
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 46

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 전근대 시기 전통 천문 지식의 면모를 파악하기 위한 연구의 일환 으로 천문 이변 현상에 대한 인식과 해석을 살펴보았다. 이를 위하여 천동상 위고(天東象緯考)』를 대상으로 우주(하늘)와 해, 그리고 달에 나타난 이상 징 후에 대한 인식은 어떠했으며 이에 대한 해석은 어떠했는지를 알아보았다. 천동상위고에서는 천문 이변을 그 대상과 점사에 따라 유형화하고 유형에 따라 다시 현상을 세분하여 각각의 해석을 붙였다는 점에서 천문 지식으로서 의미가 크다. 천동상위고에 나타난 우주, 해, 달과 관련된 천문 이변의 유형 표에 따르면, 천변과 일변, 월변의 유형으로 나뉘어지며 그 하위 부류는 전체 120여 종에 달한다. 또한, 천문 이변에 따른 점사는 국가 멸망이나 왕의 사망에서부터 병란이 나 역모, 각종 재난과 재해 등 다양하다. 이러한 점사는 하나의 천문 이변에 2 개 이상의 점사가 서술되기도 하고 동일한 점사가 2개 이상의 천문 이변에 적용되기도 한다. 대체로 나라의 변고나 재난을 예고하는 내용이지만 경사스 러운 일을 예고하는 내용도 있다. 천동상위고에 나타난 구체적인 천문 이변 사례에서는 이변이 한 가지만 나 타나지 않고 두 가지 이상의 현상이 같이 나타나면서 점사 역시 더욱 복잡하게 제시되기도 한다. 이처럼 전근대 시기에는 우주(하늘)와 해, 그리고 달을 중심으 로 일어나는 이변 현상을 세세하게 구별하였고 이에 대한 점사 역시 그 이변 현 상에 따라 각기 다르게 부여했다. 이러한 연구를 통해 전근대 시기 천문 현상에 대한 지식, 즉 천문 이변에 대한 인식과 해석의 일단을 볼 수 있었다.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In March 2022, Wongu-ilyeong, a globe-like sundial made during the 19th century in the Joseon Dynasty, was repatriated from the United States through the efforts of the Korea Heritage Service and the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation. This sundial has a total height of about 228 mm, and has time lines and a T-shaped gnomon on its spherical surface with a diameter of approximately 112.2 mm. This sundial is known to have been made by Sang Jik-Hyeon (尙稷鉉, 1849–?), as he carved his seal and the manufacturing date onto its spherical surface. This study investigated Sang, Jik-Hyeon's records from royal governmental literature, and also analyzed the structure of Wongu-ilyeong to understand its usage. We restored the Wongu-ilyeong’s design drawing and manufactured a prototype, with which we measured daytime hours in Jeju, Daejeon, and Seoul. The experimental measurements from three cities showed that the time accuracy of the Wongu-ilyeong, whose minimum time scale is 15 minutes, could be measured within ±7.5 minutes. Wongu-ilyeong is a very rare type of sundial-relic in Korea and overseas, and it is considered to have significant value in the history of science and technology.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the characteristics of the Angbu-ilgu, a Korean sundial resembling a concave hemisphere, which was crafted in 1434 during the sixteenth reign of King Sejong (r. 1418–1450) of the Joseon Dynasty, although no remains of it exist today. We draw upon historical documents, such as the Sejong-Sillok (Veritable Records of King Sejong), Donggyeong-Jiji (Chorography of the Joseon Dynasty), and Yuanshi (History of the Yuan Dynasty), as well as related extant relics. The primary features of King Sejong’s Angbu-ilgu were as follows. First, celestial-circumference degrees were intricately engraved along the meridian line. Second, 12 double-hours were represented by images corresponding to their respective animal divinities. Third, a plate was affixed to the end of the gnomon, which stood perpendicular to the alidade, serving as a handle, rotated along two axes, and included a pinhole. Fourth, the diameter of the hemisphere measured 414 mm, approximately 1.5–2.1 times larger than extant Angbu-ilgu relics. Finally, four pillars supporting the Angbu-ilgu were positioned at four cardinal points. In conclusion, this study holds significance for restoring the Angbu-ilgu from the era of King Sejong.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The armillary sphere, an astronomical observation device embodying the Orbital Heaven Theory of the Later Han Dynasty in China, holds both historical and scientific significance. It has been produced in various forms by many individuals since its inception in the era of King Sejong in the Joseon Dynasty. A prominent figure in this field was Nam Byeong-cheol (南秉哲, 1817-1863), known for his work 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說), published in 1859, which detailed the history, production methods, and usage of the armillary sphere. This text particularly highlights 21 applications of the armillary sphere, divided into 33 measurements, covering aspects like installation, time, and positional measurements, supplemented with explanations of spherical trigonometry. Despite numerous records of the armillary sphere's design during the Joseon Dynasty, detailed usage information remains scarce. In this study, the 33 measurements described in 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說) were systematically classified into six for installation, nineteen for position measurement, seven for time measurement, and one for other purposes. Additionally, the measurement methods were analyzed and organized by dividing them into the ecliptic ring, moving equatorial ring, and fixed equatorial ring of the armillary sphere. In other words, from a modern astronomical perspective, the results of schematization for each step were presented by analyzing it from the viewpoint of longitude, right ascension, and solar time. Through the analysis of Nam's armillary sphere, this study not only aims to validate the restoration model of the armillary sphere but also suggests the potential for its use in basic astronomical education based on the understanding of the 19th-century Joseon armillary sphere.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the time signal devices of Deungnu (circa 1270) and Gungnu (1354), the water clocks produced during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368). These clocks influenced Heumgyeonggaknu (1438) of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), exemplifying the automatic water clocks of the Yuan Dynasty. Deungnu, Gungnu, and Heumgyeonggaknu can be considered as automatic mechanical clocks capable of performances. The Jega-Yeoksang-Jip (Collection of Calendrical and Astronomical Theories of Various Chinese Masters) contains records of Deungnu extracted from the History of the Yuan Dynasty. We interpreted these records and analyzed reproduction models and technical data previously produced in China. The time signal device of Deungnu featured a four-story structure, with the top floor displaying the four divine constellations, the third floor showcasing models of these divinities, the second floor holding 12-h jacks and a 100-Mark ring, and the first floor with four musicians and a 100-Mark Time-Signal Puppet providing a variety of visual attractions. We developed a 3D model of Deungnu, proposing two possible mechanical devices to ensure that the Time-Signal Puppet simultaneously pointed to the 100-Mark graduations in the east, west, south, and north windows: one model reduced the rotation ratio of the 100-Mark ring to 1/4, whereas the other model maintained the rotation ratio using four separate 100-Mark rings. The power system of Deungnu was influenced by Suunuisangdae (the water-driven astronomical clock tower) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127); this method was also applied to Heumgyeonggaknu in the Joseon Dynasty. In conclusion, these automatic water clocks of East Asia from the 13th to 15th centuries symbolized creativity and excellence, representing scientific devices that were the epitome of clock-making technology in their times.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we explore and catalog Korean astronomical heritages that are known to be preserved in foreign countries. We exclude old astronomical books from the catalog because they have been well studied and exist in numbers far too large for the scope of this study. From various documents and online collections, we find a total of 38 Korean astronomical heritages in six countries: 10, 11, and 14 items from the UK, France, and Japan, respectively, and 1 item from Germany, the US, and China each. These include items that are suspected to be of Chinese heritage and items of unconfirmed possession status. We divide the astronomical heritages primarily into two groups: time-keeping instruments (18 items) and astronomical charts (20 items). In this paper, we briefly review them according to country. We believe that this study provides a foundation for further detailed studies on each item, such as the Gujang-Cheonsang-Yeolcha-Bunya-Jido (舊藏天象列次分野之圖) preserved in the Library of Congress, United States.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Numerous Sundials were fabricated during the reign of King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty. One among them is Jeongnam-Ilgu (the Fixing-South Sundial), where the time can be measured after setting up the suitable meridian line without a compass. We reconstructed the new Jeongnam-Ilgu model based on the records of ‘Description of Making the Royal Observatory Ganui (簡儀臺記)’ in the Veritable Record of King Sejong. Jeongnam-Ilgu has a summer solstice half-ring under a horizontal ring which is fixed to two pillars in the north and south, and in which a declination ring rotates around the polar axis. In our model, the polar axis matches the altitude of Hanyang (that is Seoul). There are two merits if the model is designed to install the polar axis in the way that enters both the north and south poles and rotates in them: One is that it is possible to fix the polar axis to the declination ring together with the cross-strut. The other is that a twig for hanging weights can be protruded on the North Pole. The declination ring is supposed to be 178 mm in diameter and is carved on the scale of the celestial-circumference degrees on the ring’s surface, where a degree scale can be divided into four equal parts through the diagonal lines. In addition, the time’s graduation that is drawn on the summer solstice half-ring makes it possible to measure the daytime throughout the year. An observational property of Jeongnam-Ilgu is that a solar image can be obtained using a pin-hole. The position cast by the solar image between hour circles makes a time measurement. We hope our study will contribute to the restoration of Jeongnam-Ilgu.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the records of astronomical phenomena in the Hyeonjong-Donggung-Ilgi written by the educational office for a crown prince, Sigang-won, during the time of a crown prince of the king Hyeonjong (i.e., from 1649 to 1659). Of the total of 3,625 days, 3,044 astronomical accounts were compiled from astronomical records of 2,003 days. We classified these astronomical accounts into 16 items, grouped into five categories, and statistically analyzed each group. In our analysis, the accounts for atmospheric optical phenomena equates to 57.9% of the total, and for celestial phenomena visible during the daytime the percentage is 17.3%. The records related to the approach between two objects such as planets, moon, and stars account for 3.3%, and solar or lunar eclipses take up 0.6%. The ratio of accounts regarding meteor, comet, and fire light (火光) stand at 13.8%, 0.30%, and 6.8%, respectively. Sunny days account for 71.1% of all days per year during this period. We determined that the distribution of the fire light by month is similar to that of the solar halo. We also found that the astronomical records from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty correspond to only 30% of those of the Hyeonjong-Donggung-Ilgi for the same period. In particular, the phenomena of celestial objects occurring outside the atmosphere are transmitted to the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty in a higher proportion than the phenomena inside the air. It is therefore necessary to use a historical diary like a Donggung-Ilgi to interpret the phenomena in the air such as atmospheric optical events, meteor, and fire light.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the stone Angbu-ilgu (scaphe sundial) of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and the Seoul Museum of History (SMH). Since the first Angbu-ilgu was produced in Korea in 1434 (the year of the reign of King Sejong), Angbu-ilgu has been reproduced with various materials. The upper surface of these two stone Angbu-ilgus symbolizes the horizon. On the hemisphere concave at the center of the horizon, the South Pole, the time line, and the season line are engraved. On the horizon of both the KMA and SMH Angbu-ilgus, the schematic, typeface, and composition of the inscription completely coincide with each other. In this study, it was estimated that the appearance of the KMA Angbu-ilgu, which was damaged at some point previously at least once, was similar to that of the SMH Angbu-ilgu, and this means that it is superficially similar with Treasure No 840, the stone horizontal sundial. In the concave hemisphere of both the stone Angbu-ilgus of the KMA and SMH, there are hour lines and 24 solar-term lines (13 line), and there is an intersection point where these lines meet the horizon, respectively. It can be verified that these intersections of these two Angbu-ilgus can be calculated as having a latitude of +37°39′15″. The hour lines of the two stone Angbu-ilgus show that they were made after about 1900.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to develop a restoration model of an armillary sphere of Tongcheon-ui (Pan-celestial Armillary Sphere) by referring to the records of Damheonseo (Hong Dae-Yong Anthology) and the artifact of an armillary sphere in the Korean Christian Museum of Soongsil University. Between 1760 and 1762, Hong, Dae-Yong (1731-1783) built Tongcheon-ui, with Na, Kyung-Jeok (1690-1762) designing the basic structure and Ann, Cheo-In (1710-1787) completing the assembly. The model in this study is a spherical body with a diameter of 510 mm. Tongcheon-ui operates the armillary sphere by transmitting the rotational power from the lantern clock. The armillary sphere is constructed in the fashion of a two-layer sphere: the outer one is Yukhab-ui that is fixed; and the inner one, Samsin-ui, is rotated around the polar axis. In the equatorial ring possessed by Samsin-ui, an ecliptic ring and a lunar-path ring are successively fixed and are tilted by 23.5° and 28.5° over the equatorial ring, respectively. A solar miniature attached to a 365-toothed inner gear on the ecliptic ring reproduces the annual motion of the Sun. A lunar miniature installed on a 114-toothed inner gear of the lunar-path ring can also replay the moon's orbital motion and phase change. By the set of ‘a ratchet gear, a shaft and a spur gear’ installed in the solstice-colure double- ring, the inner gears in the ecliptic ring and lunar-path ring can be rotated in the opposite direction to the rotation of Samsin-ui and then the solar and lunar miniatures can simulate their revolution over the period of a year and a month, respectively. In order to indicate the change of the moon phases, 27 pins were arranged in a uniform circle around the lunar-path ring, and the 29-toothed wheel is fixed under the solar miniature. At the center of the armillary sphere, an earth plate representing a world map is fixed horizontally. Tongcheon-ui is the armillary sphere clock developed by Confucian scholars in the late Joseon Dynasty, and the technical level at which astronomical clocks could be produced at the time is of a high standard.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jagyeokru, an automatic striking water clock described in the Sejong Sillok (Veritable Records of King Sejong) is essentially composed of a water quantity control device and a time-signal device, with the former controlling the amount or the flow rate of water and the latter automatically informing the time based on the former. What connects these two parts is a signal generating device or a power transmission device called the ‘Jujeon’ system, which includes a copper rod on the float and ball-racked scheduled plates. The copper products excavated under Gongpyeong-dong in Seoul include a lot of broken plate pieces and cylinder-like devices. If some plate pieces are put together, a large square plate with circular holes located in a zigzag can be completed, and at the upper right of it is carved ‘the first scheduled plate (一箭).’ Cylinder-like devices generally 3.8 cm in diameter are able to release a ball, and have a ginkgo leaf-like screen fixed on the inner axis and a bird-shaped hook of which the leg fixes another axis and the beak attaches to the leaf side. The lateral view of this cylinder-like device appears like a trapezoid and mounts an iron ball. The function of releasing a ball agrees with the description of Borugak Pavilion, where Jagyeokru was installed, written by Kim Don (1385 ~ 1440). The other accounts of Borugak Pavilion’s and Heumgyeonggak Pavilion’s water clocks describe these copper plates and ball releasing devices as the ‘Jujeon’ system. According to the description of Borugak Pavilion, a square wooden column has copper plates on the left and right sides the same height as the column, and the left copper plate has 12 drilled holes to keep the time of a 12 double-hours. Meanwhile, the right plate has 25 holes which represent seasonal night 5-hours (Kyeong) and their 5-subhours (Jeom), not 12 hours. There are 11 scheduled plates for seasonal night 5-hours made with copper, which are made to be attached or detached as the season. In accordance with Nujutongui (manual for the operation of the yardstick for the clepsydra), the first scheduled plate for the night is used from the winter solstice (冬至) to 2 days after Daehan (大寒), and from 4 days before Soseol (小雪) to a day before the winter solstice. Besides the first scheduled plate, we confirm discovering a third scheduled plate and a sixth scheduled plate among the excavated copper materials based on the spacing between holes. On the other hand, the width of the scheduled plate is different for these artifacts, measured as 144 mm compared to the description of the Borugak Pavilion, which is recorded as 51 mm. From this perspective, they may be the scheduled plates for the Heumgyeonggak Ongru made in 1438 (or 1554) or for the new Fortress Pavilion installed in Changdeokgung palace completed in 1536 (the 31st year of the reign of King Jungjong) in the early Joseon dynasty. This study presents the concept of the scheduled plates described in the literature, including their new operating mechanism. In addition, a detailed model of 11 scheduled plates is designed from the records and on the excavated relics. It is expected that this study will aid in efforts to restore and reconstruct the automatic water clocks of the early Joseon dynasty.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hong, Dae-Yong manufactured the Tongcheon-ui (Pan-celestial Armillary Sphere) with cooperating clock researcher Na, Kyeong-Jeok, and its craftsman An, Cheo-In, in Naju of Jeolla Province in 1760 ~ 1762. Tongcheon-ui is a kind of astronomical clock with an armillary sphere which is rotated by the force generated by a lantern clock’s weight. In our study, we examine the lantern clock model of Tongcheon-ui through its description of the articles written by Hong himself. As his description, however, did not explain the detail of the mechanical process of the lantern clock, we investigate the remains of lantern clocks in the possession of Korea University Museum and Seoul National University Museum. Comparing with the clocks of these museums, we designed the lantern clock model of Tongcheon-ui which measures 115 mm (L) × 115 mm (W) × 307 mm (H). This model has used the structure of the striking train imitated from the Korea University Museum artifact and is also regulated by a foliot escapement which is connected to a going train for timekeeping. The orientation of the rotation of the going train and the striking train of our model makes a difference with the remains of both university museums. That is, on the rotation axis of the first gear set of Tongcheon-ui’s lantern clock, the going and the striking trains take on a counterclockwise and clockwise direction, respectively. The weight of 6.4 kg makes a force driving these two trains to stick to the pulley on the twine pulling across two spike gears corresponding to the going train and the striking train. This weight below the pulley may travel down about 560 mm per day. We conclude that the mechanical system of Tongcheon-ui’s lantern clock is slightly different from the Japanese style.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea has numerous astronomical resources, such as observational records, star maps, and a wealth of literature, covering the period from the Three Kingdoms (54 BC - 932 AD) to the Joseon Dynasty (1392 - 1910 AD). The research activities related to these resources have been limited to those by individual researchers. It is now necessary to conduct research by efficiently and systematically collecting and managing Korean astronomical records using an accessible Web environment. The purpose of this study is to complete a system that enables researchers systematically to collect and verify a large number of historical records related to astronomical phenomena in a Web environment. In 2017, a preliminary survey was conducted, and the requirements pertaining to an implementation target system were devised. In addition, a joint development plan was carried out by the developer, lasting three months in 2018. Although the system is relatively simple, it is the first system to be attempted in the historical astronomy field. In order to proceed with the systematic development, the software development methodology is applied to the entire process from deriving the requirements of researchers to completing the system. The completed system is verified through integrated function and performance tests. The functional test is repeated while modifying and testing the system based on various test scenarios. The performance test uses a performance measurement test tool that takes measurements by setting up a virtual operation environment. The developed system is now in normal operation after a one-year trial period. Researchers who become authorized to use the system can use it to verify the accuracy of data and to suggest improvements. The collected feedback will be reflected in future systems, and Korean astronomical records will be available for use internationally through a multilingual service.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report a calendar sheet for the 31st year of the reign of King Gojong (1894) (hereafter, calendar sheet 1894) in Korea, which calendrical data in a single page. This calendar sheet 1894 is composed of 14 rows by 14 columns (about 190 cells), and various calendrical data are recorded such as the sexagenary circle of the first day in each month, 24 solar terms, full moon day. In this paper, we compare calendrical data of 1894 calendar sheet with those of the almanac based on the Shixian calendar (hereafter, annual almanac) of the same year. Our findings are as follows. First, we find that the year is expressed using the reign-year of the king of the Joseon dynasty differently from using the reign-style of China in the annual almanac those times. Other calendar days of this calendar sheet are the same as those of the annual almanac in term of lunar dates, 24 solar terms, sexagenary days and so forth. Second, we find that the calendar sheet 1894 contains memorial days for 64 lineally ancestors of the Joseon royal family. These royal memorial days appears in the annual almanac two years later (i.e., 1896). Third, as the most distinctive feature, we find that the symbol of 工 kept every two cells. It was found that the cells can be filled with three days as the maximum number of days and then are labelled the same symbol 工 every second cell. This feature allows us to get the first year in which this kind of calendar sheet was published. It is conjectured one of 11 years, such as 1845, 1846, 1847, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879 or 1880. We also think that the format of the calendar sheet 1894 has influenced on the Daehan-Minryeok (Korean civil calendar sheet) of 1920.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the provenance and the changes in the timekeeping system focusing on official records such as almanacs and textbooks published by the government after the solar calendar was introduced. We found that the solar calendar and the 12-hour clock time first appeared in 1884 during Joseon dynasty, at that time the solar calendar was used at the open port in Busan to facilitate the exchanges with Japan. The 12-hour clock time first appeared in the『Hansung Sunbo』published by the government in 1884. We also found that the Joseon dynasty also used 12 diǎnzhōng or 12 diǎn. In addition, the term of the ‘Sigan’ first appeared in the first official academic textbook in August 1895, and the chapter related to time contained the information about 12-hour clock time instead of the 12 Shi. In 1908, the meaning of the solar time, the equation of time, and the differences in longitude with the adoption of Korean Standard Time were introduced. Meanwhile, the 24-hour clock time was first introduced in Joseon and applied to railway times in 1907. The 1946 almanac, the first issue after liberation, used the 12-hour clock time which uses ‘Sango’, ‘Hao’ and the 24-hour clock time started to be used from the following year and is still used to this day. Finally, the 12-hour clock time, which was introduced around 1884, was enacted as Article 44 of the law in 1900 and was revised again in 1905 and 1908. In Korea, the terms related to the time in the current astronomical calendar system were newly defined around 1884, 1896, and 1908, and gradually standardized through the establishment of laws.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We study the internal structure under the artificial mountain of Heumkyeonggak-nu, a Korean water-powered clock in the early Joseon dynasty. All the puppets on the artificial mountain are driven by the rotational force generated by the water wheel at their designated time. We design a model that work with three parts of the artificial mountain. At the upper part of the artificial mountain to the east, west, north and south, there are four puppets called the Four Mystical Animal Divinity and four ladies called the Jade Lady respectively. The former rotates a quarter every double hour and the latter rings the bell every hour. In the middle part of this mountain is the timekeeping platform with four puppets; the Timekeeping Official (Hour Jack), the Bell-, Drum-, and Gong-Warriors. The Hour Jack controls time with three warriors each hitting his own bell, drum, and gong, respectively. In the plain there are 12 Jade Lady puppets (the lower ladies) combined with 12 Oriental Animal Deity puppets. In his own time a lady doll pops out of the hole and her animal doll gets up. Two hours later, the animal deity lies down and his lady hides in the artificial plain. These puppets are regularly moved by the signal such as iron balls, bumps, levers, and so on. We can use balls and bumps to explain the concept of the Jujeon system. Iron balls were used to manipulate puppets of the timekeeping mechanism in Borugak-nu, another Korean water-powered clock in Joseon dynasty, which was developed earlier than Heumgyeonggak-nu. According to the North Korea’s previous study (Choi, 1974), it is obvious that bumps were used in the internal structure of Heumgyeonggak-nu. In 1669, The armillary clock made by Song, I-young was also utilized bumps. Finally we presented mock-ups of three timekeeping systems.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Song, I-Yeong (1619 ~ ?) was an active astronomer in the Joseon dynasty at the era of adopting the Shixian-li, Chinese calendar in Qing dynasty. His astronomical contribution was recorded in Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Diary of the Royal Secretariat, Comparative Review of Records and Documents-Its Revision and Enlargement, and Treatise on the Bureau of Astronomy. In addition the details on his life and works were found at the genealogies of the Song Family from Yeonan and the Kim Family from Seonsan. His major astronomical activities can be summarized in three items. First, as a specialist astronomer, he has attempted to make a systematic observation of two comets. Second, he designed and fabricated the Jamyeong-jong, the weight-powered armillary clock, which became a typical model of the astronomical clock in the Joseon dynasty. Last, he served as a royal astronomical professor, greatly contributing on implementing the Shixian-li. Song has concentrated on performing astronomical duties for his royal official service time. Song is regarded as an important astronomer who made it possible to enforce the Shixian-li until the late Joseon dynasty.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the life of Lee Cheon (1376-1451) who was closely connected with astronomy during the reign of King Sejong of the Joseon dynasty. Lee Cheon is widely regarded as one of the outstanding scientists of King Sejong’s period. However, his contributions to the development of the astronomy during the period have not been enlightened. Based on the historical records on the life and achievements of Lee Cheon, mainly referring to the Joseonwangjosillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), we address three important points. First, Lee Cheon was a distinguished administrator who filled various government posts. Second, he was a supervising engineer in public works and metal smelting during his position in military. Third, he was a scientific technician and manufactured precision equipment such as the metal movable type sets. By virtue of these aspects, Lee Cheon was taken into confidence by King Sejong on the Ganui-dae project (i.e., manufacture various astronomical instruments and construct their platform in order to make a calendar suitable for Joseon). During the period of this project, Lee Cheon not only supervised the construction of the Ganui (simplified armillary sphere) and Ganui-dae (platform for astronomical instruments) but also participated in the production of the astronomical instruments such as Gyupyo (Gnomon) and Honcheonui (Armillary Sphere). In conclusion, we regard Lee Cheon as one of the astronomers who led a great advance in astronomy during King Sejong’s era.
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