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        검색결과 9,512

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aimed to investigate the conceptus-related changes during early pregnancy in the Black Bengal breed of goat. A total of 22 gravid genitalia of the Black Bengal goats were collected from local slaughterhouses. The crown-rump lengths (CRL) of the conceptuses were determined to estimate the gestational age (GA). The length and diameter of uterine horn and amniotic sac were measured, and volume of amniotic and allantoic fluid formed by individual conceptus were recorded. The results reveal that the CRL is positively correlated with GA of the conceptus (R2 = 0.89, p < 0.05); however, CRL was not influenced by number of conceptus. Both the left and the right uterine horn gradually increased in size with the advancement of pregnancy irrespective of conceptus number present in the horn. The size of the amniotic sac of conceptus gradually increased with the conceptus age but maintained spherical shape from 5 to 7 weeks of pregnancy. The amniotic fluid formed by individual conceptus rapidly increased from 5 weeks (3.4 ± 0.3 mL) to 7 weeks (21.0 ± 2.0 mL) and 9 weeks (111.5 ± 4.0 mL). The volume of allantoic fluid formed by individual conceptus was steadily increased until 7 weeks (60.0 ± 5.0 mL) and began to decline slowly thereafter (50.0 ± 5.0 mL at 9 weeks). Notably, there was no effect of conceptus number per pregnancy on individual amniotic and allantoic fluid volume. The cotyledons have first appeared on the allanto-chorionic surface from 4 to 5 weeks of pregnancy. The closed eye, nostril and hooves of the conceptus became visible at 7 weeks of pregnancy. The present study has shown the basic information on conceptus-related developmental changes during early pregnancy up to 9 weeks in Black Bengal goat.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Partheno Embryo's research is known to play a very important role in identifying the development of embryonic cells or analyzing the genetic mechanisms of embryonic development, but the information on apoptosis formed during the early stage of development on Partheno Embryo is very little. Therefore, this study analyzed whether the embryonic cell death of unit embryos can be inhibited by adding Scriptaid, one of HDACi, which plays a role in demethylation of histone proteins as a method of regulating the cell cycle in the early embryo development of Partheno Embryo. As a result, the differentiation rate was higher in the group that added Scriptaid and FBS, but the cellular development was higher in the group that added pregnant serum to Scriptaid. As a result of analyzing the expression of the gene through IF and PCR, the group with the addition of gestational serum increased the expression of BCL2 and PCNA, which affects the anti-Casp3 action in cell survival. In addition, it is interpreted that treatment of Scriptaid for 16 hours, rather than 24 h treatment lowers the expression of Casp-3, a representative factor of apoptosis, and also increases embryonic development, thus affecting early embryo development. Therefore, it is concluded that the 16-hour treatment of Scriptaid and the use of gestational serum will inhibit cell death in the early embryonic development and increase the development rate of the embryo.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objectives: Free Water Protocols (FWPs) are implemented selectively because of mixed evidence on the benefits associated with their use. This retrospective study examines the implementation a long-standing clinical program and descriptively reports rehabilitation and quality care outcomes. Methods: Data were collected over 6 years (n = 575). Inpatient rehabilitation setting. Variables included in this study were age, medical diagnoses, rate of acute care hospital transfers, discharge destinations, length of time on FWP. Results: Cohort consisted of older adults (M = 68.43, SD = 15.11), with diagnosis of stroke (60.2%), brain injury (19.1%), spinal cord injury (7.3%), cardiac (1%), orthopedics (5%), other (13.1%). Acute care hospital transfers occurred in 6% as descriptively compared to national average (14%). Additionally, participants tolerated FWP for days (M = 14.1, SD = 14.4) and most went home following rehabilitation Discussion: This retrospective study concludes the feasibility of implementing a FWP in a rehabilitation facility and reports descriptive outcomes. Experimental research is required for conclusions to be made regarding effectiveness of the FWP for dysphagia.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구에서는 40세 이상 한국 성인에서 나이관련황반변성에 따른 심혈관계질환의 위험요인을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 국민건강영양조사 제7기 2017년 조사대상자의 건강설문조사와 안과 검진을 받은 40세 이상을 대상으로 나이관련황반변성과 관련 있는 심혈관계질환 및 성별과 나이, 체질량지수, 사회학적 요인인 월평균 가구소득, 교육, 현재흡연율, 월간음주율을 보정하여 로지스틱 회귀분석을 수행하였으며 유의수준은 0.050 미만으로 하였다. 결과 : 40세 이상 나이관련황반변성 유병률은 남자 7.23%, 여자 7.94%였다. 나이관련황반변성에 대해서 나이 (OR=1.050, p<0.001), 성별(OR=0.693, p=0.024), 뇌졸중(OR=0.353, p=0.004), 심근경색(OR=2.033, p=0.032) 은 유의하였다. BMI(OR=1.008, p=0.626), 가구소득(OR=1.000, p=0.296), 교육수준(OR=0.927, p=0.181), 흡 연율(OR=0.873, p=0.397), 음주율(OR=0.922, p=0.489), 고혈압(OR=0.981, p=0.872), 협심증은(OR=0.732, p=0.357) 유의하지 않았다. 결론 : 나이관련황반변성과 심혈관계질환과의 관계에서 사회학적인 요인을 보정한 후 통계적으로 유의한 관련 성은 나이와 성별, 뇌졸중, 심근경색이 있었다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A reference electrode is important for controlling electrochemical reactions. Evaluating properties such as the reduction potential of the elements is necessary to optimize the electrochemical processes in pyroprocessing, especially in a multicomponent environment. In molten chloride systems, which are widely used in pyroprocessing, a reference electrode is made by enclosing the silver wire and molten salt solution containing silver chloride into the membranes. However, owing to the high temperature of the molten salt, the choice of the membrane for the reference electrode is limited. In this study, three types of electroceramic, mullite, Pyrex, and quartz, were compared as reference electrode membranes. They are widely used in molten salt electrochemical processes. The potential measurements between the two reference electrode systems showed that the mullite membrane has potential deviations of approximately 50 mV or less at temperatures higher than 650℃, Pyrex at temperatures lower than 500℃, and quartz at temperatures higher than 800℃. Cyclic voltammograms with different membranes showed a significant potential shift when different membranes were utilized. This research demonstrated the uncertainties of potential measurement by a single membrane and the potential shift that occurs because of the use of different membranes.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research work was undertaken to determine an effective fertilization medium, sperm separation method and sperm capacitating agent for optimum in vitro fertilization (IVF) rates of indigenous zebu cow oocytes. In experiment 1, tissue culture medium (TCM 199), Tyrode’s albumin lactate pyruvate (TALP) and Brackett and Oliphant (BO) medium were used as basic medium for IVF of oocytes of indigenous zebu cows. In experiment 2, three sperm separation methods namely centrifugation, swim up and percoll gradient methods were used for separation of motile and viable spermatozoa for IVF. In experiment 3, for capacitation of spermatozoa, IVF medium supplemented with the heparin, mixture of penicillamine, hypotaurine and epinephrine (PHE) or the combination of heparin with PHE were used for fertilization. In vitro culture (IVC) of presumptive zygotes was done in modified synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) medium using standard procedure 24 h after sperm-oocytes co-culture. The cleavage rate was determined to evaluate the efficacy of fertilization medium, sperm separation method and sperm capacitating agent 24 h after IVC. The cleavage rate was higher in oocytes fertilized in TALP (63.3%) than in TCM 199 (47.5%) (p < 0.05). The cleavage rate was higher in oocytes fertilized by spermatozoa separated by percoll gradient method (62.3%) than by centrifugation (51.6%) (p < 0.05). The cleavage rate of oocytes was higher when insemination was done with spermatozoa capacitated in TALP supplemented with heparin and PHE (61.3%) compared to control (40.9%) (p < 0.05). In conclusions, TALP based medium and percoll gradient sperm separation followed by capacitation with combination of heparin and PHE are suitable for IVF of indigenous zebu cow oocytes in Bangladesh.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Viral protein 2 (VP2), which is the structural protein of parvovirus, can produce virus-like particles (VLPs) by a self-assembly process in vitro, making VLPs attractive vaccine candidates. VP2 of canine parvovirus (CPV) is responsible for neutralizing antibodies in immunized animals. In this study, VP2 protein of canine parvovirus-2c was expressed using a baculovirus expression system and assembled into parvovirus-like particles in insect cells. The results show that VP2 proteins assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) with antigenic properties similar to those of natural CPV and a high hemagglutination (HA) titer (1:27). The recombinant 6-His-tagged VP2 protein with a molecular mass of about 65 kDa was detected by anti-His antibody and anti-PPV serum. This study provides a foundation for the application of VP2 protein in the clinical diagnosis of CPV and in the vaccination against CPV.
        2020.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine inflammatory mammary carcinoma (CIMC) similar to human inflammatory breast cancer is a very aggressive, metastatic type of cancer. Previous studies have introduced a new type of tumor angiogenesis called vasculogenic mimicry that may play an important role in the progression of inflammatory mammary cancer. The purpose of this study is to investigate the development process of vessels by neoplastic cells in CIMC. Patient dog, 14-year old Shit-Tzu female, had a hard and somewhat movable dark-reddish mammary tumor, sized 6.2 cm in diameter. Bloody dark turbid exudate was released from the tumor. In addition to histological examination, immunohistochemistry for pancytokeratin, VCAM-1, MECA- 32, TWIST-1, and Ki-67 was respectively performed using the ABC method. Histologically, the inflammatory mammary carcinoma was characterized by tubular solid tumor emboli within the lymphatic vessels surrounded by desmoplastic fibrous connective tissue. Some of the neoplastic cells were transforming into elongate or spindle shapes and forming small vessel-like structures in the solid tumor mass. The neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for VCAM-1 and MECA-32, but showed low immunoreactivity for Ki-67. Immunoreactive neoplastic cells for VCAM-1 and MECA-32 suggested the possibility that the neoplastic cells transform into endothelial cells of vessels by epithelial-mesenchymal transition, further supported by serial morphological changes identified by histological investigation and immunohistochemistry for TWIST-1. The high capacity of the neoplastic cells forming the vasculatures in CIMC explains the high ratio of metastasis to other regions, even though Ki-67 index was not so high.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examined farmers’ perceptions and preferences for improved varietal traits in the Wenchi and Offinso North Municipalities of Ghana. Data from 306 randomly selected tomato farmers were analyzed using perception indices, Kendall’s Coefficient of concordance and the Poisson regression model. The results show that tomato farmers are willing to adopt an improved variety with long shelf life, good fruit quality and large fruit size. The study further indicates that tomato farmers lack requisite skills in pest and disease management. The number of varietal attributes preferred by farmers was positively influenced by sex of farmer, education, experience in tomato cultivation, household size, access to credit, FBO membership, extension contacts farm size and off-farm income. These factors and attributes need to be carefully considered by breeders and policy makers in the development of an improved tomato variety to enhance its uptake. The major constraints identified in tomato production include limited access to capital followed by low commodity prices coupled with low demand with the least constraint being access to tractors for land preparation. The potential of adoption of improved tomato varieties in Ghana will be augmented through paragenetic measures towards addressing these constraints.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 개미과 배굽은침개미아과의 미기록종인 Discothyrea sauteri Forel을 보고한다. 종에 대한 형질과 사진, 한국산 배굽은침개미아과 속 검색표를 제공한다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        공공정원이 현대도시의 새로운 영역으로 등장하며 시민가드너 양성교육이 확대되는 현상에 주목하여, 시민가드너 교육 참가자, 참여의향자, 일반시민으로 집단을 구분하여 도시정원에 대한 이미지와 효과 및 공동체성을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였으며, 교육 의의 및 활성화 방안을 함께 고찰하였다. 24개 형용사 어의구별척도를 이용한 도시정원 이미지 평가 결과, 자연과의 관계를 나타내는 “친숙한, 정서적인” 등의 어의변수와 정원활동에 대한 태도를 나타내는 “상호교류적인, 적극적인”, 그리고 공간적 평가와 관련된 “확장적인, 자율 적인” 이미지에서 상대적으로 높은 평가치를 보였다. 교육참 가자는 “자율적인, 지속적인” 등의 어의변수를 높게 평가하여, 도시정원의 형태나 디자인보다는 유지관리와 지속성을 중시함을 알 수 있었다. 주성분분석에 의한 요인분석 결과로부터 교육참가자 집단의 요인적재값을 중심으로 요인별 특성을 파악하면, 잠재적(Potential) 차원의 1 요인은 “도시정원의 공공적 역할과 공동체성”, 평가적(Evaluative) 차원의 2 요인은 “공공조경으로서의 차별성”, 활동적(Active) 차원의 3 요인은 “미적 체험성”으로 명명할 수 있었다. 도시정원 효과에 대해 교육 참가자일수록 사회적, 환경적 측면을 중요하게 인식하고 있었고, 공동체의식지표 평균값(3.4)은 잠재참가 집단(3.31)과 일반시민 집단(2.69)에 비해 높게 나타났다는 점에서 공공성 인식 상의 차이를 볼 수 있었다. 시민가드너 교육이 정원식물 지식 습득의 의미를 넘어 평생교육이나 공동체 활동으로 인식 된다는 점에서 지속가능성을 위한 교육의 체계화 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate are secondary metabolites produced by anaerobic fermentation of dietary fibers in the intestine. Intestinal SCFAs exert various beneficial effects on intestinal homeostasis, including energy metabolism, autophagy, cell proliferation, immune reaction, and inflammation, whereas contradictory roles of SCFAs in the oral cavity have been reported. Herein, we found that low and high concentrations of SCFAs induce differential regulation of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8, respectively, in gingival fibroblast cells. Additionally, cell viability was found to be differentially regulated in response to low and high concentrations of SCFAs. These findings demonstrate that the physiological functions of SCFAs in various cellular responses are more likely dependent on their local concentration.
        2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we try to classify three kinds of Peace Island Bridging Culture such as Jeju 4.3 Peace Village, UNESCO Environmental Village and Longevity Village, which compose vision of Jeju Social Healing Villages through villager case studies. We can demonstrate Jeju as one of the world’s historical longevity islands which specialize not only environmental villages as UNESCO World Natural Heritages, Geoparks and Biosphere but also Jeju 4.3 peace village overcoming tragedy of the Jeju Massacre between 1948 50 1954.