
천문학논총 KCI 등재 Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society

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Volume 39 Issue 2 (2024년 8월) 4

2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Line observations of young stellar objects (YSOs) at (sub)millimeter wavelengths provide essential information of gas kinematics in star and planet forming environments. For Class 0 and I YSOs, identification of Keplerian rotation is of particular interest, because it reveals presence of rotationally-supported disks that are still being embedded in infalling envelopes and enables us to dynamically measure the protostellar mass. We have developed a python library SLAM (Spectral Line Analysis/Modeling) with a primary focus on analyses of emission line data at (sub)millimeter wavelengths. Here, we present an overview of the pvanalysis tool from SLAM, which is designed to identify Keplerian rotation of a disk and measure the dynamical mass of a central object using a position-velocity (PV) diagram of emission line data. The advantage of this tool is that it analyzes observational features of given data and thus requires few computational time and parameter assumptions, in contrast to detailed radiative transfer modelings. In this article, we introduce the basic concept and usage of this tool, present an application to observational data, and discuss remaining caveats.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Since the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1948, South and North Korea have independently developed their astronomical almanacs: Ryeokseo at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute in South Korea and Cheonmunryeok at the Pyongyang Astronomical Observatory in North Korea. This study compares Ryeokseo and Cheonmunryeok for the year 2015, focusing on publication systems, content, terminology, and differences in data calculation methods. Additionally, it examines the calendars of South and North Korea from 2018 to 2023, analyzing similarities and differences in the representation of calendrical dates, public holidays, and other related aspects. The findings reveal that while the structure and content of the astronomical almanacs are similar in both countries, notable variances exist in the versions of ephemerides, time scales, and calculation precision. Consequently, identical data points are often recorded with slightly different values in each country's almanacs. Furthermore, approximately 28% of the terms used in North Korea's astronomical almanac are either not utilized in South Korea or have different definitions. Regarding calendar systems, those of South and North Korea are largely similar, resulting in no significant discrepancies in dates. However, there are notable differences in the observance of public holidays. While traditional holidays are common to both, most holidays are distinctively celebrated. Notably, North Korea does not observe religious holidays, and many of its holidays are associated with the regime.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Islamic Jamal al–Din zij and Chinese Shoushi-li(授時曆) are astronomical hand books compiled by Jamal al-Din(札馬 魯丁) and Guo Shujing(郭守敬) of the Islamic and Chinese Astronomical Bureau in Yuan(元) China, respectively. Jamal al-Din zij is an Islamic zij based on the Almagest of Ptolemaios, while Shoushii-li is a calendrical treatise by the traditional Chinese calendar system. In case of the parallax correction method, however, both of them have a common origin from Indian astronomy in 6-7 Century. This paper examines and discusses the parallax theory and its origin adopted in Jamal al–Din zij and Shoushi-li as following: 1) Definitions of the parallax theory and parallax correction methods. 2) Similarities and origins of the parallax correction methods adopted in the Jamal al–Din zij and Shoushi-li. 3) Comparison of the parallax correction tables included in the Sanjufini zij of Tibet, the Huihui-lifa(回回曆法) of Ming(明) China and the Chiljeongsan-Oepyeon(七政算外篇) of Joseon(朝鮮) Korea. 4) Routes of the parallax theory transmitted from ancient Greece and India to Joseon via Islam world and China, respectively. 5) Astronomical exchanges and mutual influence between the East and the West.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study analyzes the characteristics of the Angbu-ilgu, a Korean sundial resembling a concave hemisphere, which was crafted in 1434 during the sixteenth reign of King Sejong (r. 1418–1450) of the Joseon Dynasty, although no remains of it exist today. We draw upon historical documents, such as the Sejong-Sillok (Veritable Records of King Sejong), Donggyeong-Jiji (Chorography of the Joseon Dynasty), and Yuanshi (History of the Yuan Dynasty), as well as related extant relics. The primary features of King Sejong’s Angbu-ilgu were as follows. First, celestial-circumference degrees were intricately engraved along the meridian line. Second, 12 double-hours were represented by images corresponding to their respective animal divinities. Third, a plate was affixed to the end of the gnomon, which stood perpendicular to the alidade, serving as a handle, rotated along two axes, and included a pinhole. Fourth, the diameter of the hemisphere measured 414 mm, approximately 1.5–2.1 times larger than extant Angbu-ilgu relics. Finally, four pillars supporting the Angbu-ilgu were positioned at four cardinal points. In conclusion, this study holds significance for restoring the Angbu-ilgu from the era of King Sejong.