
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 579

        2015.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        National park visitors are expanding to National Park entrance fee abolition and five days a week system enforcement is rapidly increasing. Public sensitivity to socially various accident is a track record that is growing more and more. Analyzes the usage of the national park visitors who are looking for people comfortable leisure life and health, also, the work of actual analysis of the National Park safety management, is that always necessary, also, the future of the National Park will be utilized as a material that can be utilized in the development of safety policies.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Continued efforts to build up Safety Management System(SMS) and to improve its efficiency in airports, to which customers have direct access, are taken for granted due to continuous development of the aviation industry in both quantity and quality and rapid growth of air transportation market. This thesis proposed efficient operation methods of SMS for domestic airport organizations including Incheon International Airport(IIA), the largest airport in South Korea, aiming at strengthening aviation safety from the perspective of airport operators who play a pivotal role in service provider SMS. Those are consolidation of the existing safety management organizations and various improvements to promote voluntary incident reporting system. To draw a proposal for the improvements, conducted a research on domestic safety management status, carried out an analysis on operating conditions and did a research on ICAO regulations, domestic legal system as well as statistics data. Relevant studies and researches were also gathered and analyzed. A search for further improvements can also help increase operational efficiency and promoting a higher-level of safety awareness among operators can establish mature safety culture at airports.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계 각국에서 시행되고 농산물에 대한 인증제도 중 가장 폭넓게 수용되고 있는 GLOBALG.A.P. 인증기준은 위해 요소의 최소화를 통한 안전성, 지속 가능한 생산성의 유지를 위한 환경친화성, 그리고 작업자의 복지, 건강 등에 대한 사회적 기능 강화를 목표로 하고 있다. 국내에서도 GLOBALG.A.P. 인증에 대한 관심이 증가되면서 인증농가수도 증가하고 있는데, 우리나라의 3개 과수 수출전문단지의 127농가를 대상으로 조사한 결과, 생산자단체는 단체관리를 위한 내부규정이나 지침을 제정하여 체계적이고 조직적으로 운영될 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 또한 농가에서는 작업자의 안전과 위생에 대한 수준이 평균 20.4%로 다른 분야보다 월등히 낮았고, 식물보호제의 관리수준은 평균 22.7%, 비료 관리수준은 평균 63.6% 수준이었다. 따라서 안전안심 농산물에 대한 소비자의 욕구 충족 및 국제경쟁력 강화를 위해서는 농가교육 및 관리의 강화와 선진형 농장환경 구축을 위한 지원이 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        처분시설의 개발과정에서 안전성평가 문서관리는 체계적인 품질활동이 수반되어야 하며, 본 논문에서는 중·저준위 방사 성폐기물 처분시설의 건설단계에 보완된 부지특성, 지하수특성, 최종설계내용 및 모니터링 입력데이터를 포함하여 Safety Case를 위한 안전성평가 입력데이터 품질보증체계를 설명하였다. 현장/실험결과데이터, 실제 설계데이터 및 적치계획, 콘 크리트 물성데이터, 지하수, 기상, 지진에 대한 현장 모니터링데이터, 생태계데이터 및 핵종재고량데이터를 입력데이터 결 정원칙에 따라 선별하고 안전성평가에 적용할 수 있는 데이터 관리체계를 확보하였다. 이는 향후 처분시설 안전성평가의 데 이터 불확실성 저감 및 안전성 증진에 기여할 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While Korea had achieved radical growth of construction industry, it also had accumulated problems in material, human and economical loss due to its low quality of safety level. Therefore, not only enterprises but also the nation is putting in a great deal of efforts for construction safety. However, its effect is not satisfiable. This research aims for change of construction cite by introduction of professional Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) and consideration of its necessity. To consideration of its necessity, we compared and anaylzed average numbers of indicated dangers and safety accident incidences in each construction cites and we researched changes in worker's safety sense. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this paper is to suggest aircraft maintenance and its improvement for aviation safety. The purpose of aviation safety is to prevent aviation accidents resulting in damage to human life and property. Aviation safety relies heavily on maintenance. Human error is cited as a major causal factor in most aviation mishaps, including maintenance error. Errors can be described as active failures that lead directly to the incident, and latent failures whose presence provokes the active failure. Maintenance errors are parts installed incorrectly, missing parts, and necessary checks not being performed. In comparison to many other threats to aviation safety, the mistakes of an aviation maintenance technician(AMT) can be more difficult to detect. Often times, these mistakes are present but not visible and have the potential to remain latent, affecting the safe operation of aircraft for longer periods of time. State safety programmes is a system of activities for the aim of strengthening the safety and integrated management of the activities of government by standards of the ICAO. In summary, It is necessary to revise regulations on the basis of the aviation practice for aviation safety regulatory requirements. The goverment will eventually need to promulgate fatigue management standsrds for AMT also pay particular attention to the safety and education for small aircraft AMT.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite over eighty percent of industrial accidents were caused by unsafe behaviors, most safety programs still focus on changing workers’ internal status such as thinking and attitude rather than directly changing safe related behaviors. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the basic concepts and procedures of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) which originated in applied behavior science (ABS), BBS attempts to change safety related behaviors by manipulating antecedents and consequences of workers’ behaviors. Also this paper introduces several case studies conducted globally in various industrial fields. These case studies highlight the procedures of BBS, their impacts on safety performance and accidents rate, and other business results. Based on these results, this paper proposes new guidelines for safety management.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper reviewed the relationship between safety climate(superior attitude, education, precaution, communication, and job load) and safety performance(safety compliance and safety participation), and the moderating effects of gender and age. Based on the responses from 288 employees, the results of multiple regression analysis appeared as follow; 1) superior attitude effects positively on safety compliance and safety participation, but, job load effects negatively on safety compliance and safety participation. 2) precaution effects positively on safety participation. 3) education and precaution are more positively related with safety compliance and safety participation in female employee than in male employee. 4) education is more positively related with safety compliance and safety participation in older employee than in younger employee.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A research was conducted on Seoul regional elementary, middle, and high school nutritionists to study about their perception of HACCP control standards & performance conditions and sanitation & safety inspection, to seek for more efficient methods of school meals' sanitation system settlement. All surveys were distributed and collected via email. A total of 305 survey papers were collected, and out of these, 300 school results were analyzed. As for CCP 1 performance conditions, 43.3% of the nutritionist put emphasis on temperature control for cooking duration and 71.0% said that they manage both temperature and PHF food control. In CCP 2 stage, 65.8% of the nutritionists maintained the food's temperature, and 56.7% documented the recordings after cooking. A total of 79.3% of the schools scored above 90 points on school meal sanitation & safety inspection, 3.72 points on necessity for revisions, 3.38 points on objectivity, and 3.34 points on reliability. As for these results, a clear CCP control criteria as well as training must be set. Also, because the necessity of revision for sanitation & safety inspection is higher than reliability and objectivity, appropriate complementary measures must be taken.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The disaster and safety accidents in any construction site occur inevitably. Since the on-site disaster and accident occurrence became one of major concerning factors in construction site, architects & building executers have been flooded with safety management advices. The purpose of this paper is to survey and analyze the effect of the application of Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) upon the reduction of disaster & accident occurrences in construction site. In order to estimate and reduce the disaster and accident ratio in construction site, various surveyed data has been analysed. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Advanced Safety Management System(SMS) of Korea Railroad Corporation for risk management should be established applying contents-centered domestic standard according to Railway Safety Act and process-centered international standards suggested by Lloyd's Register Company. Besides, laws, regulations, guidelines and manuals which are optimized for each sector should be systematically integrated to strengthen the consistency of SMS of KORAIL. New safety regulations and guidelines for safety management/train operations/maintenance should be established according to the safety policy of KORAIL to boost effective field work by regulations, guidelines, manuals, etc. The advanced Safety Management System will lead KORAIL as a competent global enterprise with its boosted reputation in the international railway market.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우이산호와 같이 특수 해양시설물인 유류터미널과 선박 간의 해양사고는 대규모 해양오염 발생으로 이어져 해당 기업에 심각한 손실을 끼치며 대형 환경오염을 수반한다. 본 연구는 대상선박을 실시간 모니터링하고 사고위험을 사전에 식별하여 항만시설물을 포함한 단계별 비상 대응이 가능한 유류부두 안전관리 종합정보시스템 개발을 제안한다. 해당 시스템은 선체, 선박운항자 및 유류터미널 시설물까지 유기적으로 통합된 능동적인 안전감시시스템으로 해상교통 모니터링과..