globular clusters (GCs) provides a crucial clue for the star formation history of their host galaxy. With the assumption that GCs are generally old, GC colors have been used as a proxy for GC metallicities. Bimodal color distributions of GCs observed in most large galaxies have, for decades, been interpreted as bimodal metallicity distributions, indicating the presence of two populations within a galaxy. However, the conventional view has been challenged by a new theory that non-linear GC color-metallicity relations can cause a bimodal color distribution even from a single-peaked metallicity distribution. Using photometric and spectroscopic data of NGC 5128 GCs in combination with stellar population simulation models, we examine the effect of non-linearity in GC color-metallicity relations on transformation of the color distributions into the metallicity distributions. Although in some colors offsets are present between observations and models for the color-metallicity relations, their overall shape agrees well for various colors. After the offsets are corrected, the observed spectroscopic metallicity distribution is well reproduced via modeled color-metallicity relations from various color distributions having different morphologies. We discuss the implications of our results.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A search for luminous white dwarfs (WDs) in several nearby Galactic globular clusters (GCs) was carried out using the deep and homogeneous photometric catalog of Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by Sarajedini et al. and Anderson et al.. It resulted in the identification of luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 (NGC 6205) and M22 (NGC 6656). The purpose of the present study is to identify luminous WDs in the deep and homogeneous V versus V - I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of several nearby Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the HST. Using photometric data for the GCs M13 and M22 that are now in the public domain, the V versus V - I CMDs of the GCs M13 and M22 were constructed. Many spurious detections in the CMDs were removed using the photometric quality parameters qfit(V ) and qfit(I), and a radial restriction was applied to the CMDs to remove the central stars with higher photometric errors due to central crowding. From each resultant V versus V - I CMD of the GCs M13 and M22, a dozen or so luminous WD candidates were identified. They were confirmed as stellar objects in the accompanying ACS/WFC images and their positions in the CMDs were in the bright part of the DA WD cooling curve. Therefore, the luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 and M22 seem to be true luminous WDs, and spectroscopic observations are needed to confirm their true identity.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
One of the long-standing problems in modern astronomy is the curious division of globular clusters (GCs) into two groups, according to the mean period (hPabi) of type ab RR Lyrae variables. In light of the recent discovery of multiple populations in GCs, we suggest a new model explaining the origin of the Sandage period-shift and the difference in mean period of type ab RR Lyrae variables between the two Oosterhoff groups. In our models, the instability strip in the metal-poor group II clusters, such as M15, is populated by second generation stars (G2) with enhanced helium and CNO abundances, while the RR Lyraes in the relatively metal-rich group I clusters like M3 are mostly produced by first generation stars (G1) without these enhancements. This population shift within the instability strip with metallicity can create the observed period-shift between the two groups, since both helium and CNO abundances play a role in increasing the period of RR Lyrae variables. The presence of more metal-rich clusters having Oosterhoff-intermediate characteristics, such as NGC 1851, as well as of most metal-rich clusters having RR Lyraes with the longest periods (group III) can also be reproduced, as more helium-rich third and later generations of stars (G3) penetrate into the instability strip with further increase in metallicity. Therefore, although there are systems where the suggested population shift cannot be a viable explanation, for the most general cases, our models predict that RR Lyraes are produced mostly by G1, G2, and G3, respectively, for the Oosterhoff groups I, II, and III.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
We carried out near-IR photometric and optical spectroscopic observations of V582 Aur, which is a FU Orionis type object, to investigate any periodic and/or aperiodic variations. We obtained light curves on the scale of a night and a year, in J, H and Ks bands with KASINICS (KASI Near Infrared Camera System) attached to the BOAO (Bohyun-san Optical Astronomy Observatory) 1.8-m reflector in Youngcheon, South Korea and examined photometric variations on the two time scales. So far we have not found any periodic brightness variations on the scale of a night. On the other hand, we have found that there seems to be a periodic brightness variation with a period of approximately 45 days. In addition, high-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of V582 Aur were performed from February 2013 to May 2014 with the high-resolution echelle spectrograph BOES attached to the BOAO 1.8-m re ector. We analyzed several spectral lines to understand the physical state of V582 Aur. The P Cyg profiles are clearly shown in the Hα line and Na I D line.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The bulk motion of star clusters can be determined after careful membership analysis using parametric or non-parametric approaches. This study aims to implement non-parametric membership analysis based on Binned Kernel Density Estimators which takes into account measurements errors (simply called BKDEe) to determine the average proper motion of each cluster. This method is applied to 178 selected star clusters with angular diameters less than 20 arcminutes. Proper motion data from UCAC4 are used for membership determination. Non-parametric analysis using BKDE-e successfully determined the average proper motion of 129 clusters, with good accuracy. Compared to COCD and NCOVOCC, there are 79 clusters with less than 3σ difference. Moreover, we are able to analyse the distribution of the member stars in vector point diagrams which is not always a normal distribution.
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