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        검색결과 1,537

        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships among English learners’ motivation, strategies and achievement, with a group of 51 Korean three-year college students. The students responded to the questionnaire of learning motivation and strategies. Also they took a mock TOEIC. Multiple regression analysis allowed for the analysis of learners’ motivation and strategies to predict a single dependent variable, their English achievement. The findings revealed that, first, ‘internal motivation’ was found the highest predictor of their English study, while ‘instrumental motivation-individual’ was the lowest motivation type for students. Second, participants used ‘social strategies’ most frequently in studying English, and they used the others in the order of ‘compensation strategies’, ‘affective strategies’, ‘cognitive strategies’, ‘memory strategies’ and ‘metacognitive strategies’. Last, the impact of learning motivation and strategies on the TOEIC scores was not statistically significant, but the relationship of learning motivation and strategies was found to be positive. Implications for the practical classroom and suggestions for further research are suggested.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores how the shared reflections of two university instructors influenced their approaches and perspectives of English language teaching. The primary source of data was derived from the two teachers’ e-mail mediated, collaborative reflective journals and two dialogical interviews served as a secondary data source. A qualitative, narrative inquiry approach was employed to gather data in a direct and in-depth way. The data were selectively coded to investigate the teacher’s reported beliefs, behaviors, and interactions as well as how they relate to the process of professional development. The findings indicate that the process of sharing and reflecting upon their pedagogical philosophy and strategies supported their ongoing efforts to develop professionally. Moreover, this study addresses the notion that more attention should be paid towards improving reflective teaching among teachers as a means of enhancing professional development.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores how experiential knowledge (EK) and received knowledge (RK) are integrated in pre-service language teachers’ written reflections to solve pedagogical problems, adopting constantcomparative analysis method outside of Grounded Theory. For this end, forty-one entries of reflective journals, written for problem solving by seven pre-service English teachers in Korea, were collected in a course entitled ‘English Language Teaching Theory into Practice’. One month after the course ended, each entry was re-reflected by the participants to identify whether it inclucded their EK and RK. All the statements in each entry, which had been reported to include EK or RK explicitly or implicitly, were repeatedly read until themes related to problem solution emerged. The results show that EK and RK can be significant resources in the practice of reflection for problem solving. However, the results also indicate the difference: EK is more applicable for the statements of a basis of problem determination or of a cause of a problem while RK is more employed to state a solution to a problem. Implications of this study were presented and discussed.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Much research has not been conducted on how classroom-based research articles concerning teaching effectiveness in the ESL/EFL classroom have changed over time, in spite of deep interest in the field. Therefore, this study aims to examine the characteristics of research articles on effective teaching in the ESL/EFL classroom, focusing specifically on articles from TESOL Quarterly. For this purpose, this study searched articles using three key terms; effective teaching, ESL/EFL, and activity. Articles which included those terms were investigated, depending on research topic and publication year, and four key facts were found; the importance of teachers’ input (older articles), a focus on group or peer work (newer articles), teachers’ education, and the use of students’ native languages. While students preferred teachers’ reliable and explicit input in the past, modern articles tended to recommend more frequent interactions among peer groups in the English learning classroom. Limited resources in teaching contexts asked for additional qualifications from ESL/EFL teachers, thus emphasizing teacher education as an important factor for effective teaching. Lastly, the use of students’ native language had a positive influence on learning English. The findings of this study suggest some implications for how effective teaching in Korean context could be implemented.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of negotiation in the process of providing written corrective feedback (WCF) by comparing three different patterns: non-negotiation, minimal negotiation, and extended negotiation. The data were collected from three intermediate academic English classes at a university in Korea. Each class was exposed to different degrees of negotiation while they received WCF for two target forms, the past verb forms and the English articles, in their written production (text re-construction tasks). Their accuracy improvement was measured by text-reconstruction writing tasks and error correction tests. The study found that the use of negotiation affected accuracy improvement of the target forms; however, its effectiveness varied depending on the target forms and measurements. For the past tense, negotiation, regardless of its amount, resulted in more accuracy improvement than non-negotiation in both text re-construction tasks and error correction tests. However, for the English articles, negotiation operated differently: extended negotiation significantly brought about more accuracy development in both measurements, but the difference between minimal negotiation and non-negotiation was only observed in the error correction test, not in the text re-construction task.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate how L1 Chinese speakers of Korean acquire Korean embedded clauses with wh-expressions. Korean embedding verbs tutta ‘listen’ (Propositional-selecting predicate class) and kwungkumhata ‘wonder’ (Question-selecting predicate class) subcategorize for different types of complements which are defined by declarative complementizer ta or interrogative complementizer nunci. Tutta takes declarative or interrogative clauses and kwungkumhata can take only interrogatives. Experimental stimuli consisted of 12 embedding clauses by tutta (6 ta complementizer items and nunci complementizer items) and 12 embedding clauses by kwungkumhata(6 ta complementizer items and nunci complementizer items). Sixty three intermediate and advanced Chinese speakers of Korean(CK) participated in the study and 40 Korean native speakers(NK) participated as a control group. CK subjects were divided into 31 CK high group and 32 CK low group according to the participants’ Korean proficiency. The acceptability judgment among 3 groups were significantly different in the tutta-nunci condition and kwungkumhata-ta condition. The result showed that different learning principles were applied depending on the proficiency of learners. CK high group accepted the wh-embedding sentences in accordance with the semantic meaning of matrix verbs and type of wh-embedding clauses. However CK low group were not sensitive enough to discern the different linguistic context of wh-embedding sentences and rather accepted most of the given sentences.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekeliruan yang terdapat dalam kamus bilingual bahasa Indonesia-Korea, mengingat kepentingan kamus bilingual dalam pendidikan bahasa asing. Secara lebih terperinci, penelitian ini secara mendalam menyelidiki ‘Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia-Korea’ yang diterbitkan pada 2016 sebagai sebuah kamus yang dipandang representatif di antara kamus sejenis, berdasarkan anggapan bahwa penyusunan kamus bilingual pada dasarnya tidak berbeda dengan proses penerjemahan kamus monolingual/bilingual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa tipe kekeliruan dalam ‘Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia-Korea,’ yaitu kekeliruan makna yang tidak tepat, kekeliruan makna yang tidak memadai, kekeliruan penggunaan kata yang tidak baku atau berasal dari bahasa Melayu, kekeliruan karena salah ketik, kekeliruan gramatikal, dan kekeliruan contoh penggunaan. Tambahan pula, penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa kebanyakan kekeliruan tersebut diakibatkan oleh kekeliruan penerjemahan, khususnya dalam menerjemahkan nama flora, fauna, serta istilah. Lagi pula, terdapat banyak kekeliruan penerjemahan yang diakibatkan hanya oleh kelalaian dan kesembronoan penyusun kamus.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is the process of finding answers to the following questions. Cultural content is needed to study Vietnamese language? Do Vietnamese language learners feel the need for classes using cultural content? Do Vietnamese teachers use cultural contents in class? In order to find out the answer, I conducted a questionnaire survey on Vietnamese students in Chungnam Foreign Language High School, interviewed teachers and analyzed the case examples. As a result of the questionnaires and interviews, it was found that the necessity of cultural contents development in Vietnamese language education is a requirement for both teachers and learners. Based on these results, we developed a case study on cultural education contents for Vietnamese language education. However, the model of teaching Vietnamese language utilizing cultural contents needs to be developed through more diverse academic analysis. Its effectiveness should also be investigated in depth. We will propose this as a future research project.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is based on a case study, in which an interactive teaching method has been applied to teach beginning level of Chinese to Korean college students. One of the lessons from the textbook, Speaking Basic Chinese (2013) has been used for teaching 21 students. The method suggests three stages of interactions by including: (1) word learning, 2) sentence production, and (3) sentence application. The stage of word learning is further divided into 3 steps: (1) pronunciation and understanding meaning, (2) inducing student participation, (3) confirmation and self-inspection. The second stage of sentence production is also divided into 3 different steps: (1) sentence production using learned words, (2) practicing sentences, (3) practicing sentences by role-plays. Likewise, the final stage of sentence application includes 2 practical steps: (1) interpreting basic sentences, (2) interpreting more complex sentences. This case study has found that the students feel more interested and motivated in learning activities through diverse interactions between the instructor and the students, and also interactions between the students. It is suggested that this kind of interactive approaches be applied to teaching the beginning Chinese conversation and higher levels as well. Finally, the finding of the present case study should be examined with more and in-depth studies and experiments in the future.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) revolutioniert das Leben des Menschen. Bildung und Erziehung müssen sich entsprechend auf die durch den Einsatz der KI bewirkten Veränderungen einstellen. Das betrifft auch den schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht, dessen ‘Charakter’ und ‘Ziele’ mit Blick auf das Zeitalter der KI herausgearbeitet werden. Zunächst werden die allgemeinen curricularen Vorgaben für den Fremdsprachenunterricht und die in den einzelnen Fremdsprachenfächern in Bezug auf ‘Charakter’ und ‘Ziele’ postulierten Inhalte analysiert. Anschließend wird herausgearbeitet, wie und inwieweit der Mensch in Bezug auf Fremdsprachen von der KI profitieren kann. Die KI kann jedoch den grundlegenden Sinn und Wert des Fremdsprachenlernens nicht ersetzen, nämlich neue Weltansichten kennenzulernen, sein Weltverständnis zu erweitern und auf dieser Basis zur friedlichen und gemeinsamen Entwicklung der Menschheit beizutragen. Daraus ergibt sich, dass im Zeitalter der KI dem humanistisch-pädagogischen Wert des Fremdsprachenunterrichts eine bedeutendere Rolle zukommt, während der pragmatische Wert der Verständigung durch KI ersetzt werden kann. Der Charakter der Fremdsprachenfächer wird sich daher in Zukunft v.a. über die pädagogisch-humanistischen Ziele ‘Persönlichkeitsentwicklung’ und ‘Völkerverständigung’ definieren. Dementsprechend sollten möglichst verschiedene Fremdsprachen angeboten werden, wobei einem tiefen Kulturverständnis mehr Gewicht beigemessen werden sollte als dem flüssigen Sprechen der Fremdsprache.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examines the effects of manipulating cognitive task complexity on high school English learners’ narrative and persuasive writing. Participants were 156 high school students. They were divided into four groups. Each group was given one of four different types of writing that were classified based on their genres (narrative vs. persuasive writing) and dimensions of task complexity (resource-directing vs. resource-dispersing). All participants completed both simple and complex writing tasks for their assigned type of writing. Participants’ written products were measured in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The results revealed that increased task complexity, along with the resource-directing dimension, somewhat positively affected the complexity, accuracy, and fluency of both narrative and persuasive writing. However, increased task complexity, along with the resource-dispersing dimension, showed differential effects of cognitive complexity on participants’ written products between the genres. It resulted in decreased scores in fluency and accuracy, and had no significant impact on the complexity of narrative writing. As for persuasive writing, on the other hand, it lowered the fluency, increased the complexity, and had no impact on the accuracy. The pedagogical suggestions drawn from the results are provided along with the limitations of the study.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L'apprentissage des langues étrangères s'accompagne inévitablement d'erreurs. Compte tenu du fait qu'il faut beaucoup de temps à un enfant pour parler couramment sa langue maternelle, il est évident que la production linguistique à cet âge n'est pas une forme parfaite sans erreurs. On peut voir aussi que dans la production d'une langue étrangère avec un temps d'acquisition court, les erreurs sont inévitables, plus fréquentes, et interfèrent occasionnellement avec la communication. Les erreurs des apprenants sont classées selon la langue maternelle, la stratégie d'apprentissage, l'environnement socioculturel, etc. Dans cette étude, on s'intéresse tout d'abord à l'influence du coréen et de l'anglais dans le processus d'apprentissage chez les apprenants de français coréens, enfin, on porte attention à l'influence des règles du français que les apprenants ont déjà apprises. L '«interférence», qui est revendiquée dans la théorie de l'analyse constrastive, apparaît principalement au début de l'apprentissage des langues étrangères, elle est donc très utile pour comprendre la langue des apprenants tout débutants. Cependant, puisque la théorie de l'analyse constrastive ne peut à elle seule rendre compte de toutes les erreurs de l'apprenant, nous avons appliqué la théorie intralinguistique de l'analyse des erreurs, qui est apparue après la théorie de l'analyse constrastive. Bien que l'étude des erreurs dans la cause de l'interférence ait été réalisée de diverses manières et qu'elle ait accumulé beaucoup de résultats, le type d'erreur est aussi varié que la production de la langue du locuteur. L’analyse des erreurs est toujours intéressante. Enfin, bien que les erreurs des apprenants aient été plus susceptibles d'être interférées en coréen ou en anglais, il a été constaté qu'il y avait plus d'erreurs à cause des règles de la langue cible qu’ils connaissaient déjà. Il est vrai que les grandes différences de structure entre le français et le coréen rendent l'apprentissage difficile, mais les stratégies réelles des apprenants pour la production de la langue montrent qu'elles sont des références aux règles dans la langue cible plutôt que dans la langue maternelle.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the introduction of criterion-referenced evaluation into the English Section of the 2018 College Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT), it has become more important than ever to maintain the same level of its difficulty each year. This study was designed to examine whether 2017 and 2018 CSAT reading passages do not differ in terms of text difficulty. Both unidimensional and multidimensional indices Coh-Metrix (Version 3.0) provides were used in this study. Descriptive indices involved the respective count and length of sentences and words. As unidimensional indices, the Coh-Metrix L2 Readability score as well as the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scores was measured. Indices for text easibility at different discourse levels (the surface structure, the textbase, the situation model, and the genre and rhetorical structure) were also included. Results showed that there were no significant differences between 2017 and 2018 passages. Compared with other easibility components (narrativity, syntactic simplicity, word concreteness, and deep cohesion), referential cohesion was rather low in both 2017 and 2018. Some pedagogical implications are also provided.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the sentence-writing task on English vocabulary learning of Korean high school students. The effectiveness of the sentence-writing task can be explained based on the Involvement Load Hypothesis (Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001); yet, there has been no consistency in the results of the previous studies on this hypothesis. In the present study, the effects of the sentence-writing task on vocabulary learning were re-examined in comparison with the gap-filling task. In addition, considering that there have been no studies addressing the effects of autobiographical elaboration (relating the meaning of a certain word to one’s own experience) on memory, the effects of the autobiographical sentence-writing task were compared to those of the imaginary sentence-writing task. Forty high proficiency and 40 low proficiency learners were randomly assigned either of the sentence-writing or the gap-filling task. The results demonstrated that the sentence-writing task is more effective in vocabulary learning than the gap-filling task, regardless of the learners’ proficiency levels. However, no significant difference was found between the effects of the autobiographical sentence-writing task and the imaginary sentence-writing task. Based on the results, the pedagogical implications were discussed in the conclusion chapter.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated predictors of reading comprehension in elementary school English learners. The study specifically examined the role of word recognition and oral language skills in their reading comprehension levels. Participants were 206 students in grades four, five, and six, and they completed measures of letter naming, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, decoding, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and multiple regression. Findings showed that there were significant differences between performances of the 4th graders and the other two grade groups on all measures, indicating a possible ceiling effect in the acquisition of basic reading skills by upper-grade students. Oral language, indexed by oral vocabulary and listening comprehension, emerged as the more powerful predictor of reading comprehension as compared to word recognition skills. In addition, the contribution of word decoding tended to decrease across grade levels; whereas oral vocabulary explained more variance in upper grades.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates individual verb differences in Korean learners‟ use of English non-alternating unaccusatives as well as the factors that influence various errors. Specifically, it focuses on the effects of L1 transfer and animacy of subjects on overpassivization errors. Concordance lines from a learner corpus consisting of 6,572 essays written by Korean college-level learners were analyzed to observe the syntactic distribution across ten non-alternating unaccusative verbs. The results revealed that overpassivization errors show disproportionate dispersion across the ten unaccusative verbs, and that Korean L1 influence is not a significant factor while inanimate subjects influence overpassivization. Furthermore, salient error patterns such as transitivization and overgenerated be were identified from the Korean learners‟ use of unaccusative verbs. This study proposes that some unaccusative verbs are more susceptible to overpassivization errors, and that Korean learners of English will benefit from being able to identify the factors contributing to errors for each unaccusative verb.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lexical bundles have been widely investigated as an indicator of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing development in terms of structure and function by exploring the use by students compared to experts. However, little research has compared the use of lexical bundles by second language (L2) Korean EAP students across different academic levels versus first language (L1) English experts with longitudinal corpora. The current study addresses this gap by comparing lexical bundles used both two L2 student corpora and English L1 corpus consisting of introductions of research articles (RAs) and those of term papers. The findings showed the Korean graduate students are in the developmental process in the use of lexical bundles as their academic level advances. However, noticeable development was not found between the students at two levels in terms of function unlike in terms of structure. The pedagogical implications are discussed regarding structural and functional use of bundles for Korean EAP students.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a multiliteracy model is proposed that can be applied to foreign language education in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), in which language-related technologies are rapidly developing. Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation technologies are lowering the threshold of foreign language use, and speech recognition (SR) technology and text-to-speech (TTS) technology break down the boundary between spoken language and written language. With such Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, therefore, foreign language literacy along with first language literacy tends to be integrated into multiliteracy. Besides, as our society has become specialized, the importance of content literacy of each specialized field is emphasized more and more. As a result, in foreign language education, a multiliteracy model is needed with Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology. With introducing a multiliteracy model, in this study, a translation course between first and foreign languages and a content course of book publishing are introduced as samples of the application of the multiliteracy model.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate changes of language anxiety in EFL classroom and relation between the change in anxiety and learners’ performance. The participants were 76 first-year non-English majors from various disciplines of a Korean university. Demographic information questionnaire, English performance test, and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale were administered to the participants at two time points during a 12-week interval. Mean differences of quantitative data from Time 1 and Time 2, effects of gender and self-perceived proficiency level on anxiety, and the relationship between anxiety and performance were statistically analyzed. The results revealed significant decrease in English anxiety over time, significant effect of self-perceived proficiency level on anxiety, and negative correlation between variation of anxiety level and successful performance. This study suggests that reducing learners’ anxiety level might help their language improvement, and self-perceived language proficiency might be correlated to changes in language anxiety in EFL classroom. Possible implications for English instructors and limitations for future research were presented.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with the case of education of storytelling with activation of diffuse thinking using mind map. Through this case study, we can confirm that mind map is a useful method for smooth progress of storytelling work and for producing 'meaningful' result for learners. As a result of studying the products of the learner's activities, it was confirmed that the mind map stimulates stimulation for storytelling, theme, transition to new vision, insight into life, and writing to maturity. Through this case study, we were able to reaffirm the fact that mind map encourages diffuse and free thinking which are core functions. Furthermore, it was a meaningful time for both teachers and learners to confirm that it was possible to work on storytelling smoothly. This study suggests that mind map is the work of activating diffuse thinking to create creative ideas, but on the other hand, it is possible to write a story based on a topic that can be done at the level of university student learners.