
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 87

        2007.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study tried to identify the job stress characteristics of female bank workers and the relationship between their stress and symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). The total number of 587 female bank tellers have been participated in this study. Specifically, questionnaire surveys regarding job stress and MSDs symptoms were conducted. On the basis of the results from the survey using Korean version of job stress questionnaire with 24 questions, stress scores associated with job requirement and job flexibility were relatively high. The job stress levels regarding job demand, organizational system, occupational climate at the work place were relatively high for the full time workers while the job stress levels regarding insufficient job control, job stability, interpersonal conflict, lack of reward were relatively high for the part time worker. The workers with longer total work years had relatively high job stress associated with interpersonal conflict, and organizational system while the workers with longer work years at the current job had relatively high job stress associated with occupational climate. Also, the workers with longer working hours a day had relatively high job stress associated with job demand, interpersonal conflict, organizational system, and occupational climate. According to the relationship identified in this study, symptoms at the neck, shoulder, hand, low back. leg were associated with the stress levels in terms of job flexibility, interpersonal conflict, job requirement, job stability. In conclusion, female bank workers are exposed to job stress due to their specific job characteristics and there has been certain relationships between their job stress and MSDs symptoms.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article explores Yeats's “A Woman Young and Old.” All the poems in the series “A Woman Young and Old" were written between 1926 and 1929. During this time Yeats was lamenting the vulgarity of hegemonic Irish culture. This series poems described feminine sexuality in the social and cultural repression of women. The sequence of eleven poems deal with the problems of female body and desire in a repressive society. In these poems Yeats insisted on the beauty or importance of feminine sexuality and sexual desire. “A Woman Young and Old” takes up Yeats's metaphysical questions - eternal beauty, the relationship between body and soul, the interdependence of sexual love and spiritual hate. Feminine sexuality is the mark of the rebellion against conventional social and cultural frame. Yeats's female personae embody a sacred sexuality and Yeats's sexual frankness close to a sexual mysticism. Feminine sexuality and desiring female bodies are defiantly asserted, and asserted specifically as transgressions, because they are precisely what is forbidden. In this series poems the female body and desire is expressed in Yeats's criticism of the repressive sexual morality and culture of the Irish society, especially the Catholic Church. Linking of feminine sexuality and the sacred indicates Yeats's critique of Catholic Irishness. The speakers of the female sequence are embattled with a social and symbolic order that seeks to confine them. Yeats described sexual freedom and defiance against the authority and opposition in patriarchal society. Yeats's increasingly explicit emphasis on feminine sexuality and sexual desire at that time. Whereas Irish Catholicism viewed the desires of the body as threats to the soul, for Yeats the two were interdependent. Yeats insisted that “the love of man and woman, and inseparable physical desire, are sacred”(UPII, 451). This article tries to show how Yeats's of awareness of feminine sexuality is linked with a sexual mysticism and the sacred. Yeats connected women's body and desire with a sexual mysticism and the sacred in such a bold and defiant way.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여성의 사회적 참여와 경제적 지위가 높아지면서 소비 주체이자 유행을 선도하는 트렌드 창조자로서 '여성'이 부상하고 있다. 즉, 이제는 '여성'을 제품개발의 한 축으로 인식하고, 여성적 감성을 담아 낼 수 있는 제품 개발과 전략이 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구에서는 최근 디지털 제품을 중심으로 부각되고 있는 '여성성'을 사회·문화적·경제·마케팅적 측면에서 그 배경을 살펴보고, 개발사례를 중심으로 여성적 디자인의 특징을 분석하였다. 또한 실제 제품개발과 연계하여 여성소비자의 소비성향 및 라이프스타일, 선호 제품스타일 등을 분석하였으며, 이를 반영하여 여성층을 겨냥한 감성오디오를 개발하였다. 궁극적으로 여성 지향적 제품개발의 필요성을 제기하고, 여성적 감성을 반영하기 위한 제품디자인 방향에 대하여 연구하였다.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study seeks to classify the skin types and determined the relation between the dietary habit and preference of foods targeting college women in Daegu and Gyeong-Buk Province. Skin types of the subjects were 31% of combination skin, 25% of dry skin and 22% of normal, oily skin. College women mostly had two meals a day, and those who had less frequent meals developed more combination skin. Many of them did not exercise, and women with normal skin who did not exercise showed the lowest at 13.9%, supporting the significance (p<.05). It was exposed that don't have breakfast and have irregular meal and don't have easy meal in all skin types. Instant foods was exposed that ingested the most in dry skin and the least in oily skin, supporting the significance(p<.05) and fruit or vegetable ingested much in dry skin. It was exposed that considered atmosphere at meal and meal helps in health in all skin types, normal skin type considered balanced diets the most and supporting the significance(p<.01) Food preference in all skin types showed the strongest in drinks and showed strong in greenish yellow vegetables, fruits, confectioneries, drinks, milk and dairy goods. On the other hand, it showed low in nuts and salted fishes. In sum, regular and balanced meals give the skin a healthy status, and intake of protein, vitamins and minerals has impact on the skin status. Thus, sufficient quality nutrition is crucial in staying a healthy skin.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여성범죄자 고유의 특성과 욕구, 강점, 및 문제점에 기인하여 기존 남성중심의 교정처우와는 다른 성별 중심의 교정 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 여성과 남성의 차이점을 학습과정, 관계형성 방식, 범죄경로, 생활여건 측면에서 비교하면 여성범죄자를 위한 성-적합 교정 프로그램은 특히 타인 및 가족과의 관계형성이 지속적으로 유지되는 지역사회 교정 측면에서 더욱 중요하다 하겠다. 본 논문은 지역사회에서 보호관찰을 받고 있는 여성범죄자 149명의 특성을 분석하여 이들에 대한 성-적합 교정모형을 위한 기본원리를 제시하려는 의도로 진행되었다. 전체 여성범죄자를 10대 청소년집단과 사기ㆍ횡령집단, 폭력집단, 절도집단 네 그룹으로 구분하여 프로파일한 결과 연령과 범죄유형에 따라 가출, 약물, 흡연, 거주지, 경제상황 등의 변수가 집단에 따라 서로 다른 것으로 나타났다. 성-적합 교정모형 개발은 기본이념과 안전성(safety), 관계성(connection), 강점(empowerment)을 강조하는 환경여건, 그리고 인지ㆍ정서ㆍ행동 변화를 필요로 하는 운영기준, 성-적합 교정모형에 적합한 개별 평가 항목이 요구되는 것으로 나타났다. 일반화된 성-적합 교정모형원리에 근거하여 지역사회 교정 분야는 물론 향후 수강명령과 사회봉사명령과 같은 세부집행 프로그램에서도 다양한 성-적합 교정 프로그램이 지속적으로 개발, 평가, 연구되어야 할 것이다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeats suffered greatly from the love affair with Maud Gonne but particularly from the contradiction that she manifested. The poet devoted his love and poems to her in vain. But the contradiction is not peculiar or unique problems to Yeats but all men in Western patriarchal tradition. Indeed women for men are figuring simultaneously as madonna and whore, angel and beast. Because the woman has the power to provoke the tumult of desire in man and to gain over him through the desire, the men is afraid of being weaken by her, infected with her feminity and of then showing himself incapable or castrated. The fact that woman from a phallocentric viewpoint appears to be castrated is as reassuring for men as it is alarming. On the one hand, he projects her as lack and sees himself completed in her, thus confirming male hegemony. On the other hand, the so-called castrated woman can reflect back to man a dangerous paradox: if she had been castrated, then his own possession of a penis was in danger by her. In order not to be a paralyzing threat, a woman must have phallic attributes and must become the phallic woman idealized beyond sexuality. The phallic woman is thus fantasized by the man as a defense against castration anxiety. Representation of the phallic woman, he believes, protects him against doubts about his masculinity. Making her like a man conserves the man’s narcissism. The ambiguous nature of the woman is well presented in Yeats’s “Presences.” Here Yeats categorizes the woman as archetypes “harlot,” “child,” and “queen.” And their seductive “rustle of lace or silken stuff” evokes a contradictory femaleness over which he has no rights and which can move rapidly from vulnerable to ruthless, even turning that very vulnerability into a disturbing power over him. In “A Bronze Head,” the woman representative of Maud Gonne remains mysterious and inaccessible, overflowing the ‘images’ and ‘forms’ in which he tries to capture her. In “No Second Troy,” Yeats blames Maud Gonne for her violent political action, perhaps because she cannot be desexualized, idealized, or fetishized fully as he wishes. One of the reasons that Yeats is desperate to prevent the woman from being involved in the politics is that for Yeats the ideal form of a woman would not allow for difference to infiltrate the idealized autonomy. In this sense Yeats prays for his daughter to be the woman with nature of mindless organic spontaneity and for her bridegroom to bring her to a house of custom and ceremony. The idealization of the woman as nature into civilization, however, will not entirely do because it inescapably exposed to the fearful power of death. As Freud argues in Civilization and its Discontents, Eros’s sublimation of the nature into civilization inevitably exhausts its power, which leaves it vulnerable to Thanatos that then threatens to destroy the social order one has so laboriously constructed. The dilemma of sublimation is well explicated in Yeats’s “Mediations in Time of Civil War“ where he perceives the conflict between insistent demands of death drive and the inhibitory requirements of civilization. “Leda and the Swan” shows that the phallic civilization is born together with the brute power of violence and destruction that is to threaten all the social orders. By desexualizing, idealizing, or sublimating the woman, the man may reduce the horror of castration. But his attempt is radically self-defeating and self-undoing, for the more he sublimates her, the more likely she becomes the destroyer of ideal orders. Because of this paradox, the woman remains ontological aphoria to Yeats.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To Yeats, as Mario Praz remarks in The Romantic Agony, sex was “the mainspring of works of imagination”(vx). This paper is an attempt to read Yeats’s “A Woman Young and Old” in terms of poetic representations of feminine sexuality and gender. All written in years 1929 through 1931, the sequence of eleven poems deal with the problems of female body and desire in a repressive patriarchal society. The first and introductory part of the paper briefly surveys the social and cultural background of the poems. The centrality of the subject of feminine sexuality and gender in these poems shows that Yeats saw the social and cultural repression of women and their sexual desire as one of the serious and urgent problems facing Ireland at that time. In Ireland of the 1920s, where the new national frame was being created under the hegemony of the Catholic Church and the middle class, the general attitude toward the women’s position and role and their sexual expression was very conservative and repressive. The main part of the paper closely reads the poems of the sequence, from “Father and Child” in which a daughter boldly asserts sexual freedom in defiance of her father’s opposition and criticism, to “From the ‘Antigone’” which shows another daughter defying the authority of king for the sake of filial love and the freedom of conscience. In reading the poems, this paper tries to show how Yeats’s awareness and affirmation of the female body and desire is expressed in his criticism of the repressive sexual morality and culture of the Irish society, especially the Catholic Church. In opposition to that sexually repressive and ascetic culture, he shows women’s body and sexual desire in such a bold and affirmative way that the poetic expression itself turns out to be an effective critique of that culture.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It might seem quite strange to look for the image of an ideal woman in “A Prayer for my Daughter”. But Yeats would have wanted his daughter to lead such an ideal life, regardless of the circumstances in which she was placed, for Europe at that time was on the verge of war. And so we can easily surmise her future image would be that of an ideal woman. Though we are likely to misunderstand that Maud Gonne was the ideal beautiful woman, the image which appears in the poem is not certainly that of Maud Gonne. She appears to be a woman whose life was ruined as a result of her outward appearance. Therefore, the poet prays for his daughter to be beautiful, but not too beautiful to distraught stranger’s eye or too beautiful to become proud of her beauty in appearance itself. Yeats emphasizes a good and kind heart. He found an example of that in Olivia Shakespear. She seldom appears in Yeats’s poetry or prose, but in some letters we can find she played an important role in Yeats’s life. After her death, Yeats wrote to Dorothy Wellesley that she had been the centre of his life in London for more than forty years. During those many years they enjoyed a close friendship. Yeats’s wife, George Hyde Lees, was a good wife and it is very hard to think of Yeats’s later poetry without her. After his marriage, he felt that he was satisfied and at peace, for his wife was considerate and self-sacrificing. The good and kind heart of both his wife and Olivia Shakespear has become an indispensable factor for his depiction of this image of an ideal woman. Yeats believed Lady Gregory was like his mother, friend, sister and brother. She became to Yeats an ideal aristocratic image. The poet explains her state in terms of a linnet, the Horn of Plenty and a hidden laurel tree, which mean kindness, wealth and custom respectively. Even though his daughter has an aristocratic attitude, she will lead a comfortable life, for she has a generous spirit which originated from ceremony and custom. In conclusion, we can say that Yeats developed this image of an ideal woman from the persons he knew well. He desires that his daughter has somewhat less beauty than Maud Gonne, such sincere and good heart as his wife and Olivia Shakespear, and the wealthy and generous spirit of Lady Gregory. He has certainly produced a “Unity of Being” in this poem.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        마리 당티에르는 16세기 종교개혁이라는 대격변의 시기에 자신이 옳다 고 믿는 진리를 온몸으로 외치며 살았던 평신도 여성 개혁자였다. 마리는 한편으로는 오직 성서의 원리에 근거하여 로마가톨릭교회의 잘못된 신학과 실천을 비판하고 프로테스탄트 신앙을 대안으로 제시한 종교개혁자였으며, 다른 한편으로는 만인제사장 원리에 기초하여 남성중심적인 기존 질 서에 대항한 여성 권리의 옹호론자로 아마도 시대를 앞서간 페미니스트가 아닐까 싶다. 이와 같이 마리는 프로테스탄트 신앙과 여성 권리를 옹호하는 “이중의 개혁”을 주창하였다. 필자는 먼저 마리 당티에르가 활동했던 16세기 제네바의 역사적 상황을 개관할 것이다. 당시의 제네바의 역사적 맥락을 아는 것은 마리의 사상을 이해하는 중요한 첫걸음이 될 것이다. 그런 다음 필자는 마리의 대표적 저술인 『편지』에 주목할 것이다. 『편지』의 배경, 내용, 중심사상 등을 살펴보면서 마리가 프로테스탄트 종교개혁자인 동시에 페미니스트였음을 논증할 것이다. 또한 제네바의 대표적 개혁자였던 칼뱅과 마리의 관계에 대해서도 살펴볼 것이다. 마리 당티에르라는 여성의 목소리를 복원함으로써 그동안 묻혀 있던 16세기 여성 개혁자의 새로운 면모를 발견하고, 이를 통해 종교 개혁을 보다 온전하고 균형 있게 해석할 수 있는 계기가 되기를 기대한다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A 40-year-old G1 P0 L0 A1 woman was referred to our clinic with 6-year history of infertility. Before visiting the clinic, she had 3 cycles of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedures (2 cycles of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation-IVF and 1 cycle of frozen-thawed Embryo Transfer (ET)) at other clinic. She had medical history of abortion at early gestation following FET (frozen-thawed-ET). The patient had complete type of septate uterus, double cervix and longitudinal vaginal septum. Vaginal septotomy was done first and 1 month later, hysteroscopic septoplasty was followed using ballooning filled with dye. After septoplasty, we inserted ballooning and left for several days to compress septal endometrium on the septectomy area. All procedures were done in the ambulatory operating room without laparoscopy or admission. 3 months later, she had in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and FET procedures in our clinic. She had successful pregnancy and now is at 22 weeks of gestation. New ambulatory septoplasty using dye-filled ballooning is easy, safe and minimally invasive surgery for treatment of complete septate uterus.
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