
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 36

        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate total phenolic content (TPC) and individual phenolic compounds in leaves of perilla genetic resources, assess whether they could be used as distinguishing factor among germplasms, and evaluate their relationship with some quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. TPC and individual phenolic compounds were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu method and UPLC-PDA system, respectively. Wide variations in TPC (7.99 to 133.70 ㎎GAE/g DE), rosmarinic acid (ND to 21.05 ㎎/g DE), caffeic acid (ND to 1.17 ㎎/g DE), apigenin- 7-O-diglucuronide (ND to 2.21 ㎎ luteolin equivalent (㎎LUE)/g DE), scutellarein-7-O-glucuronide (ND to 5.25 ㎎ LUE/g DE), and apigenin-7-O-glucuronide (ND to 2.81 ㎎ LUE/g DE) were observed. Intensities of green pigment at abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces were positively correlated with phenolic compounds whereas leaf length and width had negative correlation. Purple pigmented accessions were shorter in leaf length and width but exhibited higher amount of phenolic compounds compared to green pigmented accessions in most cases. Leaf shape was not related with content of phenolic compounds, color of leaves, and length/width of leaves. TPC and individual phenolic compounds along with morphological characters could be useful distinguishing factors for perilla genetic resources.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sclerotinia rot, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a devastating disease that poses a serious threat to perilla production in Korea. Identifying effective sources of resistance offers long term prospects for improving management of this disease. Screening disease resistant genetic resources is important for development of disease-resistant, new cultivars and conduct related research. In the present study, perilla germplasm were screened in vitro against S. sclerotiorum using detached leaf method. Among 544 perilla accessions, two were highly resistant (IT226504, IT226533), five were resistant (IT226561, IT226532, IT226526, IT226441, and IT226589), five were moderately resistant (IT226525, IT226640, IT226568, IT220624, and IT178655), 16 were moderately susceptible, 31 were susceptible, and 485 were highly susceptible. The resistant accessions in this study could serve as resistance donor in the breeding of Sclerotinia rot resistance or subjected to selection procedure of varietal development for direct use by breeders, farmers, researchers, and end consumers.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This study aimed to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial temperament (ET) such as innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness in entrepreneur’s lifetime before start-up and the effect of social capital (SC) such as network ties and trustworthiness on entrepreneurial intention. Research design, data, and methodology - We examined the components of ET (innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness) and components of SC (network ties and trustworthiness) through existing prior research and investigated the factors that affected entrepreneurial intention. The first hypothesis of this study was that entrepreneurial temperament will have a significant impact on network ties of social capital, and the second hypothesis assumed that entrepreneurial temperament will have a significant effect on the trustworthiness of social capital. Finally, the second hypothesis assumed that social capital will have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions. We collected 175 data using questionnaires for people who have not yet started a start-up. And we used the Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to evaluate the collected data and to test the research model by the two step research procedure. Results – As a result, the innovativeness and proactiveness of ET have a significant effect on network ties and trustworthiness of SC, but the effect of risk-taking on risk-taking of SC is not significant. On the other hand, network ties and network ties of SC was revealed a significant effect on the EI. Conclusions - The implications of this article could be observed as mentioned in this paper. First, we found that entrepreneurial innovativeness and proactiveness are helpful in constructing SCs, but not risk-taking. These results demonstrated that ET of entrepreneurs is important factor in the formation of social capital. Second, the SC that an entrepreneur built before the start-up has a meaning for EI. In conclusion, ET was affected partially to EI mediated SC. It is academic in that ET and SC are independent from each other and have a mediating role between ET and EI, unlike those directly affecting EI. Although some important implications were found in this study, this study had some limitations and we hope that future research will be complemented.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the ear and kernel characteristics of colored waxy corn hybrids during ripening according to different sowing dates. Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown at April 20 (first cropping) and July 20 (second cropping) in 2011~2012. The accumulated temperature from silking to harvesting was about 590~610℃. It takes 23~24 days when Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown in April 20, but July 20 sowing takes 32~35 days. Ear weight, ear diameter, 100-kernel weight and starch content of colored waxy corn were increased as ears matured (p<0.05). Growth temperature was getting decreased during the ripening stage of second cropping, the rate of ear and kernel development had slowed. Starch granules started to accumulate in the cells around the pericarp, then developed in the cells around the embryo. In the second cropping, starch granules in the kernel of colored waxy corn were less compact than the first cropping. The contents of total anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside were increased according to ripening (p<0.05). These results will be helpful to farmers for double
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 간식용 풋옥수수로 이용되는 찰옥수수 주요 품종인 찰옥 4호와 일미찰을 2기작 재배하여 품질 좋은 찰옥수수 생산을 위한 재배법을 확립하고자 이삭과 종실 특성 변화를 조사하였다. 2기작 재배시 출사일수는 후기작이 전기작 보다 약 20일 정도 빨라졌고, 출사에서 수확적기까지는 약 10일 정도 느려졌다. 파종에서 출사까지의 적산온도는 약 1,380~1,420℃, 출사에서 수확까지는 약 590~630℃ 정도 범위였다. 이삭무게와 이삭직경은 출사 후 일수가 경과함에 따라 유의하게 증가하였으나 파종시기에 따른 차이는 없었고, 이삭길이와 착립길이는 후기작에서 유의하게 짧았다(p<0.05). 알곡 줄수는 파종시기에 따른 차이를 보이지 않았고, 줄당 립수는 찰옥 4호가 전기작보다 후기작에 재배한 것이 적었으며 변이폭이 컸다(p<0.05). 등숙 중 종실의 길이, 너비, 두께와 100립 생체중, 전분함량은 출사 후 일수에 따라 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 후기작 재배시 저온 등숙으로 전기작 보다 100립 생체중과 전분함량의 증가속도가 느려졌다. 찰옥수수의 전분립은 과피와 가까운 배유의 상단부터 집적되기 시작하여 출사 후 일수가 경과함에 따라 배유 내부까지 집적되었으며, 후기작 재배한 찰옥수수는 전분립 축적속도가 느리고 조밀하지 않은 것이 관찰 되었다. 100립 생체중은 springiness(0.80***), cohesiveness(0.44***), adhesiveness(-0.80***), chewiness(0.55***), 전분함량은 springiness(0.79***), adhesiveness(-0.81***), chewiness(0.49**)와 고도로 유의한 정의 상관을 나타내었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘구슬옥’(수원단55호)은 자식계통 KSE19를 종자친으로 하 고 KSE7를 화분친으로 하여 교잡된 단옥수수 단교잡종으로 Sugary enhancer (se) 인자를 가지고 있어 당도가 높고 옥수 수 립의 색은 흰색과 노란색, 두 가지색을 나타낸다. ‘구슬옥’ 은 2005년 생산력검정시험을 거쳐, 2007년부터 2009년까지 3년 동안 전국 5개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종으로 결정 되었다. ‘구슬옥’의 출사일수는 65일로 조생종에 속하며 이삭 길이가 18.0 cm로 대조군인 ‘GCB70’과 비슷하다. ‘구슬옥’ 은 당도가 20.5%로 ‘GCB70’보다 높으며 경도가 낮아 씹힘 성이 부드러우며 전체적 기호도가 우수하였다. ‘구슬옥’은 깨씨무늬병, 조명나방, 도복에 강하였다. ‘구슬옥’의 ha당 이삭 수는 ‘GCB70’보다 많지만 이삭중은 비슷하였다. ‘구슬옥’의 모본 출사기와 부본의 화분 비산기간이 잘 일치하였으며 채 종량은 재식비율 모, 부본 2:1에서 1.39 ton/ha, 3:1에서 1.43 ton/ha이였다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        콩의 수량은 건물생산성에 비해 고온에 민감하게 반응하는 하는 형질로 알려져 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 등숙기 고온이 종실의 발달, 품질특성 및 수분흡수특성에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위해 수행하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과같다.1. 등숙온도가 높을수록 백립중은 감소되었는데, 황금콩은 선유콩에 비해 감소폭이 컸고, 등숙기 지속적인 고온은 종실비대를 억제시켜 소립종의 비율이 증가될 뿐만 아니라 종피율을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다.2. 등숙온도가 높을수록 지방 함량 및 C/N율이 감소되고,단백질 및 총당 함량이 증가되었으나 당의 조성으로볼 때 단당류와 이당류는 증가되고 올리고당류는 오히려 감소되는 것으로 나타나 고온은 동화물질의 축적을억제시키는 것으로 판단되었다.3. 고온에서 등숙된 콩은 침지초기에 부피 및 무게의 증가가 비교적 빠르게 이루어졌으나 침지시간이 경과됨에 따라 대조구에 비해 부피 및 무게증가율이 모두 낮게 나타났고, 황금콩은 선유콩에 비해 침지에 따른 부피증가율 및 무게증가율이 상대적으로 낮았다.4. 콩의 백립중과 종피율은 침지에 따른 종실의 부피 및무게증가율뿐만 아니라 용출액의 TDS와 EC에 영향을 미치는 주요 형질로 판단되었고, 단백질 함량과C/N율은 TDS 및 EC와 유의한 상관을 보였으나, 당함량은 부피증가율과 무게증가율뿐만 아니라 TDS 및EC와 상관이 인정되지 않았다.5. 따라서 등숙온도가 높을수록 종실에 동화물질의 축적이 불완전하게 이루어져 침지에 따른 가용성 고형물의용출량이 많아지고, 결과적으로 TDS 및 EC가 높아지는 것으로 판단되었다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        콩 관련 제품을 생산하는 과정에서 발생되는 부산물은 가축의 사료 및 퇴비 등에 이용되고 있으나 일부는 폐기물로처리되어 추가 비용 및 각종 환경오염을 유발하는 등 사회적인 문제점으로 지적되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 가공 부산물로 다량 발생되는 콩 배아를 활용하여 생리활성물질인 isoflavone과 soyasaponin을 동시에 분리하는 방법을개발하고자 실시하였다.1. 콩 배아 methanol 추출물을 preparative C18 column에 주입하고, 210 nm의 파장에서 0.5% 초산 용액 30%로부터100% acetonitrile까지 분당 15mL의 유속으로 53분간흘려주어 isoflavone과 soyasaponin 분획을 동시에 분리하였다.2. Preparative C18 column으로 분리된 isoflavone 및 soyasaponin분획은 동결건조시켜 isoflavone 분말 ISF-1과 soyasaponinSAP-1, SAP-2, SAP-3 및 SAP-4의 분말을 얻었다.3. Isoflavone 분획 ISF-1의 재분리는 젤투과 컬럼에서100% acetonitrile을 분당 5 mL가 되도록 흘려주면서254nm 파장에서 관찰하여 2종의 분획 ISF-1-1 및ISF-1-2을 분리하였다.4. 분리된 2종의 isoflavone 중 ISF-1-1은 그 조성이daidzin, glycitin 및 genistin 이고, ISF-1-2는 genistin 단일물질이 주성분인 것으로 나타났다.5. 분리된 4종의 soyasaponin 중 SP-1은 soyasaponin A계열인 Aa(MW: 1364), Ab(MW: 1436), Ac(MW: 1420),Ae(MW: 1202), Af(MW: 1274), SAP-2는 B계열인 Ba(MW: 958), Bb(MW: 942), Bc(MW: 912)와 E계열인Bd(MW: 956), Be(MW: 940), SAP-3는 B계열인 Ba,Bb, Bc, E계열인 Bd, Be와 DDMP계열인 βg(MW:1068), SAP-4는 B계열인 Ba, Bb, Bc, E계열인 Bd, Be와 DDMP계열인 βg, βa(MW: 1038)가 주성분임을 알 수 있었다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This studies was carried out to assess antioxidant activity between flavonoid compounds (rutin, qurcetin, luteolin) and maysin(2''-O-6-C-(6-deoxy-xylo-hexose-4ulosyl)luteolin) isolated from corn silks of Zea mays L. Maysin extracted by corn silks was the highest free radical scavenging among flavonoid compounds such as rutin, qurcetin, and luteolin. But, the other flavonoid compounds(luteolin) showed the strongest free radical scanverning activity. In the results of peroxidase activity(POD), maysin don't indicated the remarkable peroxidase inhibiton activities. At the lowest concentration, NBT(Nitro blue tetrazolium) reduction activity of rutin, qurcetin, and luteolin were the low inhibition activities but maysin showed the highest Nitro blue tetrazolium reduction activity. Lipid peroxidase inhibition activities using Thiobarbituric acid(TBA) method, maysin showed the highest lipid peroxidase inhibition in three concentration levels..
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Maize is expected to be planted in June after harvest of winter barley for the double cropping of forage maize-barley. But maize yield tends to be reduced rapidly with late planting after mid-May, so the pre-requisite of maize variety for the double cropping of maize-barley is less reduction of growth and yield at the condition of late planting in June. In order to select domestic forage maize variety adapted to late planting in June after barley harvest, Kwangpyeong-ok, Gangda-ok and Jangda-ok in 2007 and Kwangpyeong-ok, Gangda-ok and Cheongan-ok in 2008 were planted on June 13 and June 21, and plant growths and yields were compared with early planting on April 24 and May 31, respectively. In 2007, Ear number per plant was as high as 0.98 at Kwangpyeong-ok compared to 0.89 and 0.56 of Gangda-ok and Jangda-ok, respectively, at late planting on June 13. TDN and grain yield of Kwangpyeong-ok were the highest among three variety as 1,037 and 710 kg/10a, and yield reduction of Kwangpyeong-ok compared to early planting were 24% and 28 %, which were 7% and 8% lower than Gangda-ok and 22% and 50% lower than Jangda-ok, respectively. In 2008, TDN and grain yield at late planting on June 21 of Kwangpyeong-ok were also the highest among three varieties as 1,157 and 854 kg/10a at late planting on June 24, and yield reduction of Kwangpyeong-ok by late planting were 21% and 19%, which were 10% and 11% lower than Gangda-ok and 22% and 50% lower than Jangda-ok, respectively. It was concluded that proper maize variety adapted to late planting for the double cropping of forage maize-barley was Kwangpyeong-ok because of its higher ear bearing, less reduction of TDN and grain yields at the condition of late planting.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mature dry seeds of Korean cultivars, Daepungkong, Muhankong, Myeongjunamulkong, Somyeongkong, Sowonkong, Jinpumkong, and Pungsannamulkong were used. The influence of antibiotics on elimination of Agrobacterium growth and shoot regeneration was estimated with cotyledonary node. Cefotaxime and timentin at the concentration of 250 and 500 mg/l suppressed Agrobacterium, especially cefotaxime was an efficient antibiotic to suppress Agrobacterium in all cultivars. While carbenicillin and timentin at the concentration of 50 and 100 mg/l were not sufficient to control the development of Agrobacterium, respectively. Cefotaxime and timentin represented high shoot formation rates compared with carbenicillin. Carbenicillin at low concentrations did not effectively suppress Agrobacterium and also had no effect on shoot development. Cefotaxime at the concentration of 250 mg/l showed maximum frequency of shoot regeneration in cvs. Somyeongkong and Sowonkong. Furthermore, on medium containing cefotaxime, shoot was more quickly formed than the other antibiotics. The use of cefotaxime was very useful for elimination of Agrobacterium growth with cotyledonary node of Korean soybean cultivars.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to clarify the functions of supernodulating characters on seed yield determination through the comparison of agricultural traits of supernodulating soybean mutants, Kanto100, SS2-2, and their parent cultivars, Enrei and Shinpaldalkong2. The supernodulating soybean mutants Kanto100, SS2-2 were previously characterized by their superior capabilities of nitrogen (N) fixation and photosynthesis, and thereby it is expected to offer high yields. However, it is likely to be susceptible to waterlogging during the vegetative growth stage, which frequently occurs in major soybean producing areas. The presentstudy was intended to show the effects of waterlogging on nodulation, N fixation, photosynthesis and growth of Kanto100 and SS2-2.The supernodulating cultivar Kanto100 and its normally-nodulating parental cultivar Enrei, grown in pots,were subjected to waterlogging treatment that was imposed at the successive three vegetative growth stages for two years,2005 and 2006. The waterlogging treatment significantly reduced the number and weight of nodules of both cultivars, and the magnitude of the reduction was more pronounced in Kanto100 and SS2-2. The acetylene reduction activity (ARA) of nodules and apparent photosynthetic rate (AP) of leaves were generally depressed immediately after waterlogging treatment, but both functions exhibited remarkable recovery at the pod-filling stage irrespective of cultivar. No marked cultivar difference was found in the magnitudeof the reduction of ARA per plant and AP measured immediately after waterlogging and at the pod-filling stage irrespective of year, but growth impairment was more pronounced in Kanto100 and SS2-2 in one of the two years. These results indicate that Kanto100 and SS2-2 exhibits a marked decrease in dry matter production by waterlogging, but yield decrease is compensated to level similar to that of Enrei and Shinpaldalkong2 because of its enhanced nodule growth during the recovery stage. The supernodulating cultivar Kanto100 and SS2-2 is more susceptible to waterlogging under certain growing conditions than their normally-nodulating parent cultivar.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The growth period of corn is so shorter than that of any other crops. So, corn is the most promising crop in upland cropping systems. However, there was not so much in basic informations related to cultivation method including seeding period. This study was undertaken to investigate how different seeding date affected the growth characteristics and yield in corn. Two corn varieties(Chalok 4, Ilmichal) were planted on 6 different seeding date(from April 11 to July 10) in upland and paddy field. The total growth period was the longest(105 days) on the seeding date of April 11 regardless of testing varieties and cultivation condition. The total growth period was ranged from 77 days to 86 days in other seeding dates. The commercial yield of corn was higher in paddy field than that of upland field. In consideration of economic productivity, it was concluded that seeding date can be possible from early in April to middle of July in middle and south plain regions.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was undertaken to determine how different harvesting times affected the nutritional compositions in two forage rice varieties(Nokyangbyeo, Dasanbyeo). The contents of crude protein in leaf and stem decreased, with time, after heading in Nokyangbyeo, Dasanbyeo, but there was not so changed in that of spikes. Contents of Neutral Detergent Fiber(NDF) and Acid Detergent Fiber(ADF) in leaf and stem increased slightly but decreased rapidly in these of spikes. Contents of Total Digestive Nutrient(TDN) in spikes was the highest compared to that of the other parts of plants. Contents of Total Digestive Nutrient(TDN) in plants was the highest at 40 days after heading in Nokyangbyeo and was the highest at 50 days after heading in Dasanbyeo.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was undertaken to determine how different seeding methods and harvesting times affected the biomass partitioning of forage rice. Two rice varieties(Nokyangbyeo, Dasanbyeo) were planted by 4 different seeding method(rice transplanting, direct seeding on dry paddy, water hill seeding, water seeding). The heading date was delayed more than 10 days in water seeding and water hill seeding compared to that of rice transplanting method. The biomass production by harvesting times was the highest at 50 days after heading in two rice varieties and was high in order of direct seeding on dry paddy〉water hill seeding〉rice transplanting〉water seeding in seeding methods. The ratios of spikes dry weight to total dry weight increased, with time, after heading. But the ratio of leaf and stem dry weight to total dry weight decreased, with time, after heading.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examined the effects of CO2 enrichment on growth of soybean (Glycine max). Two soybean varieties were used, Taekwang and Cheongja. The plants were grown in growth chambers with a 12-h photoperiod and a day/night temperature of 28/21~circC at the seedling stage and 30/23~circC from the flowering stage. The plants were exposed to the two elevated CO2 levels of 500 and 700 ppm and the ambient level of 350 ppm. Results of the experiment showed that at the second-node trifoliate stage of the two varieties, the elevated CO2 increased plant height, leaf area and dry weight. The elevated CO2 also raised the photosynthetic rate of soybean as compared to the ambient level. From the beginning bloom stage to the full maturity stage of the two varieties, the elevated CO2 increased plant height, leaf area, seed weight and photosynthetic rate. The stomatal conductance and transpiration rate decreased on long days relative to short days of treatment. Through the entire stages, the elevated CO2 increased the water use efficiency of soybean plants because stomatal conductance and transpiration rate decreased at the elevated CO2 levels relative to the ambient level.
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