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        검색결과 9,512

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, importance of blockchain systems has been grown after success of bitcoin. Distributed consensus algorithm is used to achieve an agreement, which means the same information is recorded in all nodes participating in blockchain network. Various algorithms were suggested to resolve blockchain trilemma, which refers conflict between decentralization, scalability, security. An algorithm based on Byzantine Agreement among Decentralized Agents (BADA) were designed for the same manner, and it used limited committee that enables an efficient consensus among considerable number of nodes. In addition, election of committee based on Proof-of-Nonce guarantees decentralization and security. In spite of such prominence, application of BADA in actual blockchain system requires further researches about performance and essential features affecting on the performance. However, performance assessment committed in real systems takes a long time and costs a great deal of budget. Based on this motivation, we designed and implemented a simulator for measuring performance of BADA. Specifically, we defined a simulation framework including three components named simulator Command Line Interface, transaction generator, BADA nodes. Furthermore, we carried out response surface analysis for revealing latent relationship between performance measure and design parameters. By using obtained response surface models, we could find an optimal configuration of design parameters for achieving a given desirable performance level.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On July 1, 2006, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province was launched as a model city with exceptional autonomy in many areas of administration, including self-governing legislation, self-governing finance, self-governing organization and personnel management. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has control over all functions but original national functions, such as national defense, diplomacy and security. Fifteen years after its launch, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has seen an increase in population, tourists, and gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in the province, and its fiscal size has increased significantly. The results of the 2019 performance evaluation were generally considered good, but a survey of provincial residents showed that the residents' satisfaction was insufficient. In order for Jeju to be reborn as an international free city and a special self-governing province from an isolated island, the central government will have to guarantee high autonomy, while the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province will have to have the capacity to secure resources for regional development and special self-governing province.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the zones formed by the movement of livestock vehicles and to determine if such areas can be used to establish quarantine activities and quarantine policies for livestock epidemics. For this purpose, this study used mobile data on poultry-related livestock vehicles generated in 2019. InfoMap, a community detection method, was used for regional classification, and the results of the analysis were visualized on a map using GIS. The study results confirmed that the zone of the administrative unit can be classified based on the movement of livestock vehicles. In addition, the zones created by the vehicle movement could be seen to change depending on the purpose and timing of the operation of livestock vehicles. Some areas form relatively stable zones, such as Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do, while others change depending on the situation, such as Chungcheong-do, Gyeonggi-do, and Gangwon-do. Further, the zones derived for poultry differed from those derived for cattle and pigs in previous studies.
        2020.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) is a rapid and precise method of analysis to quantify the level of gene expression and is widely used in the diagnosis of diseases and quantitative analysis of genes. In RT-qPCR analysis, a reference gene (or housekeeping gene) is used for normalization of experimental results. Since this method of analysis detects a small quantity of the product, it is highly sensitive and it is important for the accuracy and reproducibility of the experiment to select a reference gene suitable for gene expression studies. As the expression levels of the reference gene are affected under different conditions, in order to determine the suitability of the housekeeping gene used as the reference gene, it is necessary to verify the expression stability. In the current study, the stability of the expression of 11 housekeeping genes (B2M, SDHA, GAPDH, RPL13, VIM, EEF1A1, HPRT1, GUSB, RPL19, ACTB, and ABL1) was investigated in the tissues of long-tailed chickens (heart, thigh, and breast). Expression stability evaluation was analyzed with four software: BestKeeper, NormFinder, geNorm, and RefFinder. In our study, GAPDH in heart tissue, HPRT1 in thigh tissue, and RPL13 in breast tissue were selected as the most stable reference genes. Evaluation of the expression stability of housekeeping genes can provide important data in gene expression studies by selecting an appropriate reference gene according to various conditions.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국가와 시대를 불문하고 역사 교육에 대한 중요성은 항상 강조되고 있다. 이미 한국에서도 역사 교육의 중요성이 강조되고는 있지만 학교 수업만으로 학생들에게 역사를 제대로 이해시키기에는 많은 어려움이 있으며, 또한 학생들에게 수업 참여를 이끌어 내기에도 어려움이 있다. 20년 전부터 게임을 활용한 교육의 효과가 입증이 되었고, 개방적으로 변모해가는 현재 교육계에서는 게임 기반 교육에 대한 수요가 점차 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존 게임 기반 교육에 대한 연구를 통해 입증된 효과를 바탕으로 역사적 사고력 향상과 추경험적 역사 체험, 그리고 ESN 보고서에서 소개한 게임 기반 교육의 문제점과 교육의 참여한 교사들의 불편 사항 등을 개선 및 적용하여 상업적으로 개발된 게임을 평가하여 게임 기반 교육에 활용할 방안을 제시하였다. 선정 조건은 뚜렷한 시대 배경과 확실한 고증 및 역사 왜곡의 유무를 기준으로 하였고, 선정한 게임에 대한 평가 지표로 역사적 사고력, 추경험적 역사체험, 장르적 이점, 시간 분할 요소를 사용하였다. 본 논문에서 소개한 게임 외에도 다양한 역사 게임과 개발 단계에서부터 교육을 목적으로 한 기능성 게임을 통해 게임 기반 교육에 대한 수요를 충족시키기를 기원한다.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Marina is a small port located along a coastline that provides facilities and services for small boats and yachts. The main facilities of marina are pontoon, freshwater, and power supplies. Marina also provides service for boat maintenance and service, and security. In Malaysia, the marina is operated by private companies and Marine Department Malaysia. All the marinas in Malaysia provide the same facilities and services, however they are not operating at the same level. Few marinas had closed their operation due to insufficient number of boats arrived to their marina. The reason of this issue is lack of study about marina operation and management in Malaysia. Further study should be done in this field to overcome this issue and increased the growth of economy for marina. Therefore, the objective of this study to determine the factors to establish a marina in Malaysia and to identify the reason certain marina less performed. This research focused on the marina operators on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The literature review was used to identify the factors to establish a marina. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach was used to analyse the data. This method had ranked the crucial factors from the highest to the lowest percentage. Four main criteria to establish a marina had been identified, namely locations, facilities, services, and promotion. Besides that, there also the sub-criteria for all the main factor to describe it. All the identified factors had been analysed to find the most important factor. The consolidate result showed that geography, security, berthing, purpose, boat chandlery and boat service are the highest percentage among other factors. It concludes that it is the most important factor to establish a marina. These results can be used to improve the operation of marina in Malaysia by focusing on these aforementioned factors.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective: The Modified Barthel Index (MBI) measures individuals’ level of independence in performing activities of daily living. The purpose of this study was to examine the internal consistency and construct validity of the MBI for children with rare disorders. Methods: The study participants are children with rare disorders who have muscle weakness including Barth syndrome and congenital muscular dystrophy (N = 113). The MBI was completed by participants in either an online format utilizing the UF Qualtrics system or a pencil-and-paper format. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the psychometric properties of the MBI. Results: The MBI showed excellent internal consistency for children with Barth syndrome (Cronbach’s α = .91) and congenital muscular dystrophy (Cronbach’s α = .93). Construct validity was supported by a significant difference in MBI scores among participants grouped by diagnoses. MBI score was significantly different between the unaffected group and congenital muscular dystrophy (p < .0001) as well as between the unaffected group and Barth syndrome (p < .0001). Conclusion: The psychometric properties of the MBI present good reliability and construct validity suggesting suitability for use as an outcome measure for children with rare disorders.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research explores how imported automobile companies can develop their strategies to improve the outcome of their recalls. For this, the researchers analyzed patterns of recall demand, classified recall types based on the demand patterns and examined response strategies, considering plans on how to procure parts and induce customers to visit workshops, recall execution capacity and costs. As a result, recalls are classified into four types: U-type, reverse U-type, L- type and reverse L-type. Also, as determinants of the types, the following factors are further categorized into four types and 12 sub-types of recalls: the height of maximum demand, which indicates the volatility of recall demand; the number of peaks, which are the patterns of demand variations; and the tail length of the demand curve, which indicates the speed of recalls. The classification resulted in the following: L-type, or customer-driven recall, is the most common type of recalls, taking up 25 out of the total 36 cases, followed by five U-type, four reverse L-type, and two reverse U-type cases. Prior studies show that the types of recalls are determined by factors influencing recall execution rates: severity, the number of cars to be recalled, recall execution rate, government policies, time since model launch, and recall costs, etc. As a component demand forecast model for automobile recalls, this study estimated the ARIMA model. ARIMA models were shown in three models: ARIMA (1,0,0), ARIMA (0,0,1) and ARIMA (0,0,0). These all three ARIMA models appear to be significant for all recall patterns, indicating that the ARIMA model is very valid as a predictive model for car recall patterns. Based on the classification of recall types, we drew some strategic implications for recall response according to types of recalls. The conclusion section of this research suggests the implications for several aspects: how to improve the recall outcome (execution rate), customer satisfaction, brand image, recall costs, and response to the regulatory authority.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In today's affluent food environment, investigating factors that facilitate resistance in the face of barriers to health goals may be vital for achieving successful promotion and regulation of health. This study was implemented to investigate the effect of self-compassion on the evaluation and choice of healthy vs. unhealthy food. In Study 1, participants (N = 101) primed with self-compassion evaluated unhealthy food more negatively than those primed with self-esteem. As predicted, however, there was no difference in attitude toward healthy food between the two priming conditions. In Study 2, participants (N = 54) were asked to choose between healthy and unhealthy food and then their self-compassion was measured. Results show that participants with high self-compassion chose healthy food more often than unhealthy food, while those with low self-compassion chose unhealthy food more than healthy food. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of health campaign strategies and further research into the relation between self-compassion and health behaviors.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bilateral relationships between Malaysia and Indonesia have always been cordial, augmented largely by their shared ethno-cultural, value and religious affinity. Cooperation and collaboration initiatives and arrangement between the two countries are well-established in various fields, ranging from security, economic and trade, health to education. However, these friendly bilateral relationships have been occasionally marred by diplomatic frictions and protests arising from their disputes over overlapping claims to maritime territory and boundary. Among the most notable, intractable on-going maritime territorial and boundary disputes between the two countries occur in the Malacca Straits. In resolving these particularly dispute, diplomatic negotiation has been the most common and if not, the only dispute resolution mechanism adopted by the two countries. What make the scope of this study departs from the existing literature is the focus placed on examining the process of diplomatic negotiations between Malaysia and Indonesia for amicable resolution of the disputes. Diplomatic negotiation is arguably the preferred method to delimit contested maritime boundaries as it has its own advantages compare to other alternative peaceful methods. This qualitative study uses content analysis approach to investigate and appraise the background and process of diplomatic negotiation between Malaysia and Indonesia to reach final settlement of their territorial area and boundary disputes in the Malacca Straits. In analyzing the case, the theoretical tools used are negotiation theory, and bilateral theory. The selected respondents for this study are comprised of experts and practitioners attached to government agencies such as Maritime Malaysia Enforcement Agency and Institute Diplomacy and Foreign Relation. Then, content analysis is applied to the coding process. The research finding reveal that the status of diplomatic negotiation between the government of Malaysia and Indonesia are still ongoing, with the immediate final resolution of the disputes remains to be seen. The contribution of this study lies in providing the strong facts and the real status about territorial dispute at Strait of Malacca between Malaysia and Indonesia and also the process of diplomatic negotiation between Malaysia and Indonesia in settlement the territorial dispute at Strait of Malacca.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Naval weapons systems of the Republic of Korea are acquired through the Defense Planning Management System. Recently, acquisition of some naval ships have been delayed, and the causes of the delays have been recognized as inappropriate project management at the Execution Phase. However, we argue that the delay problem in naval ships acquisition should be approached, with due regard for the entire Defense Planning Management System. That is, We should try to investigate from Planning Phase to those of Programming, Budgeting and Execution Phases. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the actual cases of the delay in naval acquisition at all phases of the Defense Planning Management System. Based on the investigation, we tried to identify the naval ship Acquisition Delay Factors and find out the Weights of those factors. As the next step, we calculated the Influence Measures on the naval missions, including the Cost of Naval Capability Gap derived from the delays in acquisition of naval ships. As a final step, we calculated the Acquisition Delay Measures based on the interrelationship between the Acquisition Delay Factors and the Influence Measures. Then we evaluated and analyzed what the results stand for. Finally, we made suggestions for future improvement. The improvement suggestions we made for preventing delay in acquisition of naval ships in this study are as follows. First, we need a shift in perception. It is necessary to measure the Acquisition Delay Factors in acquiring naval ships and manage them from the Planning Phase. Second, resolution must be concerted efforts. All relevant agencies, not just a few, should work together to resolve the problems of acquisition delay. Third, analysis must be based on the accumulation of data. This allows the elaborating of naval ship Acquisition Delay Factors and Delay Measures. If this research method is applied to other military weapons systems in the future, we may be able to not just identify the Acquisition Delay Factors in acquisition of other military weapons systems, but also pursue improvement in those cases.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bulk carrier ship type is one of the three dominant types of merchant vessels along with container ships and tankers. Recently, in terms of tonnage, bulk carriers constitute about the world's fleet third. The stuff materials indigence such as grains, fertilizers, ores, etc. Since the turn of the millennium, the number has increased considerably. Recently, a growing variance in bulk cargo which has transported by sea, represents now a large part of international commercial exchange shipped by sea. Every year there are huge number tons of cargoes like steel, coals, livestock feed, copper and minerals that are transported by sea in bulk. While most of those shipments are made without accidents, a number of serious injuries have occurred which have resulted not only in the ship's loss, but also in lives loss. In this paper, there is an existing bulk carrier vessel, a computational case study, is made to investigate the different loading conditions effects and bulk cargoes’ types on ship’s stability, in case of damaged conditions, in addition to the effect on the ship’s hull longitudinal strength. A proposed method is suggested to improve the level of safety of the ship past flooding by the usage of air bag (cushion). The candidate vessel consists of two cargo holds. In this paper there are three investigated damage scenarios, the first one is checking the stability in case of damage of cargo hold No.1. The second one is checking the stability in case of damage of cargo hold No.2 and the third scenario is checking the stability in case of flooding of both of the two cargo holds. There’s a modelling software, Auto Ship, is used here to model the vessel, simulate the different scenarios and to run the stability code to check the stability criteria. Finally, after performing the above mentioned three damage scenarios, the result was that the ship will still float in case of scenario one or two but in case of the third scenario, it will sink. So, this study has suggested a way to keep the vessel floating in case of the third scenario until reaching the nearest port without sinking. This proposed method is by using air cushions to open directly in case of existing alarm in the bulk carrier work to fill all the space inside the cargo hold instead of filling with the water.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the maritime industry, most perceptions, frameworks and methodologies of dealing with hazards are for their risk assessment rather than their risk management. This tendency discloses the reality that within the maritime sectors in areas like shipping, logistics, oil and gas there is a lack of coherent Quantitative Risk Management (QRM) methodology from which to understand the risk-based decisions especially for appropriate risk management such as in seaports’ terminals. Therefore, in this paper initially, during priority assessment of the identified hazards, Fuzzy Set Theory was applied to handle imprecision of the uncertain risk-based statistics to get an accurate result. In the next stage, Fuzzy Fault Tree and Fuzzy Event Tree methods were used to achieve the sequence of quantitative risk analysis. In the final step, a Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution tool was used for the implementation of the mitigation phase to complete and conclude the proposed QRM cycle.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Systematic literature reviews (SLR) are very important to track the extent to which studies related to the formulation of Halal Catering on board have been previously studied by previous scholars. Therefore, the SLR study requires a clear and detailed understanding concerning the study direction for each selected article by analyzing the scope of the study and its dimensions as the main emphasis whether it has been discussed by any previous scholar or otherwise. Through the basis of the analysis of literature reviews will enable the specific detection of the title of the study. Even SLR analysis is also able to compare in terms of the year the article was published by comparing the differences in scope and dimensions of each article by selected scholars referred to 16 scholars from the year 2012 until 2017. Regards to methodology, SLR emphasised into five stages such as i) Time Frame, ii) Selection of a database, iii) Journal selection, iv) Article selection and v) Literature review analysis. Analysis, discussion, and findings will be focusing on the scope, dimensions, and years of studies by using figures, tables as facilitators of analysis and findings. Hence, the role of Halal institutions will be able to assess its ability to form halal rules with the involvement of stakeholders and the scope that has been affected in detail.