
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to grow organic forage as a prime requirement for organic Hanwoo cattle production over a period of 3 years (2012~2015) in Gyeongbuk region, Korea through mixed cropping of winter fodder barley with legume and application of fermented cattle manure. The effect of barley-legume mixed cropping and application of different levels of fermented cattle manure was studied on forage productivity of whole-crop barley (WCB) and evaluation of feeding capacity of Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) per unit area. The collected data was analyzed using SAS 9.3 software. Barley-legume mixed cropping increased (P< 0.05) yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) as compared to those of sole WCB as monoculture. Similarly, acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents and relative feed value (RFV) were also higher (P<0.05) in barley-legume mixed sowing forage compared with those of sole WCB as monoculture. In case of manure application, yields of DM, CP and TDN were also found (P<0.05) highest in 100~150 ㎏ N/㏊. However, varying cattle manure levels did not influence (P>0.05) CP and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents. In response to increasing nitrogen application level, ADF content increased (P<0.05) but TDN content and RFV decreased (P<0.05). The Barley-legume mixed sowing and increasing application levels of fermented cattle manure also significantly enhanced (P<0.05) feeding capacity of organic Hanwoo (head/ha) having 450 kg body weight with 400 g of daily gain. Findings of present study indicated that barley-legume biculture not only cut nitrogen application level of fermented cattle manure by over 50 kg per ha but also increased their feed value and productivity of forage as compared to WCB monoculture. This would be contribution to the diversity of forage resources as well as production of organic animal product by creating low cost and high quality organic forage.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        부산지역 의료종사자를 대상으로 병원감염관리 인식을 분석한 본 연구의 결론은, 먼저, 개인위생, 장비위 생, 청소 및 환경 관리의 인지도와 수행도는 학력이 낮을수록 척도가 높았다. 또한 개인손씻기의 경우 인지 도는 1차, 2차, 기타의료기관의 종사자들이, 수행도는 의료인 집단이 높은 수치를 나타냈으며, 유의수준 .00 1에서 통계적인 차이를 나타냈다. 병원 내 위생관리 역시 의료인이 높은 인지도와 수행도를 나타냈으며, 통계적인 차이를 보였다. 전체적으로 인지도에 비해 수행도가 낮아 감염관리에 대한 개인의 적극적인 수행 과 이를 위한 현실성 있는 개선방안의 마련이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to introduce the village project for conservation and improvement of rural tourism village. So, in this study, the current rural tourism village and storytelling planning are examined and the village project presented in village planning is also examined. And this study propose the storytelling implementation of the village project through the case study related with the Susanri in Jeju. The results are summarized as follows. Firstly, it is important that each village projects are storytelling for tourism resource and improve rural tourism village. Secondly, it is necessary to define story range, action planning, and management agency of village projects. Thirdly, it is desirable that the village projects should be carried out as reviving the local community. Comparing to the storytelling tourism plan, there are few rural tourism plans so far, so, it is difficult to applicate the system of the village project, but, continuous studies in this line can help the rural tourism plan to ensure practicality.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For a practical mobile robot team such as carrying out a search and rescue mission in a disaster area, the localization have to be guaranteed even in an environment where the network infrastructure is destroyed or a global positioning system (GPS) is unavailable. The proposed architecture supports localizing robots seamlessly by finding their relative locations while moving from a global outdoor environment to a local indoor position. The proposed schemes use a cooperative positioning system (CPS) based on the two-way ranging (TWR) technique. In the proposed TWR-based CPS, each non-localized mobile robot act as tag, and finds its position using bilateral range measurements of all localized mobile robots. The localized mobile robots act as anchors, and support the localization of mobile robots in the GPS-shadow region such as an indoor environment. As a tag localizes its position with anchors, the position error of the anchor propagates to the tag, and the position error of the tag accumulates the position errors of the anchor. To minimize the effect of error propagation, this paper suggests the new scheme of full-mesh based CPS for improving the position accuracy. The proposed schemes assuring localization were validated through experiment results.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, mass concentrations and chemical compositions of PM2.5, including water-soluble ions and elements were determined at the 1,100 m-highland of Mt. Hallasan in Jeju Island across four seasons from August 2013 to August 2014. The average mass concentration of PM2.5 was 12.5±8.41 /m3 with 45.8% of the contribution from eight water-soluble ionic species. Three ionic species (SO4 2-, NH4 +, and NO3 -) comprised 96.2% of the total concentration of ions contained in PM2.5 and were the dominant ions, accounting for 43.5% of the PM2.5 mass at Mt. Hallasan. On the basis of the mass concentration level, seasonal variation, enrichment factor, and relationship among elements, we can presume that Mg, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Sr, Ba, Nd, and Dy originated mainly from crust or soil and that V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were significantly enriched in PM2.5 owing to the effects of the anthropogenic emissions. These results and the local distribution of emission sources and topographic characteristics near this sampling site suggest that the compositions of PM2.5 collected at the 1100 m-highland of Mt. Hallasan were largely influenced by inflow from outside of Jeju Island.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        소설 속에 등장하는 인물은 특정한 시공간이 지시하는 특정한 상황 속에 존재 한다. 흔히 소설의 3요소 중 하나인 배경이라고 하는 것이 그것이다. 이 논문은 <최척전>의 전반부에 해당하는 임진왜란 기간 동안 작품 속의 인물들이 존재 한 작중 배경, 즉 몇 년, 몇 월, 며칠에 어떤 장소에 있었는가를 작품 속 증거를 찾아내어 고증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 인물이 존재하는 시간과 장소 곧 특정 한 상황이 전제되면 그때 그 곳에 있었던 인물과 사건은 그때 그 곳의 상황과 관련하여 좀 더 구체적인 모습으로 드러나리라고 기대한다. 연구방법으로 따지 면 문학지리학의 맥을 잇고 있고 소설배경론에도 속한다. 이러한 시각으로 <최척전>을 보면 <최척전>의 첫들머리에서 최척이 정상사 에게 공부를 하러 가는 시기는 1592년 5월경이고, 옥영이 남원 정상사 집에 오는 시간은 1592년 8월경이다. 두 사람이 만나는 시점은 1593년 1월 말경이다. 최척이 변사정 의병부대에 종군하는 시점은 1593년 2월경이고, 두 사람이 다 시 만나는 시점은 1593년 10월 말이다. 옥영의 억지혼사의 뒷배경에는 제2차 진주성 전투 후 남원 남쪽까지 쳐들어왔다 물러간 일본군의 약탈이 있었다. 정 유재란 시기에 구례 피아골 연곡사로 피난을 간 최척 일가는 불과 하루 이틀 사 이로 엇갈리면서 동아시아 세 나라로 흩어지고 있다. 이렇게 따져놓고 보면 <최척전>에 등장하는 시간과 공간, 즉 인물들이 존재 하고 있던 정확한 날짜와 장소를 거의 재구할 수 있다. 이를 통해 작품 속 인물 들의 형상이나 주제의식 등에 대한 좀 더 진전된 형태의 해석으로 나아갈 수 있 는 길이 열릴 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 서울지역의 다문화학생이 밀집한 학교를 대상으로 다문화교육의 현실에 대한 교원들의 인식과 요구사항을 조사함으로써 개선방향을 탐색하기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위 해 2015년 기준으로 서울지역에서 다문화학생 비중이 높은 학교들을 선정하여 학교에 대한 문헌연구 및 학교교원에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였다. 연구결과 제안된 다문화밀집학교 개선을 위한 방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교 특성을 반 영한 적극적 학교 비전의 제시가 필요하다. 둘째, 일반학생과 다문화학생 모두를 고려한 통 합교육적 관점에서 다문화학생 밀집학교의 지원을 시행해야 한다. 마지막으로 다문화학교 의 교육력을 제고하기 위해서는 학교 내외의 공동체적 접근이 필요하다. 구체적인 개선방 안으로는 첫째, 교육 및 생활지도 측면에서 일반학생보다 다문화학생에 대한 어려움이 더 큰 점을 고려할 때 다문화밀집학교에 대한 교육여건 개선이 필요하며, 둘째, 다문화학생 교 육의 어려움을 고려하여 교원들에 대한 지원을 대폭 강화해야 한다. 마지막으로 학교공동 체의 일원으로서 학부모 교육 및 지원을 강화해야 한다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, global climate change scenario by Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 2-Atmosphere and Ocean (HadGEM2-AO) is dynamically downscaled using four regional climate models (RCMs). All RCMs with 12.5-km and 50-km resolution are integrated for continuous 27 years (1979-2005). In general, RCMs with higher horizontal resolution more reasonably capture the spatial distribution of precipitation over South Korea compared to those with lower resolution. In particular, heavy precipitation regions related to complex mountain ranges are well simulated due to detailed topography in RCMs with higher resolution. Difference between RCMs with dissimilar resolutions is relatively robust in summer compared to other seasons. This could be associated with that higher resolution and detailed topography lead to more realistic simulation of heavy summer precipitation related to mesoscale phenomena.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to investigate the spatial distributions and temporal changes of disaster areas due to heavy snowfall at all cities and guns (country level) in Korea during 1979-2014. The number of days of damage caused by heavy snowfall has increased, and amounts of damage also increased. However, the number of casualties by the heavy snowfall damage has decreased in the deaths and missing. Although the damage by heavy snowfall was concentrated in Gangwon Yeongdong region during 1980s, the damage had extended to the eastern coast of Gyeongbuk region, Chungcheong region, and the western coast of Jeolla region in 1990s. In 2000s, the damage was largely concentrated in Gyeonggi region, Chungcheong region and the southern part of western coastal area while the damage in the surrounding regions of the Taebaek Mountains were dominant during the early 2010s. The spatial and temporal patterns of the damage caused by heavy snowfall have changed over the study period with the decadal variations.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the rapid economic development of Korea, the bridge have been built by government over the several years. Additionally, there are too many mountain and river and the bridge have been built in rural area. But bridge designers weren't considering the bridge landscape. And bridge was a negative factor in regional landscape. Because of this, this study surveyed the landscape preferences of rural bridge landscapes according to different bridge types. The results were summarized as follows: And this research include conducting a study on visual preference according to the bridge's type and background. And, the landscape of arch bridge in the river 1 is landscape of the highest preference. The the landscape of girder bridge in the river 2 is landscape of the lowest preference. In the river 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the arch bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In the mountain 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the cable-stayed bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In conclusion, the visual preference of bridge landscape depend on the background and bridge shape, the study said. Therefore, when bridge designer design the bridge, designer have to choose proper bridge shape according to the background. This research was conducted only in bridge landscape of rural area but the visual preference of bridge landscape can be changed according to the various background. And further research is needed to analyze visual preference of bridge landscape according to the various background.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This Research was carried out to investigate landscape characteristics of the traditional Chinese village through the landscape analysis. The Purpose of this study was to offer suggestions for improving Korea's traditional village scenery. This research was conducted by analysis about an important component of the landscape in Ping-shan traditional village. It was studied natural landscape, life landscapes, agricultural production landscapes and symbols landscape. This study was carried out through literature research, field research and interviews. The results of Chinese traditional village's landscape characteristic was First, Ping-shan traditional village was located on the basis of Feng-Shui settings. Second, Ping-shan traditional village was clan-based. Third, It is composed of a large green space on the outskirts of the village. Fourth, Ping-shan traditional village was a typical channel village. Fifth, Ping-shan traditional village was a living landscape with various features. sixth, Ping-shan traditional village was a lot of space to agricultural production, most of the arable land surround village. Suggestions for improving Korea's traditional village scenery are as follows ; First, proposes actively re-design on the base of defense fengshi landscape interpreted as a modern sense. Seconds, when large-scale farmland project is established in Korea, you can expect to gain knowledge from traditional Chinese village spacing. Thirds, It seems to require a study of the public space for festival. in the case of china, ancestral shrine space is center and space for festival. Fourth, It was important to seek knowledge about protection for frequent in flood plains in Korea's traditional village. Ping-shan traditional village was well-known for housing with contact water, connected channels and beautiful defense pond. Fifth, for improving Korea's traditional village scenery, we need to make various focus landscape features. Most of the visitors to Ping-shan traditional village was interested in the big and small beautiful landscapes and shelters.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Disasters that occur most frequently in rural areas are drought, flood, damages from wind and cold weather. Among these, damages from storm and flood and drought are the main disasters and recently, these are occurring on a large scale due to unusual weather conditions. Under such circumstances, projects and researches on disasters in rural areas are under way but they are mostly targeting one area or making approaches focusing on repair facilities, maintenance project of facilities in small streams, and disaster management, so there have not been enough studies on the current status of overall damaged facilities in the rural areas. Against this backdrop, through the analysis of the current status of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, this study aims to provide base data for policies needed for disaster recovery planning and maintenance work of rural areas. For the analysis of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, using the annual report on disasters issued by Ministry of Public Safety and Security and based on the occurrence rate of estimated damage in each city and district for the past 10 years(2004~2013), 8 areas with the highest number of occurrence and cost of damage were found from each province and target areas were selected. Then, regarding the selected target areas, the General Plan for Reducing Damages from Storm and Flood, which is the report on top-level plan for preventing disasters, was secured and the current status of damaged facilities were analyzed. After organizing the analysis of current status, the tendency of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, the items of damaged facilities depending on the types of storm and flood damages, and risk factors were suggested. Based on this result, in order to generalize the results of follow-up researches, it is thought that disaster recovery planning and establishing the system of remodeling items necessary for maintenance work would be possible by analyzing damage investigation items recorded in additional researches on rural areas, researches on natural disasters, and recovery plan instructions and by conducting on-site investigation on the damaged villages from storm and flood in rural areas.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this research, we reappraise saemaul project which is a leading role of rural development in a present perspectives and deduct social and political implications for rural development. For deducting problems and implications, related documents and previous researches are reviewed. Administration statistics are also gathered and analyzed for monitoring detailed projects propulsion progress and results. Samaul project is reappraised based on previous researches such as rural development, regional agricultural production system improvement, agricultural distribution system improvement, leader breeding, income improvement, and governance. Saemaul project has basically positive characteristics because of decreasing growth gap of urban and rural area by empowering cooperation of rural residents, instilling leadership, making village fund, constricting networks of government and urban area for administrative and financial assistant. In conclusion, there are implications that continues interests of most powerful sovereignty and comprehensive assistant of government are needed for overcome agricultural and rural crisis. Saemaulundong is a united and systematic approach in village level. In south korea where most of farms are small size, village or regional level assistants started in saemaulundong are still needed. In regional development, we can infer that will and ability development of participated residents are most basic and important factors for successful project propulsion in saemaul project.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The ambient mass concentration and chemical composition of the PM2.5 were determined at the highland site with 1,100 m above sea level on Jeju Island from June 2013 to November 2014. Yearly averaged mass concentration of PM2.5 was 11.97±8.63 /m3. PM2.5 concentrations were highest during the spring, while they tended to be lowest during the summer. Eight water soluble ionic species attributed 45.5% to PM2.5 mass. SO4 2-, NO3 - and NH4 + were major ions, which occupied to 27.9%, 3.7% and 12.3%, respectively. The greatest contributors to total mass concentration of water-soluble ions contained in PM2.5 were sulfate, ammonium and nitrate. These three ions accounted for 96.6% in total ions mass concentration of PM2.5. We could infer that these three secondary ions exist mostly in the form of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3. Ca2+ and Mg2+ had a good relationship and with r=0.9. The molar ratio of Mg2+/Ca2+ in this study was lower than the value observed in sea water and higher than that in soil dust, indicating that these two ions originated from other sources rather than ocean and soil dust in this study.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the concentration sudden rise in fine particle according to resuspended dust from paved roads after sudden heavy rain in Busan on August 25, 2015. The localized torrential rainfall in Busan area occurred as tropical airmass flow from the south and polar airmass flow from north merged. Orographic effect of Mt. Geumjeong enforced rainfall and it amounted to maximum 80 ㎜/hr at Dongrae and Geumjeong region in Busan. This heavy rain induced flood and landslide in Busan and the nearby areas. The sudden heavy rain moved soil and gravel from mountainous region, which deposited on paved roads and near roadside. These matters on road suspended by an automobile transit, and increased fine particle concentration of air. In addition outdoor fine particle of high concentration flowed in indoor by shoes, cloths and air circulation.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The adequacy of urban air quality monitoring networks in the largest metropolitan city, Seoul was evaluated using multivariate analysis for SO2, NO2, CO, PM10, and O3. Through cluster analysis for 5 air pollutants concentrations, existing monitoring stations are seen to be clustered mostly by geographical locations of the eight zones in Seoul. And the stations included in the same cluster are redundantly monitoring air pollutants exhibiting similar atmospheric behavior, thus it can be seen that they are being operated inefficiently. Because monitoring stations groups representing redudancy were different depending on measurement items and several pollutants are being measured at the same time in each air monitoring station, it is seemed to be not easy to integrate or transmigrate stations. But it may be proposed as follows : the redundant stations can be integrated or transmigrated based on ozone of which measures are increasing in recent years and alternatively the remaining pollutants other than the pollutant exhibiting similar atmospheric behavior with nearby station’s can be measured. So it is considered to be able to operate air quality monitoring networks effectively and economically in order to improve air quality.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 GCOM-W1 위성에 탑재된 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) 센서의 토양수분 자료를 Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) 알고리즘을 통해 전처리하여 2014년도 한반도 지점관측 자료와의 비교 분석을 수행, 위성 토양수분 자료 의 적합성을 평가하였다. 통계 분석 결과 AMSR2 X-band의 토양수분 자료는 38개의 지점관측 자료와 비교해 0.03의 평균 bias, 0.16의 평균 RMSE의 낮은 오차 수준을 보였으며, 최대상관계수는 0.67로 나타났다. 또한 AMSR2 센서의 ascending, descending 시간대별 위성 토양수분 자료 분석과 X, C1, C2-band의 주파수 영역별 위성 토양수분 자료 분석 결과, ascending overpass time 시간대와, X-band 주파수의 토양수분 자료가 지점 관측 자료와 더 좋은 상관관계를 보였다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 한반도에서 최근 문제가 되고 있는 가뭄을 비롯한 각종 재해 분석 시 토양수분의 공간적 분포를 연구하는데 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.