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        검색결과 9,512

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Isotropic pitch fibers were stabilized and carbonized for preparing carbon fibers. To optimize the duration and temperature during the stabilization process, a thermogravimetric analysis was conducted. Stabilized fibers were carbonized at 1000, 1500, and 2000℃ in a furnace under a nitrogen atmosphere. An elemental analysis confirmed that the carbon content increased with an increase in the carbonization temperature. Although short graphitic-like layers were observed with carbon fibers heat-treated at 1500 and 2000℃, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction revealed no significant effect of the carbonization temperature on the crystalline structure of the carbon fibers, indicating the limit of developing an ordered structure of isotropic pitch-based carbon fibers. The electrical conductivity of the carbonized fiber reached 3.9×10⁴S/m with the carbonization temperature increasing to 2000℃ using a four-point method.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine parvovirus (CPV2) is one of the most virulent virus causing acute hemorrhagic enteritis and myocarditis in dogs. Infection mainly caused by the ingestion of virus through the mucosal route. Therefore, induction of mucosal immunity is essential in prevention of Canine Parvovirus (CPV2) infection. For safe and effective delivery of viral antigens to the mucosal immune system, a novel surface antigen display system for lactic acid bacteria using the poly-γ-glutamic acid synthetase A protein (pgsA) of Bacillus subtilis as an anchoring matrix was applied in order to display CPV2 antigen on the surface of the recombinant L. casei. Recombinant fusion proteins comprised of pgsA and the capsid protein (VP2-S1) showed stable expression in Lactobacillus casei. Surface localization of the fusion protein was verified by cellular fractionation analyses. Oral and nasal inoculations of recombinant L. casei into mice resulted in high levels of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) and mucosal IgA, as demonstrated by ELISA using recombinant VP2-S1 proteins. Mice receiving intranasal immunization mounted higher antibody response than those receiving oral immunization. These results indicate that mucosal immunization with recombinant L. casei expressing CPV2 VP2-S1 protein on its surface provides an effective means for elicitation of strong antibody responses against CPV 2 VP2-S1.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent development in genetic assisted selection (combining traditional- and genome assisted selection method) and reproduction technologies will allow multiplying elite cow in Hanwoo small farm. This review describes the new context and corresponding needs for genome assisted selection schemes and how reproductive technologies can be incorporated to get more genetic gain for cow genetic improvement in Hanwoo. New improved massive phenotypes and pedigree information are being generated from commercial farm sector and these are allowing to do genetic evaluation using BLUP to get elite cows in Korea. Moreover cattle genome information can now be incorporated into breeding program. In this context, this review will discuss about combining the reproductive techniques (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer; MOET) and genome assisted selection method to get more genetic gain in Hanwoo breeding program. Finally, how these technologies can be used for multiplication of elite cow in small farm was discussed.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Haploids are plants with a gametophytic number of chromosomes in their sporophytes. Androgenesis occurs from asymmetric division of pollen grains into generative cells and vegetative cells, followed by re-entry of the vegetative cell during S-phase, which causes microspores progress into G2/M transition in culture. One of the most interesting features of haploids is the possibility to produce doubled haploid (DH) individuals. Doubled haploidy is extremely useful to plant breeders because it enables shortened breeding periods and efficiency in selection of useful recessive agronomic traits. Doubled-haploid technology is not only applicable to breeding, but also to transformation programs of desired genes. In addition to practical breeding programs, DH lines provide useful materials of fundamental genetics including exploitation of QTLs and genes conferred with various agronomic traits by establishing DH populations. This paper provides historical overviews on androgenesis and describes several mechanisms associated with pollen embryogenesis, including mode of actions in pollen embryogenesis, mechanisms of chromosome doubling and factors affecting androgenesis. We also discuss recent progress in application of haploids to breeding, genes associated with in vitro response and drawbacks to anther culture for application of doubled haploids in crop breeding.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 거저리과 르위스거저리아과에 속한 미기록종 Ades masidai Nakane (딱정벌레목: 거저리과) 보고하고자 한다. 이 종에 대한, 재기재문, 진단형질 그림과 성충사진을 표시하였다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A total of 35 phosphate solubilizing bacterial strains were isolated from waste mushroom bed of Agar-icus bisporus in Buyeo-Gun, Chungnam and screened for the production of indole acetic acid (IAA). The best IAAproducing strain was identified as Pantoea rodasii using 16S rRNA analysis. In addition to the IAA production, thisstrain could act as an efficient phosphate solubilizer (1100µg ml-1 after 5days of incubation) also. The selected strainwas cultured under different conditions in order to assess the optimum conditions for maximum IAA production. Thenutrient broth (NB) medium was recorded as the best medium, where the maximum IAA production (229µg ml-1)was recorded at the start of stationary phase (12hours after inoculation) of the bacteria growth. The performanceof the strain was found to be maximum at the temperature of 30℃ followed by 25℃. IAA production was foundto be increased with increasing tryptophan concentration (from 0.1 to 0.6%), however beyond this limit, a slight reduc-tion in IAA production was observed. The strains’ ability to produce IAA was further confirmed by extraction ofcrude IAA and subsequent TLC analysis. A specific spot from the extracted IAA preparation was found correspondingwith the standard spot of IAA with same Rf value. The results of HPLC analysis conducted in identifying and quan-tifying the IAA production more precisely, are in agreement with the results of the assessment done with colorimetricmethod. As revealed by the results of the pot experiment, the isolated strain could significantly enhance the growth(as measured by shoot and root growth) of mung bean plants compared to that of non-inoculated plants. Thereforeit can be concluded that the present strain, Pantoea rodasii has great potential to be used as bio-inoculants.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cleanroom could be largely classified into industrial cleanroom that can be contaminated by particles and bio-cleanroom that can be contaminated by biological particles. Electrical manufacturing companies producing precision machines and electrical parts essentially have industrial cleanroom facilities and clean technologies to produce defects free products due to particles. Industrial cleanroom should be controlled in respect of 4M1E to prevent from foreign materials of sub-micro unit and to keep out contamination sources from outside. In this paper, a concept for a quantitative methodology to measure the particles from running components was suggested by combining both newly making clean booth such as wear tester and laser particle counter.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents a development process of a forecast and monitoring system for a photovoltaic (PV) solar plant. PV solar system is one of sustainable resource of energy. So, Korean government encourages businessmen to build a PV solar plant. Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) system is one of encouraging policies. Most RPS businessmen use monitoring system for a PV solar plant and they need an accurate forecast of power generation for business purpose. Therefore we propose an estimating algorithm of power for a PV solar plant using weather forecast. Proposed algorithm is implemented in a forecast and monitoring system and it works better than existing estimating methods.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Government encourages small size learning circle activities as a part of ‘Learning Organizing Scheme’ to enhance the performances of the company through making SME employees develop themselves by giving them vision and hope who have poor working and learning conditions. Especially as the importance of learning circle (learning shift) activities is getting bigger, diversified studies on learning circles have been made. Accordingly, this study tried to verify the effects of activation of learning circle activities in SMEs on the quality performance of the organization and propose factors related to quality performance of the company.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to provide a practical guide to the use of various stretchers that rescue workers use by analyzing muscle fatigue degree associated with lifting a patient. The experiment was conducted with working male and female rescue crews. Having mixed groups of gender complete tasks such as lifting, moving, and unloading a patient using four different types of stretcher, we recorded each muscle fatigue degree in the shoulder and lower back regions of each subject. The data showed, in terms of muscle activity, differences within each group of genders and its combinations were significant in certain muscle groups depending on the types of stretcher used and body sizes of each subject, and, when it comes to Elerctor Spenae, the female subjects used more muscular strength than the males did. In regards to the muscle fatigue degree, there was no significant difference found within each group of the genders, body sizes, and their combinations. However, in the case of applying different models of stretcher, there were significantly differences in the fatigue degree.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experts of medicine, philosophy and psychology found that human somatotypes were related to personality or physical characteristics and classified somatotypes into various forms. This study explored the changes and types of somatotyping methods from Before Christ to present day and identified the status of studies of somatotypes in the area of physical therapy. This study covered the methods applied in various majors with a focus on those provided in books and papers of Heath BH. and Carter JEL. Based on the results, there are officially twelve assessment methods. Currently, the method of Heath & Carter is most widely applied. Somatotypes are studied in many areas. It is actively explored in the area of pain physical therapy, thermotherapy and integumentary physical therapy. Also, the soft tissue physical therapy area seeks interdisciplinary studies. This study found that there were various assessment methods in diverse areas. It is likely that continuous studies will develop new assessment methods. It is hoped that in the area of physical therapy, somatotypes shall be applied more amply.