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        검색결과 722

        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It has been reported that collagen and elastin inhibit skin wrinkle formation. Skin elasticity is closely associated with the formation of wrinkles induced by UV exposure. In this study, we investigated the protective effects Pleurotus ostreatus (P. ostreatus) on UVB irradiation induced wrinkle in hairless mice. We evaluated for their free radical-scavenging activities against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), the anti-elastase activities, and for their anti-matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) activity in human skin fibroblast cells. In the wrinkle measurement and image analysis of skin replicas, the results showed that P. ostreatus significantly inhibited wrinkle formation caused by chronic UVB irradiation. These results suggest that P. ostreatus has anti-wrinkle activity.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In our previous study, active-single compound (ASC), inhibitor of melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cell, was identified from Ganoderma lucidum. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the change of the ASC contents in G. lucidum when lacquer tree (LT) was added in cultivation of G. lucidum. In HPLC analysis, significantly increased ASC peak was observed in G. lucidum extract supplemented with 15% (v/v) of LT. In addition, melanogenesis inhibitory effect of G. lucidum extract supplemented with 15% of LT significantly increased when compared to G. lucidum extract without LT supplementation. Furthermore, LT supplementation increased mycelial growth of G. lucidum in both solid and liquid cultivation. These results suggest that is useful as natural ingredient for increasing bioactivity including skin-whitening effect and mycelial growth of G. lucidum.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present photometric results of the  Sct star V1162 Ori, which is extensively monitored for a total of 49 nights from mid-December 2014 to early-March 2015. The observations are made with three KMTNet (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 1.6 m telescopes installed in Chile, South Africa, and Australia. Multiple frequency analysis is applied to the data and resulted in clear detection of seven frequencies without an alias problem: five known frequencies and two new ones with small amplitudes of 1.2-1.7 mmag. The amplitudes of all but one frequency are significantly different from previous results, confirming the existence of long-term amplitude changes. We examine the variations in pulsation timings of V1162 Ori for about 30 years by using the times of maximum light obtained from our data and collected from the literatures. The O − C (Observed minus Calculated) timing diagram shows a combination of a downward parabolic variation with a period decreasing rate of (1/P)dP/dt = −4.22 × 10−6 year−1 and a cyclic change with a period of about 2780 days. The most probable explanation for this cyclic variation is the light-travel-time effect caused by an unknown binary companion, which has a minimum mass of 0.69 M⊙. V1162 Ori is the first  Sct-type pulsating star of which the observed fast period decrease can be interpreted as an evolutionary effect of a pre-main sequence star, considering its membership of the Orion OB 1c association.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Alzheimer's disease (AD) has caused by expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP), Tau and presenilin (PS) as known as plaques and tangle accumulation. AD transgenic porcine model is necessary for preclinical testing of therapeutic agent because of similar metabolic system between porcine and human. The objective of study was to generate AD transgenic pig by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) with multi-cistronic vector system. AD multi-cistronic vector was 6 well-known mutation on 3 AD related genes, hAPP (K670N/M671L, I716V, V717I), hTau (P301L) and hPS1 (M146V, L286P). Establishment of AD transgenic cell lines was used from Jeju black pig ear fibroblast cells (JB-PEFAD) with the AD multi-cistronic vector. The JB-PEFAD cell was confirmed on mRNA expression, protein synthesis of hAPP, hTau and hPS1 and identification of integration and karyotype. Although fusion rate was no difference in SCNT with JB-PEF AD (SCNTAD) embryos, cleavage and blastocyst formation rates were slightly lower than in SCNT with non-transgenic JB-PEF (SCNTnon-TG). Individual SCNTAD blastocysts were detected hAPP, hTau and hPS1 genomic integration which showed 93.2% (n=30) efficiency in genomic DNA (gDNA) level. It will give us a possibility to develop porcine animal model for AD study in the future.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We evaluated the larvicidal activity of 12 Apiaceae plant essential oils and their components against the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, and the inhibition of acetylcholine esterase with their components. Of the 12 plant essential oils tested, ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi), caraway seed (Carum carvi), carrot seed (Daucus carota), celery (Apium graveolens), cumin (Cuminum cyminum), dill (Anethum graveolens), and parsley (Petroselinum sativum) resulted in >90% larval mortality when used at 0.1 mg/mL. Of the compounds identified, α-phellandrene, α-terpinene, p-cymene, (-)-limonene, (+)-limonene, γ-terpinene, cuminaldehyde, neral, (S)-+-carvone, trans-anethole, thymol, carvacrol, myristicin, apiol, and carotol resulted in >80% larval mortality when used at 0.1 mg/mL.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Chrysomelid species of the genus Morphosphaera, M. japonica Hornstedt, 1788 is reported for the first time from South Korea. The genus Morphosphaera Baly, 1861, within subfamily Galerucinae, contains eighteen species, and is distributed Palearctic region. In the present study we report on the genus Morphosphaera Baly, 1861 from Korea for the first time, based on M. japonica Hornstedt, 1788. We provide the habitus photographs, illustrations of diagnostic features and a key to the genus in S. Korea.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A aderid genus Phytobaenus Sahlberg is reported from Korea for the first time based on P. amabilis amabilis Sahlberg. In Korea, only one aderid species, Hylophilus praescutellaris Pic, has been recorded in Korea. A redescription of the species and illustrations of diagnostic characteristics including male genitalia are provided.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of uterine histotroph on embryo development and the expression of cysteine-rich protein 2 (CRP2), coatomer subunit gamma-2 (G2COP), myoglobin (MYG), vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGFD), collagen alpha 4 chain (COL4) and galactoside 3-L-fucosyltransferase 4 (FUT4) proteins in porcine embryo during pre-implantation. Uterine histotroph (UH) was collected from uterine horn on corpus albican phase, and embryos were cultured in porcine zygote medium with UH for 168 hours. Cleavage and blastocyst formation of embryo were detected at 168 hours after in vitro fertilization. And CRP2, G2COP, MYG, VEGFD, COL4 and FUT4 proteins were observed using confocal laser microscope. In results, embryo cleavage rate was not significantly changed by UH, but blastocyst rate was significantly (P<0.05) decreased in UH-treated embryos. Moreover, CRP2, G2COP, MYG, VEGFD, COL4 and FUT4 proteins were expressed in blastomere. CRP2 in embryo was significantly overexpressed (P<0.05), but not G2COP, MYG, VEGFD, COL4 and FUT4 proteins. In summary, UH on corpus albican phase was increased CRP2 protein in embryo, and inhibited blastocyst formation in preimplantation porcine embryos, suggesting that CRP2 may play an interrupter on embryo development in pigs.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a replacement for activated carbon, biochar was synthesized and used for the adsorptive removal of formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide. Biochar was produced from the fast pyrolysis of the red marine macro alga, Pyropia tenera. The P. tenera char was then activated with steam, ammonia and KOH to alter its characteristics. The adsorption of formaldehyde, which is one of the main indoor air pollutants, onto the seaweed char was performed using 1-ppm formaldehyde and the char was activated using a range of methods. The char activated with both the KOH and ammonia treatments showed the highest adsorptive removal efficiency, followed by KOH-treated char, ammonia-treated char, steam-treated char, and non-activated char. The removal of 1000-ppm NO over untreated char, KOH-treated char, and activated carbon was also tested. While the untreated char exhibited little activity, the KOH-treated char removed 80% of the NO at 50°C, which was an even higher NO removal efficiency than that achieved by activated carbon.