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        검색결과 2,998

        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The full application and benefits of e-Navigation, as a whole, cannot yet fully be known. Technological developments will continuously change the course of national and international initiatives in the field, and lead the pace of the evolution. However, how countries govern and support the development of e-Navigation is very much within the realm of control. National-level e-navigation governance structures that are capable of harnessing innovation and supporting the needs of mariners will help ensure that the only limits to the evolution of e-navigation are technological. The aim of this paper is to describe a model for National-level e-Navigation structures, and to offer the Canadian model as an example for potential replication in other countries. The scope of the paper is limited, providing an account of the steps to implement the e-Navigation model in the Canadian context. The methodology is similarly humble, outlining the framework of the Canadian e-Navigation Concept of Operations, and current e-Navigation priorities. It is the basis for this model that is the keystone to the paper. The Canadian model was developed in a way that ideas, innovation and needs in Canada are not wholly determined by the government, but rather, the government aims to act as a facilitator and guide in bringing together disparate needs and ideas under a harmonized approach. The conclusion proposed is that on-going work with key partners and stakeholders can be used as the primary mechanism to identify e-Navigation related innovation and needs, and to prioritize next steps. Moving forward in Canada, implementation of new e-navigation services will continue to be stakeholder driven, and used to drive improvements to Canada’s marine navigation system.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents how Digital Knowledge Ecosystem such as “Govi Nena” (translates as agriculture intelligence) can be used to provide a more effective and practical solution to eliminate the inefficiencies in agricultural markets and achieve higher productivity and price stability. In order to establish the framework to analyze the system, this paper uses a set of hypothetical scenarios faced by value chain actors based on a review of the literature, established knowledge and recent developing country experiences. The scenario analysis reveals that “Govi Nena” enables farmers to make effective production decisions, deepens the level of value chain integration, and enhances the level of welfare for the society as a whole.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze physiological reactions and visual preferences for lawn and flowerbed preferred by mental patients, and green space which is highly related with healing effects. Subjects were 25 mild cases of schizophrenia, who on the recommendation of their doctor, resided in psychiatric hospitals located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea. The survey was carried out in August 2010. The subjects were shown computer graphic simulations by a beam projector, and then brain wave and preferences were measured. In regards to physiological responses, the separate arrangement of tree cluster promoted a sense of stability and vitality, simultaneously. In the aspect of visual preferences, just one mass was preferred. The natural landscape planting pattern was visually preferred. There was a difference in preferences for the planting proportion of evergreen and deciduous trees in the leaf-fall and leaf-color seasons, but when both of them are taken into consideration, it is advisable that 75% of trees planted be occupied by evergreens to encourage emotional stability. The higher the ratio of tree to a lawn, the higher the visual preference. The ratio of 1:1 or 1:0.5 between a lawn and trees is advisable if the physiological effect is considered, but creating a lawn alone should be avoided. With regard to color preferences for the flower bed, orange was visually preferred. Pink was desirable to create a sense of emotional stability, and red to physiologically revitalize the subjects.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, recent progress on graphene/metal oxide composites as advanced materials for HgCl2 and CO2 capture was investigated. Density Functional Theory calculations were used to understand the effects of temperature on the adsorption ability of HgCl2 and water vapor on CO2 adsorption on CaO (001) with reinforced carbon-based nanostructures using B3LYP functional. Understanding the mechanism by which mercury and CO2 adsorb on graphene/CaO (g-CaO) is crucial to the design and fabrication of effective capture technologies. The results obtained from the optimized geometries and frequencies of the proposed cluster site structures predicted that with respect to molecular binding the system possesses unusually large HgCl2 (0.1- 0.4 HgCl2 g/g sorbent) and CO2 (0.2-0.6 CO2 g/g sorbent) uptake capacities. The HgCl2 and CO2 were found to be stable on the surface as a result of the topology and a strong interaction with the g-CaO system; these results strongly suggest the potential of CaO-doped carbon materials for HgCl2 and CO2 capture applications, the functional gives reliable answers compared to available experimental data.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The key features of maritime accidents are the change of their attributes by new risks from time to time. To prevent maritime accidents in Korea, the impacts by new risks on domestic safety environments should be identified or predicted. The purpose of this paper is to find the hazard factors by new risks on maritime safety in Korea. The meaning of new risks is the elements of accident hazard which is compiled from new or rare or unprecedented events in the worldwide maritime transportations. The problems of new risks are the lacks of optimum countermeasures to mitigate accident risks. Using the questionnaires with 152 event scenarios classified by 20 accident causes, the hazard identification and risk analysis of new risks was performed based on the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) by IMO. A total of 22 Influence Diagrams, which is to depict the transit flows between accident causes to consequences, is used in the construction of 152 event scenarios. A total of 20 accidents causes is the same contents as the causation factors represented in Statistical Year Book for Maritime Accidents of Korean Maritime Safety Tribunals. After defining the evaluation equations to the response results of questionnaires by 46 experts, the work for risk analysis is carried out. As results from the analysis of 152 scenarios, it is known that the root cause to affect on maritime safety in Korea is the pressure of business competition and it led to the lacks of well experienced crews, the overload of vessel operations and crew's fatigue. In addition, as results from the analysis of 20 accident causes, the three accident causes are to be candidate as main issues in Korea such as the inadequate preparedness of departure, the neglecting of watch keeping in bridge and the inadequate management of ship operations. All of the results are thought to be as basic hazard factors to safety impediments. It is thus found that the optimum Risk Control Options to remove the hazard factors and to mitigate consequences required are the following two factors: business competition and crewing problems.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to address climate change, the international community established a regulatory framework in addition to adaptation and mitigation strategies being at its core, and adopted “common, but differentiated responsibility” as the fundamental principle behind the international climate change regime. However, the climate change regime has reached an impasse in recent years. This paper suggests that “common and symmetrical responsibility” should become the central organizing principle of the future climate regime in order to resolve disagreements among countries and encourage the initiative by the international community. This paper not only provides an analysis of the “bridging mechanism for adaptation and mitigation,” based primarily on the allocation of quantified emissions, limitation and reduction commitments and the sharing of multilateral climate funds, but also discusses the “cut-or-fund” scheme and “cut-and-fund” scheme in in developed and developing States, respectively under this mechanism.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of low-salt Myungran jeotkal (Alaskan pollock roe) were evaluated after fermentation at 4℃ and 20℃ with or without the addition of deep sea water, salt from deep sea water, and vegetable-origin lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus fermentum JS, LBF). When fermented at 20℃, the addition of LBF to Myungran jeotkal resulted in a slow increase in lactic acid content, followed by an abrupt increase after five days of fermentation. However, when fermented at 4℃, the lactic acid content did not change significantly. Further, when Myungran jeotkal fermented at 4℃, the pH decreased as lactic acid production increased. The salinity of Myungran jeotkal fermented at 4℃ and 20℃ was 7% and was not affected by fermentation period. When fermented at 20℃, volatile basic nitrogen and amino nitrogen contents increased with increasing duration of fermentation. Further, volatile acid content decreased, however, the content of amino nitrogen increased after 11 days of fermentation with LBF and no salt effects were observed. When fermented at 20℃ for 13 days, preference (sensory evaluation) was the highest in all experimental groups after 9 days of fermentation, and then decreased as the fermentation period increased. The free amino acid content was highest (1,648.8 mg/100 g) in Myungran jeotkal when sun-dried salt and LBF were added, 2.3 times higher than in the control.