
천문학논총 KCI 등재 Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society

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Volume 30 Issue 2 (2015년 9월) 186

2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A data simulator and reduction package for the Devasthal Optical Telescope Integral Field Spectro- graph (DOTIFS) has been developed. Since data reduction for the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) requires complicated procedures due to the complex nature of the integral spectrograph, common reduc- tion procedures are usually not directly applicable for such an instrument. Therefore, the development of an optimized package for the DOTIFS is required. The data simulator observes artificial object and simulates CCD images for the instrument considering various effects; e.g. atmosphere, sky background, transmission, spectrograph optics aberration, and detector noise. The data reduction package has been developed based on the outcomes from the DOTIFS data simulator. The reduction package includes the entire processes for the reduction; pre-processing, at-fielding, and sky subtraction. It generates 3D data cubes as a final product, which users can use for science directly.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center (HASC) was founded in 2004 at Hiroshima University, Japan. The main mission of this institute is the observational study of various transient objects includ- ing gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, novae, cataclysmic variables, and active galactic nuclei by means of multi-wavelength observations. HASC consists of three divisions; the optical-infrared astronomy divi- sion, high-energy astronomy division, and theoretical astronomy division. HASC is operating the 1.5m optical-infrared telescope Kanata, which is dedicated to follow-up and monitoring observations of transient objects. The high-energy division is the key operation center for the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope. HASC and the high-energy astronomy group in the department of physical science at Hiroshima University are closely collaborating with each other to promote multi-wavelength time-domain astronomy. We report the recent activities of HASC and some science topics pursued by this multi-wavelength collaboration.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A group of universities have come together with the aim of designing and developing Small Aperture Robotic Telescopes (SmART) for use by students to observe variable stars and transient follow-ups. The group is deliberating on the components of the robotic system; e.g. the telescope, the mount, the back-end camera, control software, and their integration keeping in mind the scientific objectives. The prototype might then be replicated by all the participating universities to provide round the clock observations from sites spread evenly in longitude across the globe. Progress made so far is reported in this paper.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For research and development of Silicon Carbide (SiC) mirrors, the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) have agreed to cooperate and share on polishing and measuring facilities, experience and human resources for two years (2014-2015). The main goals of the SiC mirror polishing are to achieve optical surface figures of less than 20 nm rms and optical surface roughness of less than 2 nm rms. In addition, Green Optics Co., Ltd (GO) has been interested in the SiC polishing and joined the partnership with KASI. KASI will be involved in the development of the SiC polishing and the optical surface measurement using three di erent kinds of SiC materials and manufacturing processes (POCOTM, CoorsTekTM and SSGTM corporations) provided by NOAO. GO will polish the SiC substrate within requirements. Additionally, the requirements of the optical surface imperfections are given as: less than 40 um scratch and 500 um dig. In this paper, we introduce the international collaboration and interim results for SiC mirror polishing and development.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Radio sources are very weak, as they can travel through large distances. Radio sources also have photons with low energies compared to others electromagnetic waves (EM). Microwave photons have a little more energy than radio waves, infrared photons have still more, then visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, and the most energetic electromagnetic wave is gamma-rays. Radio astronomy studies are restricted due to radio frequency interference (RFI) produced by people. If this disturbance is not minimized, it poses critical problems for astrophysical studies. The purpose of this paper is to profile RFI maps in Peninsular Malaysia with a minimum mapping technique for RFI interference. Decision-making processes using GIS (Geographical Information System) for the selection requires gathering information for a variety of parameters. These factors affecting the selection process are also taken into account. In this study, various factors or parameters are involved, such as the availability of telecommunications transmission (including radio and television), rainfall, water lines and human activity. This mapping step must be followed by RFI site testing in order to identify areas of low RFI. This study will benefit radio astronomy research, especially regarding the RFI profile.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The wind field and precipitable water vapor over the Tibetan Plateau are analyzed using the numerical model WRF. The spatial and vertical distributions of the relevant meteorological factors are summarized, providing evidence for selecting and further evaluating an astronomical site. This study serves as a further demonstration towards astro-climate regionalization, and provides us with an essential database for an astronomical site survey over the Tibetan Plateau.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The high plateaus in west China may provide suitable sites for astronomical observations with the institute's middle-range telescopes and possibly with larger telescopes. Under China-Japan collaborations for site survey in west China, we have been conducting searches for good sites and monitoring their characteristics over several years. As recent results of our site survey show, sites in west Tibet are revealed with a high possibility of good astronomical observations. Weather characteristics at Gar in Ali, Tibet, show its high clear-sky ratios, especially in winter, com- parable to Mauna Kea, Hawaii. But it has some wind problem in winter, where stronger wind speeds, over 20m/sec, occur frequently even though the sky is clear. To find calmer sites, we have conducted numerical simulations for the Ali area using the Japan Meteorological Agency NonHydrostatic Model. We have found another site, named ZoZo Hill, near Gar. We will continue to monitor the Gar site to clarify weather characteristics over the whole year and hopefully start to negotiate for site monitoring at ZoZo Hill this year.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Astronomical observation is the beginning of scientific attitudes in the history of mankind. According to Indian tradition, there existed 18 early astronomical texts (siddhantas) composed by Surya, Pitamaha and many others. Varahamihira compiled five astronomical texts in a book named panchasiddhantika, which is now the link between early and later siddhantas. Indian scholars had no practice of writing their own names in their works, so, it is very dicult to identify them. Aryabhata is the rst name noticed, in the book Aryabhatiya. After this point most astronomers and astro-writers wrote their names in their works. In this paper I have tried to analyze the works of astronomers like Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brah- magupta, Bhaskara I, Vateswara, Sripati and Bhaskaracharya in a modern context and to obtain an account of Indian astronomical knowledge. Aryabhata is the first Indian astronomer who stated that the rising and setting of the Sun, the Moon and other heavenly bodies was due to the relative motion of the Earth caused by the rotation of the Earth about its own axis. He also estabished the `yuga' theory (one Mahayuga = 432000 years). Varahamihira com- piled panchasiddhantika and wrote Brihatsamhita. Brahmagupta is the most distinguished astronomer known to us. His two major works are i) Brahmasphutasiddhanta and ii) Khandkhadaka. Bhaskara I was the follower of Aryabhata. His three known works are Mahabhaskariya, Laghubhaskariya and Aryab- hatiyabhasya. Vateswara follows Aryapaksha and Saurapaksha. His master work is Vateswarasiddhanta. Sripati, in his siddhantasekhara, gives the rules for determining the Moon's second inequality. Bhaskara II wrote the most comprehensive astronomical work in Indian astronomy. The result of these works is the account of the Indian astronomical heritage. These works are written in the Sanskrit language. A very few of these manuscripts have been translated in English but many are yet to be done. So, it is necessary to translate these astronomical texts into English with proper commentary for modern scholars. This paper will be helpful in this work.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In modern Astronomy the vernal equinoctial (VE) point is taken as the starting point for measuring celestial longitudes. Due to the precession of equinoxes, the above point is receding back along the ecliptic. As a result, the longitudes of xed stars are increasing every year. In ancient India, the Hindu astronomers did not favour the idea of fixed stars changing their longitudes. In order to stabilize the zodiac, they had taken as the origin a point which is fixed on the ecliptic and as such is quite different from the VE point. This initial point being a fixed one, the longitude of stars measured from this origin remain invariable for all time. There was an epoch in the past when this initial point coincided with the VE point and thus the epoch may be called the zero-year. There is controversy over the determination of the zero-year. The reasons for the choice for the fixed zodiacal system by the Hindu astronomers as well as the epoch of zero-year have been found out on the basis of information available in various astronomical treatises of ancient India written in Sanskrit.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Indian astronomical texts have records of lunar astronomy since the Puranic age. In the Vednga Jyotia (1350 B CE), the algorithm for computing eclipses is not found. This phenomenon was interpreted in the Siddhntic texts as the occurrence of Vyatipati Yoga. This paper attempts to explain the computing and observational method found in astronomical texts of Siddhntic period.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Astronomy is a popular topic for the public in term of astronomical phenomenon such as occultations, solar and lunar eclipses or meteor showers. In term of education, astronomy also is popular as one of the world Science Olympiads. Social media, as the new trend in communicating and connecting people, plays a significant role in increasing the size of the astronomy community. Beyond IYA 2009, more and more astronomy activities have been done in many places in Indonesia. New astronomy communities have been formed in several cities and public engagement is also high in social media especially on Facebook and Twitter. In this paper, we will discuss the lesson learned from astronomy outreach achievements in Indonesia and the need for citizen science projects as a distance learning tool for the public as part of astronomy development in Indonesia. We argue and propose that this project will be also important up to a regional scope.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
These days, advanced technologies provide an easy way for the public to obtain information about anything, including astronomy. Most people know astronomy for its sky events and scientific results. In Indonesia, the public has a high interest not only in astronomy information but also in participating in astronomy events, but it is limited to those who has access to a club nearby. Otherwise, for those who live in remote areas or simply don't have any access, they depend on information from newspapers, magazines, books or word of mouth. They usually think that astronomy is a dicult subject to learn, while in fact it is something doable and fun.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Astronomical outreach activities for the general public who are unfamiliar to astronomy is a challenging task. It requires creative thinking to solve the problem. The amateur astronomical clubs in a number of cities in Indonesia routinely schedule observations at public parks. The interaction between these clubs and formal education institutions is established by face to face interaction and assisted by social media. The physics teachers who took astronomy courses in university are potential resources to enlarge the outreach scope by creating astronomical clubs as an extracurricular activity. Recent progressive trends in astronomy dissemination for the disabled are also a great opportunity to assist the disabled in experiencing hands-on activities based on formal and informal education.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Malaysian Space Agency (ANGKASA), with cooperation of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, has organized the Astronomy Workshop for Primary and Secondary School Teachers since 2008 at the National Planetarium. The workshop was organized to provide science teachers with basic knowledge of astronomy in accordance with the school syllabus, with the hope that they can acquire suffcient knowledge in the field of astronomy to enhance their teaching activities in school. In this workshop, teachers will be introduced to night sky simulations in our space theater, a planetarium show, daytime and night time observation activities, hands on activities, and visits to the planetarium's observatory and exhibition gallery. Besides this, in the workshop they will share teaching experience with planetarium staff. Educational materials are also distributed to all the teachers as reference for their teaching. In this paper presentation, we would like to show how the National Planetarium plays an important role to help teachers in teaching astronomy in schools.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In India, astronomy has been studied from the beginning of civilization. The word amateur means involvement in work for pleasure rather than as a profesion. So, amateur astronomers, in many places, prefer to be called non-professional astronomers. In India, the history of amateur astronomy is quite bright. From the Puranic age astronomy was studied for peoples' daily life. In Ramayana, Mahabharata, there is a lot of evidence of astronomical knowledge. Veda is the main source for studying the history of Indian astronomy. Today astronomy education, consciousness of astronomy education, sky observation, etc. are dependent on non-professional astronomers. Vigyan Prasar, an Indian Govt. organization, is trying to popularize astronomy throughout the country.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As task force members, we present the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) and its task forces. Each task force calls for proposals every year and reviews the submitted proposals. From the point of view of "Astronomy for a Better World", the vision of the OAD, our aim is to reach diverse people including those such as the visually impaired. Our efforts meet one of the goals of the OAD and some OAD-funded projects.
2015.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The Physics Outreach Unit at UNSW Australia contributes to the goals of the IAU's Commission 55 by collaborating with established institutions to improve public engagement with science. We aim to not only increase public awareness of astronomy but also ensure the benefits to society of our scientific endeavours are understood. We have found collaborating with like-minded institutions who are working in similar spaces allows both parties to make a larger impact than working alone. For example, our long-term collaboration with the Australian Museum provides the opportunity to engage urban and rural communities with science, audiences to which we do not normally have easy access. To increase our national presence we are exploring new relationships with other institutions, in particular the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA), in hosting events such as public talks with eminent astronomers, star parties and astronomical workshops. These partnerships help build firm foundations for planning future events, in particular during the International Year of Light 2015.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To accommodate today's higher education student, fewer textbooks are printed and more are becom- ing digital. Keeping with the modern era, hybrid versions of textbooks have all end-of-chapter assess- ment content moved to digital learning systems such as MindTapTM by Cengage Learningr. In this work, we introduce new pedagogical strategies to combat academic e-cheating, specifically cheating on assessments given in online astronomy courses. The strategies we present in this work are employed in Horizons: Exploring the Universe, Hybrid, 13th Edition, and Universe, Hybrid, 8th Edition, by Seeds, Backman, and Montgomery.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We have designed and built three cost effective observatories, in distinct models, which can house Schmidt - Cassegrain type small telescopes having aperture sizes up to 16 inches. Using the available small telescopes, we provided the people of Manipura State in the far north-east corner of India the opportunity to observe directly with their own eyes the rare, spectacular events of the solar eclipse of January 15, 2010, lunar eclipse of December 10, 2011 and the transit of Venus of June 6, 2012. Apart from sharing a platform with the public for astronomy education and popularization through public outreach programs such as workshops, seminars and night watch programs, we have also developed a laboratory infrastructure and gained expertise in observational techniques based on photoelectric photometry, CCD imaging, CCD photometry and spectroscopy. Our team has become a partner in the ongoing international `Orion project' headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, USA which will be producing high quality photometric and spectroscopic data for five stars in the Orion constellation, namely Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis), Rigel (beta Orionis), Mintaka (delta Orionis), Alnilam (epsilon Orionis) and Alnitak (zeta Orionis). In the present paper, the authors would like to give a detailed report of their activities for the growth of astronomy in the state of Manipur, India.
2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Astronomy is one of the interesting but difficult topics in science for elementary education. Therefore, it is interesting to create astronomy activities that children can understand clearly. The researchers developed activities by using astronomy and botany to improve writing skills. They have to glue the local owers on the star pictures then write the name of those owers, the name of the constellation and write an essay describing their work. The participants are into two groups. 71 3rd year undergraduate students who registered for teaching and are learning science as an elementary education subjec, and 10 1st grade student from the laboratory school of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat university. We can conclude that both groups were more interested in astronomy, they can tell the name of local owers and not only used their imagination to create their work, but also to write great essays.
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