
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 484

        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dok-Rak-Dang and Hyang-Dan, upper class houses of Chosun Dynasty on the early and mid 16th century, are generally known as specific style houses among traditional residences in Korea. Architectural singularities of these two residences are summarized as double facades, uncertain circulation, self-secluding construction, dilemmatic structure, and rotative circulation that are far from architectonic principle of that time. Characters of Deconstructionist Art, deconstruction of binary oppositions, double session, displacement without reversal, and paradox, are very similar to those of two residences both as a material phenomenon and as a metaphysical idea. Thus, this paper attempt to analyze architectural singularities of Dok-Rak-Dang and Hyang-Dan with the perspective of Deconstructionist Art Theory.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Villa Mairea (1937-39) designed by Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) has been studied by many researchers from various viewpoints. However, few studies have devoted their attention to the major issue raised by Aalto at the Yale University lecture and "Mairea" article in arkitekten in 1939. The issue is to fuse art with life in the living room with mobile partition walls that can function both as art exhibition walls and as art storage cabinets at the same time. Through this device, he maintained, the client can change displayed pictures easily according to the situation and so "painting and everyday life can evolve in a more direct manner." This paper argues that Aalto's concept originated from Japanese 'tokonoma' in Tetsuro Yoshida's Das japanische Wohnhaus (1935), which he referred to during the project. Differently from other Japanese features in the house, this tokonoma idea is more than formal, but more decisive than passing in driving the plan. And, whether coincidently or not, his idea exactly corresponds to Japanese aesthetes' and critics' own interpretation of the tononoma as the symbolic centre of Japanese people's everyday life. More importantly, however, this art display concept discloses secret strata of modern architecture during the time when the petrified rationalism was still at its power Even through the tokonoma motif alone, we see diverse trails in modern architecture: fusion of the East and the West, fusion of the traditional and the modern, to say nothing of fusion of art with life.
        2006.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저작권 침해를 원인으로 하는 손해배상 청구소송에 있어서는 손해액의 입증이 용이하지 아니하여 저작권법은 제93조와 제94조에서 특칙을 두고 있다. 제93조 제1항은 침해자의 이익액을 손해액으로 추정하고, 제2항은 저작물에 대한 이용료 상당액을 손해액을 삼을 수 있도록 하고 있다. 이러한 특칙은 재산적 손해에 대해서만 적용되며 저작인격권과 관련하여서는 적용이 없다. 추정의 범위와 관련하여서는 손해의 발생까지를 추정하는 취지는 아니므로, 저작재산권자가 실제로 손해를 입은 것을 주장∙입증할 필요가 있다고 하는 견해가 다수설이다. 이익의 의미에 대해서는 한계이익설이 최근 많은 지지를 받고 있다. 저작재산권자가 실제로 저작물을 이용하고 있지 아니하여도 특칙을 적용받을 수 있으며, 침해품의 일부만이 저작재산권을 침해하는 경우에는 기여율을 고려한다는 견해가 유력하다. 이용료 상당액에 관해서는 간주규정으로 보아 실제 손해의 발생은 입증할 필요가 없다는 견해가 다수설을 차지한다. 이용료 상당액의 산정에 있어서는 실제의 저작물 이용계약이 가장 중요한 참고가 된다.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims at designing an accelerated life test sampling plan for bulk material and showing its application for an arc-welded gas pipe. It is an integrated model of the accelerated life test procedure and bulk sampling procedure. The accelerated life tests were performed by the regulation, RSD 0005 of ATS at KITECH and bulk sampling was used for acceptance. Design parameters might be total sample size(segments and increments), stress level and so on. We focus on deciding the sample size by minimizing the asymptotic variance of test statistic as well as satisfying consumer's risk under Weibull life time distribution with primary information on shape parameter.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        컴퓨터 하드웨어의 발전은 예술과 기술의 결합을 더욱 결속시키는 계기가 된다. 기계간의 상호작용에서 관객이 간섭할 수 있게 되면 그 결과물은 관객이 작품을 완성한다고 한다 기술의 업그레이드가 진화하며 재사용 되는 경우를 '피드백'이라 말할 수 있다. 백남준의 '참여 TV'는 기계가 인간의 행동에 반응하여 시지각 정보를 실시간으로 행위의 정도에 따라 반응하여 결과물을 보여주는 기본 방식을 갖춘 작품이다 댄 그래함의 작품에서 시공의 피드백을 경험할 수 있다. '연속되는 과거로 이루어지는 현재'라는 설치를 통해 관객의 영상이 거울에 피드백되는 상황 속에서 모니터에서는 5초 전 관객이 했던 영상을 재생시키는 장치를 하였다. 빌 비올라의 영상과 음향의 실시간 확대라는 점에서 감성을 자극하는 공명의 피드백을 일으키고 있는 작품처럼 우연의 시간과 관객의 등장을 바탕으로 한 작가의 철학이 읽혀지는 작품으로 승화되어야 하는 것이 현대 미디어 아트가 풀어 나가야 할 근본적인 화두이다. 스텔락은 몸과 기계 그리고 신경과 두뇌가 발생시키는 신호 체계에 많은 관심을 보였다. 미디어인 몸과 터미널 디스플레이 행위자로 결국 맥루한이 말한 몸의 확장으로서의 미디어 자체가 되었다. 제프리 쇼는 '명료한 도시 legible City'에서 관객의 몸이 관여하여 페달의 속도와 핸들의 움직임에 영상이 반응한다. 작품 'RE:MARK'는 에드몽 뀨쇼(Edmond Couchot)의 '바람에 심는다.' 나 백남준의 '참여 TV'에서 보여주었듯이 마이크를 입력장치로 사용하여 인터렉션을 유도하였다. 피아간의 피드백이 없으면 커뮤니케이션도 없다. 실감을 느끼는 관객들은 작품에 감동한다 피드백 현상이 자연스러워야 하는 이유이다. 작가 정신의 숭고한 고유-독창성(Originality)이 피드백의 경로를 투과하면서 자신을 남에게 투영시켜 얻어내는 것이 고유성의 변종이다. 피드백은 단순한 작품의 일부가 아니라 작품을 이루는 뼈대이다 기술의 과시만으로는 예술의 행위가 될 수 없다. 작가의 예술성이 관객의 감성에 피드백 되도록 노력해야 한다 그러기 위해서는 예정된 피드백이란 느낌을 관객이 갖지 않도록 하여야 한다. 인터렉티브 미디어 아트는 초기의 형태에서 벗어나 새로운 집적된 피드백 기술로 전환하여야 할 시기가 온 것이다.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the late decade of 1930, under the Japanese Imperialism, the Korean abstract art which was formed with affection by Japan and Europe. They say the early Korean abstract art is colonized, from a point that it derives from exterior impact. And they say also it is colonized not to be related to the representation of their own life world. On the other hand, the early Korean abstract art in 1930s is told as the prehistory of ‘Korean Modernism in Art’, which flourished in 1970s followed ‘Informal Art Movement’ in the late 1950s. Because the status of abstract art in 1930s was not more than a germ of ‘Korean Modernism in Art’, while they understand until 1950s as a period dominated by representational art based on Chosun Exhibition or Korean National Exhibition, the period until 1970s as a period ruled by abstract art which was accepted as ‘Korean Modernism in Art’, and the period after 1980s as a period by Min-jung Art and Post-Modernism Art. However, the historical value of Korean Abstract Art in 1930s cannot be passed over, if not trying to understand the development of ‘Korean Modernism in Art’ especially focusing on not their own history but the impact of Western and Japanese art. In the late colonial period, the Korean early abstract art was the strongest utterance of the time paradoxically, even if not related much to optical representation of the Korean subjectivity. Therefore the existing viewpoints about the early Korean abstract art should be changed.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As biennale exhibitions has been expanded into all of the world since 1990s, these trends of blockbuster exhibitions have caused several problems. For instance, some major curators monopolized most global size exhibitions despite of a variety of cultural and historical backgrounds. Besides, due to a strong connection between these curators and their own artists, the young emerging artists’ opportunities tend to be reduced as a result of the power game. In addition, major curators’ power have influence on the exhibition style as well as on the theme itself. Some artists who did not involved that kind of huge scale exhibitions dispute that the direction of the exhibition is concentrating on the curator’s interest instead of artists or viewers. Although these dissatisfactions could not portray correctly the process of organizing and managing system of a biennale exhibition, those biennale exhibitions held in recent have shown tautologic discourses without any passion and positive attitude direct to the exploitation of our society as a vanguard. In the process of comparing several kinds of biennale exhibitions, I could find that some artists who participated several biennale exhibitions at the same time did not present their creative vision, although the triumph of an exhibition was typically measured by the amount of visitors. Thus, the aim of this article is to prove that the biennale can show us new cultural discourse as well as progressive method of understanding our times. Is biennale producing the real ‘global standard’? If biennale has done it, could this global standard present up-to-date paradigm for the unique exhibition system? Is biennale providing an useful opportunity for the understanding and communicating of contemporary art through the re-contextualization which is pronounced by the publicity of curator and organizing committee? How can we find the distinctive strategy from each biennale exhibition including Venice Biennale? Biennale, as a blockbuster exhibition, always requires a degree of hype, otherwise it would not be a special event and would not attract a big enough audience. It is the actual reason why major biennale exhibitions seem to be similar artistic events. Unfortunately, it seems that the excess of biennale exhibitions might bring about the lack of contents. In this case, the biennale syndrome would being a kind of the center of poverty, in spite of the visual splendor. After all, following the global standard may not be a matter of great importance now. What really matters is how each biennale exhibition which started under the different conditions can search their own identity.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the evaluation of its intellectual activities and abilities is done by curator’s capabilities, planning exhibition is very important as the final result achieved by their own knowledge, information, and research. ARPA(Advanced Research Project on Arts) is suggested as the system which enables curators responding simultaneously to the society in the times, based on its special characteristics. If this system settles well, which means that the curators at NMCA(National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea) play their roles as the professionals in each of their fields, the goal of consolidating the status of museum as the representative national museum, and building up competent department of curators, will be achieved at the same time. To clarify above, the curators set up the various assignments of research about the types of arts such as painting, Korean painting, sculpture, installation, new-media, design, craft, photogarphy, architecture, etc. And they establish the art objects classified by the regions, such as the Northern American, Southern American, European, Asian, and other Third World countries. They elaborate art objects more on the history, the work, the artist, and the issue of contemporary art. Furthermore, when the curators devote deeper study to those research subjects, they can have the opportunities to design an exhibition upon the research.Today, the museum of art is ‘The Place for Communication and Encounter’, it is regarded important to share the aesthetical, creative values with current artists, and to understand mutually with the spectators. It is needed to improve the curator’s work, in order to meet the demands of the times and even to advance. Because the form of ‘exhibition’ is the tool that reveals the identity NMCA aiming at, the motivation, the development, and the realization should be leaded by the curators, who are the mainstream of the museum. ARPA is a system for identifying the exhibition like mentioned above . The main purpose of this system is to produce synergy effect, having the researching, collecting work in liaison with planning exhibition. ARPA will be able to improve the quality of exhibition through the way of developing the exhibition, passing through the stable process in the long run. So far, I have referred to a new paradigm of the exhibition design at NMCA via ARPA. Yet, there still remain missions in reality, such as analyzing the previous exhibition and reshuffling personnel and system, which should be done. When these matters settled, these plans would be suggested practically. At this point, it is the most significant that NMCA is attempting to let others aware of the importance of exhibition planning based on research. when the ARPA and exhibition planning is conjoined together successfully, the competent exhibition will be achieved, which can offer a meaningful exhibition to the art world, strengthen infra structure thru exchanging with public museum in the region, and eventually, establish a network with museum in foreign countries.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For us, any regional art exist? Almost all art events today take place mostly in Seoul. Concentrating on the reinforcement of its power, the regional art world remains isolated without any connection with the Seoul art community. It is completely closed off from the central art scene. The regional art world seems to consider that more helpful in consolidating its status. It is in real sense suffering the absence of art criticism and art media, lack of an understanding of art and backwardness of art education. Many regional artists are dreaming of moving out from their domain, aspiring to be a member of the central art world. They make an effort to assimilate into a refined, modern style of the central art circle, rather than striving to create works imbued with regionality and locality. As the artists living in the provinces, the characteristics of their district should be above all else reflected in their art. Although they are less informed about the latest trend of culture and art, their art has to be something passionately and obstinately embodying the intrinsic quality of their regions. They have to find a practical solution more positively, instead of merely complaining about the poor condition of the regional art community. There is the need to bring about a turnabout in our awareness that regional art is confined to any limit and cannot be in the center of the entire art world. What’s most significant is to dissolve factionalism and not to depend on school ties or regional networks. As a reaction against authoritarianism, regional art has to put emphasis on attaining its originality. For this, regional art should respect regional tradition, history and background and break away from an old convention of wielding power.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 작가의 개념과 계획에 의한 주관적 연출로 대부분 이루어지는 식음 테이블 데커레이션에 대한 작가와 관람자 상호 호응의 관계를 형성하기 위한 유도로서 관람자의 선호요인, 즉 선호 디자인, 디자인이미지, 디자인요소 간의 인과관계를 파악하고자 한다. 이를 위한 실증연구로 off-line의 대인 면접에 의한 일대일로 설문 조사하여 필요한 정보를 획득하여, 분석하였으며, 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 식음 테이블 데커레이션의 관람자 선호도에 대한 조사 분석으로는 조화로운, 따뜻한, 여성적인의 디자인 이미지의 유사색 조화가 선호되었다 디자인 선호도와 상관관계가 높은 이미지 형용사는 '조화로운과 조화롭지 않은'으로, '조화로운'의 디자인 요소는 유사 색 조화로 '조화롭지 않은'은 혼합 색 조화로 나타났다 따라서 '색채'가 선호 디자인 요소로서 가장 중요하게 부각되었다.
        2005.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 전자상거래나 웹 컨텐츠 사이트가 늘어나면서 웹 로그 정보를 분석하여 사용자 행동 패턴이나 사이트 구조를 분석하기 위한 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 웹 사이트에 접속함으로써 발생되는 누적된 로그를 데이터 마이닝 기법을 이용하여 사용자 행동 패턴을 분석하여 효과적으로 이용하려는 연구는 다양한 웹 컨텐츠 정보 안에서 고객이 진정으로 원하는 정보를 얻기까지 소요되는 시간과 노력을 절약하기 위한 고객 지원 서비스의 차원에서 중요한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 연구들 또한 개인화와 고객의 구매성향의 변화에 대한 실시간 대응이라는 두 가지 관점에서 해결방안을 동시에 제시하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 ART2 신경망 알고리즘을 통해 실시간적이고 방대한 량의 웹 로그 데이터를 효과적으로 군집화하기 위하여 군집화 특성을 평가하고자 한다.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pushover analysis is becoming a popular tool for seismic design of building structures. In this paper the state-of-art on static nonlinear analysis of building structures is presented with the emphasis on the effects of analysis parameters; i. e., lateral load patterns, modeling of members, and analysis computer programs. The analysed results may have variation even if a same structure is analysed. This paper is to investigate how large the variation is and what the main causes of the variation are. The difference of analysed results, the resultant variation of lateral story shear force and flexural strength of structural members are discussed. The pushover analysis procedure are routinely used in the seismic design of building structures, but some problems must yet be clarified, such as the effects to evaluate the parameters of analysis on the basis of a lateral load patterns and modeling of members.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study researched the art-educational thoughts as a modern idea influenced with the social and philosophical transitions in the 19th century. Moreover, this study focused on Frank Lloyd Wright's educational thoughts, because those educational revolutions had appeared as one of the results that Western society's character was rapidly changed by those revolutions, so called, Industrial Revolution, American and French Revolution, and Cultural Revolution of Romanticism, from late 18th century, and eventually because that revolutionary educational ideas had closely and basically many relations with Wright's thought. As a result, even though Wright's education such an apprenticeship was a traditional shape, which was not the old-fashioned educational method discipling to the skillful man, but against the existing education through the self-learning from experiences in nature. That is similar to transcendentalists such as Emerson who searched for having an inspiration in Nature. Namely, Wright himself had struggled against the existing dualistic educational concepts through Wright's monistic thoughts on art-education including architecture based on not naturalism but the philosophy of nature by romantic idealistic philosophers such as Shelling, Fickle, Kant, Hegel including with his Master, Sullivan, and by revolutionary educators such as Freobel, Ruskin, Dewey, and above all by his Unitarian doctrine. However, Wright's thoughts was at that time so radical, and as Wright himself acknowledged that, 'because the philosophy back of it, of course, as you know, is midway I guess between East and West', such all philosophical objects to influence on Wright were so abstruse idea which is usually called 'Romantic' or 'Mystic' that is mingled with East's and West's essence. That is, because Wright himself catched that the theories and methods of the art-educational thoughts would not be easily perceived, and he judged that in a word as a character which could not be taught. After all, Wright's romantic progressivist art-educational thoughts have not been perceived, disseminated in general and widely.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the role of interpretation with various practices in art museums to seek a new meaning and a concept of art museum today. The exploration of interpretation would be a starting point to discuss about on art museums with professionals in each art-related field. While museums recognize the concept of interpretation and the scope of the functions in different levels, the study focused on the practices of collecting and exhibiting that will entrust the museum new realms of activities toward the audience. In particular, its emphases are set force on the information on the collections via the museum’s web sites, interpretation policies, and theories and methodologies in exhibition development. Art museum websites well reflect how museums utilize the new medium to enhance the understanding of art works by providing in-depth art historical information, comprehensive contexts, and subject/concept based search methods. In recent decades, these have enacted changes to expand dimensions of interpretive functions in most museums, particularly in the United States and others. In an administrative perspective, Tate Gallery Interpretation Policy became an good example how an art museum put its interpretation philosophy as the basis of interpreting collection and public programs. Tate established functions of intrepretation and education not only within a task-based team but also as an intrer-divisional coorperation to provide an interpretation scheme of information provisions such as guide brochure, audio tour, multimedia content, and library. New environment and trends of museum exhibition, and its development processes stem from communication theories, object interpretation philosophy, display strategies, and various evaluation techniques through audiences. With the communication theories of Shannon and Weaver, Berlo’s SMCR(Source-Message-Channel-Receiver) models were perceived as to understand the mechanism to communicate museum exhibits to visitors. Suzan vogel’s insight into object display strategy helped to conceive the mechanism of object recontextualization. She emphasized that the museum’s practice to construe opinions and impressions through object display should be discreet and critical. therefore, the professionals to plan the exhibition should reveal the intention and their practices. For a prevailing new methodology from the field, the interpretive exhibition development processes are articulated as the front-end, formative, and summative evaluation, futhermore the team process in industrial product management models was adapted. These have turned out to be more interactive with visitors and effective to communicate the exhibition concepts and messages, hence resulting in enriched museum experiences. Finally the study concluded that understanding the aspects of interpretation should help art museums to set a framework for current practices to expand its public dimension. It can provide curators with a critical view to website planning and its content. And obviously, the interpretive exhibition development methodology will lead museum exhibition developers to be skilled in its current approaches to thematic exhibition concerning diverse subjects and topics.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Compared to the influences of Korean art journalism, the researches on them are rarely conducted. This study aims to examine the influence of art journalism in art magazines in Korea. Although it is essential to consider media, journalism, public opinion altogether, I focused only on the media due to the absence of previous studies. I have analyzed the current conditions of korean art journalism, types of feature articles, sponsors, their relations with articles, and the comparison with foreign art journalism in terms of production conditions. There have been about one hundred art magazines published in previous sixty years and currently there are twenty three. Monthly periodicals are the majority; the publishers are sorted out as publishing houses, galleries, newspaper company in order; specialized art magazines developed from the eighties. Through an examination of feature articles in these art magazines, I found that they repeated similar art issues and covered the same artists, sponsors and articles. Moreover, when the magazines went through the conflicts between managers and editors, the ascendency of managers obstructed the development of art journalism regarding journal quality. These days, art journalism have been comparatively regressed compared to other art systems such as art museums, curatorship, international art festivals, distributions and art promotion policies. The main causes for failure were the lack of professional management, the limited effort to diversify sponsors, and the repetition of the same informants and events without making an effort to be specialized. Magazines are published media which contribute to the creation of culture, distribution, and preservation. Therefore art magazines can be said the most influential media in forming art culture and distributing it. It is quite necessary to reform the problems of repeating of information and the lack of speciality in conjunction with the commitment of management and editorialship.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Studies on western art in Korea has been caught in a dilemma that they could deal with only those things which had been arranged according to their ‘historical generalization’ in their contexts because of the bounds of time and space. It is not trivial that such conditions affect art studies in Korea. Access to the original texts and to their contexts of production is so restricted that the studies on them are prone to be superficial. And it is not independent on the politics of Korean art scene. Such factors are on the background of Korean art’s excessive ‘assimilation or accordance’ with western art. The domestic studies on western art history and art theory have failed to notice the differences in context and Korean art has simply mediated or reproduced the restricted information by those studies. Also the studies on western art in Korea have been made use of as a justifying method of one’s own academic domains. In such situations we should lead the studies on western art history and western art theory to a more reflective direction and confirm that the studies should not have any privileges of the realities. And we should try to reform a scholarship which participates in our life and existence. The field of domestic studies on western art history and western art theory should free itself from the invention of objectivity or the neutrality of mechanical reading and turn its eyes to the realities of life where events happens. Constantly suggesting which way Korean art and world art should go has to be the field’s new coordinates.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It has been frequently pointed out that the established art history with the stylistic and iconographic interpretations and monographic analysis is fallen behind the currency of modern art. Among those who claimed the crisis in the discipline of art history, there is a suggestion that the art historical study should be fostered by other factors in the fields of the humanities. The so called New Art History or ‘Visual Culture Studies’ insists that art history has to be restructured to integrate the broader study of culture and society, and by now, such an opinion is not a novelty at all. One of the most significant yet overlooked elements that induced the new currency of art history is properties of contemporary art that conflict the traditional claim of art historians. Although the idea that art is not purely aesthetic but that it has many other functions has been brought up by the art historians, it was the artists that provoked such a perception. When Arthur C. Danto and Hans Belting proclaimed the End of Art and Art History in the 1980s, the concept of art has been changed radically through the avant-garde tendency of Modernism and a new pluralism of Postmodernism. One dominant concern that strikes art historians is to find a new approach to art, since the traditional method and goal of analysis for past art and past art history seem unavailable. The perplexity arising from the situation is intensified in the field of teaching art, especially for those who teach art history in art school. Basically art history is a pursuit of learning of art in history, and its purpose is to reconcile the present with the past and the future as well. Since Modernism, as it is confusing sometimes because it implies the present state, somehow art became considered ‘tradition-less’. It does not mean that a work of art stands aloof from the past attainments, but modern art imposed itself on a task seeking after the new for its own sake, turning its back on the tradition. And now in the era of Postmodernism, art historians face the requirement to revaluate the whole history of art including modernism. The necessity of art history in art education is indisputable, but methods and contents in the academic courses should be reexamined now. Because artists’ concept of history and past art has been altered, and art history as a humanistic discipline can only maintain its identity through incorporation with art itself. Academics teaching art history, or, strictly speaking, past works of art and history, to the student in art school, confront with the need to rethink the object of art history and its meaning to the artists.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recycling cell formation problem means that disposal products are classified into recycling product families using group technology in their end-of-life phase. Disposal products have the uncertainties of product condition usage influences. Recycling cells are formed considering design, process and usage attributes. In this paper, a new approach for the design of cellular recycling system is proposed, which deals with the recycling cell formation and assignment of identical products concurrently. Fuzzy ART neural networks are applied to describe the condition of disposal product with the membership functions and to make recycling cell formation. The approach leads to cluster materials, components, and subassemblies for reuse or recycling and can evaluate the value at each cell of disposal products. Disposal refrigerators are shown as an example.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Orientalness is a concept that express the collective identity of the Orient in relation to the West. THe concept itself is mutable and defined by the relationship between the two regions art different points in time. Changes in the concept depend on a number of factors, such as cultural influence, the political balance of power between the two regions, and on the interpretative sheme that defines the relationship. In addition, the geographical notion of the concept evolves culturally, socially and politically. During this process, Oriental-ness becomes Oriental-ism art times. I will attempt to survey and measure the progression of Orientalness from its emergence in early 17th century to its subsequent tranformation in modern Korea as reflected in art theory and art works. The recognition of the comparative characteristics of Oriental art began when the Orient was exposed to the art of the West in the late Ming dynasty during the early 17th century. The changes in the artistic climate in China affected the late Chosun. I will start with a brief introduction of this time and the birth of Orientalness. The concept gradually changed during the period of Enlightenment(開化期) towards the end of the 19th century, and during the colonial period(1910-1945) it took on a new form. Establishment of the concept of "Orient" as a single, unifying concept spanning across cultures and national boundaries has been attributed to late Meiji period Japan, whose intention at that time is believed to have been to build a pan-Asia(亞細亞) empire with Japan at its commandinf center. IT has been stressed that the real motive behind the formation of one single cultural unit, where the shared common written language was Chinese and Confucianism and Taoism were the common metaphysical traditions, was to build one political unit. WHen the notion of a geographical unit of Asia was replaced by the cencept of Asia as a cultural and political unit, a massive growth of interest and discourse were provoked around the concept of Orientalism. When Orientalism was being formulated, Korea automatically became member of "one Asia" when the country became colonized. For Koreans, the identity of the Orient had ti be defined in ciltural terms, as the political notion of a nation was non-existent at that time. THe definition if udentity was pursued at two levels, pan-Asia and local. If Orientalism was an elite discourse centered in pan-Asian philosophical and religious trditions, localized Orientalism was a popular dis-course emphasizing locality as the byproduct of natural geographic condition. After the liveration in 1945 from colonial rule, a thrust of movement across towards political nationalism. Two types of discourses on Orientalism, elite and popular, continued as central themes in art. Despite the effort to redefine the national identity by eradicating the cultural language of the colonial past, the past was enduring well into the present time. As discussed above, even when the paintinf themes were selected from Korean history, the tradition of usinf history paintinf as a manifestation of political policy to glorify the local identity had its founding during the Meiji period. THe elevation of folk art to the level of high art also goes back to the colonial promotion of local color and local sentiment. Again, the succession of the past (colonial) ideal was defended as the tradition assumed a distict modern shape that was abstract in style. The concept of the "Orient" is of relative and changing nature. It was formulated in relation to Western culture or civilization. Whatever the real motive of the adoption of them had been, the superiority of the Orient was emphasized at all times. The essence of the Orient was always perceived as the metaphysical tradition as a way to downgrade Western culture as materialistic. This view still prevails and the principle of Orient was always sought in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Even when Orientalism was employed by imperialist Japan in an effort to establish her position as the center of the Orient, the spiritual source was still in Chinese philosophy and religion. In art also, the Chinese literati tradition became the major platform for elite discourse. Orientalism was also degined locally, and the so-called local color was pursued in terms of theme and style. Thus trend continued despite the effort to eradicate the remnants of colonial culture long after the aesthetic ideal of the modern Korean art.