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        검색결과 141

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘예리’ 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2005년에 육 성된 화단용 아시아틱나리 품종이다. 1993년에 핑크빛 아시아틱나리 ‘제니브(Genene)’와 진황색의 아시아틱나리 ‘몬트룩스(Montreux)’를 인공교배하여 획득한 88주의 교배 실생묘 중에서 화색, 화형 및 초형이 우수한 ‘A95-68’ 계통을 1995년에 선발하였다. ‘A95-68’ 계통은 1996년부 터 2003년까지 기내 조직배양에 의한 대량 증식, 순화, 양구를 거쳐 노지에서 개화 및 생육특성을 UPOV, RDA 조사기준에 준하여 실시하였다. ‘예리’ 품종의 개화기는 7 월 초순이다. 꽃은 상향으로 개화하고, 화색은 분홍색이 다. 초장은 34.6 cm로 짧고, 꽃의 크기는 13.3 cm이며, 엽 의 길이는 5.1 cm이다. 구근의 무게는 11.7 g이고, 구 주는 9.6 cm로 양호하다. 분화용으로 촉성재배를 위해 서는 −1.5oC에 구근을 동결 저장하여 정식시기를 달 리하여 활용할 수 있다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        심비디움속 유전자원 48품종에 대하여 RAPD와 URP를 이용하여 유전적 유연관계를 분석하였다. RAPD분석에 는 10mer에 해당하는 random primer (Operon사) 80개 를, URP는 20 mer에 해당하는 12종의 상용 primer를 이 용하였다. 48 품종의 심비디움에는 34종의 동양 심비디움, 7종의 동서양란 교잡종, 7종의 서양 심비디움이 포함되어 있다. 선별된 41개의 random primer와 6개의 URP primer로부터 각각 407, 56개의 다형성 밴드를 획득 하여 총 463개의 마커를 이용하였다. 이들 마커의 크기 범위는 0.4 kb 에서 1.5 kb 에 해당하였다. 유전적 유사도 를 바탕으로 UPGMA clustering 프로그램을 이용하여 dendrogram을 작성하였는데 유전자원 48품종은 유사도 0.638 수준에서 총 4그룹으로 구분되었다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A HPLC-MS/MS method was developed for simultaneous determination of six sweeteners (acesulfame-K, cyclamate, saccharin, sucralose, stevioside, aspartame) in children's favorite foods. The procedure involves an extraction of the six sweeteners with 50% methanol solution, sample clean-up using the Carrez clearing reagent and filtering with cartridge filter. The HPLC separation was performed on a Hypersil Gold (150 mm × 2.1 mm 5 um) column using the water/acetonitrile mobile phase (95:5). Mass spectrometric analysis was carried out using the TSQ Quantum Ultra operated in negative and positive ESI/SRM. With this method, good linear relationship, sensitivity and reproducibility were obtained. The spike recoveries of six sweeteners for 2 kinds of foods spiked into 0.4 mg/kg ranged from 87.4 to 114.7%. The detection limits were above 0.02 mg/kg. The method has been applied to determination of six sweeteners in children's favorite foods.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Service productivity is a brand new concept in the service industry, since it is quite different with conventional productivity. While the productivity in manufacturing is one of the quantitative measures for evaluating process efficiency, the service productivity include the nature of customer satisfaction as well as those of service process efficiency. Customer satisfaction, also called service quality in the service industry is one of the most difficult factors to measure quantitatively due to its intangibility. Hence it is also difficult to measure the service productivity correctly. It is hard to find the existed models for service productivity or related research papers in the literature. In this study, a new model which can be used to measure and evaluate the service productivity considering both the service quality and the productivity of service process is proposed. AHP, one of the well-known multiple-criteria decision-making methods, is applied to deal with both quantitative and qualitative factors in the model. The methodology and the procedures for measuring and evaluating service productivity are also presented.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Protestant mission of the 19C showed a great deal of expansion in missionary works, which was enough to be called 'the Great century'. The Evangelical revival movement expanded toward Europe beginning from England and thus the interests of Christian missions in foreign ones formed a lot of mission societies. With this background, the London conference in 1888 turned out to be 'the great Centenary conference' as the first significant international gathering. There were discussions on missionary union, comity and the unity of church relating to division and competition caused by individual mission works of different mission organizations and were the urgent and strong suggestion of a permanent committee to mediate between different positions of the mission societies. English evangelical missionaries highly developed the idea of 'God's providence' shown in the hands of God working through the contemporary events. The same tendency of Providentialism was seen in the thoughts and theological emphasis of the London conference, 1888. They believed that God called the United Kingdom to preach the gospel in the same way that God raised the nations and kingdoms to execute compassion and judgement in the Old Testament and that they should obey the call. Although in broader perspective, the understanding of the divine providence can be seen as biblical like the missionaries viewed the imperialism of the times. However in reality it can be said that the idea was distorted by the mechanical understanding of enlightenment and by the national pride inspired by the English national power. But possibly it is a wrong and biased idea of our generation to seek only errors of Providentialism with the aim of criticising the Christian imperialism of the ancestors and ignoring their biblical assurance and strong faith of God's work through the history in broader meaning. The main four conferences discussed in this paper could fall into different categories as follows; Edinburgh, 1910 belongs to the 19C mission paradigm like the London conference, 1888, judging from its characters and tendencies, even though it was held in 20C; Edinburgh, 1910 belongs to the transition period from the 19C to the 20C, which has become the contact point of the modern and contemporary mission and at the same time, the new starting point of the contemporary ecumenical mission; Jerusalem and Tambaram belong to 20C mission paradigm. While the 19C mission put too much emphasis on personal interests and less on social ones, the 20C mission raised social interests and responsibilities of the gospel. Discussions of unity and comity were commenced in London 1888 to resolve the conflicts and competitive spirits caused by missionary works centered around the denominational mission societies in the 19C. Ecumenicalism and the emphasis on social gospel grew rapidly in the 20C mission, which began in Edinburgh 1910. During the 19C mission was the ecclesiastical mission, the ecumenical mission in the early 20C weakened the missionary role of the church. On the other hand, the evangelical viewpoint analyzed that the church was emphasized and its social responsibility ignored in the English mission conferences in the 19C. And thus all the concerns and debates of each missionary conference were the results of efforts to exercise the appropriate mission for each era. The movements and theologies trying to correct the errors of the previous missionary works and to renew the strained parts, resolved the problems or compensate the defects and at the same time, weakened the other strengths. In this sense, it is important to study the history of mission. Furthermore, it is not a favorable state to criticize the directions and ideas of each mission conference without any examination or to accept them without any criticism, whether from the evangelical or ecumenical viewpoint.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most propionic acid is added to food (especially breads) as preservatives and its form is sodium or calcium salt. Most countries admitted propionic acid as food preservatives but a tolerance limit is somewhat different according to countries. Recoveries of the official method for propionates reported as 50.0~60.0%. Accordingly new rapid determination method for propionates was developed using formic acid added sodium chloride (5 g) and ether (formic acid : ether = 1 : 2) as the extraction solvent to improve the official method with the complex processes. Propionate was dissolved from the samples with formic acid omitting steam distillation and ion exchange procedure. Then propionate in formic acid was extracted with ether and sodium chloride again. A 1 μl aliquot of the filtrate of ether was analyzed by gas chromatograph. Recoveries from sample A and B fortified with propionic acid sodium salt were 85.0 % and 90.0 %, respectively.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 붉은꽃인동덩굴의 적심높이(60, 120, 180 cm) 가 가지길이, 측지수 및 피복에 미치는 적심높이별 영 향을 알아 보기 위하여 수행하였다. 인동덩굴의 줄기길 이는 고절위(180 cm) 적심이 저절위(60 cm) 적심보다 길 었고, 측지수는 저절위 적심이 고절위 적심보다 많았다. 그러나 분지수는 적심처리간에 큰 차이가 없었다. 퍼골라 벽면의 피복도는 저절위 적심이 85%, 중절위 적심이 74%, 고절위 적심이 62%를 보였다. 개화는 5월 중순부터 10월 중순까지 계속되었고, 첫 개화는 60 cm 적심이 5월 중순으로 가장 빨랐다. 대체로 적심 높이가 낮고 적심시기가 빠를수록 개화가 빨랐고, 개화최성기는 8월 중순이었다. 붉은꽃인동덩굴을 이용한 퍼골라 벽면의 가로 3.0 m ×높이 2.2 m 녹화를 하기 위해서는 퍼골 라당 6주(1m당 2주)를 재식하고, 60 cm 벽면 높이에서 1회 적심하면 당년에 85%의 벽면스크린 및 녹화가 가 능하였다.
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