
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9,685

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Activated carbon (AC) is used for filtering organic and radioactive particles, in liquid and ventilation systems, respectively. Spent ACs (SACs) are stored till decaying to clearance level before disposal, but some SACs are found to contain C-14, a radioactive isotopes 5,730 years halflife, at a concentration greater than clearance level concentration, 1 Bq/g. However, without waste acceptance criteria (WAC) regarding SACs, SACs are not delivered for disposal at current situation. Therefore, this paper aims to perform a preliminary disposal safety examination to provide fundamental data to establish WAC regarding SACs SACs are inorganic ash composed mostly of carbon (~88%) with few other elements (S, H, O, etc.). Some of these SACs produced from NPPs are found to contain C-14 at concentration up to very-low level waste (VLLW) criteria, and few up to low-level waste (LLW) criteria. As SACs are in form of bead or pellets, dispersion may become a concern, thus requiring conditioning to be indispersible, and considering VLL soils can be disposed by packaging into soft-bags, VLL SACs can also be disposed in the same way, provided SACs are dried to meet free water requirement. But, further analysis is required to evaluate radioactive inventory before disposal. Disposability of SACs is examined based on domestic WAC’s requirement on physical and chemical characteristics. Firstly, particulate regulation would be satisfied, as commonly used ACs in filters are in size greater than 0.3 mm, which is greater than regulated particle size of 0.2 mm and below. Secondly, chelating content regulation would be satisfied, as SACs do not contain chelating chemicals. Also, cellulose, which is known to produce chelating agent (ISA), would be degraded and removed as ACs are produced by pyrolysis at 1,000°C, while thermal degradation of cellulose occurs around 350~600°C. Thirdly, ignitability regulation would be satisfied because as per 40 CFR 261.21, ignitable material is defined with ignition point below 60°C, but SACs has ignition point above 350°C. Lastly, gas generation regulation would be satisfied, as SACs being inorganic, they would be targeted for biological degradation, which is one of the main mechanism of gas generation. Therefore, SACs would be suitable to be disposed at domestic repositories, provided they are securely packaged. Further analysis would be required before disposal to determine detailed radioactive inventories and chemical contents, which also would be used to produce fundamental data to establish WAC.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study focuses on the development of coatings designed for storage containers used in the management of radioactive waste. The primary objective is to enhance the shielding performance of these containers against either gamma or neutron radiation. Shielding against these types of radiation is essential to ensure the safety of personnel and the environment. In this study, tungsten and boron cabide coating specimens were manufactured using the HVOF (High-Velocity Oxy Fuel) technuqe. These coatings act as an additional layer of protection for the storage containers, effectively absorbing and attenuating gamma and neutron radiation. The fabricated tungsten and boron carbide coating specimens were evaluated using two different testing methods. The first experiment evaluates the effectiveness of a radiation shielding coating on cold-rolled steel surfaces, achieved by applying a mixture of WC (Tungsten Carbide) powders. WC-based coating specimens, featuring different ratios, were prepared and preliminarily assessed for their radiation shielding capabilities. In the gamma-ray shielding test, Cs-137 was utilized as the radiation source. The coating thickness remained constant at 250 μm. Based on the test results, the attenuation ratio and shielding rate for each coated specimen were calculated. It was observed that the gammaray shielding rate exhibited relatively higher shielding performance as the WC content increased. This observation aligns with our findings from the gamma-ray shielding test and underscores the potential benefits of increasing the tungsten content in the coating. In the second experiment, a neutron shielding material was created by applying a 100 μm-thick layer of B4C (Boron Carbide) onto 316SS. The thermal neutron (AmBe) shielding test results demonstrated an approximate shielding rate of 27%. The thermal neutron shielding rate was confirmed to exceed 99.9% in the 1.5 cm thick SiC+B4C bulk plate. This indicates a significant reduction in required volume. This study establishes that these coatings enhance the gamma-ray and neutron shielding effectiveness of storage containers designed for managing radioactive waste. In the future, we plan to conduct a comparative evaluation of the radiation shielding properties to optimize the coating conditions and ensure optimal shielding effectiveness.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic nuclear power plants can affect the environment if multiple devices are operated on one site and even a trace amount of pollutants that may affect the environment after power generation are simultaneously discharged. Therefore, not only radioactive substances but also ionic substances such as boron should be discharged as minimally as possible. We adopted pilot CDI and SD-ELIX sytem to separating and concenrating of boron containing nulcear power plant discharge water. The boron concentration of the initial inflow water tended to decrease over time. The water quality of concentrated water also reached its peak until the initial 60 minutes, but tended to decrease in line with the decrease in the inflow water concentration. The boron removal rate was in the range of 85 to 99% with respect to the initial boron concentration of 15 to 25 mg/L. On the other hand, performance degradation due to the use of electrochemical modules is also observed, and regeneration through low ion-containing water cleaning effective. We shortened processing time by considering the optimal flow rate conditions and conductivity conditions and converting electrochemical modules into series or parallel.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power plants use ion exchange resins to purify liquid radioactive waste generated while operating nuclear power plants. In the case of PHWR, ion exchange resins are used in heavy water and dehydration systems, liquid waste treatment systems, and heavy water washing systems, and the used ion exchange resins are stored in waste resin storage tanks. The C-14 radioactivity concentration in the waste resin currently stored at the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant is 4.6×106 Bq/g, exceeding the low-level limit, and if all is disposed of, it is 1.48×1015 Bq, exceeding the total limit of 3.04×1014 Bq of C-14 in the first stage disposal facility. Therefore, disposal is not possible at domestic low/medium-level disposal facilities. In addition, since the heavy water reactor waste resin mixture is stored at a ratio of about 20% activated carbon and zeolite mixture and about 80% waste resin, mixture extraction and separation technology and C-14 desorption and adsorption technology are required. Accordingly, research and development has been conducted domestically on methods to treat heavy water waste resin, but the waste resin mixture separation method is complex and inefficient, and there are limitations in applying it to the field due to the scale of the equipment being large compared to the field work space. Therefore, we would like to introduce a resin treatment technology that complements the problems of previous research. Previously, the waste resin mixture was extracted from the upper manhole and inspection hole of the storage tank, but in order to improve limitations such as worker safety, cost, and increased work time, the SRHS, which was planned at the time of nuclear power plant design, is utilized. In addition, by capturing high-purity 14CO2 in a liquid state in a high-pressure container, it ensures safety for long-term storage and is easy to handle when necessary, maximizing management efficiency. In addition, the modularization of the waste resin separation and withdrawal process from the storage tank, C-14 desorption and monitoring process, high-concentration 14CO2 capture and storage process, and 14CO2 adsorption process enables separation of each process, making it applicable to narrow work spaces. When this technology is used to treat waste resin mixtures in PHWR, it is expected to demonstrate its value as customized, high-efficiency equipment that can secure field applicability and safety and reflect the diverse needs of consumers according to changes in the working environment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We conducted safety assessments for the disposal of spent resin mixed waste after the removal of beta radionuclides (3H, 14C) in a landfill facility. The spent resin tank of Wolsong nuclear power plant is generated by 8:1:1 weight ratio of spent ion exchange resin, spent activated carbon and zeolite. Waste in the spent resin tank was classified as intermediate-level radioactive waste due to 14C. Other nuclides such as 60Co and 137Cs exhibit below the low-level radioactive waste criteria. The techniques for separating mixed waste and capturing 14C have been under development, with a particular focus on microwave-based methods to remove beta radionuclides (3H, 14C) from spent activated carbon and spent resin within the mixed waste. The spent resin and activated carbon within the waste mixture exhibits microwave reactivity, heated when exposed to microwaves. This technology serves as a means to remove beta isotopes within the spent resin, particularly by eliminating 14C, allowing it to meet the low-level radioactive waste criteria. Using this method, the waste mixture can meet disposal requirements through free water and 3H removal. These assessments considered the human intrusion scenarios and were carried out using the RESRAD-ONSITE code. The institutional management period after facility closure is set at 300 years, during which accidental exposures resulting from human intrusion into the disposal site are accounted for. The assessment of radiation exposure to intruders in a landfill facility included six human intrusion scenarios, such as the drilling scenario, road construction scenario, post-drilling scenario, and post-construction scenario. Among the six human intrusion scenarios considered, the most conservative assessment about annual radiation exposure was the post-drilling scenario. In this scenario, human intrusion occurs, followed by drilling and residence on the site after the institutional management period. We assumed that some of the vegetables and fruits grown in the area may originate from contaminated regions. Importantly, we confirmed that radiation doses resulting from post-institutional management period human intrusion scenarios remain below 0.1 mSv/y, thus complying with the annual dose limits for the public. This research underscores the importance of effectively managing and securing radioactive waste, with a specific focus on the safety of beta radionuclide-removed waste during long-term disposal, even in the face of potential human intrusion scenarios beyond the institutional management period.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic waste acceptance criteria (WAC) require flowable or homogeneous wastes, such as spent resin, concentrated waste, and sludge, etc., to be solidified regardless of radiation level, to provide structural integrity to prevent collapse of repository, and prevent leaching. Therefore, verylow level (VLL) spent resin (SR) would also require to be solidified. However, such disposal would be too conservative, considering IAEA standards do not require robust containment and shielding of VLL wastes. To prevent unnecessary cost and exposure to workers, current WAC advisable to be amended, thus this paper aims to provide modified regulation based on reviewed engineering background of solidification requirement. According to NRC report, SR is classified as wet-solid waste, which is defined as a solid waste produced from liquid system, thus containing free-liquid within the waste. NRC requires liquid wastes to be solidified regardless of radiation level to prevent free liquid from being disposed, which could cause rapid release of radionuclides. Furthermore, considering class A waste does not require structural integrity, unlike class B and C wastes, dewatering would be an enough measure for solidification. This is supported by the cases of Palo Verde and Diablo Canyon nuclear power plants, whose wet-solid wastes, such as concentrated wastes and sludge, are disposed by packaging into steel boxes after dewatering or incineration. Therefore, dewatering VLL spent resin and packaging them into structural secure packaging could satisfy solidification goal. Another goal of solidification is to provide structural support, which was considered to prevent collapse of soil covers in landfills or trenches. However, providing structural support via solidification agent (ex. Cement) would be unnecessary in domestic 2nd phase repository. As the domestic 2nd phase repository is cementitious structure, which is backfilled with cement upon closure, the repository itself already has enough structural integrity to prevent collapse. Goldsim simulation was run to evaluate radiation impact by VLL SR, with and without solidification, by modelling solidified wastes with simple leaching, and unsolidified wastes with instant release. Both simulations showed negligible impact on radiation exposure, meaning that solidifying VLL SR to delay leaching would be irrational. Therefore, dewatering VLL SR and packaging it into a secure drum (ex. Steel drum) could achieve solidification goals described in NRC reports and provide enough safety to be disposed into domestic repositories. In future, the studied backgrounds in this paper should be considered to modify current WAC to achieve efficient waste management.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The safety of deep geological disposal systems has to be ensured to guarantee the isolation of radionuclides from human and related environments for over a million years. Over such a long timeframe, disposal systems can be influenced by climate change, leading to significant long-term impacts on the hydrogeological condition, including changes in temperature, precipitation and sea levels. These changes can affect groundwater flow, alter geochemical conditions, and directly/ indirectly impact the stability of the repository. Hence, it is essential to conduct a safety assessment that considers the long-term evolution induced by climate change. In this context, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is developing the Adaptive Process-based total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro). Currently, numerical modules for APro are under development to account for the longterm evolution that can influence groundwater flow and radionuclide transport in the far-field of the disposal system. This study focuses on the development of two numerical modules designed to model permafrost formation and buoyance force due to relative density changes. Permafrost is defined as a ground in which temperature remains below zero-isotherm (0°C) continuously for more than two consecutive years. In regions where permafrost forms, the relative permeability of porous media is significantly reduced. The changes in permeability due to permafrost formation are modelled by calculating the unfrozen fluid content within a porous medium. Meanwhile, buoyancy force can occur when there is a difference in density at the boundary of two distinct water groups, such as seawater (salt water) and freshwater. Sea level change associated with climate change can alter the boundary between seawater and freshwater, resulting in changes in groundwater flow. The buoyancy force due to relative density is modelled by adjusting concentration boundary conditions. Using the developed numerical modules, we evaluated the long-term evolution’s effects by analyzing radionuclide transport in the far-field of the disposal system. Incorporating permafrost and buoyancy force modelling into the APro framework will contribute valuable insights into the complex interactions between geological and climatic factors, enhancing our ability to ensure the secure isolation of radionuclides for extended periods.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Properties of bentonite, mainly used as buffer and/or backfill materials, will evolve with time due to thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes, which could deteriorate the long-term integrity of the engineered barrier system. In particular, degradation of the backfill in the evolution processes makes it impossible to sufficiently perform the safety functions assigned to prevent groundwater infiltration and retard radionuclide transport. To phenomenologically understand the performance degradation to be caused by evolution, it is essential to conduct the demonstration test for backfill material under the deep geological disposal environment. Accordingly, in this paper, we suggest types of tests and items to be measured for identifying the performance evolution of backfill for the Deep Geological Repository (DGR) in Korea, based on the review results on the performance assessment methodology conducted for the operating license application in Finland. Some of insights derived from reviewing the Finnish case are as follows: 1) The THMC evolution characteristics of backfill material are mainly originated from hydro-mechanical and/or hydrochemical processes driven by the groundwater behavior. 2) These evolutions could occur immediately upon installation of backfill materials and vary depending on characteristics of backfill and groundwater. 3) Through the demonstration experiments with various scales, the hydro-mechanical evolution (e.g. advection and mechanical erosion) of the backfill due to changes in hydraulic behavior could be identified. 4) The hydro-chemical evolution (e.g. alteration and microbial activity) could be identified by analyzing the fully-saturated backfill after completing the experiment. Given the findings, it is judged that the following studies should be first conducted for the candidate backfill materials of the domestic DGR. a) Lab-scale experiment: Measurement for dry density and swelling pressure due to saturation of various backfill materials, time required to reach full saturation, and change in hydraulic conductivity with injection pressure. b) Pilot-scale experiment: Measurement for the mass loss due to erosion; Investigation on the fracture (piping channel) forming and resealing in the saturation process; Identification of the hydro-mechanical evolution with the test scale. c) Post-experiment dismantling analysis for saturated backfill: Measurement of dry density, and contents of organic and harmful substances; Investigation of water content distribution and homogenization of density differences; Identification of the hydro-chemical evolution with groundwater conditions. The results of this study could be directly used to establishing the experimental plan for verifying performance of backfill materials of DGR in Korea, provided that the domestic data such as facility design and site characteristics (including information on groundwater) are acquired.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radwaste repository consists of a multi-barrier, including natural and engineered barriers. The repository’s long-term safety is ensured by using the isolation and delay functions of the multi-barrier. Among them, natural barriers are difficult to artificially improve and have a long time scale. Therefore, in order to evaluate its performance, site characteristics should be investigated for a sufficient period using various analytical methods. Natural barriers are classified into lithological and structural characteristics and investigated. Structural factors such as fractures, faults, and joints are very important in a natural barrier because they can serve as a flow path for groundwater in performance evaluation. Considering the condition that the radioactive waste repository should be located in the deep part, the drill core is an important subject that can identify deep geological properties that could not be confirmed near the surface. However, in many previous studies, a unified method has not been used to define the boundaries of structural factors. Therefore, it is necessary to derive a method suitable for site characteristics by applying and comparing the boundary definition criteria of various structural factors to boreholes. This study utilized the 1,000 m deep AH-3 and DB-2 boreholes and the 500 m deep AH-1 and YS- 1 boreholes drilled around the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Methods applied to define the brittle structure boundary include comparing background levels of fracture and fracture density, excluding sections outside the zone of influence of deformation, and confining the zone to areas of concentrated deformation. All of these methods are analyzed along scanlines from the brittle structure. Deriving a site-specific method will contribute to reducing the uncertainties that may arise when analyzing the long-term evolution of brittle structures within natural barriers.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Effective containment and disposal of high-level radioactive waste is critical to ensure long-term environmental and human safety. Especially bentonite, which is widely used as a buffer material due to its favorable characteristics such as swelling ability and low permeability, plays an important role in preventing the migration of radioactive waste into the surrounding environment. However, the long-term performance of bentonite buffer remains an area of ongoing investigation, with particular attention focused on erosion mechanisms induced by swelling and groundwater flow. The erosion of the bentonite buffer can significantly impact the integrity of buffer and lead to the formation of colloids, which could potentially facilitate the transport of radionuclides through groundwater. Therefore, quantification of bentonite buffer erosion based on an understanding of the underlying mechanisms and factors that influence bentonite buffer erosion, is essential for the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repositories. In this study, we aimed to develop a bentonite buffer erosion model using the Adaptive Processbased total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro) proposed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The impact of bentonite erosion on performance assessment can be broadly divided into bentonite property degradation by the penetration of the bentonite buffer into rock fractures and the formation of pseudocolloids. To simulate this phenomenon, Two-region model based on a dynamic bentonite diffusion model is adopted, which can quantify the extent of bentonite intrusion and loss by erosion. Using this Tworegion model, a numerical model was developed to simulate the degradation of bentonite properties based on the amount of bentonite intrusion, as well as to simulate the migration of pseudocolloids in the near-field by deriving the amount of pseudocolloid production based on the loss of bentonite and the sorption rate of radionuclides. To check the applicability of the developed numerical model, preliminary analysis was performed for the effect of bentonite erosion in terms of process-based performance assessment. It is anticipated that this comprehensive model developed in this study will contribute to the accurate and reliable assessment of the long-term performance and safety of high-level radioactive waste repositories.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High level radioactive waste (HLW) final disposal repository is faced thermos-hydro-mechanical - radioactive condition because it is placed over 500 m in depth and waste emits decay heats for decades. Repository will be operated around 100 years and will be closed after all the wastes are disposed. The integrity of engineered barriers including buffer, backfill, concrete plug and canister and natural barrier (natural rock mass) will be stood during operating periods. Monitoring sensors for concrete and rock mass is conducted using piezo based sensors such as accelerometer or acoustic emission (AE) sensors. Typical accelerometer for harsh conditions is commonly expensive and data/power cable can be a potential groundwater inflow and nuclide outflow path. The fiber optic accelerometer whose data and power cable are united and has limited volume. Therefore, it can be a potential alternative sensor of piezo based sensors. The temperature limits and accelerated tests for fiber optic sensors are conducted. Most of sensors gives a malfunction around 130°C. The results of these experimental tests give a possibility of communications in compacted bentonite buffer and will be utilized for the design of monitoring systems for the repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The occurrence of shear failure in a rock mass, resulting from the sliding of joint surfaces, is primarily influenced by the surface roughness and contact area of these joints. Furthermore, since joints serve as crucial conduits for the movement of water, oil, gas, and thermal energy, the aperture and geometric complexity of these joints have a significant impact on the hydraulic properties of the rock mass. This renders them critical factors in related industries. Therefore, to gain insights into the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of a rock mass, it is essential to identify the key morphological characteristics of the joints mentioned above. In this study, we quantified the morphological characteristics of tensile fractures in granitic rocks using X-ray CT imaging. To accomplish this, we prepared a cylindrical sample of Hwang-Deung granite and conducted splitting tests to artificially create tensile fractures that closely resemble rough joint surfaces. Subsequently, we obtained 2D sliced X-ray CT images of the fractured sample with a pixel resolution of approximately 0.06 mm. By analyzing the differences in CT numbers of the rock components (e.g., fractures, voids, and rock matrix), we isolated and reconstructed the geometric information of the tensile fracture in three dimensions. Finally, we derived morphological characteristics, including surface roughness, contact area, aperture, and fracture volume, from the reconstructed fracture.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The post-closure safety assessment of a repository is typically conducted over an extensive timescale from ten thousand to a million years. Considering that biosphere ecosystems may undergo significant changes over such lengthy periods, it is essential to incorporate the long-term evolution of the biosphere into the safety assessment. Climate change and landscape development are identified as critical drivers with the potential to impact the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the biosphere. These changes can subsequently alter the migration patterns of radionuclides through the biosphere and influence human exposure doses. Therefore, this study formulates scenarios within the context of long-term biosphere evolution. We examine biosphere assessment processes employed in other countries and conduct a comparative study on scenario conditions. For example, biosphere assessment in Finland has identified sea-level changes and land-use alterations as significant factors in the long-term evolution of the biosphere. These factors are linked to Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs) associated with climate change and human activities. Sea-level changes are related to FEPs regarding climate change, land uplift, and shoreline displacement, while land-use changes are based on human activity-related FEPs (e.g., crop type, livestock and forest management, well construction, and demographics). Based on the literature review, this study has configured long-term evolution scenarios for the safety assessment of a deep geological repository for spent fuels.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Safety assessments for geological disposal systems extend over tens of thousands of years, taking into account the radiotoxicity decay period of spent nuclear fuel. During this extensive period, the biosphere experiences multiple glacial cycles, and fluctuations in seawater amounts, attributed to the formation and melting of glaciers, lead to global sea level changes known as eustacy. These sea level changes can directly influence the land-sea interface and groundwater flow dynamics, consequently affecting the pathways of radionuclide transport - an essential element of dose assessment. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how glacial cycles and sea level changes impact radionuclide transport within geological disposal systems, especially in the biosphere. To achieve this objective, we obtained climate evolution data including sea level changes for the Korean Peninsula over a 200,000-years, simulated by a General Circulation Model (GCM). These data were then employed to predict site and hydrology evolutions. The study site was conceptualized biosphere of Artificial Disposal System (ADioS), and we utilized the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate hydrological evolution. These datasets, encompassing climate, site, and hydrology evolution, were collectively employed as inputs for the biosphere module of Adaptive Process-Based Total System Performance Assessment Framework (APro). Subsequently, the APro’s biosphere module calculated radionuclide transport in groundwater flow and its release into surface water bodies, considering the influences of glacial cycles and sea level changes. The results show that hydrologic changes due to sea level change are relatively minor, while the impact of sea level change on groundwater flow and discharge is significant. Additionally, we identified that among the water bodies within ADioS, including rivers, lakes, and oceans, the ocean exhibits the most substantial radionuclide outflow throughout the entire period. The spatiotemporal distributions of radionuclides computed within APro will be further processed into a grid format and used as input for the dose assessment module. Through this study, it was possible to determine the impact of long-term glacial cycles and sea level changes on radionuclide transport. Additionally, this module can serve as a valuable tool for providing the spatiotemporal variability of radionuclides required for enhanced dose assessments.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) are a key element of deep geological repositories (DGR) and play an important role in safely isolating radioactive materials from the ecosystem. In the environment of a DGR, gases can be generated due to several factors, including canister corrosion. If the gas production rate exceeds the diffusion rate, pore pressures may increase, potentially inducing structural deterioration that impairs the function of the buffer material. Therefore, understanding the hydraulic-mechanical behavior of EBS due to gas generation is essential for evaluating the longterm stability of DGR. This study employed X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology to observe cracks created inside the buffer material after laboratory-scale gas injection experiments. After CT scanning, we identified cracks more clearly using an image analysis method based on machine learning techniques, enabling us to examine internal crack patterns caused by gas injection. In the samples observed in this study, no cracks were observed penetrating the entire buffer block, and it was confirmed that most cracks were created through the radial surface of the block. This is similar to the results observed in the LASGIT field experiment in which the paths of the gas migration were observed through the interface between the container and the buffer material. This study confirmed the applicability of high-resolution X-ray CT imaging and image analysis techniques for qualitative analysis of internal crack patterns and cracks generated by gas breakthrough phenomena. This is expected to be used as basic data and crack analysis techniques in future research to understand gas migration in the buffer material.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding the long-term geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system is crucial for conducting safety assessment in high-level radioactive waste disposal repository. One critical scenario to consider is the intrusion of seawater into the engineered barrier system, which may occur due to global sea level rise. Seawater is characterized by its high ionic strength and abundant dissolved cations, including Na, K, and Mg. When seawater infiltrates an engineered barrier, such dissolved cations displace interlayer cations within the montmorillonite and affect to precipitation/ dissolution of accessory minerals in bentonite buffer. These geochemical reactions change the porewater chemistry of bentonite buffer and influence the reactive transport of radionuclides when it leaked from the canister. In this study, the adaptive process-based total system performance assessment framework (APro), developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, was utilized to simulate the geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system resulting from seawater intrusion. Here, the APro simulated the geochemical evolution in bentonite porewater and mineral composition by considering various geochemical reactions such as mineral precipitation/dissolution, temperature, redox processes, cation exchange, and surface complexation mechanisms. The simulation results showed that the seawater intrusion led to the dissolution of gypsum and partial precipitation of calcite, dolomite, and siderite within the engineered barrier system. Additionally, the composition of interlayer cation in montmorillonite was changed, with an increase in Na, K, and Mg and a decrease in Ca, because the concentrations of Na, K, and Mg in seawater were 2-10 times higher than those in the initial bentonite porewater. Further studies will evaluate the geochemical sorption and transport of leaked uranium-238 and iodine-129 by applying TDB-based sorption model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is currently developing a process-based performance assessment model known as APro. Distinguished from the previous system-level safety assessment model developed by KAERI, APro exhibits the capacity to encompass a threedimensional biosphere domain, evolving over the long term. In this study, we elucidate the methodology employed in developing the dose assessment module of APro and present the module’s functionalities. The procedural steps underlying radiation dose calculations within the APro framework can be succinctly outlined as follows: 1) Definition of a landscape model, utilizing information derived from a specified snapshot period provided by the APro biosphere transport module; 2) Generation of unit biotope objects spanning the landscape; 3) Evaluation of radionuclide transfer within the soil medium; 4) Calculation of activity concentration for flora and fauna groups; 5) Assessment of the distribution of effective dose among representative human groups; 6) Progressing through successive time steps. The APro dose calculation module exhibits notable capabilities that encompass: 1) Accounting for radionuclide decay and ingrowth; 2) Facilitating transfer through unsaturated porous media; 3) Considering sorption effects; 4) Addressing the inheritance of radioactivity between various landscape models; 5) Offering customizable ecosystem parameters; 6) Providing flexibility for user-defined exposure pathways. Leveraging these functionalities of the dose assessment module, APro is proficient in evaluating the distribution of radiological doses and associated risks for representative population groups, all while accounting for the dynamic, long-term evolution of the biosphere, including alterations in land cover.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Copper, mainly used as a material for outer canister, generates various corrosion products under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the operational and/or post-closure phases of the deep geological repository. These products could affect performance of engineering barrier system (EBS) through interaction with surrounding bentonite that makes up the buffer and backfill materials. Accordingly, in this study, we suggested research items to be conducted to minimize degradation of EBS due to copper corrosion products, based on the phenomenological review results for copper corrosion mechanisms and interaction between resultant product and bentonite in the deep geological disposal environment. During the post-closure phase, condition in the disposal facility changes form aerobic to anaerobic over time, and thereby, causes and products of copper corrosion vary. Under aerobic condition, copper corrosion is mainly induced by oxygen (O2) in the repository, chloride (Cl-) and carbonate (CO3 2-) ions from groundwater flowing into the facility, resulting in corrosion products such as cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), atacamite (CuCl2·3Cu(OH)2) and malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2). And, copper corrosion under anaerobic condition is primarily due to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfate (SO4 2-) in groundwater flowing into the facility, leading to formation of chalcocite (Cu2S) and covellite (CuS) as corrosion products. Depending on environment of the disposal facility, copper corrosion products are dissolved and ionized to Cu2+ in groundwater, and subsequently adsorbed on the nearby smectite. Then, it causes a cation exchange reaction with exchangeable cations in the interlayer of smectite. As a result of reviewing the previous experiments, it was confirmed that Cu2+-exchanged bentonite has a slightly reduced basal spacing and swelling capacity. From the results as above, there is a possibility that performance of EBS may be degraded due to copper corrosion products. To minimize its effect of degradation in the domestic facility, items to be further studied are as follows: (a) Method for reducing copper corrosion such as selection of appropriate material and structure for the canister, and (b) How to control dissolution of copper canister product into groundwater through predicting type and ionization process. The results of this study could be directly used to developing design concept of EBS for the domestic disposal facility and to establishing roadmap of future R&D programs.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Conducting a TSPA (Total System Performance Assessment) of the entire spent nuclear fuel disposal system, which includes thousands of disposal holes and their geological surroundings over many thousands of years, is a challenging task. Typically, the TSPA relies on significant efforts involving numerous parts and finite elements, making it computationally demanding. To streamline this process and enhance efficiency, our study introduces a surrogate model built upon the widely recognized U-network machine learning framework. This surrogate model serves as a bridge, correcting the results from a detailed numerical model with a large number of small-sized elements into a simplified one with fewer and large-sized elements. This approach will significantly cut down on computation time while preserving accuracy comparable to those achieved through the detailed numerical model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The buffer is installed around the disposal canister, subjected to heating due to decay heat while simultaneously experiencing expansion influenced by groundwater inflow from the surrounding rock. The engineering barrier system for deep geological disposal require the evaluation of longterm evolution based on the verification of individual component performance and the interactions among components within the disposal environment. Thus, it is crucial to identify the thermalhydro- mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes of the buffer and assess its long- and short-term stability based on these interactions. Therefore, we conducted experimental evaluations of saturationswelling, dry heating, gas transport, and mineralogical alterations that the buffer may undergo in the heated-hydration environment. We simulated a 310 mm-thick buffer material in a cylindrical form, simulating the domestic disposal system concept of KRS+ (the improved KAERI reference disposal system for spent nuclear fuel), and subjected it to the disposal environment using heating cartridges and a hydration system. To monitor the thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior within the buffer material, load cells were installed in the hydration section, and both of thermal couples and relative humidity sensors were placed at regular intervals from the heat source. After 140 days of heating and hydration, we dismantled the experimental cell and conducted post-mortem analyses of the samples. In this post-mortem analysis, we performed functions of distance from the water contents, heat source, wet density, dry density, saturation, and X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The results showed that after 140 days in the heated-hydration environment, the samples exhibited a significant decrease water contents and saturation near the heat source, along with very low wet and dry densities. XRD Quantitative Analysis did not indicate mineralogical changes. The findings from this study are expected to be useful for input parameters and THMC interaction assessments for the long-term stability evaluation of buffer in deep geological disposal.