
천문학논총 KCI 등재 Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society

이 간행물 논문 검색


Volume 39 Issue 1 (2024년 4월) 2

2024.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, we investigated the time signal devices of Deungnu (circa 1270) and Gungnu (1354), the water clocks produced during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368). These clocks influenced Heumgyeonggaknu (1438) of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), exemplifying the automatic water clocks of the Yuan Dynasty. Deungnu, Gungnu, and Heumgyeonggaknu can be considered as automatic mechanical clocks capable of performances. The Jega-Yeoksang-Jip (Collection of Calendrical and Astronomical Theories of Various Chinese Masters) contains records of Deungnu extracted from the History of the Yuan Dynasty. We interpreted these records and analyzed reproduction models and technical data previously produced in China. The time signal device of Deungnu featured a four-story structure, with the top floor displaying the four divine constellations, the third floor showcasing models of these divinities, the second floor holding 12-h jacks and a 100-Mark ring, and the first floor with four musicians and a 100-Mark Time-Signal Puppet providing a variety of visual attractions. We developed a 3D model of Deungnu, proposing two possible mechanical devices to ensure that the Time-Signal Puppet simultaneously pointed to the 100-Mark graduations in the east, west, south, and north windows: one model reduced the rotation ratio of the 100-Mark ring to 1/4, whereas the other model maintained the rotation ratio using four separate 100-Mark rings. The power system of Deungnu was influenced by Suunuisangdae (the water-driven astronomical clock tower) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127); this method was also applied to Heumgyeonggaknu in the Joseon Dynasty. In conclusion, these automatic water clocks of East Asia from the 13th to 15th centuries symbolized creativity and excellence, representing scientific devices that were the epitome of clock-making technology in their times.
2024.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The armillary sphere, an astronomical observation device embodying the Orbital Heaven Theory of the Later Han Dynasty in China, holds both historical and scientific significance. It has been produced in various forms by many individuals since its inception in the era of King Sejong in the Joseon Dynasty. A prominent figure in this field was Nam Byeong-cheol (南秉哲, 1817-1863), known for his work 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說), published in 1859, which detailed the history, production methods, and usage of the armillary sphere. This text particularly highlights 21 applications of the armillary sphere, divided into 33 measurements, covering aspects like installation, time, and positional measurements, supplemented with explanations of spherical trigonometry. Despite numerous records of the armillary sphere's design during the Joseon Dynasty, detailed usage information remains scarce. In this study, the 33 measurements described in 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說) were systematically classified into six for installation, nineteen for position measurement, seven for time measurement, and one for other purposes. Additionally, the measurement methods were analyzed and organized by dividing them into the ecliptic ring, moving equatorial ring, and fixed equatorial ring of the armillary sphere. In other words, from a modern astronomical perspective, the results of schematization for each step were presented by analyzing it from the viewpoint of longitude, right ascension, and solar time. Through the analysis of Nam's armillary sphere, this study not only aims to validate the restoration model of the armillary sphere but also suggests the potential for its use in basic astronomical education based on the understanding of the 19th-century Joseon armillary sphere.