
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9,514

        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation among bone mineral density(BMD), body composition and body circumference on 20's college women in Hwaseong. A total of 86 subjects were measured with BMD and body composition and body circumference. To evaluate the correlation between BMD and body composition, bone density and body weight, body mass index(BMI), lean body mass, muscle mass, fat mass and body fat mass were compared. The results of this study, weight was considered the strong correlation with BMD than the height and BMI seems to be greater significance rather than the lumbar spine and femur BMD. In addition, the relationship between body composition and BMD, lean body mass, muscle mass, body fat mass were the most relevant factors and BMD. The relationship between BMD and body circumference that have been difficult because of not enough previous studies but somewhat the study showed that association.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to identify how a self-stretching exercise program affects pain for each body area, pain relief and job satisfaction for care workers. 20 of 40 care workers with musculoskeletal symptom were randomly selected and participated a self-stretching exercise program consisting of 15 motions. The intervention was done five times or more per weeks for 8 weeks and 1 session lasted within 15 minutes. 'Musculoskeletal symptom survey table' of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency(KOSHA) and JDI(Job Descriptive Index) was used for pain on the musculoskeletal symptom and job satisfaction. Survey were done twice before and after the program. The result of this study showed that self-stretching exercise program group(SSPG) relieved from pain significantly in the shoulders(p<.01) and lumbar(p<.05), comparing to the non selfstretching exercise program group(NSPG). Although no significant difference on variations in the JDI appeared in SSPG, the significant reduction appeared from the colleague relationship and organization in NSPG(p<.05). SSPG showed the significant increase on variations in JDI from the job and organization comparing to NSPG. Especially, the improvement on satisfaction for the organization was shown(p<.05). Accordingly, the self-stretching exercise program for care workers can be said to positively affect the overall pain relief and increase on the JDI.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rabies is one of the most dreadful diseases known to human. Annually, more than 55,000 human deaths occur throughout the world. The main transmitters are dogs. In South Korea, urban rabies is eliminated after massive national vaccine programme but rabies is still present in wildlife around northern part of the country near the border. Occasionally, rabies cases are still reported and there are spill over cases from racoon dogs. No human case was reported since 2005. Therefore, risk of rabies from exporting domestic dogs and cats from South Korea is very low. Hence, foreign rabies can be introduced by importing wild carnivores and unvaccinated dogs and cats under the age of three months since the South Korean legislation does not cover them. Therefore, it is essential to update current import regulation to minimise the risk of rabies.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines whether and how L2 learners’ reading strategies vary depending on the task type or on the measure of eliciting strategy use. Participants were 28 college students in a Korean university. Two reading tasks (i.e., reading for comprehension vs. reading for summarizing) and three measures of strategy use (i.e., pre-reading strategy survey, while-reading think aloud, and post-reading strategy check list) were employed to answer the posed research questions. The researcher’s observation of the participants’ thinking-aloud and a post-task interview were also implemented for data triangulation. All the participants completed two tasks based on two texts (one for each) selected from the same chapter in a book that were considered equivalent in length, readability, and topic. The results revealed that the number of reading strategies reported decreased dramatically in the order of strategy survey, strategy check list, and think aloud. Significantly more frequent use of reading strategy was found in reading for comprehension than in reading for summarizing, large portion of which was devoted to bottom-up style decoding, while in reading for summarizing the students approached the text with more focused attention caring about propositional connections at discourse level. Some other findings are presented along with implications for reading research and for L2 reading instruction.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted in order to investigate the reduction activity of red ginseng extract (RGE; Panax ginseng, C. A. Meyer) on hydroxyl radical (·OH) using an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometer and spin-trapping techniques. ·OH generated by a Fenton Reaction System was trapped by 5, 5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline-N oxide (DMPO). The decay rate showed approximately pseudo-firs order kinetics over the period of measurement (by 10 min), and the half lifetime of the DMPO/·OH signal was estimated as approximately 8.15 min. However, the half lifetime of RGE/·OH was estimated as approximately 7.5 min, and the half lifetime of RGE was higher than that of DMPO/·OH adduct only. The order of reduction activities was ascorbic acid > N, Nʹ-dimethylthiourea (DMTU) > RGE > trolox > mannitol in the Fenton Reaction System. Thus, these observations indicate that RGE reaction with ·OH has relative reduction activity. The second-order rate constant of RGE/·OH may be 3.5~4.5 × 109 M-¹ ∙ S-¹.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The anti-inflammatory effect of PHBV/Collagen (PHCP) was examined in a mouse model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced skin inflammation. Vascular permeability on the back skin was measured by the local accumulation of Evan’s blue dye after subcutaneous injection of LPS (30 µg site-1 ). Dye leakage in the skin showed a significant increase at 2 h after injection of LPS. This LPS-induced dye leakage was also completely inhibited by HO-1 inhibitor, ZnPP, and antioxidants, including methyl gallate, trolox, and mannitol. To study the possible mechanisms underlying the in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of PHCP against LPS-induced inflammation, we also examined the effects of PHCP on malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione levels in skin tissues and found that pretreatment with PHCP resulted in inhibited MDA elevation and a remarkable reduction of glutathione level. In addition, similar results were obtained after pretreatment with antioxidants, including trolox and mannitol, and HO-1 inhibitor, ZnPP. Histopathologically, an influx of neutrophils into the skin dermis was detected between 24 h and 72 h after LPS injection (30, 100 µg site-1), compared to control animals after injection of saline. This increase was greater in mice treated with 100 µg of LPS than in those treated with 30 µg of LPS and was significantly suppressed by pretreatment with PHCP, antioxidants, and HO-1 inhibitor. These results collectively suggest that PHCP has an anti-inflammatory effect against LPS-induced inflammation model in vivo and may be a good candidate for the skin tissue engineering biomedical application primarily through manipulation of the redox state.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the influence of irrigation levels on spring planted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) sown with different planting methods. Sunflower was sown either on 60 cm apart single rows on flat seed-bed or on ridges. Three irrigation treatments were I0 (irrigation at early vegetative stage, at bud visible stage, at anthesis and at achene development stage), I1 (irrigation at early vegetative stage, at bud visible stage and at achene development stage) and I2 (irrigation at early vegetative stage, at bud visible stage and at anthesis stage). In I1, irrigation was missing at anthesis and in I2 irrigation was missing at achene development stage. Sunflower yield and yield components showed positive response to ridge sown sunflower with normal four irrigations. Maximum achene yield 3.33 t ha-1 was recorded in ridge sown sunflower with four irrigations. Oil content percentage was highest in case of I0 (42.25%) while the effect of planting methods on oil content was insignificant.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사용후핵연료 심지층처분장 부지선정과 최종 처분장부지의 처분적합성을 평가하는 업무는 시행-착오 를 줄이고 기술적 신뢰성 확보와 합리적이고 효율적인 업무수행을 추구하여야 한다. 이에 선행하여, 우리 나라에 적용 가능한 처분장부지의 지질환경 요건 설정을 위한 기본방향과 개별 인자의 처분적합성지표를 가능한 한 정량화하여 설정하고 업무에 적용하여야 한다. 사용후핵연료 처분장부지 선정과 최종처분장 부지의 안전성확보를 위한 처분요건과 관련하여 IAEA 및 OECD 회원국들과 처분연구 및 상용사업 수행 관련 선진국가들의 사례를 바탕으로 요건 별로 구분하여 현황을 분석하였다. 여기서는 사용후핵연료 처 분장 부지로서 암석·암반이 갖추어야 할 충분 혹은 선호요건에 대한 이해 제고와 관련 세부 기술지침을 도출하는데 기여하고자 하였다. 이를 토대로 어떠한 암석·암반이 상대적으로 보다 유리한 조건을 가지 는 선호요건으로 제시해야 하는지, 그리고 충분요건과 선호요건을 적용하여 후보부지 조사·선별평가 기 간 동안 부지선정업무에 반영하고 평가하고 결정하여야 하는 방법론을 도출할 수 있도록 기본 골격을 제 시하였다. 또한 처분안전성 확보를 위해 필요한 기본적인 사항을 검토하고 서술하였다. 본 논문에서 기술 한 항목들은 처분안전성 확보를 위한 처분요건의 기술지침 구성 체계, 처분안전성 확보개념, 다중방벽 기 능 조건, 천연방벽의 지질환경 기본요건, 그리고 우리나라에 적용 가능한 처분장부지 지질환경 기본요건 (안) 등으로 구성된다. 우리나라의 사용후핵연료 심지층처분장 부지의 위치에 관한 사업자 기술지침 요건 으로 제안하였다. 이와 관련하여 충분요건과 선호요건으로, 화산활동, 지진활동, 단층운동 융기·침강 운 동 및 기후·해수면변동 등 장기지질안정성 요건을 비롯한 15개 충분요건과 48개 선호요건을 제안하였 다. 이들 요건은 우리나라의 지질환경 특성을 충분히 반영하여 후속되는 각 부문별 특성에 적합한 정량적 인 기술 기준 및 지침으로 개발되어야 할 것이다. 정량적 기술지침의 도출은 상용 처분장부지 선별평가과 정 및 처분장 부지적합성평가 과정으로부터 확립될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 다양한 부문별 안전사례(safety case) 작성 혹은 연구용 지하처분연구시설 (underground research laboratory: URL)을 이용한 처분시스 템의 실증과정 등을 통하여 객관적이고 신뢰성있는 정량적인 지침들이 확립될 수 있을 것이다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고준위폐기물 처분과 관련하여, 최근 저장소 형태의 처분장 개념에 대한 대안으로 검토되고 있는 시추 공 처분 개념에 대한 연구 현황을 정리하고 시추공 처분 개념의 국내 적용 가능성과 필요한 연구 항목에 대해 논의하였다. 현재 미국과 스웨덴을 중심으로 논의된 시추공 처분 개념은 심부시추공을 설치하여 지 하 3 - 5km 구간에 고준위폐기물을 처분하는 것을 의미하며, 현재까지의 연구 결과에 의하면 이 처분 개 념은 심부지하수의 층상구조, 작은 규모의 지표시설 등으로 인해 처분 및 비용 효율이 클 것으로 예상된 다. 이에 반해 국내에는 축적된 심부 지질 자료가 없어 적용 가능성에 대한 논의할 여지가 없다. 이에 저 장소 형태의 처분장 개념에 대한 대안으로 시추공 처분 개념을 검토하기 위해서는 향후 심지층 자료 확 보, 공학적 방벽 연구, 수치모의모델 개발, 처분 기술 개발 등의 연구가 필요하다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study characterizes three Anabaena strains and 5 Trichormus strains isolated from Korean waters and 3 Anabaena flos-aquae strains procured from the UTEX based on morphological features and molecular analyses. The Anabaena and Trichormus isolates were morphologically assigned to A. variabilis Kützing and T. variabilis (Kützing ex Bornet et Flahault) Komárek et Anagnostidis, respectively. The Anabaena and Trichormus strains differed significantly in the mean length of their vegetative cells. The 16S rRNA genes from the Anabaena strains showed a 100% identity to that from A. variabilis ATCC 29413, while the 16S rRNA genes from the Trichormus strains showed a 99.9% identity to that from T. variabilis GREIFSWALD. The overall topology was in agreement for the 16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-IGS trees in the both tree-constructing methods. In a neighbor-joining tree based on the 16S rRNA gene, the 3 Anabaena strains were asso-ciated with A. variabilis, the 5 Trichormus strains with T. variabilis, and the 3 Anabaena (UTEX) strains were with Nostoc. To date, this is the first report on A. variabilis and T. variabilis strains originating from Korea.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In vivo nicotine is associated with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and lung cancer. Diagnostic assays of these diseases depend on very low analytical detection limits. In this study, a sensitive analytical method was examined using a voltammetric graphite pencil electrode (GPE) and a modified carbon nanotube paste electrode (CNE). The optimum analytical conditions for both electrodes were compared using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SW) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) obtaining 400 sec accumulation time and oxidation peak. Under optimum parameters, the stripping working range of GPE was 5.0-40.0μg/L, CNE: 0.1-0.8 and 5-50μg/L. Quantification limits were 5.0μg/L for GPE and 0.1μg/L for CNE, while detection limits were 0.6μg/L for GPE and 0.07μg/L for CNE. A standard deviation of 10.0μg/L was observed for 0.064 GPE and 0.095 CNE (n = 12) using 400 sec accumulation time. The results obtained can be applied to non.treated urine and ex vivo biological diagnostics.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Differential capacity of the parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells (PESCs) is still under controversy and the mechanisms of its neural induction are yet poorly understood. Here we demonstrated neural lineage induction of PESCs by addition of insulin-like growth factor-2 (Igf2), which is an important factor for embryo organ development and a paternally expressed imprinting gene. Murine PESCs were aggregated to embryoid bodies (EBs) by suspension culture under the leukemia inhibitory factor-free condition for 4 days. To test the effect of exogenous Igf2, 30 ng/ml of Igf2 was supplemented to EBs induction medium. Then neural induction was carried out with serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin, selenium, and fibronectin complex (ITSFn) for 12 days. Normal murine embryonic stem cells derived from fertilized embryos (ESCs) were used as the control group. Neural potential of differentiated PESCs and ESCs were analyzed by immunofluorescent labeling and real-time PCR assay (Nestin, neural progenitor marker; Tuj1, neuronal cell marker; GFAP, glial cell marker). The differentiated cells from both ESC and PESC showed heterogeneous population of Nestin, Tuj1, and GFAP positive cells. In terms of the level of gene expression, PESC showed 4 times higher level of GFAP expression than ESCs. After exposure to Igf2, the expression level of GFAP decreased both in derivatives of PESCs and ESCs. Interestingly, the expression level of Tuj1 increased only in ESCs, not in PESCs. The results show that IGF2 is a positive effector for suppressing over-expressed glial differentiation during neural induction of PESCs and for promoting neuronal differentiation of ESCs, while exogenous Igf2 could not accelerate the neuronal differentiation of PESCs. Although exogenous Igf2 promotes neuronal differentiation of normal ESCs, expression of endogenous Igf2 may be critical for initiating neuronal differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. The findings may contribute to understanding of the relationship between imprinting mechanism and neural differentiation and its application to neural tissue repair in the future.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rorabaugh(1953)에 의해 재정리된 단계양수시험 해석해 sw = B C p 는 단열암반대수층에서 비선형 으로 증가하는 수위강하에 매우 적합하며, 현장에서 관측된 수위강하 값과 추정된 수위강하 사이의 제곱 근 평균제곱오차(RMSE) 값이 매우 낮음을 보여주었다. 우물수두손실(C p )의 C 값은 3.689×10-19 5.825 ×10-7, P 값은 3.459 8.290의 범위로 산정되었으며, 지표로부터 하부심도로 내려 갈수록 양수율 증가에따른 수위강하는 매우 크게 나타났다. 단열암반대수층에서의 우물수두손실은 다공질매질에서와 달리 단 열특성(단열의 틈, 간격, 상호 연결성)에 의한 영향으로 나타나므로, 우물수두손실의 C 와 P 값은 단열암 반대수층의 난류구간과 고·저 투수성 단열암반의 특성을 해석하는데 매우 중요하다. 그 결과, 우물수두 손실 항의 C 와 P 값에 대한 회귀분석 결과로부터 암반대수층의 난류구간과 수리특성의 관계가 파악되었 으며, C 와 P 값의 관계가 단열암반대수층의 수리특성 해석에 있어 매우 유용함을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        AC and ZnS modified TiO2 composites (AC/ZnS/TiO2) were prepared using a sol-gel method. The composite obtained was characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, and according to the UV-vis absorption spectra (UV-vis). XRD patterns of the composites showed that the AC/ZnS/TiO2 composites contain a typical single and clear anatase phase. The surface properties as observed by SEM present the characterization of the texture of the AC/ZnS/TiO2 composites, showing a homogenous composition in the particles showing the micro-surface structures and morphology of the composites. The EDX spectra of the elemental identification showed the presence of C and Ti with Zn and S peaks for the AC/ZnS/TiO2 composite. UV-vis patterns of the composites showed that these composites had greater photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. A rhodamine B (Rh.B) solution under visible light irradiation was used to determine the photocatalytic activity. The degradation of Rh.B was determined using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. An increase in the photocatalytic activity was observed. From the photocatalytic results, the excellent activity of the Y-fullerene/TiO2 composites for the degradation of methylene blue under visible irradiation could be attributed to an increase in the photo-absorption effect caused by the ZnS and to the cooperative effect of the AC.
        2012.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution during high temperature tensile deformation of recrystallizedNi3Al polycrystals doped with boron were investigated as functions of initial grain size, tensile strain rate and temperature. Inorder to obtain more precise information on the deformation mechanism, tensile specimens were rapidly quenched immediatelyafter deformation at a cooling rate of more than 2000Ks−1, and were then observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Mechanical tests in the range of 923K to 1012K were carried out in a vacuum of less than 3×10−4 Pa using an Instron-typemachine with various but constant cross head speeds corresponding to the initial strain rates from 1.0×10−4 to 3.1×10−5s−1.After heating to deformation temperature, the specimen was kept for more than 1.8ks before testing. The following results wereobtained: (1) Flow behavior was affected by initial strain size; with decreasing initial grain size, the level of a stress peak inthe true stress-true strain curve decreased, the steady state region was enlarged and elongation increased. (2) On the basis ofTEM observation of rapidly quenched specimens, it was confirmed that dynamic recrystallization certainly occurred ondeformation of fine-grained (3.3µm) and intermediate-grained (5.0µm) specimens at an initial strain rate of 3.1×10−5s−1 andat 973K. (3) There were some dislocation-free grains among the new recrystallized grains. The obtained results suggest thatboth dynamic recrystallization and grain boundary sliding are operative during high temperature deformation.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Periodontitis is an inflammatory disorder of the periodontium, characterized by destruction of the tooth supporting tissues including alveolar bone and mediated by various pro-inflammatory mediators. Here, we demonstrated that HP08-0106, composed of four crude drugs-Gardenia jasminoides Grandiflora, Angelica gigas Nakai, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Schizonepeta tenuifolia in a weight ratio of 2:2:1:2, perturbs inflammatory responses, osteoclast formation in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells and alveolar bone resorption in ligature-induced periodontitis. HP08-0106 decreased the protein level of iNOS and COX2 as well as the secreted level of IL-1β, indicating that HP08-0106 has antiinflammatory effects. HP08-0106 also inhibited the expression of genes associated with osteoclastogenesis including c-Fos, MMP-9 and TRAP. Moreover, HP08-0106 exhibited a protective effect from alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis animal models. Our results strongly suggest that HP08-0106 represent an important therapeutic tool to treat inflammatory disorders associated with bone loss such as periodontitis.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates whether different English learning contexts result in different grammar development in learners’ shared mother tongue, Korean. The research instrument included a sentence completion task of collocational expressions in Korean dialogues, a multiple-choice test of grammar in Korean sentences and dialogues, and a sentence composition task using double nominative structures. The participants were 26 students at the age of 8 to 9 year old in the EFL context, 21 in a type of immersion program, and 19 in the ESL context. The results showed little difference among the three groups in the collocation sentence completion task and the multiple-choice test, but a clearly significant difference between the EFL students and the ESL students in the double nominative sentence composition task. The students who had been learning English in English culture showed more limited knowledge in the writing sentences with such peculiar but common structures in Korean language, compared with those who had been learning English in a Korean cultural context. In the complementary correlation analysis of the scores in the sentence composition task with a double nominative structure, the length of residence in Korea proved the strongest correlation, implying that the longer students live in Korea, the better they perform. The study provides the pedagogical implication that the curriculum of a mother tongue for bilingual learners could need to intervene with more emphasis on enhancing learners’ grammatical development, including language-specific structures.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서울 기상 관측소(서울시 종로구 송월동, 37˚34'N, 126˚57'E, 이하 송월)의 일 최저기온과 결빙 자료, 그리고 인근인 한강 관측소(37˚30'N, 126˚57'E, 이하 한강)의 결빙 자료를 사용하여, 1907-2006년(100년) 동안 한국 서울에서의 결빙기후의 장기 변동을 조사하였다. 송월의 결빙은 옥외 노장의 물이 동결하는 현상으로 정의하였고, 이곳에서 6 km 떨어진 한강의 결빙은 한강 대교 남단에서 2번째와 4번째 교각의 상류 100 m 부근이 완전히 얼었을 때로 정의한다. 평균 첫 결빙일은 송월이 10월 28일, 한강이 12월 28일이며, 각각 0.78 days decade-1와 3.47 days decade-1로 점차 늦어지는 추세를 나타냈다. 평균 연 결빙 일수는 송월이 159.06일, 한강이 50.33일이며, 각각 2.01 days decade-1와 5.24 days decade-1로 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 특히, 1950년대 후반을 기점으로 변화율이 급변하였는데, 한강에서 100년 동안 발생한 7번의 무결빙해(1960, 1971, 1972, 1978, 1988, 1991, and 2006)도 모두 1950년대 이후에 발생하였다. 송월과 한강에서 첫 결빙일의 일 최저기온은 평균적으로 각각 0.55˚C와 -12.22˚C이다. 영하의 일 최저기온이 송월은 6.43일, 한강은 8.94일 지속되고 난 뒤 첫 결빙이 발생하였다. 송월과 한강의 연 최저기온에 대해서 첫 결빙일은 양의 상관을 보였고, 결빙 일수는 음의 상관을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 결빙기후의 변화가 기후변화의 일환으로 나타나는 기온변화와 유관함을 보였다. 향후 더 넓은 지역에서 다양한 추가 연구를 실시함으로써, 지속적으로 결빙기후를 주시하고자 한다.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study aim is to investigate the free radicals scavenging and spermatogenic potentials, as well as to analyze any reproductive toxicity of ethanolic extract of Mucuna prureins (M. pruriens) Linn. in spermatozoa, under different dosages in normal male rat. Normal rats were randomly selected and suspension of the extract was administered orally at the dosages of 150, 200 and 250 mg/kg body weight of the different groups of male rats (n=6) once in a day for 60 days and grouped as group II, III and IV respectively. Saline treated rats served as control -group I. On the 60th day the animals were sacrificed and the epididymal sperm were subjected to various analyses like level of ROS production, LPO, enzymatic and non enzymatic antioxidant, morphology, morphometry, chromosomal integrity and DNA damage. Results showed significant reduction in ROS production and peroxidation and significant increase in both enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants in all concentration treated groups when compared with control. Results from all the drug treated groups showed good sperm morphology, increased sperm count and motility. There was no DNA damage and showed normal chromosomal integrity even in 250 mg/kg dose. When compared with control all the three extract treated groups showed increased ROS scavenging activity. However, group II (200 mg/kg) showed significant changes in all the parameters. From the present study it was confirmed that the M. pruriens has potential to improve the sperm qualitatively and quantitatively through scavenging the excess ROS with any adverse side effects. These observations suggest that ethanolic seed extract of M. pruriens may serve as anti-oxidant that can exploit to treat the oxidative stress mediated male factor infertility.