Buckwheat sprout is used as vegetable, and also flour for making noodles, and so on. Currently, information about tissue culture in buckwheat is limited and restricted to micropropagation. We carried out somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration using hypocotyl segments as explant of the cultivated buckwheat species Fagopyrum esculentum, differs from existing studies in the growth regulator combinations used. Maximum callus regeneration was induced on MS medium containing 2,4-D(2.0 mg/L) and benzylaminopurine BAP (1.0 mg/L) and 3% sucrose. Friable callus was transferred to solidified MS media containing BAP (1.0 mg/L) and at various concentrations for the induction of embryogensis. The optimum concentrations of additives were IAA (2 mg/L), KIN(1.0 mg/L), BAP (1.0 mg/L), and 3% (w/v) sucrose. Only 2,4-D did not show any significant effect on callus induction or embryogenesis. Regeneration of embryonic callus varied from 5 % to 20%. Whole plants were obtained at high frequencies when the embryogenic calluses with somatic embryos and organized shoot primordia were transferred to MS media with 3% sucrose. Regenerated plants after acclimation will transfer to green house. The main objective of this research was to develop a efficient protocol for plant regeneration for common buckwheat, and to apply in future for genetic transformation.
Wheat-rye translocation lines were developed to produce a main crop resistant to biological and physical stress. 'Chaupon' rye contains 2RL chromatin to harbor resistance genes for powdery mildew and leaf rust. In order to identify chromosome 2RL-derived rye proteins and 2RL-perturbed proteins in wheat-rye translocation lines, the gel-based proteomics was employed with 'Coker797' (non-2RL), 'Hamlet' (2RL) and 'near-isogenic line' (stabilized 2RL). The leaf proteome was resolved on 2D-gel, resulting in 216 spots in a final selection. A total of 90 proteins were identified with the identification success rate of 42%. The identified proteins were classified by functional annotation: metabolism (64%), cellular process (5%), translation (2%), regulatory function (1%) and hypothetical (28%). The proteins belonged to metabolism were subdivided into carbohydrate metabolism (36%), energy metabolism (35%), metabolism of lipid, amino acid, other amino acid and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (each 6%) and others (5%). A total of 53 proteins were differentially expressed, in which β-glucosidase, in particular, originated from the chromosome 2RL of rye, was exclusively appeared in NIL. In addition, small Ras-related GTP binding-protein assigned to wheat was predominantly found in 2RL rye chromatin-possessing NIL. These results suggest that the acquired genetic traits obtained from rye 2RL enhance the resistance to biotic and abiotic stress in wheat-rye translocation lines by altered the proteome expression. In leaf metabolome analysis, 11 predominant metabolites containing trans-aconitate, glutamate, and betaine were identified by 1H-NMR-based metabolite fingerprinting. The overall metabolites pattern of NIH appears to be closer to Coker797 rather than Hamlet. Thus, the metabolic phenotype of NIL was not so much lineated from Hamlet contrast to proteomic phenotyping.
Buckwheat sprouts are a vegetable which provides health benefit with their nutritionally important substances. Buckwheat has been considered as preventive medicine in the last decade. The present study was focused on the reference maps common (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench.) and tatary(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) buckwheat leaf and stem cultured in light and dark condition. Proteins were extracted from 7-day germinated buckwheat sprout sand separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE) with isoelectro focusing gel over pH3 to 10. A total of more than 1520 protein spots were revealed on 2-DE gel, in which 165 proteins were identified in the basis of peptide mass fingerprinting. Functional category analysis indicated that these differentially expressed proteins mainly involved in cellular process, defense responsive, energy production, metabolism, photosynthesis, DNA recombination, DNA replication, seed storage, signal transduction, stress responsive, transcription, translation, and energy transport proteins. The pattern at protein level suggested the important roles for energy and protein metabolism-related proteins in growing sprouts under dark and light condition, accompanied by the activated of the stress responsive and growth condition. The proteomic profiling of common and tatary buckwheat will give insight for understanding buckwheat physiology and application to buckwheat industry.
The wild relative’s diploid species, which are reproductively isolated from one another, compromise populations with marked morphological variation, wide climatic tolerance, and adaptation to diverse habitats, and also vary genetically in biotic, abiotic stresses, and in seed protein content and quality. Large-scale proteomic analysis of three wild relatives of wheat grain (AA, BB, and DD genome) using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization- time of flight (MALDI-TOF-MS), multi-dimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), allowed the detection and classification of 213, 255 unique proteins (peptide match ≥ 2), which represents the most wide-ranging proteome exploitation to date. Development of standard proteomes exhibiting all of the proteins involved in normal physiology will facilitate the delineation of disease/defense (no. of unique protein (n) =33, 51), metabolism (n=15, 32), energy metabolism (n= 21, 27), protein synthesis (n=16, 22), folding/stability (n=17, 18), transcription (n=6, 18), cell growth/division (n=17, 17), signal transduction (n=16, 15), cellular organization (n=11, 12), development (n=9, 9), storage protein (n= 30, 7), transport facilitation (n=8, 6), and unclear classification (n= 14, 21), which is identification by using MALDI-TOF and LCQ DECA mass spectrometry couple to mascot database search, respectively. For instance, ABA inducible protein PHVA1 (HVA1), which can be induced by drought, cold, heat and salinity condition, and also basic endochitinase (RSCC, RSCA) showed defense against chitin containing fungal pathogens. Gluten (glutenin and gliadin), which is very important determinant for making high quality bread, noodles, and also associated with visco-elasticity. By using MALDI-TOF, we identified abundant disease related protein such as NBS-LRR involves in response to the presence of a foreign body or the occurrence of an injury, which result in restriction of damage to the organism attacked or prevention/recovery from the infection caused by the attack, puroindoline (a & b) and grain softness protein represents the molecular-genetic basis of grain texture. In addition, the PIN A and PIN B gene products have anti microbial properties with potential role in plant defense. Recent advances in mass spectrometry and bioinformatics have provided the means to characterize complex protein landscapes from a wide variety of organisms. Hierarchical clustering could be applied to protein information from different samples using Gene Pattern and NCSS software. Here we report also genome specific protein interaction network using Cytoscape software, which provides further insight into the molecular mechanism of biochemical pathways. By integrating shotgun proteomics with statistical and computation alanalyses, we developed promising understand about expressed protein and protein functions. Our approach should be applicable for marker assisted breeding or genetransfer for quality and stress research of cultivated wheat.
Puroindoline alleles, grain characteristics, milling performances and physical properties of flour of 22 Korean wheat cultivars were evaluated to determine the influence of puroindolines genotypes on grain and flour characteristics and to provide useful information for improving milling and end-use quality in Korean wheat breeding programs. Nine Korean wheat cultivars carried with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a, 11 cultivars had Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b and 2 cultivars were Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1a. Korean wheats carrying with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a genotypes showed lower test weight and thousand kernel weight, area and roundness of grain and hardness index in grain characteristics, lower flour yield and higher proportion of break flour in milling performances and lower average particle size of flour, ash and damaged starch content, water retention capacity, yellowness-blueness and higher lightness of flour than wheats with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b or Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b genotypes showed lower 1000-kernel weight, grain area, higher average of particle size of flour, higher ash and damaged starch content than Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. There was no difference in hardness index of grain, milling performances, flour color between Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b and Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. These results could present the information to improve milling quality and physical properties of flour in Korean wheat breeding programs.
Membrane separation is extensively used for water/wastewater treatment because of its efficiency separation processes. However, particles in the feed water can deposit and accumulate on the membrane surface to created cake layer. As a consequence, the selectivity of the membrane and flux through the membrane are decreased, which is called fouling/blocking phenomenon. In order to solve fouling problem, we developed a novel membrane named Carbon Whisker Membrane (CWM) which contains vapor-grown carbon fibers/whiskers on the surface of the membrane and a layer of carbon film coated on the ceramic substrate. We firstly employed polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as a testing material to investigate the fouling mechanism. The results suggested that Carbon Whiskers on the surface of the membrane can prevent the directly contact between the membrane body and particles so that the fouling/blocking could not occurred easily compared to the membrane without carbon whiskers. We also researched the relationship with the diameter, density of carbon whisker on the membrane surface and total flux of solutions. Finally, we will be able to control the diameter and density of carbon whiskers on the membrane and existence of carbon whiskers on the membrane, it is important factor, might be prevent fouling/blocking in the water treatment.