
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7,704

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Forest Service has designated seven alpine tree species—Abies koreana, A. nephrolepis, Juniperus chinensis, Picea jezoensis, Pinus pumila, Taxus cuspidata, and Thuja koraiensis—as threatened with extinction in Korea. In 2023, we conducted a study on the seasonal occurrence of insect pests, focusing mainly on two coleopteran taxa (Cerambycidae and Scolytinae) and two hemipteran taxa (Aphrophoridae and Cicadellidae) in subalpine forests dominated by A. koreana, A. nephrolepis, Picea jezoensis, Thuja koraiensis, and Taxus cuspidata. We utilized three types of traps—Malaise trap, Lindgren funnel trap, and window trap—in eight investigation locations in Korea. In this presentation, we present the study results and discuss the effects of insect pests on alpine coniferous trees in Korea.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, such as the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image recognition, have emerged as a promising modality with the capability to visually differentiate between mosquito species. Here we present the first performance metrics of IDX, Vectech’s system for AI mosquito identification, as part of Maryland’s mosquito control program in the USA. Specimens were collected over fourteen weeks from twelve CDC gravid trap collection sites, identified morphologically by an entomologist, and imaged using the IDX system. By comparing entomologist identification to the algorithm output by IDX, we are able to calculate the accuracy of the system across species. Over the study period, 2,591 specimens were collected and imaged representing 14 species, 10 of which were available in the identification algorithm on the device during the study period. The micro average accuracy was 94.9%. Of these 10 species, 7 species consisted of less than 30 samples. The macro average accuracy when including these species was 79%, while the macro average when excluding these species was 93%. In the next iteration of this technology, Vectech is translating the vector identification capabilities of IDX into systems capable of processing greater numbers of specimens at large public health facilities, and remote sensing systems that will allow public health organizations to monitor vector abundance and diversity from the office. These advances demonstrate the utility of artificial intelligence in entomology and its potential to support vector surveillance and control programs around the world.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As climate change and population growth raise the likelihood of natural disasters, it becomes crucial to comprehend and mitigate these risks in vital infrastructure systems, especially nuclear power plants (NPPs). This research addresses the necessity for evaluating multiple hazards by concentrating on slope failures triggered by earthquakes near NPPs over a timeframe extending up to a return period of 100,000 years. Utilizing a Geographical Information System (GIS) and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), the research conducts a comprehensive fragility assessment to predict failure probability under varying ground-shaking conditions. According to the Newmark displacement method, factors such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), slope angle, soil properties, and saturation ratio play significant roles in determining slope safety outcomes. The investigation aims to enhance understanding seismic event repercussions on NPP-adjacent landscapes, providing insights into long-term dynamics and associated risks. Results indicate an increase in slope vulnerability with longer return periods, with distinct instances of slope failures at specific return periods. This analysis not only highlights immediate seismic impacts but also underscores the escalating risk of slope displacement across the extended return period scales, crucial for evaluating long-term stability and associated hazards near nuclear infrastructure.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ni-CNT nanocomposites were synthesized via the electrical explosion of wire (EEW) in acetone and deionized (DI) water liquid conditions with different CNT compositions. The change in the shape and properties of the Ni-CNT nanopowders were determined based on the type of fluids and CNT compositions. In every case, the Ni nanopowder had a spherical shape and the CNT powder had a tube shape. However, the Ni-CNT nanopowders obtained in DI water exhibited irregular shapes due to the oxidation of Ni. Phase analysis also revealed the existence of nickel oxide when using DI water, as well as some unknown peaks with acetone, which may form due to the metastable phase of Ni. Magnetic properties were investigated using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) for all cases. Nanopowders prepared in DI water conditions had better magnetic properties than those in acetone, as evidenced by the simultaneous formation of super paramagnetic NiO peaks and ferromagnetic Ni peaks. The DI water (Ni:CNT = 1:0.3) sample revealed better magnetic results than the DI water (Ni-CNT = 1:0.5) because it had less CNT contents.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Background: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a prominent technology that can preserve superior genetic traits of animals and expand the population in a short time. Hematological characters and endocrine profiles are important elements that demonstrate the stability of the physiological state of cloned animals. To date, several studies regarding cloned camels with superior genes have been conducted. However, detailed hemato-physiological assessments to prove that cloned camels are physiologically normal are limited. In this study, We evaluated the hemato-physiological characteristics of cloned male and female dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries). Methods: Therefore, we analyzed variations in hematological characteristics and endocrine profiles between cloned and non-cloned age-matched male and female dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries ). Two groups each of male and female cloned and non-cloned camels were monitored to investigate the differences in hemato-physiological characteristics. Results: All the animals were evaluated by performing complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry, and endocrinological tests. We found no significant difference between the cloned and non-cloned camels. Furthermore, the blood chemistry and endocrine profiles in male and female camels before maturity were similar. Conclusions: These results suggest that cloned and non-cloned camels have similar hematological characteristics and endocrine parameters.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dystocia, a challenging condition in obstetrics, can arise from various causes, including fetal monsters with structural abnormalities. This case report presents a unique case of dystocia due to a fetal monster known as Perosomus Elumbis in a beetal breed goat from Pakistan. The 4-years-old pregnant doe presented with prolonged straining and failure to deliver the fetus after 8 hours of labor. Upon examination, the cervix was dilated, and only the forelimbs of the fetus were visible in the birth canal. The subsequent delivery involved the application of manual traction by using a dystocia kit, and the removal of edematous fluid from the legs. The monster fetus exhibited absence of hair growth, along with the absence of thoracic vertebrae. Two other fetuses were present, with one found dead and the other alive. Posttreatment involved fluid therapy, antibiotics, and supportive care for the doe. This case report sheds light on the occurrence of Perosomus Elumbis fetal monsters and their impact on dystocia in goat breeding. Understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate management strategies are crucial for successful outcomes in similar cases.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스마트팜으로 알려진 지능형 온실환경 제어(스마트제어)가 겨울철 장미 ‘비스트’의 절화품질에 미치는 영향을 기존의 농 가 수동제어(수동제어)와 비교하여 조사하였다. 그 결과 지능 형 스마트제어가 온실환경인 기온, 배지온도, 상대습도를 겨 울철 절화 장미 생산에 적합하게 유지시켰다. 반면, 수동제어 는 적정한 환기와 상대습도 관리에 다소 불리하였고, 결과적 으로 겨울철 과습으로 흔히 발생하는 잿빛곰팡이 발병이 증가 했으며 절화수명이 단축되었다. 절화의 생체량, 길이, 수명 등 절화품질 역시 스마트제어를 통해 상대적으로 개선되었다. 이 번 연구를 통해 스마트제어 방식이 시설환경관리 측면에서 겨 울철 고품질 절화 장미 생산에 유리하다는 것을 확인하였다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, off-site dose calculations for nuclear power plants are conducted using a computer program (K-DOSE 60). The program is developed based on the regulatory guidelines of the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), which is a domestic nuclear regulatory agency. In this study, a domestic application of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) TRS (Technical Reports Series)-472 methodology for 3H and 14C in liquid effluents was studied. The dose-evaluation methods adopted and the program configuration for dose evaluation are described based on 3H and 14C in the liquid-effluent-evaluation module of the computer program. The accuracy of the program is verified by comparing the program-calculated results with hand calculation values. Furthermore, a comparative evaluation with LADTAP II, which is a liquid-effluent-evaluation methodology developed by the U.S. NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), is performed. The result confirms that the program-calculated results for the IAEA TRS-472 methodology are consistent with the hand calculation values. Meanwhile, the result of comparative evaluation with LADTAP II indicates different results depending on the methodology used.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The biological information of fish, which include reproduction, is the prerequisite and the basis for the assessment of fisheries. Methods: The aim of this work was to know the reproductive biology with the first sexual maturity (TL50) and the spawning period for 58 mainly fish species in the waters around La Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). Twenty families belonging to the Actinopterygii were represented (acanthuridae, berycidae, bramidae, carangidae, cirrhitidae, gempylidae, holocentridae, kyphosidae, labridae, lethrinidae, lutjanidae, malacanthidae, monacanthidae, mullidae, polymixiidae, pomacentridae, scaridae, scorpaenidae, serranidae, sparidae; 56 species; n = 9,751) and two families belonging to the Elasmobranchii (squalidae, centrophoridae; 2 species; n = 781) were sampled. Between 2014 and 2022, 10,532 individuals were sampled covering the maximum months number to follow the reproduction periods of these species. Results: TL50 for the males and the females, respectively, ranged from 103.9 cm (Acanthurus triostegus ) to 1,119.3 cm (Thyrsitoides marleyi ) and from 111.7 cm (A. triostegus ) to 613.1 cm (Centrophorus moluccensis ). The reproduction period could be very different between the species from the very tight peak to a large peak covered all months. Conclusions: Most species breed between October and March but it was not the trend for all species around La Réunion Island.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bolivian tuber species like potato (Solanum tuberosum), native potato (Solanum sp), Oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), Olluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas), and Isaño (Tropaeolum turosum Ruíz & Pav.) hold extraordinary nutritional value and cultural significance, particularly within the Andean region. This study examined the mineral composition of Bolivian tuber species as an essential step toward understanding their nutritional significance and potential contributions to addressing dietary deficiencies. The research involved detailed analysis of diverse tuber cultivars, uncovering distinct mineral profiles across species. Native potato shows high levels of nitrogen (N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg) levels, alongside moderate micronutrients like iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). Commercial potatoes exhibited prominence in N, P, and K, with moderate Fe, Zn, and manganese (Mn) levels. Oca, Isaño, and Papa Lisa displayed unique mineral concentrations, offering potential nutritional benefits. Intricate correlations and significant variances among elements highlighted the diverse mineral compositions among these tuber species. Multivariate analyses emphasized distinct mineral profiles unique to each species, revealing significant compositions of isaño and papa lisa's. The Multitrait Genotype- Ideotype Distance Index (MGIDI) identified isaño jaspeado, isaño and an unnamed native potato, AXT2, as promising ideotypes due to their exceptional mineral compositions. These findings provide comprehensive insights into Bolivian tuber species' various mineral compositions, underscoring their nutritional significance and potential in targeted breeding for improved dietary support and enhanced food security.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        GN01 is a new antiviral medicine acting against Korean Sacbrood virus (KSBV) of honeybees. It contains 5 mg/mL of active ingredient, double stranded RNAs(dsRNA), that homologous to KSBV ribonucleic acid coding coat protein (VP1) of virus and inducing RNA interference (RNAi). RNA medicine is generally recognized as safe for rapid breakage by intrinsic ribonuclease and limited absorption from gastrointestinal tract. However, there were no data of repeat-dose toxicity in laboratory animals for dsRNA targeting SBV. This study was performed to investigate toxicity of GN01 in SD rats after weekly oral dosing for 28 days and to determine its no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL). Male and female SD rats were orally administered with GN01 at 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg bw/day of dsRNA once per week for 28 days (total 5 administrations). The highest dose 100 mg/kg bw/day was determined based on the maximum volume injectable (20 mL/kg bw) via gavage. During treatment period, clinical signs, functional and sensory responses, body weights, food and water consumption, ophthalmological findings and urinalysis were investigated. After treatment period, hematological and clinical biochemistry tests and examination of necropsy findings, organ weights and histopathological lesions were performed. There were no significant differences between all test groups and vehicle control group in all measured parameters. Therefore, the NOAEL of GN01 was determined 100 mg/kg bw/day, the highest dose administered. In conclusion, repeated oral administration of GN01, a dsRNA medicinal product, is safe even at the maximum available dose in rats.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, a detailed analysis of the decay heat contributions of both actinides and non-actinides (fission fragments) from spent nuclear fuel (SNF) was made after 50 GWd·tHM−1 burnup of fresh uranium fuel with 4.5% enrichment lasted for 1,350 days. The calculations were made for a long storage period of 300 years divided into four sections 1, 10, 100, and 300 years so that we could study the decay heat and physical disposal ratios of radioactive waste in medium- and long-term storage periods. Fresh fuel burnup calculations were made using the code MCNP, while isotopic content and then decay heat were calculated using the built-in stiff equation solver in the MATLAB code. It is noted that only around 12 isotopes contribute more than 90% of the decay heat at all times. It is also noted that the contribution of actinides persists and is the dominant ether despite decreasing decay heat, while the effect of fission products decreases at a very rapid rate after about 40 years of storage.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the current research, a manganese and cobalt oxides-based nanocatalyst was developed which was used to make an efficient cathode electrode for fuel cells. The nano MnOx/ MnCo2O4 was synthesized through a hydrothermal procedure followed by sintering at 500–600 °C. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy besides electrochemical techniques were applied for the characterization of the synthesized nanocatalyst. The carbon black type Vulcan (XC-72R) and PTFE were used to prepare the active reaction material of the cathode electrode named carbon paste (CP). Loading of the synthesized nano MnOx/ MnCo2O4 on CP was optimized in a weight ratio of 10–90% for the oxygen reduction process in neutral conditions. The best performance was gained for the 50 W% MnOx/ MnCo2O4 loaded CP, whose active surface area was twice the bare CP. The values of the exchange current density of the ORR obtained by electrode containing 50 W% MnOx/ MnCo2O4 was calculated as 0.12 mA/cm2. The low price, good catalytic efficiency, and cyclic stability of the MnOx/ MnCo2O4 nanocatalyst compared to the commercial platinum-based catalysts confirm its ability to develop fuel cell electrodes.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents an electrochemical immunosensor using a graphene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composite platform for detecting the cardiovascular marker C-reactive protein (CRP). The immunosensor exhibited a linear detection range of 0.20–100 ng/mL CRP with a low limit of detection reaching 0.081 ng/mL. The composite material provided a 3D porous structure that allowed efficient antibody immobilization and minimized steric hindrance. The sensor showed high specificity, with minimal response to interfering substances. Using differential pulse voltammetry, the immunosensor demonstrated exceptional precision, rapid detection, and a direct correlation between CRP concentration and sensor response current. Overall, this work highlights the potential of the graphene/MWCNT composite platform as a robust tool for early CRP detection and cardiovascular disease risk assessment. The immunosensor provides sensitive and selective CRP quantification that could enable timely clinical intervention for at-risk individuals.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Curing agents are critical components of aqueous epoxy resin systems. Unfortunately, its uses and applications are restricted because of its low emulsifying yields. Epoxy resins are frequently used in electrical devices, castings, packaging, adhesive, corrosion resistance, and dip coating. In the presence of curing agents, epoxy resins become rigid and infusible. Eco-friendliness and mechanical functionality have emerged as vulcanization properties. Curing agents are used for surface modification, thermodynamic properties, functional approaches to therapeutic procedures, and recent advances in a variety of fields such as commercial and industrial levels. The curing agent has superior construction and mechanical properties when compared to the commercial one, which suggests that it has the potential for use as the architectural and industrial coatings. The thermal stability of cured products is good due to the presence of the imide group and the hydrogenated phenanthrene ring structure. Over the course of the projection period, it is anticipated that the global market for curing agents will continue to expand at a steady rate. The growth of the market is mainly driven by its expanding range in future applications such as adhesives, composites, construction, electrical, electronics, and wind energy. This review focused on the most recent advancements in curing techniques, emphasizing their thermal and mechanical properties. The review also presents a critical discussion of key aspects and bottleneck or research gap of the application of curing agents in the industrial areas.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are zero-dimensional carbonous materials with exceptional physical and chemical properties such as a tuneable band gap, good conductivity, quantum confinement, and edge effect. The introduction of GQDs in various layers of solar cells (SCs) such as hole transport layer (HTL), electron transport materials (ETM), cathode interlayer (CIL), photoanode materials (PAM), counter electrode (CE), and transparent conducting electrode (TCE) could improve the solar energy (SE) harvesting, separation and transportation of electrons and hole, thus ultimately enhance the overall performance and stability of SCs. The incorporation of GQDs in various layers such as HTL, ETM, CIL, PAM, CE, and TCE achieved photo conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 18.63, 21.1, 12.81, 9.41, 8.1, and 3.66%, respectively. Furthermore, GQDs improved stabilities such as resistance to degradation for HTL (up to 77%), ETM (80%), resistance to UV light for ETM (94%), resistance to temperature in ETM (90%), and bending stabilities after 1000 cycles for HTL (88%) and for TCE (90%). There are reviews focused on the utilization of different carbon-structured materials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNT), fullerenes, and carbon dots in SCs applications. More specifically, the utilization of GQDs for SCs is limited and yet to be explored in greater detail. This review mainly focuses on the recent advancement of various techniques of production of GQDs synthesis, utilization of GQDs in various layers like HTL, ETM, CIL, PAM, CE, and TCE for the enhancement of PCE, and the stability of SCs. As a result, we believe that an exclusive study on GQDs-sensitized solar cells (GQDSSCs) could provide an in-depth analysis of the recent progress, achievements, and challenges.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) along with carbon nanofibers and polyaniline composite have been explored as an electrochemical sensing platform in nitrite measurement at trace level. Owing to their topology, high surface area and porous structure, these metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) find widespread utility in different application domains. Nitrites are widely used as preservatives in dairy, meat products, and packaged food stuffs. They form N-nitrosamines, which are potential carcinogens and cause detrimental health effects. These ZIF-based MOFs along with carbon nanofibers and polyaniline have emerged as an efficient electrochemical sensing material. The composite has been characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and BET surface area studies. The electrochemical performance of the composite has been evaluated by forming as a thin film of composite on the surface of glassy carbon electrode and studying its impedance as well as electrochemical sensing behavior. The sensor exhibited good analytical response in nitrite measurement with a limit of detection of 8.1 μM. The developed sensing platform has been successfully applied to quantify the nitrite levels from water samples. The results obtained are in good agreement with the results of standard protocol.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon quantum dots (CQDs), the newest member of carbonaceous nanomaterials, have drawn many considerations since the past two decades. A vast number of researchers made their efforts to demystify optical behavior of these materials despite being demanding. Nevertheless, their emission origin is still a controversial issue and this area suffers from a lack of hypothesis to explain the radiative transitions of these materials. White emissive CQDs are more prized among the other ones since it has provided an affordable warm white light source for many applications. In this paper, white emissive CQDs samples were prepared through a one-step hydrothermal synthesis approach. By using the advantage of possessing cellulosic networks in the Aloe Vera gel an in-situ matrix was created to encase CQDs particles. During the formation of CQDs particles, they were entrapped and created RGB nanoemitters in the cellulosic units. The leakage of the emitted photons during the radiative transitions followed by inner-filter effect (IFE) and self-/re-absorption acted as white light emissive sources. To scrutinize the validity and possibility of the hypothesis given in this paper, a series of spectroscopic analyses, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis), and photoluminescence (PL) were conducted.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This perspective article delves into the evolving landscape of non-viral vectors for efficient CRISPR delivery, addressing the challenges associated with viral vectors and highlighting the potential of carbon-based nanomaterials as promising alternatives. The article underscores the importance of design strategies in enhancing the interactions between CRISPR components and carbon-based nanomaterials. Various design approaches are explored, including the incorporation of modified nanoparticles between carbonic layers and the creation of unique morphologies to facilitate optimal CRISPR interactions. Specific case studies are presented to exemplify the effectiveness of carbon-based nanomaterials in CRISPR delivery. This perspective sheds light on the dynamic field of non-viral CRISPR delivery vectors, emphasizing the significance of design strategies and showcasing the promising outcomes achieved through the utilization of carbon-based nanomaterials. The provided insights contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop efficient and safe methods for gene delivery and therapy.